HemOnlinecasinonRaging Bull Slots Casino recension
Raging Bull Slots Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
55 FREESPINS på Gods of Natureingen insättning, 0,1 $/spin
250 % upp till 2 500 $ och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)
Besök casino
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Dogecoin (XDG)
  • Binance Coin (BNB)
 per månad
5 000 €
 per vecka
2 500 €
> 20 000 000 €
  • Komorerna (Anjouan Gaming)
ÖversiktBonusar5Användarrecensioner50Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion69Betalningsmetoder15
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Raging Bull Slots Casino Recension

Under granskningen och bedömningen av Raging Bull Slots Casino har vårt oberoende granskningsteam vägt in dess fördelar och nackdelar enligt vår metod för casinogranskningar. För att avgöra om detta casino är seriöst och säkert för svenska spelare, eller rentav riskabelt att spela på, har våra granskare noggrant övervägt skäligheten i casinots villkor och utvärderat licenser, kundsupport, gränser, befintliga klagomål från spelare och andra viktiga faktorer.

Vi har beräknat casinots säkerhetsindex baserat på dessa resultat. Det är en numerisk och verbal representation av onlinecasinots säkerhet och rättvisa. Med ett högre säkerhetsindex minskar risken för att stöta på problem när du spelar eller ska göra ett uttag. Raging Bull Slots Casino har ett säkerhetsindex under medel på 6.0, vilket indikerar att det troligen inte är ett optimalt val för de flesta spelare när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av Raging Bull Slots Casino för att ta reda på mer om detta casino och avgöra om det är något som passar dig.

Säkerhetsindex – rättvisa och säkerhet för Raging Bull Slots Casino

När vi fastställer ett casinos säkerhetsindex följer vi en komplex metodologi som väger in de variabler vi har samlat in och utvärderat i vår granskning. Detta inkluderar casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor och olika andra faktorer.

Under vår granskning av Raging Bull Slots Casino läste och analyserade vi villkoren för Raging Bull Slots Casino mycket grundligt. Vi har hittat vissa regler eller klausuler som vi inte gillade och, på det stora hela, anser vi att villkoren är orättvisa. Orättvisa eller bedrägliga regler kan användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga att man inte betalar ut deras vinster. På grund av våra resultat, då vi har identifierat en del allvarliga problem med skäligheten i det här casinots villkor, rekommenderar vi dig att leta upp ett casino med mer rättvisa villkor eller åtminstone iaktta försiktighet om du väljer att spela här.

Baserat på våra uppskattningar och insamlad information bedömer vi att Raging Bull Slots Casino är ett väldigt stort onlinecasino. Med hänsyn till casinots storlek har det en genomsnittlig andel kvarhållna utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare. När vi utvärderar ett casino tar vi hänsyn till antalet klagomål i relation till casinots storlek, eftersom större casinon, till följd av en större spelarbas, i allmänhet får ta emot fler klagomål.

Såvitt vi kan se förekommer inte Raging Bull Slots Casino på några svarta listor av betydelse. Det faktum att ett casino förekommer på olika svarta listor, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, är en möjlig indikation på ohederligt förfarande. Spelare uppmanas att ta denna information i beaktande när de bestämmer sig för var de ska spela.

Allt ovan, tillsammans med andra faktorer vi har beaktat i vår granskning, har resulterat i att Raging Bull Slots Casino har fått ett säkerhetsindex på 6.0. Detta motsvarar ett indexvärde under medel. Det här casinot är inte ett rekommenderat alternativ för spelare som är ute efter ett onlinecasino som skapar en rättvis spelmiljö för sina kunder.

Obs! Raging Bull Slots Casino är kopplat till 25 andra onlinecasinon, baserat på de uppgifter vi har samlat in. På grund av kopplingen mellan dessa casinon har vi även tagit hänsyn till kvaliteterna hos de relaterade casinona när vi beräknade säkerhetsindexet för Raging Bull Slots Casino.

Raging Bull Slots Casinos villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon läser vi noggrant igenom varje casinos villkor och utvärderar skäligheten i dem. I villkoren på många casinon stöter vi på klausuler och regler som vi anser är oskäliga eller uppenbart bedrägliga, eftersom de ger casinot möjlighet att rättfärdiga att man inte betalar ut vinster till spelare i vissa situationer.

Vi hittade några tvivelaktiga regler eller klausuler i samband med vår granskning, vilket är skälet till att vi anser att Raging Bull Slots Casinos villkor är orättvisa.

Obs! Våra specifika resultat från analysen av villkoren finns tillgängliga här.

Klagomål från spelare angående Raging Bull Slots Casino

Vår casinoutvärdering vilar i hög grad på klagomål från spelare eftersom de ger oss värdefulla data om de problem som spelare upplever och hur casinon hanterar dem. Vid beräkningen av varje casinos säkerhetsindex tar vi hänsyn till alla klagomål vi har fått in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt klagomål vi hittar på andra webbplatser.

Vi har för närvarande 37 klagomål som direkt rör detta casino i vår databas, samt 242 klagomål som rör andra relaterade casinon. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 10 362 svarta poäng, av vilka 430 härrör från relaterade casinon. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Feedback från användare och recensioner av Raging Bull Slots Casino

På Casino Guru har användare möjlighet att betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon för att dela med sig av sina åsikter och erfarenheter. Baserat på dessa genererar vi sedan ett fullständigt feedbackbetyg, vilket kan variera från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Baserat på de 49 användarrecensioner av Raging Bull Slots Casino som finns i vår databas, har det feedbackbetyget "Hemskt". Du kan läsa användarrecensioner för casinot i avsnittet Användarrecensioner på den här sidan.

Obs! Eftersom det inte är ovanligt att upprörda spelare lämnar många negativa recensioner i syfte att skada ett casinos rykte, eller att vissa casinon lägger upp falska recensioner för att höja sitt feedbackbetyg, så är det viktigt att ha i åtanke att användarrecensioner inte alltid ger en rättvisande bild av ett casinos kvalitet. Vi strävar efter att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg; av dessa skäl ingår emellertid inte användarfeedback i beräkningen av vårt säkerhetsindex.

Licenser och företagsinformation

Raging Bull Slots Casino ägs av och vi uppskattar att dess årliga intäkter överstiger $20,000,000. Det här gör det till ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt den kategorisering vi använder.

Raging Bull Slots Casino är licensierat av Anjouan Gaming i Komorerna.

Betalningsalternativ, uttagsgränser och vinstgränser

Raging Bull Slots Casino stödjer 15 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Binance Coin (BNB), Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tether (USDT), Discover, Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (XDG), Litecoin (LTC), USD Coin (USDC), Changelly, Players Rewards Card.

Många spelsajter på nätet begränsar maxvinster och uttagsbelopp för spelare. Ofta är vinst- och uttagsgränserna tillräckligt höga för att de inte ska påverka de flesta spelare. Med det sagt finns det dock casinon som tillämpar ganska restriktiva beloppsgränser för vinster och uttag. Det här är anledningen till att vi beaktar dessa begränsningar i våra casinorecensioner. Du kan hitta information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 500 EUR per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
5 000 EUR per månad
2 500 USD per vecka
5 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det är inte troligt att alla betalningsalternativ som nämndes tidigare kan användas för både insättningar och uttag. På samma sätt kan vissa betalningsmetoder bara användas i Sverige.

Kundsupport och språkalternativ

I samband med våra casinogranskningar samlar vi alltid in uppgifter om tillgängliga språk och kundsupportalternativ. Du kan se vilka alternativ som finns tillgängliga på Raging Bull Slots Casino i tabellen nedan.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7

För att få ett begrepp om hur hjälpsamma, professionella och snabba kundsupportens medarbetare är, kontaktar vi dem direkt som ett led vår granskningsprocess. Vi anser att en kundsupport är viktig eftersom den kan vara helt avgörande om du till exempel stöter på problem med din registrering, ditt konto, dina uttag eller något annat hos Raging Bull Slots Casino. Baserat på genomförda tester har kundsupporten för Raging Bull Slots Casino fått betyget medel av oss.

Casinospel och spelautomater tillgängliga på Raging Bull Slots Casino

På Raging Bull Slots Casino kan spelare hitta dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Keno, Andra kortspel, Andra spel.

Titlar från 1 leverantör av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Realtime Gaming.

Bonusar och kampanjkoder för Raging Bull Slots Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder bonusar till nya eller befintliga spelare för att ge dem ett incitament att skapa ett konto eller fortsätta spela. Bonusar utan insättning, freespins och insättningsbonusar är några av de mest eftertraktade bonustyperna. Bonusar utan insättningar kan erhållas genom att registrera ett konto på casinot, medan insättningsbonusar delas ut i samband med insättningar. Casinokampanjer kan även inkludera bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller olika lojalitetsprogram.

Just nu har vår databas följande 6 bonusar från Raging Bull Slots Casino:

  • 55 FREESPINS på Gods of Nature
  • 35 FREESPINS på flera olika spel
  • 120 FREESPINS på Tarot Destiny
  • 250 % upp till 2 500 $ och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)
  • OBEGRÄNSAD 350 % BONUS och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)

Tänk på att dessa bonusar kanske inte är tillgängliga för spelare från vissa regioner. Se avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension för mer information och för att ta reda på vilka erbjudanden som finns tillgängliga i Sverige.


Insättningsfri bonus:
55 FREESPINS på Gods of Natureingen insättning, 0,1 $/spin
250 % upp till 2 500 $ och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)


  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Dogecoin (XDG)
  • Binance Coin (BNB)
 per månad
5 000 €
 per vecka
2 500 €


Ingen bingo
Ingen betting
Inga livespel
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Inga skraplotter
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Realtime Gaming


  • Enkel och ren webbdesign
  • Bitcoin- och Neteller-uttag är snabbare än andra uttagsmetoder
  • Exklusiva erbjudanden för befintliga spelare


  • Första tillbakadragandet är extremt långsamt
  • Längre uttagstider från 48 timmar
  • Endast en spelleverantör (Real Time Gaming)
  • Vissa spel kräver nedladdning

Intressanta fakta

  • Stort casino inriktat mot USA
  • Spelare måste vara 21 år eller äldre
  • “Klibbiga” (icke-uttagbara) bonusar
Författare och garant: Martin Lambert Senast uppdaterat: 2024-11-04 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (5)

Bonusar på Raging Bull Slots Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Raging Bull Slots Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (50)

Användarrecensioner av Raging Bull Slots Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Raging Bull Slots Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 50 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 1 vecka sedan
They took my money I had made a deposit from Bank Card almost over 400 dollars. After the deposit I made it doesn't reflected to my casino account. And as I tried to contact the support they took almost a week to response and in response they said the deposit doesn't reached to them. I am still waiting for their response for my money. If any new player joins please take this into consideration.
  • Scam support team .
  • False payment teams.
• 6 månader sedan
As a longtime online gambler, I've seen my fair share of casinos, but Raging Bull takes the cake for being the absolute worst. Let me tell you about my horrific experience with these scammers.
It all started when I tried to make a deposit. The first attempt failed, which should've been a red flag. But like an idiot, I tried again when they asked me to. In total, I deposited $1,500 via USDT. Big mistake.
At first, things seemed to be going well. I was on a hot streak and managed to win $13,500. I was over the moon! But that's when the real nightmare began.
Suddenly, Raging Bull stopped responding to me. They took my money and disappeared like a deadbeat ex. When I finally got hold of someone, all they could say was that the "corresponding department" would check in 18 days. 18 days! Are you kidding me?
It's been well over 18 days now, and guess what? Still no reply. No explanation, no apology, and certainly no payout. They've gone radio silent, leaving me high and dry.
Ladies, let me tell you - this place is a total scam. They'll take your money faster than you can say "jackpot," but when it comes time to pay out? Crickets. They're probably sitting on a beach somewhere, sipping margaritas bought with our hard-earned cash.
Save yourself the headache (and the heartbreak). Stay far, far away from Raging Bull Casino. They're nothing but a bunch of thieves in fancy digital clothing. Trust me, you're better off flushing your money down the toilet - at least then you'd get to watch it swirl away instead of wondering where it went.
One star is too generous for these crooks, but it's the lowest I can go. Consider this your warning, girls. Don't make the same mistake I did!
• 9 månader sedan
Horrible scam. They took 734 dollars first time then over 1000 next time. Discrepancy in deposit. I was verified. Then they restricted account to only crypto. Scam
• 10 månader sedan
I’ve been playing online casino from a few years and last night I got a reality check. I have spent thousands of dollars playing with Raging Bull Casino and they have no problem taking your money. There’s no limit on the amount that you deposit…….BUT AFTER PLAYING THE SAME GAME CASH BANDIT 3 I finally for the first time won the 200 spins at 11x at 25 cents, AND AFTER I WON 500 which was less than 30 spins THESE PEOPLE TOOK MY SPINS BACK FROM ME! I couldn’t believe it! There’s no cap on how much money you spend but best believe there’s a cap on how much you can win. NEVER EVER AGAIN. SCAM, SCAM, SCAM!!!!
• 11 månader sedan
This casino is a joke and has crazy business practise. I signed up used my debit card and put 30.00 on my account. I played and won and wanted to cash in at 200.00. I verified what they wanted then noticed it said I was only getting 170.00 and it said paid out. I contact them and after hours of sitting waiting for an agent to assist. They tell me I couldn't cash out on an unfinished deposit. Excuse me you took it from my account and I played and won. But they simply said I did not win on my unpaid deposit. If they do that to you when you win then you never get paid out. It's a scam
• 11 månader sedan
I have played the slots on raging bull casino. I hit a good amount of winnings each time. Both times they had some issue not to payout my winnings. They used the excuse that they don’t payout to credit union banks. Although, when you go to withdraws my bank is listed. Then I tried to use bitcoin. Which is also shown when you go to withdrawals. In my opinion this place is a joke. Be aware of places like this. Also, I requested to speak to a manager or supervisor and no one would let me chat with them.
  • This place is a joke. Shame on you raging bull casino!!!!!!
• 11 månader sedan
Raging Bull Casino: A Disappointing Gamble

Raging Bull Casino, a name that promises excitement and thrill, but delivers nothing but frustration and disappointment. My experience with this online casino has been nothing short of a nightmare, marred by a withdrawal process that can only be described as absurdly slow and inefficient.

Let's start with the withdrawal process, a crucial aspect of any online casino experience. At Raging Bull Casino, the process is not just slow, it is excruciatingly so. It takes a mind-boggling 35 to 45 days just to get approval for a withdrawal, and then an additional 7 to 10 days to actually receive the money. This is simply unacceptable in today's fast-paced world where instant gratification is the norm.

To make matters worse, the customer service at Raging Bull Casino is abysmal. I have called the casino a staggering 10 to 15 times in an attempt to get some answers about my withdrawal, only to be met with incompetence and indifference. It was not until the 15th call that I was informed I needed to fill out paperwork to even start the withdrawal process. Forty days have passed since my initial request, and I am still left empty-handed and frustrated.

The lack of transparency and communication from Raging Bull Casino is appalling. Customers should not have to jump through hoops and endure endless delays just to receive their rightfully earned winnings. The casino's disregard for its players' time and money is inexcusable and reflects poorly on their commitment to providing a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.

In conclusion, my experience with Raging Bull Casino has been a complete letdown. From the agonizingly slow withdrawal process to the lackluster customer service, this casino has failed to meet even the most basic expectations of a reputable online gambling establishment. I would strongly advise anyone considering playing at Raging Bull Casino to proceed with caution and be prepared for a frustrating and unsatisfactory experience.
• 1 år sedan
Would not give me my winnings claiming there was a discrepancy in my deposit which I deposited 30$ and won 200$ and my documents were approved but came up with some lame excuse to not give me my winnings…BEWARE THEY ARE A SCAM!!!
• 1 år sedan
Have roughly $10,000 in withdrawal requests. Keep getting told, tomorrow, next day or similar responses. They will take your money but won't pay. I occasionally get a text from 647-243-0616 from people claiming to be my VIP representative and they tell me "you'll get paid.". This place is a scam. I paid my deposits by credit card so I guess it's time to dispute all the charges. They use shell website names like BESTBUYDEALSNOW.COM to disguise the activity. It's time to get together and let the credit card company know so they can't get payments anymore and screw any other people.
  • None
  • Won't Pay
  • Customer support is not helpful
  • Lies Lies and more Lies
• 1 år sedan
Dep on this site and lost it in less then 20 min.I dont like these people and thier site.LCB.org Needs to stop lieing to people on how this site is in top 10 top sites??? LOL Its in my top 10 worst sites online.
  • bonus was good
  • Wont play long as games stink as for support
• 1 år sedan
An atrocious website that exists to take your money and nothing else. I deposited $100 and got it to $375 and they would not pay me my money. Initially they had no communication for 2 weeks and when I asked it was because they did not have id on file which was never communicated, then once I sent email took another week and prodding via chat for them to find my email. Then another 2 weeks for them to review and then more chat and eventually they said no payment. Apparently bonus terms were not met which is a lie because I had read all the terms and one of their chat reps told me that I had to get my deposit to 375 to be eligible for a withdrawal.

  • SCAM Website
  • No Payouts
• 1 år sedan
Like a light switch you’ll go from winning and hitting good bonuses to not getting hardly any line pays and rare bonuses that pay jack shit when you get them.
Painfully obvious when the rigging starts.
The deposit option was quick and seamless but when it comes to withdrawals it is painful and slow. (If you even receive it)
They told me 5-7 days just to be approved
Then told me 5-7 for the transfer.
How in the hell can they advertise quick withdrawals but make me wait half a month to receive it ( you never will)

George is the only good customer service rep they got.
  • George from customer support
  • Grotesque withdrawal times
  • Low weekly withdrawal
  • Everything else
• 1 år sedan
Only took seconds to take my money, but I am still waiting for my withdrawal. Submitted bank info that I know does international, and was the card I paid with. It wasnt enough need to use a different bank. I am not in a position where I have other banks at my disposal. Ask to switch the wire transfer to bitcoin that was also a no said i had to have deposited at least 100 BTC to be eligible for BTC withdrawal. So slow process chat was not working to find any ways to help me get my money instead it feels they are only trying to prolong it so it wont get paid. So fat do not recomend.
  • N/A
• 1 år sedan
So far the worst online casino I have ever played on. First the verification process is as slow as AOL. Secondly the email I sent I was told it would take 72 business hours to respond.. wtf really. Can a guy just withdraw his winnings as easy as STAKE.US or Cafe.lv or slots.lv. does.
  • Nothing
  • Communication
  • Raging Calf
• 1 år sedan
After waiting a month for cashout of $1,100, they refuse to pay stating some technicality mixing winning funds with bonus funds.

I had a free chip and won enough to withdraw the chips value, $100. Because I then turned that $100 into $1000 yeah...

If you're into taking all the risks of gambling however you're not really into the reward part, this casino is for you.
  • Great bonuses!
  • Can't cash out because of bonuses!
  • Wait month for cash out but you can't anyway. So just wait a month.
• 1 år sedan
What a rip off these guys just let you win for a second with these stupid coupons and then come to find out you got to deposit another $500 to reach the threshold to cash out then they just steal your money whenever they want The bonuses stop as soon as you don't have a coupon what a joke what a rip off Don't download or play this crap site
  • It was easy to download cuz it was a scam
  • Negative is customer service is non-existent when it comes
• 1 år sedan
Complete scammers. Chat cant help. Put 250.00 in account. Plated 4,000 and tried to cashout. Says I have to play 10,000 more before I can cashout. Locked in to loose. This place is a scam. The ad said no limit cashout. Lie
  • Won’t allow attachments on review
• 1 år sedan
Raging Bull casino is a complete scam! Stay far away from this site! I have been waiting over a month to be paid 2500 dollars! They are supposed to wire transfer the money but they keep saying my account doesn’t have enough activity so they won’t send the money! They tried to do bitcoin instead! I spoke with my bank and there’s no reason the transfer won’t go through! They are scam artists! The "VIP" host is a rude person and tells me that it’s my fault. All my information was verified and accepted! This is the worst site I have ever seen! Stay far away! The hosts name is Ruben Banks…( probably not his real name) ! I have used the same bank account for Pulsz and Chumba and was paid within 48 hours! I should have read the reviews before I played this site! Please stay far away from this site or any other online casino associated with them!
  • Scammmmmmmmmmmm
• 1 år sedan
When I first tried this casino I was still new to gambling. Online and even in the real world. I had deposited with a few other online casinos and didn’t have any luck. Then finally, next thing I know I hit for 2500 and you can imagine the shock that happens when you hit that big then 10 minutes later the excitement. Then a few minutes after that the concern if it’s real or not. I probably wasn’t the most liked customer here with raging bull because I let my worries get ahold of me and I would harass them everyday about my money. I made unnecessary threats to contact whoever and tried my best to get my money asap. But even with all my aggravating attempts to get my money with them and all my nasty conversations I would try to have with them they still paid me money. They paid me down to the dollar they owed me and owed me nothing more. They are a legit casino they are actually a friendly casino and they have great bonuses . I hate I was so ugly with my first experience with this casino. All they were doing was following the casinos term and conditions and who can blame them for that. Thank you raging bull and I do apologize for my unnecessary actions. I look forward to gaming with you guys a lot in the near future!
• 1 år sedan
Still waiting for my 980$ but by reading the comments, I guess I will never see my money on my bank account. They have unfair terms and conditions, once I register, I read the T&C's but I can't read them every time I am playing. Unfortunately it seems they change their T&C's quite often so you wont be able to get your money ...
  • SCAM
• 1 år sedan
Submit three withdrawals over a month ago for $3500 still have not got all of my money other casinos pay with in a week do not play here unless you want to wait forever on payment or not get paid at all
  • Fun games
  • Slow to no payouts
  • Bad customer service
• 1 år sedan
I withdraw $2400,and never got it,saying my deposit didn't go tru,it's not true ,I send them proof of my deposit. The chat is slow and wont help
  • You will never get payed
  • Don't play here
  • Slow communication
• 1 år sedan

I started playing in 2020 with RBC, Raging Bull Casino. I have won over $15,000 total with them...all of which was requested to withdraw my winnings every time. All withdraw request were approved by RBC. AND My RBC account was verified and approved as well...I always checked before I made a deposit. From 2020 to PRESENT out of every withdraw I've request I have only recieved my withdraw funds once which was in the amount of $540 BUT IT TOOK 3 Months TO RECIEVE AND ME EVENTUALLY HAVING TO CONTACT THEM EVERY DAY TO EVERY OTHER DAY.

I quit playing with them in the summer of 2022. So for a year now their VIP department has been contacting me to give them another chance and come back. They promised faster payouts within 10 business days etc etc etc. So I finally decided ok I give them another chance and I did, started playing again in August of 2023. But Made sure my account was verified and approved before depositing...It was. Did all the things so there were no delays. Had them Confirm my Bitcoin wallet address was valid and they confirmed it was valid and good. So I Made a deposit. I won. Requested Bitcoin withdraw. And here we are over a month later and still have not recieved my meesly $600 Bitcoin withdraw funds.

At this point I'd rather them refund me all my money I deposited just sent August 2023 till now than recieve my payout... And we go our seperate ways cut all ties....I deposited more than I've won. So u think they could pay me.

  • There's not one
  • Well maybe one... My VIP rep is nice.
  • Never recieve approved payouts.
  • Months to get paid if you actually do.
  • The do not follow their own guidelines, rules, regulations.
  • Need to be shut down for good.
  • Scandal
  • Thief
  • Trash, do not waste your money
• 1 år sedan
Complete rip off. Verified my ID at least 5 times. Still wouldn't work. Now after numerous emails and still unable to verify my $900 is just gone. DON'T DO IT, YOU WILL NOT GET PAID!!!!
  • Rip off!!!!
  • Scam
  • Cannot be verified
  • Selections suck
  • Response time horrible
• 1 år sedan
This casino is a HUGE SCAM! they are very quick to take your money but when it comes time to pay out your winnings they will not. I have been given the run around for 2 months. I have emailed them back to back with the requested documents and they do not open or reply to any emails you send because they will use that excuse to not give you any of your winnings. I have been trying to get my 258$ for 2 months and they keep telling me I’m missing documents. I got irritated with them and told them to keep the money and to shut down my account. They will not pay you your winnings, I repeat they will not pay you your winnings!!
  • This site is a scam!!!
• 1 år sedan
I won a few times however bonus terms is a must read also payouts take over a month. I requested a payout on 7/21 and it’s yet to be deposited to my bitcoin. On 8/23 I got an email stating withdrawal was approved but still no deposit to my bitcoin
  • Bonuses are higher than most casinos
• 1 år sedan
This casino is a scam!! Read your coupons carefully too they are tricky and have ridiculous wager requirement’s. They gladly take your $$ but when it’s time to pay out they’ll find any reason to not pay you! Extremely long waits on payouts too up to 30 days. 7-10 business days to approve the withdrawal then another 7-10 to send it.
  • Slow 20 business day payouts
  • Sticky bonuses
  • Slow live chat
  • Doesn’t notify you when there are problems with your withdrawal or deposits until 20 days later!
  • Horrible communication
• 1 år sedan
Casino is a ripoff will find any and every reason not to pay out. Customer service told me my payout wasn’t approved they needed bank statements with deposits to casino highlighted and sent to there support team. 1 minute later I was apologized to and was told payout was approved.1 more minute later I was apologized too yet again telling me it wasn’t approved. That I should have read the terms & conditions. If I did read them and didn’t understand them live chat was available.
  • Live chat takes way to long
  • Trick you with there promo coupons.
  • Do not want to payout
  • Will not even let u know of any problems with payout
• 1 år sedan
I've requested a payout before and I received it. Very very long wait though. Other sites I use are very fast but raging bull took about 2 weeks. Currently waiting on my 2nd payout. They offer better promos than most other sites tho so I tolerate the extremely long wait. Overall a decent site that I've recommended to other people. I just think that it's ridiculous fir withdrawal waits to be that long especially when I'm withdrawing with crypto
  • Game selection
  • Really good promos
  • Extremely long wait times for payouts
• 1 år sedan
Hello since the 25 of June I have been dealing with your casino and the first withdraw was deny due to winning off a free spin so then was told that if I would add money on your casino after adding it the winning I could withdraw well I've added money I know if 3 time within June 25 2023 to July 1 and 2 2023 and hit and now being told cause of free spin and if you look at the free spins they were denied and added REAL HARD WORKING MONEY I MADE AND ADDED IT TO YOUR CASINO WITH PROMO JACKPLOTHUNTER AND GOOD MORNING SO 3 OF MY CASH MONEY I ADDED AND NOW YOUR TELLING ME WITH THE HARD WORKING MONEY I ADDED THAT I CAN'T WITHDRAW WANT OF MY WINNING I WANT SOMEONE TO CONTACT ME IN REGARDS TO THIS AND I WILL BE TURNING YOU IN FOR FALSE INFORMATION AND BEING LIED TO I WILL POST ALL OUT MESSAGE EVEN ONES WHERE YOUR WORKER SAID I CAN CASH OUT ADD MONEY TO YOUR SITE AND ANYTHING I ADDED I CAN WITHDRAW WINNING WHICH IS WHAT I DID CAUSE I CAN'T ADD ANOTHER COUPLE IN LESS MY FUNDS ARE LESS THAN 5.00 AND I ADDED MONEY AND HIT AND NOW BEING TOLD I'M DENY
  • they lie this site can accept my money to play but when I win they can't pay up
Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet för Raging Bull Slots Casino

Ta en titt på förklaringen av de faktorer vi beaktar vid beräkningen av säkerhetsindexet för Raging Bull Slots Casino. Säkerhetsindexet är den viktigaste parametern vi använder för att beskriva tillförlitligheten, rättvisan och kvaliteten för alla onlinecasinon i vår databas.

Ett väldigt stort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är orättvisa
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Klagomål från spelare anger en medelhög andel kvarhållna vinster i förhållande till casinots storlek
Vi tog även hänsyn till andra faktorer som hade en något negativ inverkan på casinots säkerhetsindex
Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

Har det här casinot behandlat dig orättvist?

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Orättvisa villkor

  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier vid spel med bonusmedel, men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.

Andra faktorer

  • Låg uttagsgräns: 5 000 €/månad

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