HemOnlinecasinonSlots of Vegas Casino recension
Slots of Vegas Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
250 % upp till 2 500 $ och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)
Besök casino
  • Neteller
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bank wire
  • Discover
  • Litecoin (LTC)
 per månad
10 000 $
 per vecka
2 500 $
> 20 000 000 €
  • Komorerna (Anjouan Gaming)
ÖversiktBonusar1Användarrecensioner111Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion115Betalningsmetoder15
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Slots of Vegas Casino Recension

I denna recension har vårt team av oberoende casinogranskare noggrant undersökt Slots of Vegas Casinos styrkor och svagheter med användning av vår granskningsmetod för casinon. Genom att analysera casinots licenser, villkor, aktuella klagomål från spelare, gränser, kundsupport och andra viktiga faktorer har vårt granskningsteam bedömt hur säkert casinot är för svenska spelare och hur rättvist det är, samt utvärderat om det kan anses vara pålitligt och seriöst eller potentiellt skadligt för spelare.

Baserat på deras slutsatser har vi beräknat casinots säkerhetsindex – ett betyg som beskriver säkerheten och rättvisan på onlinecasinon. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto större är sannolikheten att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. Även om Slots of Vegas Casino har fått ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 7.3, vilket betyder att det är ett passande alternativ för vissa, är det viktigt att ha i åtanke att det finns andra casinon med bättre resultat vad gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av Slots of Vegas Casino för att fatta ett välgrundat beslut om huruvida det här casinot passar dig bra eller inte.

Är Slots of Vegas Casino rättvist och säkert? Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

För att beräkna säkerhetsindexet för ett casino använder vi en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till den insamlade datan som behandlats i vår granskning. Det här inkluderar i vanligtvis casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor och liknande.

Vi har noga undersökt och analyserat villkoren för Slots of Vegas Casino som ett led i vår granskning av Slots of Vegas Casino. Vi har upptäckt vissa regler eller klausuler som vi inte gillade och anser att villkoren är orättvisa. Oskäliga eller bedrägliga regler kan utnyttjas för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare. Eftersom vi har upptäckt allvarliga problem med skäligheten hos villkoren för det här casinot, uppmanar vi dig att leta efter ett casino med rättvisare villkor eller åtminstone iakttar viss försiktighet.

Slots of Vegas Casino är ett väldigt stort onlinecasino baserat på våra uppskattningar eller insamlad information. Casinot har en låg andel kvarhålla utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare i förhållande till dess storlek. Eftersom större casinon ofta får ta emot fler klagomål på grund av att det har ett större antal spelare, tar vi hänsyn till både casinots storlek och feedback från spelare.

Såvitt vi vet förkommer inte Slots of Vegas Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Om ett casino har hamnat på en svart lista, som exempelvis Casino Gurus lista över svartlistade casinon, kan det betyda att casinot har behandlat sina kunder illa. När du letar efter ett onlinecasino att spela på anser vi att det är av yttersta vikt att du tar detta på allvar.

I vår omfattande granskning av alla relevanta faktorer har Slots of Vegas Casino uppnått ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 7.3. Det här casinot kan vara ett godtagbart alternativ för en del spelare, men du bör vara medveten om att det finns andra casinon som prioriterar rättvist bemötande och säkerhet för sina kunder i mycket högre utsträckning.

Obs! Enligt vår bedömning är Slots of Vegas Casino kopplat till 25 andra casinon. Med hänsyn till kopplingen mellan dessa casinon har vi även vägt in kvaliteterna hos de associerade casinona vid utvärderingen av säkerhetsindexet för Slots of Vegas Casino.

Slots of Vegas Casinos villkor

Vi granskar noggrant villkoren för varje casino vi utvärderar och bedömer deras skälighet. I villkoren för många casinon hittar vi regler som vi anser vara orättvisa eller uppenbart exploaterande, och det är ofta dessa regler casinon utnyttjar för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare.

Vi hittade några tvivelaktiga regler eller klausuler i samband med vår granskning, vilket är skälet till att vi anser att Slots of Vegas Casinos villkor är orättvisa.

Obs! Ta gärna en titt på resultaten av vår granskning av villkoren här.

Klagomål från spelare på Slots of Vegas Casino

Under vår granskningsprocess fäster vi extra vikt vid klagomål från spelare, då de ger oss viktiga insikter i de problem som spelare upplever och hur casinon väljer att hantera och lösa dem. När vi beräknar ett enskilt casinos säkerhetsindex tar vi hänsyn till både klagomål som skickats in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning och klagomål vi inhämtar från andra källor.

Vi har för närvarande 21 klagomål som direkt rör detta casino i vår databas, samt 258 klagomål som rör andra relaterade casinon. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 2 104 svarta poäng, av vilka 845 härrör från relaterade casinon. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och recensioner för Slots of Vegas Casino

Casino Guru ger användare en plattform för att betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon, samt för att dela med sig av sina åsikter och erfarenheter. Baserat på denna information beräknar vi ett övergripande feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Baserat på de 111 användarrecensionerna av Slots of Vegas Casino som finns i vår databas så har det fått feedbackbetyget "Dåligt". Recensionerna finns tillgängliga i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Tänk på att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av casinots kvaliteter. En del recensioner kan vara falska, skrivna enbart för att förbättra casinots övergripande feedbackpoäng. Andra recensioner kan komma från missnöjda spelare som skriver många negativa recensioner för att försämra casinots rykte. Även om vi gör vårt yttersta för att filtrera bort sådana recensioner och fastställa ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg, avstår vi från att inkludera användarfeedback i vår beräkning av säkerhetsindexet på grund av dessa faktorer.

Företagsinformation och licenser för Slots of Vegas Casino

Slots of Vegas Casino ägs av och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $20,000,000. Detta gör det till ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår måttstock.

Slots of Vegas Casino har en spellicens utfärdad av Anjouan Gaming i Komorerna.

Vinst- och uttagsgränser, betalningsalternativ

Slots of Vegas Casino accepterar insättningar via 15 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Neteller, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Discover, Players Rewards Card, Bank wire, Check (Cheque), Changelly, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Dogecoin (XDG).

Vinster och uttag är vanligen reglerade av gränser som fastställs av casinot. I många fall är gränserna tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare. Med det sagt finns det dock casinon som tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsbegränsningar som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Det är därför vi alltid undersöker dessa aspekter i våra casinogranskningar. I tabellen nedan visas information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 500 USD per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
10 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det kan mycket väl vara så att inte alla betalningsmetoder som listas ovan är lämpliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa betalningsalternativ bara är tillgängliga i Sverige.

Språk och kundsupportalternativ

Medarbetare i vårt granskningsteam samlar in information om kundsupport och tillgängliga språk på varje onlinecasino under granskningsprocessen. I tabellen nedan kan du se en översikt över språkalternativen på Slots of Vegas Casino.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja

Medarbetare i vårt casinogranskningsteam kontaktade casinots representanter för att ta reda på hur hjälpsamma, professionella och snabba deras svar är. Vi anser att kundsupport är viktigt eftersom dess syfte är att hjälpa dig lösa eventuella problem du riskerar att stöta på, till exempel i samband med registrering på Slots of Vegas Casino, hanteringen av ditt konto eller vid uttag och så vidare. Vi skulle säga att Slots of Vegas Casino har en genomsnittlig kundsupport utifrån svaren vi har fått i samband med vår testning.

Slots of Vegas Casino casinospel och spelautomater

Slots of Vegas Casino erbjuder dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Jackpottspel, Keno, Andra spel.

Casinospel från 1 spelleverantör finns att spela. Detta inkluderar Realtime Gaming.

Bonusar och koder som erbjuds av Slots of Vegas Casino

Bonusar för nya och befintliga spelare är ett sätt för onlinecasinon att motivera människor att registrera sig och pröva deras spelutbud. De vanligaste är bonusar utan insättning eller freespins som du kan få bara genom att registrera dig, och insättningsbonusar som ges till spelare i samband med insättningar. Med det sagt kan casinon erbjuda andra typer av bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller lojalitetsprogram.

Det finns för närvarande 4 bonusar från Slots of Vegas Casino i vår databas, inklusive:

  • 25 FREESPINS på Lucha Libre 2
  • 333 FREESPINS på Neon Wheel 7s
  • 250 % upp till 2 500 $ och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)

Tänk på att spelare från vissa regioner kanske inte kan utnyttja dessa bonuserbjudanden. Besök avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension för att se vilka bonusar som finns tillgängliga i Sverige.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
250 % upp till 2 500 $ och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)


  • Neteller
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bank wire
  • Discover
  • Litecoin (LTC)
 per månad
10 000 $
 per vecka
2 500 $


Ingen bingo
Ingen betting
Ingen baccarat
Inga livespel
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Inga skraplotter
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Realtime Gaming


  • Väldigt trevlig kundtjänst
  • Bitcoin- och Neteller-uttag är snabbare än andra uttagsmetoder


  • Väldigt långsamma uttag
  • Dåligt urval av spelleverantörer
  • Vissa spel kräver nedladdning

Intressanta fakta

  • Medelstort casino med siktet på USA
  • Spelare måste vara 21 år eller äldre
  • Genomsnittlig uttagsgräns per månad
  • “Klibbiga” (icke-uttagbara) bonusar
Författare och garant: Mirka Dubasova Senast uppdaterat: 2024-10-14 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (1)

Bonusar på Slots of Vegas Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Slots of Vegas Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (111)

Användarrecensioner av Slots of Vegas Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Slots of Vegas Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 111 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 4 månader sedan
Once I get paid I will close account and never use INCLAVE login to any of their games.....I played Lucky Red and cashed out $800 in 48 hours....two months for $500....how does this site with all the complaints have a 6.9/10 it should be a 1/10.....site needs to be shut down......we need to regulations of some form to stop this corruption and the only way is to work together to eliminate these thieves. I am tired of rambling... Slots of Vegas....do not put any money into their corrupt hands
  • only positive is selection of games
  • can't get a payment (over 60 days)
  • stall tactics--tell you something one day and change mind next
  • lie and rep says he is not responsible
  • terrible customer service
  • any casinos linked in INCLAVE are corrupt--stay away
  • if bonus is used, you do not win
  • told me I had a $500 limit to cash out in bitcoin
• 7 månader sedan
I play on slots of Vegas over a year and not issues with them. The support chat is available 24/7 and responds under a minute. They great personal hosts that make everything even easier ( withdraws/deposits/special bonuses )
Withdrawals take between 24-72 h max
  • Amazing support team especially vip host Ruben
  • Quick withdrawal via bitcoin
  • Great game selection
  • Awesome no rules bonuses
  • VIP hosts who go above and beyond
• 10 månader sedan
I been playing for quite some time and deposited hundreds of dollars, finally I decide to withdraw, it becomes impossible. I’ve submitted documents multiple times and contacted support with no response or resolution. I’m convinced based on countless negative reviews that they are corrupt and do not pay out. I hit for 10k and have been trying to get verified for months with no help from the company. But they will take my money in an instant. Do not invest, stay away because this company are thieves and deserve the worst in life.
  • Nothing
  • Do not get suckered in because of a stupid coupon tripling your investment. The algorithm is made for you to never win and if you do you can’t even withdraw funds
• 11 månader sedan
I love their game selection. Their live chat is hit or miss, mostly miss. But when you do get through I found their staff to be very courteous and helpful. Withdrawal process here is a JOKE. Once you submit a withdrawal, that's it, no more contact. I sent them an email once a day for 32 days straight, and NEVER got a response. Speaking of 32 days, that's how long it took me to get paid, and then, the ONLY reason that I got paid that fast is because I got Casino Guru involved. Casino Guru is a godsend for us honest players who have absolutely zero recourse when shady casinos try to take advantage of us. Once I gave CG all the needed information to work with and they contacted slotsofvegas, I had my payout in my bitcoin wallet within 24 hours! I sincerely believe thar had it not been for CG I would not have received my payout. So if you choose to play there, keep in mind that if you win, it will take a lot of effort and time to get your winnings. The best piece of advice that I can give you is that, if you want to get paid then get CG involved as soon as possible. With all of the technology available today there is no excuse to wait 30 days for a payout. I can see a week or so, due to kyc, but anything over that is an attempt to wear you out, and get you to give up. Bottom line don't play here unless you're OK with waiting a couple of months to get paid. And as always READ EVERY SINGLE LINE OF THE BONUS TERMS AND ADHERE TO THE RULES.
  • They seem to respond to Casino Guru
  • Fun slots
  • Long withdrawal wait time.
  • Will not answer an email
  • Did not pay until Casino Guru contacted them
• 1 år sedan
I want to write a positive and honest review for this slotsofvegas online casino. I play slots and use debit card for payment to play. The games are very fun and wide range of selection, love it ! Bonuses are very good, low play through, 20 x , 15 x or no play through no max cash out bonus. You have very good chance to win money ! The hosts are very friendly especially my host Peter is excellent, he will help you solve any problems and give you good bonus. The casino need to verify your ID , bank account and credit or debit you use, you need to submit required documents. And withdraws, I got all my winnings within 6 to 10 weeks, it is a little slow, but you will get it , just be patient! Overall , it is an awesome online casino ! I love it ! And I have not tried the other methods for deposit or withdrawal, my host told me bitcoin is much faster for withdrawal.
• 1 år sedan
I have played all of there sites the last 18 months. When I was a constant looser the loved me. Hr long call from my host stroking me. A cpl of months ago I changed strategy Ie would take small wins. This is when the games started request resent KYC paperwork Not approve said paperwork. I played along and kept winning. My host stopped taking my calls but I could contact him on live chat and whats appp. He would be slow but I would get my $. Starting about 2 weeks ago he quit taking my call and cut all communications. I have 3 large withdrawals pending at Posh and one at Prism. They also took my VI P 5!ratiing and prohibited me from using no rules bonuses. I could only use bonuses that were 40x. I quit making deposits and attempting to beg and plead with others to get my $. This post named Posh and Prism in SOV thread because this is their main site. So beware of ANY of this companies casino they are sweet when u loosing thousands of Dollars but start winning and it gets different. I am going to name my host because for 18 months he wanted to practically marry me until I started winning. Vince Rossi great guy until you win. He disappears then boy what a divorce. So beware of all this companies casinos
  • They have started paying quicker
  • Dont win if you want to keep playing.
• 1 år sedan
very quick to take your money even to ok withdrawal but it has been 30 days (2 short actually) and I havent been paid and not since the first email have i been able to hear back from anyone. Do not waste your money here
  • never pay out
• 1 år sedan
I’m on my second withdrawal request, since 12/14. They denied the first one with no explanation after I did everything they asked. I continue to get the run around. I have sent all information on several occasions. I was told all documentation was up to date and now I’m being told they need certain information again. I will be filing formal complaints with my bank and any third party processor who has taken my funds to give to this site. I have all transaction and confirmation numbers from the processors to identify. This is unacceptable.
• 1 år sedan
Very disappointed, currently 17 days an waiting on winnings withdrawal. Nobody helped me and chat is not good here. Overall not so good experience.
  • Looooong withdrawal time. 2 and a half weeks and counting. Not worth the time and effort gambling here.
• 1 år sedan
Well to start,I won over 600 dollars,they said since it was from a bonus I caint get but 100,so they took 500 away wow,then again while playing I was up over 400 and the slot froze,after chat to see what happened,they said they would unfreeze it but I would loose,.wow,and I did,.now I got a 30 dollar cash bonus,and won quiet a bit..well over 2000,so they are saying since it's a bonus,I can only get 100 dollars,the rest goes back to the casino,.wow,.what a joke.i would not recommend playing her. I put in for 2000,withdrawal, I'll wait and see.but sure they will steal it also...so I'm looking for a new place to play..
• 1 år sedan
I won $333 here without using any sort of bonus. The first time I tried to withdrawal they denied it and put it back into my account stating that I wasn’t verified, even though I went through the websites verification system and it stated I was approved 😑. Chatted with customer service (which takes forever to get a hold of btw) and they stated that I would need to email my verification documents to documents@slotsofvegas.com. So I did that, and tried to withdrawal for a second time. This time around they denied it stating that my verification documents were rejected. They never even tried to contact me via email to let me know that they were rejected. Anyways, I spoke with customer service once again and they stated they never received my documentation and gave me a different email address to send my documents to (documents@slotsofvegasmail.com). So I resent all of my verification documents again and threw in a screenshot of my bitcoin wallet (just in case they needed that as well). The new email actually responded back to me with a case # in case I needed to follow up. Which I did. 7 days passed and I reached out again to a representative along with my case # and she was able to tell me that they finally approved the documents. 10 days passed without hearing anything so I reached out again to find out if the actual withdrawal had been approved. The customer representative I talked to this time escalated my issue and the next day my withdrawal was approved. It’s now been a total of 28 days since my first withdrawal request and I’m now being told that it takes an additional 7-10 business days once withdrawal has been approved to receive the funds in my bitcoin account. Fingers crossed I receive the withdrawal within this time frame, or at all, for that matter. I will not be spending another dime here and recommend you don’t either. I have played at many other RTG sites where getting verified/withdrawal processing time can be a not-so-easy/lengthy task but this site goes far beyond that. The verification process is all over the place and the time frame for withdrawal is absolutely atrocious. It should not be this hard or take this much time to get the money you rightfully won. Will edit post to let you know if I do in fact receive my withdrawal.
  • Support is friendly
  • Lengthy withdrawal times
  • Lengthy verification process
  • Wait times for support chat
  • No clear cut process for verification
• 1 år sedan
This website is a hoax and a scam. I've been so frustrated and livid that I made multiple attempts to make withdrawal. From all methods,withdrawal check,wire transfer,and bitcoin. Any transactions rejected,still undetermined no reasoning. I provided proof of documents and called the contact number,failed. I felt non-existent and no live person. My balance still on their site. Sucks! Nowhere to get my money. It's not legit site,should be investigated and really have someone do something about reported the fraudulent staff.
Unhappy player
Awaited for 2 years to withdrawal my money.
  • Bad website
  • Defrauding players
  • No live person
  • Chat room fake
  • Held my personal identification documents
  • Method withdrawal fake
• 1 år sedan
very easy to get help from chat, awesome deposit and withdrawal time
  • Great deposit and withdrawal
• 1 år sedan
NEVER PLAY THIS SITE ITS BS!!!!!!!Beware STAY AWAY!!!!Ive been trying to cash out for almost 5years and there’s always an issue.Customer service sucks and know nothing besides to tell you what sounds good
  • NEVER PLAY THIS SITE ITS BS!!!!!!!Beware STAY AWAY!!!!Ive been trying to cash out for almost 5years and there’s always an issue.Customer service sucks and know nothing besides to tell you what sounds good
• 1 år sedan
If someone is looking for an honest thorough review of this casino, then here it is.
On June 10th I submitted a withdrawal for $100. Seven business days later, on the 20th, it was cancelled due to them wanting to verify my bitcoin address. After verifying it with a support chat agent, I resubmitted my $100 withdrawal.
As of now, not including weekends, I have been waiting for days. Including weekends, I have been waiting for 21 days.
I am a depositing player, and my verification and documents were approved months prior to my withdrawal. I knew there withdrawals were not instant like casinos like brango, but I had also very thoroughly read there T&Cs and was okay with what was stated as the standard time frame. But when I submitted my withdrawal, it said I would get my funds within five business days. I have sent support chat that screenshot but it did no good. They didn't care. Just kept repeating there standard times.
There is absolutely ZERO email communication whatsoever. The only reason I even found out that my withdrawal had been cancelled is because I logged in to check the status of it. If I didn't do that, I would have never known.
One of the last support agents I talked to, Tracy, had asked me for my bitcoin address again. I sent it and asked why. She said that it's because before a withdrawal can be approved, the crypto address has to be verified twice thru support chat. Well why isn't that in the T&Cs? Why didn't the half a dozen other support agents tell me that or ask for it? Then when I ask to speak with a manager, I'm denied one.
Finally, today, I chatted with a manager by the name of Anabelle. She was the nicest one I talked to but I'm still at a waiting standstill. She told me to come back on Monday to see if it's been approved and also told me that she emailed the withdrawal team to escalate it. So Monday will be a total of 24 days waiting on my $100 withdrawal. So we shall see.
But all in all, I would not recommend spending your money on Slots of Vegas. They do not abide by there own T&Cs so it makes everything extremely difficult, and everytime a support agent tells you something, it's always different from the previous one, and never truthful.
As of now, I really don't think they're going to payout my withdrawal. But we shall see come Monday. I will update this review with any changes if there are any.
So today, 7/3/23, my withdrawal was finally approved. Now support is saying that I now have to wait another 10 days for them to actually send the funds to my Bitcoin wallet. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Smh.
  • Extremely long withdrawals
  • Takes forever to connect with support chat
  • No email communications
  • Doesn't follow there own Terms and conditions
• 1 år sedan
Yet another casino in this network that I played out despite reviews. I kind of had to because I won at Ozwin fairgo Slotocash and Grandevegas and they took all my deposit bonuses from me. Anyway I’ve withdrew from here three times now and every time 72 hours and it’s there
  • Customer service is good.
  • Payouts In 72 hours or less
  • Sticky bonuses they take them back at withdraw
• 1 år sedan
RUN! Don’t walk .. RUN! Horrible customer service. Month long waits for payouts. Hardly ever responds to inquiries
  • They have a cool name
  • Take forever to get your winnings if at all
  • Terrible customer service
  • The more you win the worse they treat you
• 1 år sedan
Terrible payouts, the free spins per day are a joke as well. You might as well try a different online casino if you want to win enough to keep playing.
• 2 år sedan
If I could give them a negative stars review I would. This casino will go above and beyond to try and find a reason for you to NOT let you withdraw your winnings that are rightfully yours. They have taken over $1000 of my winnings at different times and not allowed me to receive them. The customer support is poor and this casino is the absolute worst one I’ve ever been associated with. Don’t let them screw you!
  • Everything
• 2 år sedan
It could be a good casino if you don't want to make a withdrawal. Been waiting four months for a withdrawal. If you don't need your money play here.
• 2 år sedan
They suck ! Dont pay when you win. They burned me for 5000 dollars i would not play your hard earned money here its bogus. They find ways not to pay out.
  • Wont play no more
• 2 år sedan
Customer service is poor. Takes months to get withdrawal. If I could have given 0 stars I would have.
• 2 år sedan
If you are playing with hopes of eventual payout, i would never suggest this casino. They can claim whatever they want on the rules/policy pages, but they will blatantly not follow and you are stuck for months trying to recv your payments. I have played with this casino for at least 8 years or so....and YES they do pay as long as you follow terms, but expect payment in about 4-6 months.
  • Eventually pay
  • Payout is ridiculously long 4-6 months
  • Customer service cannot help at all. They all claiming to have no access other than to look into your account and for you to check back in 3 business days( they famous quote)
• 2 år sedan
This is a joke I made many deposits in bitcoin and finally when I go to withdraw my money through coindraw which your suppose to get you deposit in 24hrs it said I wasn't eligible because my last deposit had to be put In manually because I sent it to the address they provided and it was confirmed in the block chain but I never received it in account so now I've been told that I will have to wait another week to receive my payment I suggest you don't play on this website because they don't want to pay you when you win but they sure take your money right away ... Hopefully a vip manager named Rhea can help me out like she said
• 2 år sedan
This casino has been holding my money for almost 5 days. They claim they need to verify my identity. I will never use this casino again once I get my money. They say it takes up to 10 days to verify and get your withdrawal. That’s a scam to me. I think they hope you will keep gambling and won’t have anything left by the time they approve your identity.
• 2 år sedan
International transaction fees, and no payout of winnings. On my login, it shows all info is verified and nothing else is needed from me. However, payout requests denied because they say they don’t have required info. No one can provide me with this "form" they say they need. Total scam!
  • Friendly customer support
  • Impossible to get payouts
  • International transaction fees added to any deposits
• 2 år sedan
This casino is not worth the time or effort you must put into it in hopes of a withdrawal. They require so much personal info yet still dont even come through with your withdrawal. Find another platform.
  • Feels like theyre just trying to get your bank account info for other purposes
  • Very unclear terms regarding withdrawal requests
• 3 år sedan
Absolutely a fraudulent site. I wish I had read all the awful reviews on the net. They took months getting me verified so I could cash in $450.00. I never was paid, and they then blocked me from the site for no apparent reason. They offer good deals to get your money, but your winnings stay there, like the Hotel, California. I wanted to fight them, but when I saw how many people were ripped off thousands, after winning thousands, I just decided the stress was not worth it. They have no conscience, and I expect Karma will come around.
  • Games were fun, with deals and freeplay, but you may as well go to a free casino, than to pay, because you lose, even when you win.u
  • They wrap up all your time pleading with them to pay you.
  • Get verified before spending a dime there.
  • Poor communication.
• 3 år sedan
Good experience considering I had like 8800 play through and played on and off for 3 days and ended up 1900.00 after playthrough/requested 1700 and played the other 200 Sent verification and waited. Took right at about 4 weeks and woke up one morning to a bitcoin deposit of 1500. Very smooth process just took awhile for pay. downside to winning right off like that they changed my player status level ,to skilled/advanced which basically means no more bonuses or offers on there or any of the sister sites. Missed out on the 12 days of xmas bonuses on any site
  • great start bonuses
  • labeled as skilled/advanced due to 1 time win
• 3 år sedan
I have to disagree with all the negative comments. Five years ago I won $17000.00 and this year on April 4 I won $40,000.00 no kidding it was awesome now it took a little while to get paid but they paid me like twelve grand in June and the other 27 grand they paid me in September. So folks they DO pay you you just have to be patient and persistent go to chat every week even twice a week but don't be rude they have a process you must go through and you will get paid. I give Slots of Vegas two thumbs up
  • The online slots are great but keno is my favorite
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  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier vid spel med bonusmedel, men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.

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