HemOnlinecasinonSunrise Slots Casino recension
Sunrise Slots Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
200 % upp till 2 000 $
Viktigt (1)
Besök casino
  • Neteller
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Banköverföring
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
 per månad
6 250 $
> 5 000 000 €
Ingen licens
ÖversiktBonusar1Användarrecensioner136Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion600Betalningsmetoder13
Viktigt: Casinot drivs utan en licens Detta casino drivs utan en licens. Som ett resultat av detta är casinot inte tvunget att följa regler som fastställts av tillsynsmyndigheter. Du kommer dessutom inte att kunna vända dig till någon tillsynsmyndighet om du stöter på problem.
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Sunrise Slots Casino Recension

I denna recension av Sunrise Slots Casino har vårt oberoende granskningsteam noggrant analyserat detta casino och dess för- och nackdelar baserat på vår granskningsmetod för casinon. Vårt expertteam har tagit hänsyn till skäligheten i casinots villkor, giltiga licenser, klagomål från spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra viktiga faktorer för att bedöma om det här casinot är seriöst och säkert att spela på för svenska spelare, om spelare riskerar att bli lurade där eller om casinot ligger någonstans däremellan.

Vår beräkning av casinots säkerhetsindex, baserad på de undersökta faktorerna, ger en bild av säkerheten och rättvisan på onlinecasinon. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto troligare är det att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. Sunrise Slots Casino har ett lågt säkerhetsindex på 4.7, vilket enligt våra utvärderingsnormer indikerar brister när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av Sunrise Slots Casino och ta reda på mer om detta casino för att kunna avgöra om det är rätt casino för dig eller inte.

Är Sunrise Slots Casino rättvist och säkert? Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Vår process för att fastställa ett casinos säkerhetsindex innefattar en grundlig metod som tar hänsyn till de variabler vi har samlat in och analyserat under vår granskning. Dessa utgörs av casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor osv.

I vår granskning av Sunrise Slots Casino har vi gått igenom Sunrise Slots Casinos villkor noggrant. Vi har upptäckt vissa regler eller klausuler som vi inte gillade och anser att villkoren är orättvisa. Oskäliga eller bedrägliga regler kan utnyttjas för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare. Eftersom vi har upptäckt allvarliga problem med skäligheten hos villkoren för det här casinot, uppmanar vi dig att leta efter ett casino med rättvisare villkor eller åtminstone iakttar viss försiktighet.

Enligt våra ungefärliga beräkningar eller insamlad information är Sunrise Slots Casino ett medelstort onlinecasino. I förhållande till casinots storlek, har det mottagit klagomål med ett genomsnittligt totalvärde av omtvistade vinster. Vi tar hänsyn till antalet klagomål i förhållande till casinots storlek, eftersom vi är medvetna om att större casinon tenderar att ha fler klagomål från spelare.

Såvitt vi vet förkommer inte Sunrise Slots Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Svarta listor över casinon, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, kan indikera att ett casino har gjort något fel. Därför rekommenderar vi spelare att ta hänsyn till dessa listor när de väljer ett casino att spela på.

Allt detta, tillsammans med andra faktorer som beaktats i vår granskning, har resulterat i ett säkerhetsindex på 4.7 för Sunrise Slots Casino, vilket är ett lågt värde. Vi råder spelare att undvika detta casino och i stället utforska alternativ med högre säkerhetsindex.

Sunrise Slots Casinos villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon läser vi noga igenom varje casinos villkor och utvärderar skäligheten hos dem. Det är inte ovanligt att vi hittar klausuler eller regler i villkoren som vi anser är orättvisa eller rentav bedrägliga, eftersom de under vissa omständigheter kan användas mot spelare som grund för att hålla kvar deras vinster.

Vi hittade några tvivelaktiga regler eller klausuler i samband med vår granskning, vilket är skälet till att vi anser att Sunrise Slots Casinos villkor är orättvisa.

Obs! Ta gärna en titt på resultaten av vår granskning av villkoren här.

Klagomål från spelare på Sunrise Slots Casino

Att beakta klagomål från spelare är en viktig del i vår granskningsprocess eftersom de ger en helhetsbild av de problem som spelare upplever och casinots inställning till att lösa dessa problem. Varje casinos säkerhetsindex beräknas efter noggrant övervägande av alla klagomål som inkommit till vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt de klagomål vi har inhämtat från andra källor.

Vi har för närvarande 20 klagomål som rör detta casino i vår databas. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 5 307 svarta poäng. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och recensioner för Sunrise Slots Casino

På Casino Guru kan användare betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon genom att dela med sig av sina unika upplevelser och åsikter. Vi fastställer det övergripande feedbackbetyget baserat på den spelarfeedback som inkommit till oss. Betyget kan variera från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Vår databas innehåller totalt 136 användarrecensioner av Sunrise Slots Casino, vilket har resulterat i feedbackbetyget "Hemskt". För att se användarrecensioner av det här casinot går du till avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Du bör vara medveten om att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av ett casinos kvaliteter. Vissa casinon kan lämna falska recensioner för att förbättra sin övergripande feedbackpoäng. Det kan också hända att missnöjda spelare lämnar flera negativa recensioner för att sänka ett casinos betyg. Vi strävar efter att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg; av dessa skäl ingår inte användarrecensioner i processen för att beräkna säkerhetsindexet.

Företagsinformation och licenser för Sunrise Slots Casino

Sunrise Slots Casino har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $5,000,000. Detta gör det till ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår måttstock.

Såvitt vi vet saknar Sunrise Slots Casino en spellicens.

Vinst- och uttagsgränser, betalningsalternativ

Sunrise Slots Casino accepterar insättningar via 13 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Neteller, Mastercard, VISA, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Bank transfer, Discover, Check (Cheque), Bank wire, Tether (USDT), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC).

Onlinecasinon inför ofta begränsningar på beloppen som spelare kan vinna eller ta ut. Även om dessa vanligtvis är tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare, är det flera casinon som tillämpar ganska restriktiva vinst- eller uttagsgränser. Av den anledningen kontrollerar vi alltid dem när vi granskar casinon. Tabellen nedan visar casinots vinst- och uttagsbegränsningar.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
6 250 USD per månad Ingen vinstgräns
Obs! Det kan mycket väl vara så att inte alla betalningsmetoder som listas ovan är lämpliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa betalningsalternativ bara är tillgängliga i Sverige.

Tillgängliga språkalternativ och kundsupport

När vi granskar onlinecasinon samlar vi in information om deras kundsupport och språkalternativ. I tabellen nedan kan du se en översikt över språkalternativen på Sunrise Slots Casino.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7
spanska Ja Nej Nej

Vårt team kontaktade kundsupporten under granskningsprocessen för att få en rättvisande bild av servicekvaliteten. Vi anser att kundsupport är viktigt eftersom dess syfte är att hjälpa dig lösa eventuella problem du riskerar att stöta på, till exempel i samband med registrering på Sunrise Slots Casino, hanteringen av ditt konto eller vid uttag och så vidare. Vi skulle säga att Sunrise Slots Casino har en genomsnittlig kundsupport utifrån svaren vi har fått i samband med vår testning.

Sunrise Slots Casino casinospel och spelautomater

Sunrise Slots Casino erbjuder dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Keno, Andra kortspel, Andra spel.

Spel från 2 leverantörer av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Realtime Gaming, SpinLogic Gaming.

Bonuserbjudanden och koder från Sunrise Slots Casino

Bonusar för nya och befintliga spelare är ett sätt för onlinecasinon att motivera människor att registrera sig och pröva deras spelutbud. De vanligaste är bonusar utan insättning eller freespins som du kan få bara genom att registrera dig, och insättningsbonusar som ges till spelare i samband med insättningar. Med det sagt kan casinon erbjuda andra typer av bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller lojalitetsprogram.

Just nu innehåller vår databas 1 bonus från Sunrise Slots Casino:

  • 200 % upp till 2 000 $

Tänk på att spelare från vissa regioner kanske inte kan utnyttja dessa bonuserbjudanden. Besök avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension för att se vilka bonusar som finns tillgängliga i Sverige.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
200 % upp till 2 000 $


  • Neteller
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Banköverföring
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
 per månad
6 250 $


Ingen bingo
Ingen betting
Inga livespel
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Inga skraplotter
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Realtime Gaming
  • SpinLogic Gaming


  • Kasinot är Bitcoin-vänligt
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7


  • Välkomstbonusar tillgängliga bara för ett fåtal länder
  • Minsta uttag är 1 000 kr
  • Inga spel med riktiga dealers
  • Ofta länge uttagstider än utlovat

Intressanta fakta

  • Litet kasino riktat mot USA och Kanada
  • Spelare måste vara 21 år eller äldre
  • Genomsnittlig uttagsgräns per månad
Författare och garant: Mirka Dubasova Senast uppdaterat: 2024-10-31 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (1)

Bonusar på Sunrise Slots Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Sunrise Slots Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (136)

Användarrecensioner av Sunrise Slots Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Sunrise Slots Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 136 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 4 månader sedan
SCAM!!! CROOKS!!! This is the worst Casino out there, I want $3000 and it’s been over six months and they haven’t paid me yet, everything they requested I provided and they always keep coming back with some kind of excuse and they don’t get back to you on time at all. One customer Service doesn’t know better than another. They always give you to run around and avoid paying stay away.
  • NothingpositiveaboutthisCasino .It’sterrible.
  • Youwillnevergetpaid.Youwillgettherunaround.
• 4 månader sedan
Never payed me . They just gave me excuse after excuse why it was taking so long. I even deposited and they took that too.
  • Never payed me my winnings. Even after I deposited. They took that too.
• 6 månader sedan
Horrible experience here. Deposited and lost my funds.... No big deal, it happens. Was offered a no-deposit set of free spins. Ended up winning and cleared the wagering requirements. Submitted my request for the maximum allowed under the terms ($100 USD). I submitted my withdrawal and was told it was approved. That was 3.5 weeks ago and as of today I'm still waiting. It's a Bitcoin transaction. Shouldn't take more than a day from the time of approval. Utterly ridiculous.
  • Fast replies from customer service
  • The things they promise are not delivered
  • They will not pay you, even when they've approved the withdrawal
• 8 månader sedan
The biggest scam ever
I won money and you immediately blocked my account when I wanted to withdraw the money. They stole 216 dollars from me. They don't answer my email. Do not deposit and play in this casino. They are a scam, and they will never pay you your winnings. fraudulent like other users. Avoid this place like the plague.The casino doesn't even have a license, that's all clear to you. They can do whatever they want. Run away from this hole.
• 8 månader sedan
I made a $2000 withdraw on 6-13-2024. The withdraw went through the review process and was approved on 6-24-2024.
They say payments will be sent in 7-10 business days after approval. Well, here we are on 7-12-2024 and I am still not paid nor has the customer service given me any kind of update regarding my payment besides its been escalated to the finance team and that I need to be more patient. They assure me my money is coming but they don't know when. If you plan on making a withdraw here, plan on waiting an entire month or more.
  • Fun games
  • Over a month to get your money
  • They go beyond their promised timeline of withdrawl
  • Give you run around excuses of how it's out of their control to pay you within their timeline.
• 8 månader sedan
This is a good casino with many opportunities to win without any money to start.You just have to make a small deposit.
  • Paid me for free slots tournament
  • There was a small delay in withdrawl but they promptly fixed it when I contacted support.
• 9 månader sedan
This is not legit it’s kinda a scam they don’t follow rules they don’t have to cause of the license. They will allow you to deposit but if you win they make it important to get it by cash out . They ask to verify you obviously credit card and id I have sent them the card used my id a light bill verify my email everything they ask for they will say your verified then send a message asking you to repeat the information after sending the information over four times they are still saying my account is not verified companies do this so consumers will get frustrated or annoyed and either say forget it or gamble it away the worst part is they take your money no problem at all but pay out forget it you will regret it especially if you win
  • Graphic
  • Customer service
  • Friendly pets
  • Have you repeat documents over and over
• 10 månader sedan
received withdrawal in 4 weeks time. it appeared like the guru was a factor but will be playing at sunrise again
  • great bonuses
  • good win %
  • low play thru
  • low to no wager on free spin wins
  • good verification system
  • communication
  • false advertising
  • few maneuvers during payouts
  • unfriendly to bitcoin withdrawals
  • checks are no longer given out
• 10 månader sedan
I have played so many of these online sites and this one has been the absolute worst. I won $200 in march from a free bonus in which they have you deposit to be able to withdraw. So I did. Everything appeared fine although it was an insanely long process even if it had worked as advertised. 7-10 days to authorize. 7-10 to approve and then mystery time for their financial people to send 🙄. Needless to say, I learned the hard way they are meaning business days. But then, after waiting leave correct amount of business days and still nothing contacted them again and was told to keep waiting. After a few weeks of waiting and checking and escalating the situation three times we have now reached almost 3 months of them consistently telling me just wait 48 more hours. They're so extra busy right now..... at this point, I'm pretty convinced that I'm not getting paid but I will let you know if that changes.
  • Customer service is available 24/7
  • Customer service can't actually help you with anything
• 11 månader sedan
*Update 4/18/24* Casino's assurance to recieve payout within 10 business days is now several days delinquent. I contacted customer service on the 11th day to inquire and was given the generic, "your case has been expedited", and was denied any further information or reassurance. Customer service was not helpful and was pushy, borderline rude, in responding with the same unhelpful answers repeatedly. It's been more than 3 weeks since my initial request and I strongly doubt that I'll be seeing my money anytime soon. This casino is potentially scamming people, and definitely intentionally slow-playing payout. Withdrawals, if you actually get one is a massive headache, extremely lengthy, and not worth the wait. Regardless of the outcome, this casino is on my personal blacklist. Some people need their money in a timely manner, and a month is an extensive amount of time to basically "loan" the casino money. I strongly suggest not falling for the gimmick of the illustrious and generous bonuses, as the end result, even upon winning, simply won't be worth it. -end update-
I'm going on 3 weeks since requesting a withdrawal at the time of typing this. I initiated the Bitcoin withdrawal on March 23rd, 2024, in the amount of $488.17. The max cashout for the bonus was $100. The withdraw request was approved on April 2nd, so within the stated 5-10 business days, for the amount of $100.00. I've contacted customer service to see how they are handling the transaction, and to see if there's been any discrepancies with the withdrawal request, and I don't get much other than what it says in the t&c contract.
I won again today, and requested another withdrawal and went to check my transactions in my account. Something strange is happening there... one time I checked and it showed all of my requests as denied and in red, and then a few minutes later they were again labeled as approved and in green. It has switched several times in the last hour. It's not just the most recent transactions either, it's all of them. I contacted customer service and provided screenshots of how it kept changing, but was told not to worry, that they all show up in his computer as approved and told me I'm just waiting for the payment from their third party payment provider.
On another note, I've inquired about said, "third party payment provider", as I've never heard this from other online casinos, but they were either unable, or unwilling, to give me any information on what/who this is. I'm a paying member of over 120 online casinos, and I've learned a lot throughout my experiences. I often audit and review them and I'd say this casino is very suspicious at this point. Too soon to make any claims of certainty, but I'll be keeping this updated.
  • Slots seem generous
  • Quality games
  • Friendly interface
  • Great bonuses
  • Long payouts (month+ for $100)
  • Unhelpful and rude customer service
  • Generic copy/paste responces
  • Lengthy KYC process
  • Potential scam casino
• 1 år sedan
I have no issue with them , yes could be faster but my VIP rep hands down awesome person . Had 4-6 payouts of 2500 never missed a beat so I’m happy with there slots and I get the payout but rep does everything they can to help me . I love the casino
  • Great vip always paid
• 1 år sedan
Just so everyone knows with this casino it takes at least a month to receive your payout in your wallet if you use the bitcoin option. it happened to me twice and I have several friends that said the same thing. As long as you use the Coindraw option to withdraw you should always receive your payouts within 7 days but usually around 3 days.
  • Coindraw is a withdrawal option
  • Bitcoin Withdrawals take a month or longer.
  • The least you can deposit and get a bonus to use that's decent is$30
• 1 år sedan
I just wanted to say that I’m very unhappy with this site. I had put in for a cash out on the money that I had won when I had complained about it it would appear that they had removed that balance from my account. I would say not to deposit any money into this phony casino, because all they do is take the money that you give them without any kind of payout. Also, when I did try to cash out my winnings, the address that they had given me for a BTC wallet, kept coming up as invalid more than likely doesn’t exist.

• 1 år sedan
I won $5,500 playing at sunrise slots casino. $1,500 was from coming in second place in the weekly $10,000.00 free tournament and $4,000.00 playing keno. I've submitted everything required of me that they asked, and still haven't received my winnings. Everytime I request what is going on they ask me for more details until I have complied with everything and all they will tell me is if I don't get an email within 24-48 hours to message them back. The last four times it's been the exact same thing. Maybe they have someone new running the place. Because I've been a loyal member for over 4 years with a VIP 2 ready for a VIP 3 statics, only to find out now that I'm not even a VIP player now and no tournaments and no low play through match bonus. What the h--- is happening here. It's almost Christmas and even though I player $1,500.00 back to the casino, I still haven't received my$ 4,500.00
  • What is going on with payouts? I used to get paid, but now I'm waiting for over a month and a half.
• 1 år sedan
AVOID this casino! Promotes fast crypto withdraw, it is not.
Still waiting on that fast bitcoin withdrawal. 7-10 business to approve and another 7-10 business days for block chain to process. Excuses is all you get from customer service.
  • Nothing
  • Terrible crypto withdraw process. Pretty sure they won’t ever pay it.
• 1 år sedan
Ok I won $1600 at sunrise. I submitted my withdraw on a Sunday and after not getting a return reply to an email after they asked for my driver's license for acct update on Monday and then Tuesday I checked this site for reviews and was really disheartened by all the negative reviews. Then Thurs evening rolls around and I had $1600 in my btc. Though it was a day past the 72hr mark sunrise kept their end of the bargain. I do agree that their customer service is lackluster and the live chat should be taken down if it's not gonna be used bc that is the most infuriating part of this experience I can't really complain about anything else. Everyone in this review board prob broke the terms and conditions somehow which is why they r so butthurt. And in my opinion is slanderous bc it's very inviting for that mob mentality to voice misguided hate so if ur reading this take all the those hate filled reviews in a context of its 1 are of a story and there is another side not here to defend themselves. These people don't know that this could shut down a casino not guilty of the claims against them. I do hope their withdraw times can compete with casino extreme rapid withdraw that is less the a couple hrs I still deposit with sunrise bc I know my payout is coming and it's something I can look forward to as a silver lining. Casino guru should vet all these claims and give them a 1/5 validity score bc I think some are fabricated that they r pissed off they lost their rent money and taking it out on a innocent prob ran by 1 person from their apartment doing the best they can with what they got . So that's my 2¢. I give them 7/10 bc it's not perfect but it's definitely not the worst I've played at like casino loko. That place fits the reviews here. I won't ever play there again after they kept my $260 and offered no reason bc they won't reply to emails. Oh keep in mind too that some of these reviews might be bots from competition.
  • They give out free money on tournament play. I won $300 with no max cash out I then turned to $1600 and received every penny.
  • Wide range of slots to play.
  • They do payout but it could be faster
  • Live chat needs to be gotten away with it not gonna be used.
  • Live blackjack? I see advertising but I couldnt see it anywhere.
  • Need more communication from emails. The cold shoulder feels like ur about be screwed. The hate you get is totally avoidable with simple updates on withdraw requests. Especially when you have on your site to inquire about bonus deduction from balance b4 requesting a withdraw. It's contradictory.
• 1 år sedan
This casino is terrible. Granted it was a no deposit FreePlay. But the glitches that it has is straight in your face. It just goes to show that a majority of these online casinos are bad. They are controlled by the owner and they can shut you down at any moment, the glitches are so bad that you cannot even play the game I would not recommend this casino to anyone not even my enemy. It’s sad how we use our money and give it to casinos like this and trust them to be fair is making it hard to do online slots.
  • It uses inclave so I thought it would be legitimate
  • Glitches on nearly every spin when up
• 1 år sedan
Terrible customer service.
They lie about your withdrawals .once you wing with free spins they approve your withdrawal that you never receive, and contacting customer service they come up with different bs excuses. Spend your money elsewhere.
  • Negative
• 1 år sedan
Everything with Sunrise Slots Casino was good until I wanted to make a withdrawal and then everything changed. They denied me from cashing even after reaching out to their customer support.
• 1 år sedan
The worst online casino SUNRISESLOT IS A SCAMMER OR SLEAZY! I don’t care about their business one bit and hope they’ll go out of business. They’re ridiculous to make us wait 7-10 business days to be approved and another 7-10 business days to paid. They can’t speed it up make an exception considering you loss $3,000 back to them while waiting. They can’t speed up the process of withdrawal at all but we our more then welcome to lose our winning back to them. sunrise slot is a joke, waste of time and money. Don’t play hereof you don’t want to get angry, frustrated, go crazy over their BS
  • Poor customer service
  • Withdrawal is ridiculously long like a month
  • $2,500 weekly withdrawal allowed
  • Can’t speak to a live customer over their phone it’s always busy
  • They dragg their feet when it’s time to pay you
• 1 år sedan
Won on July 7th still waiting for my winnings! Ridiculous and just get please be patient
• 1 år sedan
I've only had a minor amount of experience with this casino. I signed up with a no deposit bonus and beat the playthrough. They honored it with no issue. It took around 5 days which IMO is ridiculous when we're dealing with crypto. There should never be anymore of a hold that the time it really takes to check if the wins were not breaking any TOS. Anyhow... I cashed out for the $100 max successfully. Have yet to be back however due to cash out time though.
  • Legitimate payouts
  • Honors no deposit wins
  • Payout timing 5 days with crypto
• 1 år sedan
SUNRISE SLOTS CASINO First time withdrawal …deposits NO PROBLEM, they even call you WHAT? HEY i see you are having problems with your deposit wow ….all day long ….but as soon as you want a withdrawal JESUS 24/28 hours turns into maybe 10 just to get approved MIND YOU THEY HAVE ALL MY DOCUMENTS !!!and another 10days for it to be sent?????? but who knows what might happen I talked to a Eve Hill of course you call NO answer…. And not able to talk to a manager. Requested $2000 on the 21st was to have it today…. They don’t even know when there issues with be resolved THEY TELL YOU THERE IS SOME PROBLEM WITH WITHDRAWALS whatever they are…… Communication sucks WITHdrawals … make a deposit you will get a calllll. Withdrawal CRICKETS …. they MAKE YOU CHECK ON IT no courtesy call about the withdrawal step… NO you are approved maam and it will be sent out blah blah no not at all …put you on CHAT HOLD FOREVER AND GIVE YOU THIS COPY PASTE CRAP that means nothing because that are not talking to you like you are a person with Dates and time from when you started you request….. They make you feel dumb by saying things like ‘LIKE I SAID ABOVE" OMG what applies to me lady? They push BITCOIN will be faster ….. uuummmmm not at all 20 days but HOLD ON I’m on day 7 we will see…..…. I have a casino here and i can get money right away…Why would you wait for 20 days ????? So stupid AND THEY LOSE MONEY BECAUSE USUALY WHEN YOU HAVE A PENDING WITHDRAWAL YOU ARE KIND OF ON HOLD 20 DAYS UNTIL THE PAY YOU AND SIDE NOTE NOT ALLOW TO PAY so its double stupid because i am just going to skip playing period …… and i have to wait 20 days or more we will see to BREAK UP WITH YOU. UUUGGHHHH

So I couldn’t believe I got my money in 14 days and I had more money to get so now I’m on day 15 ….. no one returned your emails so don’t even waste your time and they just make you wait. Wait wait wait wait for no reason I’m with Casino’s at Pay in three hours or 15 minutes these as)$oles drag their feet so long… I’m on my second withdrawal and it’s taking longer and more complicated
  • I love online because not a long drive but i do not need to wait 10 or more days to get paid .…. And did not think that was the case her .…. Operating without a license it says her OMG I will be lucking if i get money at all
  • They had me fooled because i like no rules bonus and i like there games but i will not play there again and pray they will send my little 2000 that i am sure they do not need
  • Chat sucks and they are rude.….…. Does not talk to you like you are a person with individual issue.
• 1 år sedan
This was officially the first online casino I ever joined. In the game. I won a Tournament I got a thousand doll that's credit to my account. New to the game I didn't really Realize I would run through it in the app before I was able to receive it. And they claimed that they needed additional documents to verify me. Then I saw something about. You need to deposit to be able to get it withdrawal. So once I deposited via btc of course for the fast payouts. By that time I was below the By that time I was below the withdrawal Withdrawal floor of a $100.

I received an email approving my verification and saying nothing else was necesary since i used crypto to deposit.

So comma of course this is to my So, of course. This is to my surprise. When I tried to withdraw six hundred dollars months later And at that point I'm told that I need to Submit a bill and a copy of a cmcard that i've never used on the site for verification.

I quickly did that however when I followed up was told that they needed my wallet address again. The original request was sent on August 5th. Just about every time I call. Although the prior representative said, my accounts been updated, The representatives continue to ask me the same. Send it question about my Bitcoin wallet address. As if they don't have it already they telling me that they're gonna escalate it End to call back. End to call backHere we are almost 3 weeks later and I don't even have Any type of guarantee that my request is approved.

Any type of guarantee that my request is approved?

I will never send them any of my money again.

Absolutely ridiculous and if it isn't a scam it sure feels like it. Absolutely ridiculous, and if it isn't a scam, it sure feels like it.

I could not imagine waiting 6 weeks for my pay out. And it's under a thousand dollars it's really Disgusting.
  • Withdrawl wait time
  • Hi play through
• 1 år sedan
This is a up to to date review/post about about sunrises slot " bonuses and redemptions" I am affiliated with the casino in anyway, I deposited for the first tonight and attached abonus , familiar with tand cs on bonuses I stuck to the game allowed keno being one, so on my last dollar,(bonuses play thru are drop after balance of 1$) I hit 1200 on allowed game , keno, and promptly went and cashed out all available funds , I will keep you posted dayly on how this turns out, thanks for being here for us players
  • Win to lose ratio
  • TBD
• 1 år sedan
Sunrise Slots is a small casino site. They do not pay out winnings in a timely manner, and you will have to live chat with their support repeatedly to get any earned bonuses.
Be sure not to try to earn more than one bonus between deposits, and also, DON'T WIN! They will refuse to pay earned rewards and they will not pay rewards back to back (ex: insurance and cashback from a paid promo)
  • easy navigation (when inclave doesn't redirect you to a signin failure loop)
  • poor customer service
  • low chance of using earned bonuses
  • extremely LONG payout waits
  • long wait time to get responses to email or live chat
• 1 år sedan
Just another lying scammer trying to get you to spend 250%-300% more. You can't redeem winnings unless you deposit thousands more. It's only bitcoin if you do get redeemable amounts.
Recently I got a "Free" birthday gift from them, that stated NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED yet when I went to claim my "FREE BIRTHDAY GIFT"
It was denied and I was told by the live support agent that you have to become a depositor in order to be eligible to claim the birthday gift, even though it says NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED. But time false advertising
  • Nothing
  • Lies
  • Scammers
  • Poor customer service
• 1 år sedan
Worst experience and will dwindle your account.

For months I would put $30USD here and there just to pass time bye. So of course I would use a bonus code. As soon as I did and went to cash out they would say I used to many free play bonuses. So,as always I check my transactions my money my account. Well low and behold you would see random amounts of money being approved and then declined. 102 here and there. So then I won a 5k tournament.. I requested 2500 and left the other 2500 in the account. That's been almost 2 months ago. And of course I can't use any VIP percs or play any tournaments because there blocked .
  • The live support is well-versed in repeating the same thing over and over. But they are very polite.
  • Grab a lawn chair because Haley's comet will passing by the time your get your withdrawal.
  • You will hear there is a 10 day span for everything. Request your winnings. 10 days. After approved 10 days. 10 days for them to get it ready to be out in the world.. then 10 days to tell you it's gonna be 10 days.. oh and the will email you this over and over..
  • Oh did I mention the 10 days of repetitive days of an on slot of days ...
• 1 år sedan
Terrible support, never answers chat. Withdraws take forever still waiting a week later even using crypto. I would not recommend.
• 1 år sedan
The initial start of playing with sunrise was promising and they have a few ways of drawling you in with free spins but when it come to payout , even on free spins, they really dropped the ball. I can’t say I know a single person who wants to wait weeks to receive a payout, even a low one of 100. This casino is not one that I would recommend to anyone that values their time and money.
  • Just so unsatisfied
Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet för Sunrise Slots Casino

Ta en titt på förklaringen av de faktorer vi beaktar vid beräkningen av säkerhetsindexet för Sunrise Slots Casino. Säkerhetsindexet är den viktigaste parametern vi använder för att beskriva tillförlitligheten, rättvisan och kvaliteten för alla onlinecasinon i vår databas.

Ett medelstort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är orättvisa
Förekommer inte på någon relevant svart lista över casinon
Klagomål från spelare anger en medelhög andel kvarhållna vinster i förhållande till casinots storlek
Vi tog även hänsyn till andra faktorer som hade en något negativ inverkan på casinots säkerhetsindex
Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

Har det här casinot behandlat dig orättvist?

Skicka in ett klagomål


Viktigt: Casinot drivs utan en licens Detta casino drivs utan en licens. Som ett resultat av detta är casinot inte tvunget att följa regler som fastställts av tillsynsmyndigheter. Du kommer dessutom inte att kunna vända dig till någon tillsynsmyndighet om du stöter på problem.

Orättvisa villkor

  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier (även vid spel utan en bonus), men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.

Andra faktorer

  • Saknar en licens
  • Låg uttagsgräns: 6 250 $/månad

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