HemLimitless Casino recension
Limitless Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
150 FREESPINS på Sneaky Santa Gameingen insättning, 0,1 $/spinBonusvillkor
501 % upp till 1 000 $Bonusvillkor
Besök casino
Visa alla (9)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Dogecoin (XDG)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
 per månad
20 000 $
 per vecka
5 000 $
Anden Online N.V.
> 20 000 000 €
Casinot drivs utan officiell licens!
ÖversiktBonusar2Användarrecensioner306Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion101Betalningsmetoder9
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Limitless Casino Recension

Limitless Casino har genomgått en noggrann utvärdering av vårt opartiska granskningsteam, som har undersökt både positiva och negativa aspekter med casinot i enlighet med vår granskningsprocess för casinon. Efter att noggrant ha utvärderat skäligheten i casinots villkor samt beaktat licenser, klagomål från befintliga spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra viktiga faktorer, har våra granskare kommit fram till om det här casinot är säkert och seriöst, en regelrätt bluff, eller om det placerar sig någonstans däremellan.

Säkerhetsindexet, som härleds från dessa resultat, ger ett betyg som återspeglar onlinecasinots säkerhet och rättvisa. Ett högt säkerhetsindex innebär i allmänhet en högre sannolikhet för en positiv spelupplevelse och smidiga uttag. Limitless Casino har ett högt säkerhetsindex - 8.9, vilket innebär att detta casino kan rekommenderas för de flesta spelare när det gäller säkerhet och rättvisa. Fortsätt läsa vår recension av Limitless Casino för att ta reda på mer om detta casino och avgöra om det är ett bra val för dig.

Säkerhetsindex för Limitless Casino – är det rättvist och säkert?

För att beräkna ett casinos säkerhetsindex använder vi en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till en mängd information som vi har inhämtat och utvärderat under vår granskning. Formeln innefattar casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor och mycket annat.

I vår Limitless Casino-recension granskade och analyserade vi noggrant villkoren för Limitless Casino. Vi har inte upptäckt några regler eller klausuler som verkar orättvisa eller bedrägliga. Det här är ett bra tecken eftersom regler av den här typen skulle kunna utnyttjas för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare.

Enligt vår ungefärliga beräkning eller insamlad information, är Limitless Casino ett väldigt stort onlinecasino. I förhållande till dess storlek har casinot mottagit klagomål med en väldigt låg total andel omtvistade vinster (eller så har det inte fått några klagomål alls). Vi beaktar casinots storlek och klagomål från spelare i förhållande till varandra, eftersom större casinon tenderar att dra på sig fler klagomål till följd av att de har en större spelarbas.

Vi har inte hittat Limitless Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. När ett casino finns med på en svart lista, som till exempel Casino Gurus svarta lista, kan det tyda på att casinot inte behandlar sina kunder bra. Vi rekommenderar spelare att ta hänsyn till detta när de väljer ett casino att spela på.

Sammantaget, med beaktande av andra bidragande faktorer i vår utvärdering, har Limitless Casino fått ett säkerhetsindex på 8.9, vilket klassificeras som högt. Vi anser att det här casinot är ett bra val för spelare som letar efter ett onlinecasino som skapar en rättvis miljö för sina kunder.

Obs! Enligt vår kännedom är Limitless Casino associerat med 4 andra onlinecasinon. Eftersom vi är medvetna om kopplingen mellan dessa casinon har vi beaktat attributen hos de relaterade casinona vid beräkningen av säkerhetsindexet för Limitless Casino.

Limitless Casinos villkor

Varje gång vi granskar ett onlinecasino går vi noggrant igenom casinots villkor och undersöker hur rättvisa de är. I villkoren på många casinon stöter vi på klausuler och regler som vi anser är oskäliga eller uppenbart bedrägliga, eftersom de ger casinot möjlighet att rättfärdiga att man inte betalar ut vinster till spelare i vissa situationer.

Vi hittade inga orättvisa eller bedrägliga klausuler i villkoren för Limitless Casino under vår granskning.

Klagomål från spelare relaterade till Limitless Casino

Vår metod när vi granskar casinon förlitar sig till stor del på klagomål från spelare eftersom dessa ger oss värdefull information om de problem som spelare upplever och hur casinot väljer att hantera dem. När vi fastställer casinots säkerhetsindex tar vi hänsyn till alla klagomål som inkommit till vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt klagomål som skickats in via andra webbplatser och kanaler.

Vi har för närvarande 2 klagomål som direkt rör detta casino i vår databas, samt 8 klagomål som rör andra relaterade casinon. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 637 svarta poäng, av vilka 198 härrör från relaterade casinon. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och utvärdering av Limitless Casino

Casino Guru förser spelare med en plattform där de kan betygsätta onlinecasinon och dela med sig av sina åsikter och användarupplevelser. Baserat på insamlade data beräknar vi ett övergripande feedbackbetyg som varierar från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Återkopplingen gällande användarnöjdhet för Limitless Casino som delats av 299 användare har resulterat i feedbackbetyget "Mycket bra". Recensionerna som användare har lämnat finns i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Det är inte säkert att användarrecensioner alltid speglar ett casinos verkliga kvaliteter eftersom vissa casinon kan försöka skapa falska recensioner för att höja sitt feedbackbetyg, och missnöjda spelare kan lämna negativa recensioner i syfte att skada casinots rykte. Även om vi gör vårt yttersta för att filtrera bort sådana recensioner och fastställa ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg, inkluderar vi inte användarrecensioner i vår beräkning av säkerhetsindexet för att vara på den säkra sidan.

Företagsinformation och licenser för Limitless Casino

Limitless Casino ägs av Anden Online och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $20,000,000. Det här etablerar det som ett medelstort onlinecasino inom ramarna för vår kategorisering.

Så långt vi känner till har Limitless Casino inte beviljats en licens av någon tillsynsmyndighet för spelverksamhet.

Om betalningsmetoder samt gränser för vinster och uttag

Limitless Casino accepterar 9 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: VISA, Mastercard, Bitcoin (BTC), Solana (SOL), Tether (USDT), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dogecoin (XDG).

Många onlinecasinon har tydliga gränser för hur mycket spelare kan vinna eller ta ut. För det mesta är dessa tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare, men vissa casinon tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Av den anledningen kikar vi alltid på sådana begränsningar när vi granskar ett casino. All information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser finns i tabellen.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
5 000 USD per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
20 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det är inte säkert att alla betalningsmetoder som finns tillgängliga för spelare är tillgängliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa metoder endast är tillgängliga i utvalda länder.

Kundsupport och språkalternativ

Våra specialiserade casinorecensioner baseras på olika data som vi samlar in om varje casino, inklusive information om vilka språk som stöds och kundsupport. Tabellen nedan innehåller information om tillgängliga språk på Limitless Casino.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7

För att testa hur hjälpsam det här casinots kundsupport är har vi kontaktat casinots medarbetare och bedömt deras svar. Eftersom en kundsupport kan hjälpa dig med problem relaterade till registreringsprocessen på Limitless Casino, kontoproblem, uttag eller andra problem, är den en viktig parameter för oss. Utifrån de svar vi har fått under vår testning skulle vi säga att Limitless Casino har en bra kundsupport.

Spelautomater och casinospel på Limitless Casino

Du kan spela följande typer av spel på Limitless Casino: Spelautomater, Blackjack, Videopoker, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Craps och tärningsspel, Keno, Andra kortspel.

Titlar från 2 leverantörer av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Realtime Gaming, SpinLogic Gaming.

Bonusar och kampanjkoder för Limitless Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder incitament i form av bonusar för att uppmuntra både nya och befintliga spelare att registrera ett konto eller fortsätta spela. Bonusar utan insättning och insättningsbonusar är de vanligaste typerna. Medan insättningsbonusar endast delas ut när spelare gör en insättning, delas bonusar utan insättning eller freespins ut till spelare utan några sådana krav. Casinon kan också erbjuda bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering och olika lojalitetsprogram.

Vår databas innehåller för närvarande 3 bonusar från Limitless Casino:

  • 150 FREESPINS på Sneaky Santa Game
  • 501 % upp till 1 000 $
  • 125 % upp till 1 000 $

Observera att vissa erbjudanden kanske bara är tillgängliga för spelare från specifika regioner. För att ta reda på mer och se vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja, kan du läsa avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Insättningsfri bonus:
150 FREESPINS på Sneaky Santa Gameingen insättning, 0,1 $/spinBonusvillkor
501 % upp till 1 000 $Bonusvillkor


Visa alla (9)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Dogecoin (XDG)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
 per månad
20 000 $
 per vecka
5 000 $

Visa alla

Ingen roulette
Ingen bingo
Ingen betting
Inga livespel
Ingen poker
Craps och tärningsspel
Inga skraplotter
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Realtime Gaming
  • SpinLogic Gaming


  • Omedelbara uttag efter identitetsverifiering
  • Höga uttagsgränser
  • Enkel och ren webbdesign
  • Insättningar med cryptocurrencies accepteras
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7
  • Snabba uttag baserat på spelarupplevelser


  • Ingen licens
  • Begränsat spelutbud

Intressanta fakta

  • Stort internationellt kasino
Författare och garant: Burak Onder Senast uppdaterat: 2024-08-12 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (2)

Bonusar på Limitless Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Limitless Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (306)

Användarrecensioner av Limitless Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Limitless Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.

Mycket bra

Betygsatt av 306 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 1 månad sedan
Jag tycker att det är den bästa amerikanska casinosidan....du måste vänja dig vid och känna till dessa spel...om du till exempel vill spela legacy of dead från leverantören playngo kan du spela paydirt....om du vill odödlig romantik det finns asgar...rekommenderas starkt desert rider a slot böcker med 20 rader....mycket seriös och förtjänar att växa och avancera i rankingen.
  • Supersnabba uttag
  • Dagliga gratissnurr
  • Snabb kyc
  • Tc ganska tydligt
  • Wagner inte hög
  • Snabb och vänlig support
  • Amerikanska spelleverantörer tar lite tid att vänja sig vid
• 3 månader sedan
Har försökt sätta in pengar 30 dollar har dragits från min bank och nu har det gått 12 timmar sen jag gjorde överföringen, på min plånbok står pending balance , alltså har det när jag köpt litecoin fastnat nån annanstans, och cadinot ljuger om livechat för det enda du kommer till är en robot, och mail svarar dom inte ens på
  • Snabba på verifiera
  • Måste göra insättning för att få ut vinsten från nodeposit bonus.
• 5 månader sedan
This casino is a scam. I did a bonus that was a no play through bonus. I did the play through. Tried to withdraw my money they wanted verification. I gave them verification. They still wanna give me one more money so I played some more and I won some more and eventually they canceled all my winnings because they said that I played a game to win against the rules, which was Bacharach normally, you were not allowed to click on any games that you’re not allowed to play with your bonus money even though they didn’t give me no bonus money they said they were gonna give me 600% bonus they gave me 40% so I deposited 70 they gave me 40. I had 110 I got it up to 800 and finally try to cash out at like 370 they canceled all my winnings and took my initial deposit before returning my initial deposit but now they’re saying I need to do a one times play through with the initial deposit in order to be able to redeem that this casino is crazy and I’m gonna post on every forum ever That has limitless casino’s name on it
  • No positives
  • Scam outa winnings
• 9 månader sedan
Absolutely the best online Casino there is no doubt. When it comes to customer service there on point. When it time to cash out ten to 15 minutes tops and there's your money!! Love this Casino!!!
  • Cash out hassle free
  • No live blackjack
• 9 månader sedan
Pretty happy with Limitless. I think of the RTG sister sites of Extreme, Yabby, Brango, and Limitless, it's easily the best one. Higher withdrawal limits and better tournaments/layout are a big plus.
  • Fast Payouts
  • High Weekly Withdrawal Limits
  • Decent Daily Withdrawal Limits
  • No Bonuses Once You Win
• 1 år sedan
Limitless Casino they dont have a fast verification process and also quick withdrawal process as well. So I signed up and was reward some free spins and was surprised because I played through a high amount with only a few dollars. So I submitted my verification form and now here I am 5-7 business days passed with no updates nor any idea if this gaming platform banking support department was a scam or not. I tried both emailing the limitless support and there banking support department which I have only received an automatic response from their system or not. I was very confused and upset how my son had so much post things to say about this gaming platform but my experience was way far beyond unprofessional misleading and ignored.
• 1 år sedan
One money with a no deposit free spin bonus went through the playthrough amount and I'm currently trying to cash out my winnings of $50 which is apparently the max for this type of a win. Email their banking department my verification info front back side of ID and a selfie holding my ID and it has been 10 business days now when they said it was going to be a few business days to verify info and I'm still getting the runaround. Their excuse is that they're banking department is going through all the other accounts ahead of mine that need to be verified and that I will be notified once my name comes into the queue.
I expressed to them that I was sorry I won money with no deposit free spin bonus but that as a customer I would be more willing to make a deposit in the future if they would only honor my winnings. Lack of communication and no estimated time as to how long it will take is just bad customer service, it's obvious what they are trying to do which is either flat out not pay me or that I keep playing and blow through my winnings. Why do these casinos have to be so shady and unfair? Don't offer free spin bonuses with no deposit if you can't even pay someone that won $50 I mean it's $50, really?
  • Doesn't let you withdraw winnings
  • No communication
• 1 år sedan
My absolute favorite casino. I have deposited and withdrawn numerous times without an issue. I have actually hit the same day and waited til midnight to cash out again. 1 withdraw a day. Customer Service is great and this is the only casino when chatting has not closed chat in middle of conversation . Highly Recommend based on my personal experience
  • Instant Withdrawal
  • 24Hr Chat
• 1 år sedan
Got one of their 500% 5x max cashout depo. bonuses and with only $20 left in the balance actually hit a $5 bet 750x on fortunate buddha for $1250 after the playthrough of 3x depo + bonus was completed..unfortunately i could only withdraw $200 of that since my depo was $40 but i knew that already going in so there were no surprises..the only surprise for me was that i actually won and they paid me within 10 minutes via bitcoin as i had already been verified a week prior.
  • rtg slots can be fun if theyre hitting
  • good mix of low, medium and high volatility games
  • if you like bitcoin/litecoin etc casinos this is a good one
  • fast deposit and withdrawl
  • verification process isnt that awful
  • solid casino
  • software is top of the line for RTG casino
  • nothing really to this point.
• 1 år sedan
It is not enjoyable to play here. Slots are tighter then Fort Knox. Have made several deposits, and played with many free chips and free spin coupons,over past 4 months. I don’t think I have ever been in triple digits, unless you count the times that my deposits put me there. I won 60 bucks one time and cashed out to check the process and it was fast, but who cares how fast the withdrawal is if you can’t win. It’s not even enjoyable to play here because you can’t even win enough to keep playing
  • Fast verification and payout, if you are lucky enough to win
  • Cant win, slots are too tight
  • Better luck opening a clam with one hand
• 1 år sedan
Quite possibly the best RTG casino I have encountered. Verification took 1 day, and then cashout was completed in under an hour. I took a 100% no rules bonus - sticky, but with only a 1x playthrough, and turned my $500 deposit into a $2500 cashout (3k - the 500 sticky). Staff were polite, and quick to respond. Only critique is that there is only the RTG game collection, a couple of more providers would allow a little more variety to long sessions.
  • Super Fast Payouts and Generous withdrawl Limits
  • Great Staff
  • Great Selection of Bonuses
  • Fair Games, with higher limits than you typically see
  • Sometimes the login process is a bit slow
  • Only RTG Games
• 1 år sedan
This is the best online casino I've ever seen. They actually pay you when you withdrawal. They always confirm with an email. And its in my account within 20 Minutes!!!
• 1 år sedan
Took my entire winnings and got my initial payment on my account because of their own mistakes I think this is one of the most definitely crooked places I've ever seen
  • Instant withdrawal
  • Absolutely not going to be able to make it apear this is a good idea to go to
  • They make me wanna puke
  • They don't like to pay
  • Keep your money
• 1 år sedan
I recommend this casino, I am completely satisfied, in deposit with crypto no identification is needed , instant withdrawals 😊, There are many bonuses available with little or no rules, Even with a win they give you free chips that if you complete the requirement You have the right to withdraw money, there is not a very wide range of games but you will find a game that will satisfy you, I have played in many casinos and limitlesscasino together with its sister sites are high on my list..
  • Instant withdrawal
  • If you deposit with cryptocurrencies you do not need identification
  • Wide variety of bonuses
  • High withdrawal limit
  • Free chips
  • Moderate range of games
  • Live agentHe closes the conversation before you have time to ask an additional question.
• 1 år sedan
I’ve been playing here for awhile and I haven’t won with my deposits and honestly it felt like I could barely get a bonus round. They do have a lot of feee spins that you can take advantage of and I happened to use 75 and I only won 6.75 I turned that into 50 and had my money in my bitcoin wallet within 30 minutes. Even though I had played four free spin coupons between my last deposit they didn’t try and get out of paying me using their rule. Which I thought was super cool because I play and lose all the time and maybe they see that and decided not to make an issue out of it and for that I will say they are different the. Other casinos in a good way. Slots are tight though I won’t lie to you about that. Good casino though customer service has always been very nice and helpful
  • Customer service
  • Fast withdrawals
  • Don’t use rules to avoid paying
  • Good non deposit promos
  • Slots are tight at most times
• 1 år sedan
Used a bonus, followed their terms. Verified in a few days. And got my withdrawal instantly! Definitely will be doing business here. Two stars cause customer service lacks training. When I asked about the time frame of verification they gave me a simple answer and ended the chat. Got my withdrawal, did a deposit and can’t win anything. LOL yea, not returning
• 1 år sedan
After making 350 USD ive been on the biggest run around just to take out 50 dollars they reset my balance to 50 since I played off free spins which I did not care. After that I was told to deposit to take it out which I did. After requesting a withdraw I did not receive anything they said my money was in the "blockchain" so after hours of dealing with support they finally reimbursed me but for 50 cents under the withdraw limit of 50 dollars and told me to keep playing to withdraw...
• 1 år sedan
This casino is great! The games are interesting and fun and they really give you a chance to win! When you win, they pay out with an incredible quickness with bitcoin; if you don't win, Limitless gives you great loyalty rewards for another try at it. I would fully recommend this casino to anyone who wants to try their luck!

I love money and money loves me!
  • pays out so fast!
• 1 år sedan
if I could give them a 0 star i would when you except a bonus from them they expect you to not only spend the whole bonus and play thru the whole bonus play through amont but also pay the bonus back before they will allow you to cash out on top of charging you a deposit for the bonus so for example they will give you a 500% bonus with a min repost of $50 and a play through of 10× deposit and bonus so not only do you have to play thru the bonus amount of $250 but also $3000 of play through amount then you can't cash out anything less than $50 but you have to have the $50 or more that you want to cash out plus the original $250 bonus amount on your account before the will let you cash out so you have to have at least $300 on your account to cash out $50 because the will take the $250 bonus amount they gave you back before allowing you to withdrawal they are not a real casino they are just scamming people please do yourself a favor don't waste your time or money on this site trust me it's a fucking joke sorry for my use if language
  • nothing positive
  • not a real casino/
  • scammers/will take your money
  • fake casino/ not a casino
  • no payouts/no withdrawal
  • fraudulent b.s. no real cash outs allowed
• 1 år sedan
Not impressed at all. I used a 1x wager coupon and went to cash out and found out the bonus is deductible.

The website is clunky and you have to reset your screen each time you quit a slot. Typical RTG games like a million other places.

I did get a pretty quick response from live chat. That's the only good thing I discovered here.

Will not be back.
  • quick live chat response
  • misleading promotions, tight slots
• 1 år sedan
Took them weeks to get through the verification process process, customer service just ignores you and in the end you won't get paid. Don't waist your time with bonus's they don't payout bonus winnings.
• 1 år sedan
I want to love this place but a few minor details are in the way -

1. No license. Having been burned I am very leery of the non-license casinos but I have been impressed with customer service here and the number of bonuses that have been given so I have made limited deposits I would definitely have made much larger and more often had they been licensed and I haven’t deposited recently do that for a fact. Which leads to

2. Seeing as how I haven’t deposited often I also have not withdrawn ever because I have not yet won enough to be able to withdraw so I cannot confirm the payout I would increase my rating once that happens but again due to the license, I am on temporary hiatus from depositing at nonlicensed establishments.

3. Probably the single biggest reason for my review tonight is that once again they did the thing that most annoys me as an American consumer. I receive an email that says free $100 chip no deposit no strings no nada. I continue to play at the place that I am at and in my mind I have $100 coming from them so I put them on my list of places I intend to play and when I go to use the code, it says it’s not redeemable at this time, and it appears that the reason being is that this is for new sign ups. it is a personal pet peeve of mine when casinos send me marketing materials for new customers when they already have my email address and know that I am an existing customer. It is very annoying and there is nothing whatsoever in the ad that indicated that this was for new sign up only therefore it’s very misleading, though I will say I don’t think it was intentionally misleading it’s still is something that gets someone’s attention and interest and then is a disappointment, so I really wish that they would do a better job in the marketing department to not alienate the customers by offering things that they don’t intend to follow through with or being more clear with their marketing materials as to whom it is targeted too.
  • Great bonus program
  • Good messaging assistance
  • Nice design
  • Not licensed
  • Sends offers to your email that may not be honored
• 1 år sedan
You can only verify for withdrawal if you have a balance, to which they have withdrawal minimum & max. Withdrawal can be pretty fast except if it's a holiday for example then you have to wait. The payout request is very tricky because after you request the withdrawal they have a specific way you must respond. They said they didn't recieve my reply so an hour later they reject the little I try & withdraw. Customer service is unorganized & they end my chat before I'm done. They automatically give cashback bonuses call loyalty reward. You have to request to remove it & you can't opt out. Loyalty reward is a problem when you are depositing cash because the withhold your monetary deposit. I haven't seen anything worth winnings at this casino but the payout is fast. Tbh this is just a sign not to trust your hard earned money with something you (I) know nothing about. This site can be very financially dangerous & good luck winning anything.
• 2 år sedan
I played here in 2 months I've cashed 12 times they pay in ten minutes we'll only issue is you take a match bonus say you got 330.00 when u reach wagering requirments system takes all the way down to your MCO. So u go from 330 to 225 Mco then they want take your bonus out so another 98.00 so they tried to give me 101.80 for a 4250 playth after arguing they gave me 218.11 which I can handle but if you don't pay attention they will get over look at there bonus promotions dosent say any of that it needs to be written cllearcut
  • Enjoyed and pays very quick
  • Bonus terms are confusing and very unclear
• 2 år sedan
Very disappointed really enjoyed playing games but after I won and tried to withdrawal went through verification and confirmation emails just to be told my winnings were void because I played other games before withdrawal
• 2 år sedan
I definitely wouldn't trust this casino, They Play games try to lure you And then try to find a technical Term and condition to decline a payout... That's what happened To me at least, They tell you you cannot use a bonus more than one time without having a deposit in between, Then THEY end up putting that same bonus into your account and if you win they Confiscate your winnings... Do not trust them do not play here, if they are willing to deny you over $50 Lord knows what they will try to deny When you actually have a sizable winning... Stay away!
  • They put a bonus in your account and then deny a payout if you've used that bonus more than once. KEY ISSUE: THEY SET YOU UP!
• 2 år sedan
I have deposited quite a bit with this casino and had nothing but problems and the support for this casino I swear is dumber then a box of rocks. I would like to say they are cheaters by constantly messing with your connection to their servers. But I have no proof that they are intentionally messing with my connection to their servers. It may be they have crappy servers but honestly doubt it. Their support is dumb like I said not knowing much about online casino world and they offer next to no VIP Benefits. If you want my opinion. Don't deposit. Sign up get the free spins they give you until you cashout or deposit. Redeem till win and do a verification deposit of $20 so can withdraw winnings then wait till next day and withdraw your $20 you deposited.
Just an update, the support is getting dumber i believe and consistantly setting a new low.
• 2 år sedan
Cashed a free spins promo for 98 dollars in btc. Got a withdrawal within 20 minutes. Had yo make a verifying deposit and wait 8 days for kyc.
  • Withdrawals in crypto within 30 minutes
  • Juicy promotions for free spins and chips
  • Live Chat...............
• 2 år sedan
Like others have said they act like they will take care of you and give you free spins. BUT if you win any thing!! You will be given any excuse they come up with not to pay ( which was over 200$) small amount!! And of course they accused me of using the free bonuses they give once daily in all their online casinos.. which they don’t tell you anything about having any account with their other sites or that they even have any which they; Bovegas or Yabby and casino extreme (maybe more I do not know the names) all of which offer daily free spins.. Yabby which I’ve spent hundreds of dollars there! But they decide I’m "taking advantage" ??? Thanks for proving your dishonesty and stealing from people.
  • Don’t put money here or accept bonuses.
• 2 år sedan
Fast payouts and fun games! Only thing I wish was the promo were better. Overall great though and fast support

That was my review before, now that I have been playing here awhile I need to update it. First of all after one good night of gaming the games seemed literally turned off and I lost thousands. Then comes the poor loyalty bonuses and recently after a night of playing over $3000 through I was given a $80 free chip. The terms and conditions state that this bonus has 20x playthru and 5x max cashout. Well instead they literally made up terms and said 40x playthru which I made but then it took all my winning except $160 which is 2X and manager Ralph said that is max cashout of bonus. Now I always check the terms and I did by clicking on the info button of the bonus in the cashier and it plainly said general terms and conditions apply with a link to those and I ready them and it said for free chip it is max 5x cashout so should have been $400 not $160. I argued with Ralph until he admitted that the bonus has no terms and conditions listed on the site and they can basically make it up as they go. Now why would anyone play large amounts of cash for a max $160 with 40x play thru I am a big player not a new one. If a casino will screw you out of $400 on purpose imagine what they would do if you win $50,000. Avoid this place at all costs!
  • Made up terms
  • Scam artists
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