HemOnlinecasinonCasino Extreme recension
Casino Extreme recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
Besök casino
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Payz (ecoPayz)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Neosurf
  • American Express
 per månad
16 000 €
 per vecka
4 000 €
Anden Online N.V.
> 20 000 000 €
Ingen licens
ÖversiktBonusar3Användarrecensioner657Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion44Betalningsmetoder16
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Casino Extreme Recension

I denna recension av Casino Extreme har vårt oberoende granskningsteam noggrant analyserat detta casino och dess för- och nackdelar baserat på vår granskningsmetod för casinon. Vårt expertteam har tagit hänsyn till skäligheten i casinots villkor, giltiga licenser, klagomål från spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra viktiga faktorer för att bedöma om det här casinot är seriöst och säkert att spela på för svenska spelare, om spelare riskerar att bli lurade där eller om casinot ligger någonstans däremellan.

Vår beräkning av casinots säkerhetsindex, baserad på de undersökta faktorerna, ger en bild av säkerheten och rättvisan på onlinecasinon. Med ett högre säkerhetsindex ökar dina chanser att spela och ta ut vinster utan problem. Casino Extreme har ett väldigt högt säkerhetsindex på 9.6, vilket etablerar det som ett av nätets säkraste och mest rättvisa casinon baserat på våra kriterier. Ta en titt på vår fullständiga recension av Casino Extreme, som ger dig nyttiga insikter om casinot för att kunna avgöra om det motsvarar dina krav och preferenser.

Är Casino Extreme rättvist och säkert? Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Vi mäter ett casinos säkerhetsindex genom att tillämpa en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till en mängd olika data som har samlats in och utvärderats under vår flerdelade granskningsprocess. Dessa inkluderar casinots uppskattade storlek, casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, svarta listor och många andra faktorer.

Under vår granskning av Casino Extreme har vi grundligt analyserat paragraferna i Casino Extremes villkor. Enligt den information vi har finns inga regler eller klausuler som skulle kunna betraktas som orättvisa eller bedrägliga. Detta är ett bra tecken eftersom den typen av regler potentiellt kan användas mot spelare som grund för att inte betala ut vinster till dem.

Casino Extreme är ett väldigt stort onlinecasino baserat på våra uppskattningar eller insamlad information. I förhållande till sin storlek har det här casinot en väldigt låg andel omtvistade vinster i klagomål från spelare (eller har inte mottagit några klagomål alls). I vår utvärdering tar vi hänsyn till både casinots storlek och klagomål från spelare, eftersom vi inser att större casinon, som ju har fler spelare, ofta får fler klagomål.

Såvitt vi vet förkommer inte Casino Extreme på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Om ett casino finns med på en svart lista, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, är det troligt att casinot har behandlat sina kunder illa. Vi uppmanar därför spelare att ha detta i åtanke när de väljer ett onlinecasino att spela på.

Sammantaget, i kombination med andra faktorer som beaktas i vår granskning, har Casino Extreme landat ett väldigt högt säkerhetsindex på 9.6. Detta gör det till ett bra alternativ för de flesta spelare som är ute efter ett onlinecasino som skapar en rättvis spelmiljö för sina kunder.

Obs! Såvitt vi vet är Casino Extreme kopplat till 4 andra onlinecasinon. Med hänsyn till kopplingen mellan dessa casinon har vi även vägt in kvaliteterna hos de associerade casinona vid utvärderingen av säkerhetsindexet för Casino Extreme. Den här kopplingen har resulterat i ett ökat säkerhetsindex.

Casino Extremes villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon går vi noga igenom villkoren för varje casino för att avgöra om de är skäliga. Många av dem har villkor med regler eller klausuler som vi anser är orättvisa eller uppenbart bedrägliga, eftersom de under vissa omständigheter kan användas mot spelare som grund för att hålla kvar deras vinster.

Vi hittade inga orättvisa eller bedrägliga klausuler i villkoren för Casino Extreme under vår granskning.

Klagomål från spelare på Casino Extreme

Klagomål från spelare är en avgörande beståndsdel i vår granskningsprocess eftersom de ger oss en klar uppfattning om de problem som spelare möter och hur casinot väljer att hantera dem. Vi undersöker alla klagomål som lämnats in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning, men även klagomål vi har samlat in från andra källor, när vi beräknar säkerhetsindexet för varje casino.

Vi har för närvarande 3 klagomål som direkt rör detta casino i vår databas, samt 7 klagomål som rör andra relaterade casinon. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 1 559 svarta poäng, av vilka 512 härrör från relaterade casinon. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och recensioner för Casino Extreme

Casino Guru låter användare recensera och betygsätta onlinecasinon för att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter, tankar och synpunkter. Dessa gör att vi kan beräkna ett allmänt feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Casino Extreme har feedbackbetyget "Mycket bra" baserat på de 657 användarrecensionerna i vår databas. Recensionerna är tillgängliga i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Tänk på att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av ett casinos kvaliteter. Det har förekommit fall där casinon skrivit falska recensioner för att förbättra sitt feedbackbetyg. Det har också förekommit fall där missnöjda spelare har lämnat flera negativa recensioner för att skada casinots rykte. Vi gör vårt bästa för att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett representativt feedbackbetyg. För att vara på den säkra sidan inkluderar vi dock inte användarfeedback i beräkningen av vårt säkerhetsindex.

Företagsinformation och licenser för Casino Extreme

Casino Extreme ägs av Anden Online N.V. och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $20,000,000. Detta gör det till ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår måttstock.

Såvitt vi vet saknar Casino Extreme en spellicens.

Vinst- och uttagsgränser, betalningsalternativ

Casino Extreme accepterar insättningar via 16 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Neteller, Skrill, PaySafeCard, Payz (ecoPayz) , Mastercard, VISA, Neosurf, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Flexepin, Dogecoin (XDG), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Quickbit, Interac.

Många onlinecasinon har tydliga gränser för hur mycket spelare kan vinna eller ta ut. För det mesta är dessa tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare, men vissa casinon tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Av den anledningen kikar vi alltid på sådana begränsningar när vi granskar ett casino. All information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser finns i tabellen.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
4 000 EUR per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
16 000 EUR per månad
4 000 USD per vecka
16 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det kan mycket väl vara så att inte alla betalningsmetoder som listas ovan är lämpliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa betalningsalternativ bara är tillgängliga i Sverige.

Kundsupport och språkalternativ

Våra specialiserade casinorecensioner baseras på olika data som vi samlar in om varje casino, inklusive information om vilka språk som stöds och kundsupport. I tabellen nedan kan du se en översikt över språkalternativen på Casino Extreme.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7

För att testa hur hjälpsam det här casinots kundsupport är har vi kontaktat casinots medarbetare och bedömt deras svar. Vi anser att kundsupport är viktigt eftersom dess syfte är att hjälpa dig lösa eventuella problem du riskerar att stöta på, till exempel i samband med registrering på Casino Extreme, hanteringen av ditt konto eller vid uttag och så vidare. Baserat på de svar vi har fått bedömer vi att kundsupporten på Casino Extreme är bra.

Casino Extreme casinospel och spelautomater

Casino Extreme erbjuder dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Keno, Andra kortspel, Andra spel.

Spel från 3 leverantörer av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Realtime Gaming, Visionary iGaming (ViG), SpinLogic Gaming.

Bonusar och kampanjkoder för Casino Extreme

Bonusar för nya och befintliga spelare är ett sätt för onlinecasinon att motivera människor att registrera sig och pröva deras spelutbud. De vanligaste är bonusar utan insättning eller freespins som du kan få bara genom att registrera dig, och insättningsbonusar som ges till spelare i samband med insättningar. Med det sagt kan casinon erbjuda andra typer av bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller lojalitetsprogram.

Vår databas innehåller i nuläget 9 bonusar från Casino Extreme:

  • 100 FREESPINS på Cash Bandits 3
  • 200 FREESPINS på Planet of the Roos
  • 200 % upp till 1 000 $
  • 200 % upp till Can$1 000
  • 200 % upp till NZ$1 000

Tänk på att spelare från vissa regioner kanske inte kan utnyttja dessa bonuserbjudanden. Besök avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension för att se vilka bonusar som finns tillgängliga i Sverige.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig


  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Payz (ecoPayz)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Neosurf
  • American Express
 per månad
16 000 €
 per vecka
4 000 €


Ingen bingo
Ingen betting
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Inga skraplotter
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Realtime Gaming
  • Visionary iGaming (ViG)
  • SpinLogic Gaming


  • Kasinot är Bitcoin-vänligt
  • Casinot accepterar spelare från många länder
  • Turneringar tillgängliga
  • Stor variation av bonusar
  • Kundtjänst 24/7


  • Kampanjer inte tillgängliga för alla länder
  • Minsta uttagsbelopp är €/$50 (eller motsvarande valuta)

Intressanta fakta

  • Stort internationellt kasino
Författare och garant: Burak Onder Senast uppdaterat: 2024-08-15 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (3)

Bonusar på Casino Extreme

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Casino Extreme erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (657)

Användarrecensioner av Casino Extreme

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Casino Extreme. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.

Mycket bra

Betygsatt av 657 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 7 månader sedan
Got the promotion it had a very high play thru and a limit cash out usually where u can't withdraw over a 100 which they said all that what they didn't put in the terms was you can't withdraw bonus money even if you make it thru the playthru unheard of this is the only casino that does that like what's the use of a bonus if you pay money to be told you can't cash any of it in bc they claim it's a bonus
  • None
  • No positive feedback
  • Never buy a promotion
• 7 månader sedan
I'm completely bewildered as to why this casino so highly rate on here. They used to be good but my recent experiences with them is nothing short of horrible. Extremely low RTP, I can't seem to win anything from my deposits, unless it's from a no-deposit free spin bonus which is limited to a max withdrawal of $50.

But what put the nail in the coffin for me was my most recent interaction with them. I received an email offer of 150% cashback on any loss deposit. So I made a deposit, lost it and went to live chat to claim my cashback. The agent said I wasn't eligible and basically blamed the marketing department, claiming that they sent out promotional material to a lot of people who were not eligible. I said it doesn't matter, if I receive an offer that was addressed to me, the casino needs to honour it, regardless whether it was a mistake, it's not my problem that they made an error, they need to honour it, otherwise it can be regarded as misleading advertising. It's almost like offering a huge discount to entice you to buy something and then at checkout after you've already made payment, they turn around and say, actually you're not eligible for the discount, we made a mistake, but we won't give you a refund. Tell me that's fair. So I reiterated that the casino needs to honour their offer but the agent insisted that was not eligible and disconnected the chat session while I was still chatting to them. So basically hung up on me. Rude. Anyway I decided to stop playing here and at any of their affiliated sites for good. NOT RECOMMENDED!!!
  • As a first time player, you'll probably win (it's gets harder after that)
  • Very fast withdrawal
  • Extremely low RTP
  • Very high wagering
  • Very hard to win on the NO RULES bonus or low wagering bonus
  • Misleading promo offers (they send out a bonus offer to your email but refuse to honour it claiming that it was a mistake and you're actually not eligible.
• 7 månader sedan
I was able to play the promised free cash, sadly with no win
But I think it's a very awesome way to start a good experience in a new casino
I will definitely continue playing here
  • free bonus
  • difficult interface
  • no provider's list
• 8 månader sedan
Casino Extreme Review: Why You Should Avoid It

Casino Extreme is not a platform I would recommend to anyone, and here's why:

Negative Aspects:
Design: The overall design of the casino is outdated and not user-friendly. Navigating through the site is a hassle and far from a smooth experience.

Abusive Wagering Requirements: The wagering requirements at Casino Extreme are extremely abusive. It's nearly impossible to meet them, making it difficult to ever see any real returns on your deposits.

Low RTP (Return to Player): The RTP rates are extremely low, which means the chances of getting a big win are slim. This makes the games feel rigged and unfair.

Misleading Jackpots: The large jackpots advertised are a big red flag. They seem designed to draw your attention, but in reality, winning them is nearly impossible. Stay away from games with huge jackpot amounts; they are just bait.

Fake No-Wagering Bonus: The so-called "no wagering bonus" is a scam. I made three deposits to test this, and I never received the promised bonus. It's clear that their promotional offers are not to be trusted.

If you're looking for a fair and enjoyable online casino experience, Casino Extreme is not the place for you. The design is poor, the wagering requirements are abusive, the RTP rates are low, the jackpots are misleading, and the bonuses are fake. Save your money and find a more reputable online casino.
  • fast deposit interac
  • Design
  • Abusive Wagering Requirements
  • Low RTP (Return to Player)
  • Misleading Jackpots
  • Fake No-Wagering Bonus
• 8 månader sedan
I sign up put in my country I live in Australia so still let me sign up and send money then I ask where my money is they said your country not allowed and then blocked me
  • Missing refund
• 9 månader sedan
Absolutely extraordinary on the first day of winning, but if you want to withdraw again on the same day, youre not allowed. Withdraw is on the following day.
After they verified my documents within that day, winnings is ready to withdraw. Imagine what they promised from their email that within 30min should not the fund not transferred to my account, make sure contact the support service. After 30min my withdrawal initiated and successfully deposited to my account. Big shout also to the support crews...
  • Extremely fast withdrawal
  • Great rewards
  • Limited selection live tables
  • Withdrawal once a day only
• 9 månader sedan
All of us are so quick to post a bad review of a casino. Today I want others to know about Casino Extreme. I have been a player with them for about a year and have always had super quick payouts and outstanding customer service. I have not made a deposit in awhile, but always play the free spins. Today I won $50 on free spins and the money was in my Bitcoin account in 15 minutes! Thank you Casino Extreme for always treating me well!
  • fast payouts
  • Excellent Customer service
• 9 månader sedan
These reviews over the last 1 month that are positively speaking on extreme's quick payout and customer service are most definitely not real. I have been waiting a month for my account to be verified after sending in documents. The live chat is not live it's a freaking bot that will NOT transfer you to anyone live. Just tells you to email support. And support is a joke they email you back just to tell you there is no support. Now no one is even responding back to my emails.
  • Extremely drawn out verification process
  • Support is non existent
• 9 månader sedan
I've been lucky with their promos that I've used, and won on all 3. Withdrawal time is under 15 minutes (after the 1st one). But, be wary if the promos and read carefully, their allowed maximum withdrawal amount is very low. The game selection is so, so. And the customer serbmvice is lacking. Live chat will just leave you hanging without telling you that they left, and forget about email support completely if your looking for answers. My experience with emails was horrible. They seem to just look for a form letter that fits (kind of) and that's it. I asked a pretty simple question and after 5 emails and an hour of my time I stopped looking for an answer. But if you jump through all the hoops and win, they do pay out, and FAST!
  • Fastest payout
  • Support
• 10 månader sedan
Won on a no deposit bonus, and initiated cash out process 4 or 5 days ago. It was a little tedious but the customer support I had, Jax, was super patient and helpful and got me cashed out and set to continue playing within 24 hours of our first communication.
  • Honored the no deposit bonus.
  • Easy to follow, straightforward verification process
  • If you are in a hurry or have little patience you will probably end up being frustrated with the first cash out and verification process. But those are a pain no matter where you play at, and your own attitude will be the determining factor in that situation.
• 11 månader sedan
Yesterday, I received a promotional email from their support email address that stated I was handpicked for a $200 chip. I clicked on the link to redeem the offer and instead was shocked to see a pornography website. I contacted management and was informed that the email wasn’t sent by them. They assured me that their IT department had fixed the issue and that my account data was safe and secure. They credited me with $100 free play. I was naive and stupid…I believed them and played the free chip which of course didn’t give me much game time at all.

Now, today I’ve received a SECOND pornographic email from them. This time, the offer was for a $500 chip. I really shouldn’t have clicked on the link to accept the offer, but after communicating with Douglas yesterday (and him assuring me that it would never happen again), I believed that my account was secure.

There is a saying, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me". I fell for the hack trap and I hope that this review can save others from making the same mistake. If you want to dump money into a site that will send you pornographic emails to hack you, then this is a site for you.
  • Not secure
  • Hack
• 1 år sedan
I had played there off and on for years. This time, the weekend of March 10, 2024, I deposited 50 bucks three times. On the third deposit, I hit for 350 and put in for withdrawal. It didn’t come. I have been paid out quickly before, so I aske where it was and they said I had a second account under the same email address, which is not possible. They gave me the last $50 deposit bac and on cash back I had $200 and they took 150 away. I was in bonus when I noticed. I hit for 150 in bonus and they only let me withdraw 50. They basically took 600 buck from me.

I will be filing a complaint and won’t be playing at extreme anymore.
  • Thieves
• 1 år sedan
They are worth every single point on their extremely high score! A few days ago I was having a great time playing and was ready to cash out. I had not been verified or done any of the paperwork in advance. Everything kept telling me it would be 1 to 3 days for a first withdrawal and that sounded reasonable but past experiences with other casinos made me wonder if it was going to really happen like that. In reality, within 1 hour I was verified and within 2 hours I had the money in my account no hassle just every single thing they said they would do they did! I will not be hesitating to suggest them as a fabulous site to go to for a trustworthy and exceptional experience.
  • Verification and withdrawal completed in Rapid form!
• 1 år sedan
I enjoy the new sunday feista spins ..Im glad this promo started since they took away the weekend spins . I do hope they come up with more promos for players that deposit and loose to be able to have more chances to win . I also do hope for more appreciation bonuses without a deposit . I will say I am disappointed about no free spins for new game for players that have deposited. Gmes were good and customer support could also be faster next time.
• 1 år sedan
I used to LOVE Casino Extreme. It was one of the first RTG casinos I signed up for and one of the few that I frequented consistently. Since opening an account, I’ve made COUNTLESS deposits despite never winning or being able to request a withdrawal and I rarely redeemed no deposit codes or free spins. I finally won off a free chip or free spins (I don’t remember which one) and successfully withdrew my $50 prize. But immediately afterwards, I noticed all my bonus codes were taken away and was told in chat that I will not be able to receive any coupon codes without a clear explanation. So, I haven’t returned in spite of wanting to due to this.
• 1 år sedan
Casino Extreme offers some of the best tournaments around. Besides the regular slot tournaments that everyone offers, they have great tournaments for all players of all games. I just finished the cryptoween challenge and won the amazing top prize. Anything I played counted towards the winning point totals.

They have responsive help contacts and all issues are resolved quickly. They pay your winnings extremely fast (usually less than ten minutes).

I have been with them for 6 years and have never wanted to play anywhere else.
• 1 år sedan
Horrible Casino. Got a $50 chip for sign up. Upon completing playthrough requirements they took $321.00 from me. Dropping my balance to exactly $50. Went to withdraw $5 and sent in my KYC documents 4 times in 10 days with no response. Then took the $50 for not making a deposit within 7 days of sign up. Complete waste of time. They took $371.00 of my winnings and I could not withdraw a nickel. Don't waste your time or effort.
  • Lousy
  • Waste
  • Rip off
• 1 år sedan
My experience here has been great. Quick payouts and deposit options. I've already cashed out 3x here. All small amounts but still they paid me without hassle. Verification was within 24 hours. I'm Canadian using Bitcoin for the first transaction, got a very similar rate to Coinbase prices. Found I could do e-transfer which is free, so I've been depositing and withdrawing via that method. Just got a max cashout on one of my no rules deposit bonuses today got lucky. My #1 thing with casinos is do they pay when you win and how often do you win there. My experience here has been problem free so far. I hope it continues and I will continue to do business with this casino. Be sure to read through terms and conditions if accepting a bonus as always and you'll be fine here.
  • Actually pays on time
  • RTG slots can be fun if they're hitting
  • Various deposit and withdrawl options
  • Withdrawal For my first time happened very quickly
  • RTG slots are VERY streaky..thousands of spins without bonus or many bonus games that pay only 1-20x
  • The customer service ends the chat on you before you're done speaking
  • Bonus is deceptive..max cash out keep an eye on it. 5x is not enough in most cases.
  • Website software needs a reworking..windows don't even full screen on android and can be slow and clunky
• 1 år sedan
Very timely first time withdrawal. Even had an issue and still was able to cash out same day.
  • very timely
• 1 år sedan
This is a Casino ran by modern day marauders! If you pay attention they don’t even try to camouflage it! I have been playing at all the online casinos for quite awhile now and I have good things to say about quite a few of them but this Casino is by far the worst! It’s easy to see that their main objective is to thwart everyone they can! On mighty drums it’s much more noticeable that even a blind man could see it at this casino. Like they don’t even care if you know that they are bending you over! In this game the only chance you have is to hit the pick 3! It resets after like 3 rolls and keeps spinning and you can’t stop it even remotely close as to win you want to. Which I’m sure they have all their games rigged! I know people hate bloggers but it’s my job! With the following that I have gathered over time, it won’t shut a bad business down but most definitely puts the taste in everyone’s mouth then the casino will undoubtedly do the rest over time! As if their acquisitive odds weren’t good enough for their chafed sweaty palms!
  • They have a great promotions and deposit match!
  • Probably only because they know you can’t win with it!
• 1 år sedan
I signed up on the website and I did not get the free spins as promised. I deposited and won, they paid me but the verification process took forever. so far it's a normal website.
  • won and paid me.
  • Not many game providers.
  • verification process is difficult.
  • Support is kind robotic.
• 1 år sedan
If you're into cryptocurrencies, you might find a silver lining here. Playing with crypto is where Casino Extreme shines. Quick transactions and fewer hassles.

But here's the kicker – if you're not into crypto, you're in for a bumpy ride. Traditional banking methods are a headache. Slow withdrawals, verification hoops, you name it. Using the chat is hit or miss. Sometimes they're on the ball, but other times, you might as well be talking to a brick wall.
Overall, this is a bit of an enigma. If you're all about crypto, it might work for you. Otherwise, brace yourself for frustration. There are smoother rides out there in the casino world.
• 1 år sedan
Site is great. KYC took 3-5 days like they say. From the 50 free spins I've gotten a bunch of times, twice i won a bunch of money, played through the wagering for that money and managed to withdraw 50 euro each time. Only thing is I had to deposit 10 euro once to "verify" my crypto wallet for withdrawal, meaning i earned 90 euro.
  • Fair
  • Quick payments from free spins
  • Reasonably fast KYC
  • Site is slow sometimes
• 1 år sedan
They are one of the few legit online casinos out here. They have fair games and really take care of their players. Great selection of games. Fast payouts. The only casino I play on now a days.
  • Great communication if you ever have issues
  • All around fair and safe casino
• 1 år sedan
I just started using this casino the other day and I go to do my first cash out that I've ever attempted you I deposited my account on there with Bitcoin. So I wanted to do a withdrawal in Bitcoin as well. I have been met with all these forms I have to fill out even though on other websites if I deposit in Bitcoin they don't care I don't need to fill up forms or anything like that, and now that they're telling me that they're withdrawal system is down completely there's no way to do withdrawals at all but they have advertised their casino as the fastest Cash out casino online. They sure as hell let you deposit your money on there but as soon as you go to withdrawal they won't let you withdraw anything. They have no timeline whenever this is going to be fixed, if it's going to be fixed at all, or if they're people for their money and just giving them this reason. If I could attach screenshots on here I would I would love to attach screenshots on here so you guys can see what I'm talking about. I have $3,600 on my website right now and it's not letting me withdraw anything. No help customer service says the same thing over and over it's BS. I SHOULD HAVE JUST STUCK WITH METASPINS CASINO LIKE I ALWAYS HAVE USED!!!
  • Inability to cash out
  • No form of cash out is working
  • Customer service doesnt even care
  • Let you deposit your money on there but can't get it off
  • Don't let anybody know that they're withdrawal system is down
  • Advertise as fast as online cash out casino but they can't even cash out
• 1 år sedan
I've been a client of Brango and company for 2 years now.
I've only been treated with respect and a professionalism unmatched anywhere else I've played online.
I've been a winner of thousands of dollars and prizes.
never has there been any curveballs.
They pay out fast and fair as long as you follow the rules. Honestly they are the best at everything in my opinion. They are out 24/7. Brango and company just sent me a I phone 14,for tournament placing and are giving one a day till August.
Don't let the other guys fool you, the Cash King is here and it's Brango and co.
  • Customer service
  • Fast payout
  • VIP Team dedicated host
  • Finding the PC version to download
• 1 år sedan
I have been playing at this group of casinos (extreme, yabby, limitless, Brango, adrenaline) for a long time. They were not my go to casinos but they were in the top 10. My favorite sites are what I call real gambling sites. Infrequent bonuses but consistent slot returns, no fine print and payouts are as easy as depositing. This group is not like that but their "fine print " was the typical kind, terms were up front , no hidden ones and very few were in place just to trick you. And if you use crypto the withdrawal process was easy and quick. All of the casinos in this group advertise themselves as the casinos with the fastest payouts and during my time playing at them not a single one ever took over thirty minutes to payout.
So when I won over 5000.00 playing at extreme I was really excited. I only play with their no rules bonuses and with instant payout theses are the moments I live for. There is no question that money is yours it’s like being in a real casino. So it was a real shock when I went to cash out and was blocked from requesting a payout until kyc was met. This should have been a huge red flag but I had played at these casinos so much that I actually trusted them. I thought as soon as I sent the documents in they will at least let me request a withdrawal. I know myself until they let me
make that withdrawal I will continue to play and lose all of it. I emailed them and asked why they were not letting me withdraw and how long approval would take. When I got the response of 48 hours I was very upset. I emailed support asking them to explain with no response. I was going to quit playing and let the money sit there because I was not going to give it all back to them. I had just started playing the 777 game, I had only played it once before and really didn’t understand the holding reels part so I wanted to try it. I had first tried to cash out at 330 pm This was around 1130 pm. I played the 777 game for about 30 minutes. It took a little bit before I realized how much holding a reel was costing me. I quit with close to 3000 planning to wait them out. I’m sure some of you have already caught the problem, I hadn’t yet.
So when I noticed the email saying they had opened the withdrawal request process for me I emailed them back thanking them for their great customer service. Yes I was an idiot and thanked them.
When i held the reels on the 777 game I was increasing my bet but I didn’t realize this. The game was only paying out for the original 2.50 bet so it never crossed my mind that the amount I paid to hold the reel was the amount I was betting per spin and therefore exceeded the 10.00 per bet threshold. If I hadn’t been upset I would have caught this.
They didn’t miss it. All those stories about how long reviewing processes takes is a joke. 10 minutes after I started that game they sent me an email allowing me to withdraw because they already knew I had breached the terms of play and they were confiscating my entire winnings. The swiftness of this was impressive.
They also efficiently pointed out that my breach was different from them breaching the terms of withdrawal because mine was written in the terms and theirs was only written all over their website and the internet.
I was very upset, I’m still really pissed. But I also knew what they were doing and played right into their hands.

• 1 år sedan
I love this casino! It and Brango are probably the best for beginners and for quick payouts! I’ve won several times and have been paid out immediately! Like within 10 minutes. I even won over $6000 and got it within a few days (only because I had reached the limit for withdrawals). I highly recommend using this casino. I happen to hit on "Brango" the day before for 3000, and Unfortunately after my big wins, they turned off my promotions. At all of their sister sites at once! That’s my only complaint. U would think the comps and promotions would increase to get their money back. But I like this casino so much, I just deposit without bonuses!
  • Fast payout
  • Not much kyc
  • Took away promotions after big withdrawal
  • Only 1 bonus between deposits spins or cashback
  • Logs you out if on a game longer than 20min
• 1 år sedan
I’ve withdrew on here twoce but only from free chips. It seems that this casino and all related casinos have very tight slots unless you’re playing on a free chip and they know you can’t win more than a certain amount. I will say they have fast withdraws and great customer service so I would recommend playing here if you have a free chip or spins but not depositing because as soon as you deposit the slots go dead this has happened to me countless times.
  • Fast withdraw
  • Great customer service
  • Slots go dead on deposits
• 1 år sedan
What an excellent online casino ..
Fast payouts no drama no issues .
They actually answer your enails right away .. Their chat reps are polite and helpful I have nothing to complain about this casino .. :)
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