HemLucky Legends Casino recension
Lucky Legends Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
OBEGRÄNSAD 200 % BONUSBonusvillkor
Viktigt (1)
Besök casino
Visa alla (9)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Players Rewards Card
  • Changelly
  • Ethereum (ETH)
 per månad
10 000 $
 per vecka
2 500 $
> 5 000 000 €
Casinot drivs utan officiell licens!
ÖversiktBonusar1Användarrecensioner55Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion144Betalningsmetoder9
Viktigt: Casinot drivs utan en licens Detta casino drivs utan en licens. Som ett resultat av detta är casinot inte tvunget att följa regler som fastställts av tillsynsmyndigheter. Du kommer dessutom inte att kunna vända dig till någon tillsynsmyndighet om du stöter på problem.
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Lucky Legends Casino Recension

Under granskningen och bedömningen av Lucky Legends Casino har vårt oberoende granskningsteam vägt in dess fördelar och nackdelar enligt vår metod för casinogranskningar. För att avgöra om detta casino är seriöst och säkert, eller möjligen riskabelt att spela på, har våra granskare noggrant övervägt skäligheten i casinots villkor och utvärderat licenser, kundsupport, gränser, befintliga klagomål från spelare och andra viktiga faktorer.

Vi har beräknat casinots säkerhetsindex baserat på dessa resultat. Det är en numerisk och verbal representation av onlinecasinots säkerhet och rättvisa. Med ett högre säkerhetsindex ökar dina chanser att spela och ta ut vinster utan problem. Lucky Legends Casino har ett säkerhetsindex under medel på 5.6, vilket gör det till ett mindre bra val för de flesta spelare när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Ta en titt på vår fullständiga recension av Lucky Legends Casino, som ger dig nyttiga insikter om casinot för att kunna avgöra om det motsvarar dina krav och preferenser.

Säkerhetsindex – rättvisa och säkerhet för Lucky Legends Casino

Vi mäter ett casinos säkerhetsindex genom att tillämpa en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till en mängd olika data som har samlats in och utvärderats under vår flerdelade granskningsprocess. Dessa inkluderar casinots uppskattade storlek, casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, svarta listor och många andra faktorer.

Under vår granskning av Lucky Legends Casino har vi grundligt analyserat paragraferna i Lucky Legends Casinos villkor. Vi har identifierat flera mindre fördelaktiga regler eller klausuler, och baserat på dessa resultat betraktar vi villkoren som orättvisa. Orättvisa eller bedrägliga regler kan potentiellt användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga att inte betala ut deras vinster. Eftersom vi har upptäckt allvarliga problem med skäligheten hos villkoren för det här casinot, rekommenderar vi att du letar efter ett casino med rättvisare villkor eller åtminstone iakttar viss försiktighet.

Baserat på våra uppskattningar och insamlad information bedömer vi att Lucky Legends Casino är ett medelstort onlinecasino. Det här casinot har ett medelvärde för nekade utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare med hänsyn till dess storlek. I vår utvärdering tar vi hänsyn till både casinots storlek och klagomål från spelare, eftersom vi inser att större casinon, som ju har fler spelare, ofta får fler klagomål.

Vi har inte hittat Lucky Legends Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Om ett casino finns med på en svart lista, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, är det troligt att casinot har behandlat sina kunder illa. Vi uppmanar därför spelare att ha detta i åtanke när de väljer ett onlinecasino att spela på.

Sammantaget, i kombination med andra faktorer som beaktas i vår granskning, har Lucky Legends Casino landat ett säkerhetsindex under medel på 5.6. Enligt vårt expertutlåtande är det här casinot inget bra val för spelare som letar efter ett onlinecasino som prioriterar säkerhet och en rättvis behandling av sina kunder.

Lucky Legends Casinos villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon går vi noga igenom villkoren för varje casino för att avgöra om de är skäliga. Många av dem har villkor med regler eller klausuler som vi anser är orättvisa eller uppenbart bedrägliga, eftersom de under vissa omständigheter kan användas mot spelare som grund för att hålla kvar deras vinster.

Vi hittade några tvivelaktiga regler eller klausuler i samband med vår granskning, vilket är skälet till att vi anser att Lucky Legends Casinos villkor är orättvisa.

Obs! För närmare information om våra granskningsresultat avseende villkoren, klicka här.

Klagomål från spelare relaterade till Lucky Legends Casino

Klagomål från spelare är en avgörande beståndsdel i vår granskningsprocess eftersom de ger oss en klar uppfattning om de problem som spelare möter och hur casinot väljer att hantera dem. Vi undersöker alla klagomål som lämnats in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning, men även klagomål vi har samlat in från andra källor, när vi beräknar säkerhetsindexet för varje casino.

Vi har för närvarande 3 klagomål som rör detta casino i vår databas. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 2 225 svarta poäng. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och utvärdering av Lucky Legends Casino

Casino Guru låter användare recensera och betygsätta onlinecasinon för att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter, tankar och synpunkter. Dessa gör att vi kan beräkna ett allmänt feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Utifrån de 50 användarrecensioner som finns av Lucky Legends Casino har det feedbackbetyget "Dåligt". Recensionerna är tillgängliga i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Tänk på att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av ett casinos kvaliteter. Det har förekommit fall där casinon skrivit falska recensioner för att förbättra sitt feedbackbetyg. Det har också förekommit fall där missnöjda spelare har lämnat flera negativa recensioner för att skada casinots rykte. Vi gör vårt bästa för att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett representativt feedbackbetyg. För att vara på den säkra sidan inkluderar vi dock inte användarfeedback i beräkningen av vårt säkerhetsindex.

Företagsinformation och licenser för Lucky Legends Casino

Lucky Legends Casino har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $5,000,000. Det här etablerar det som ett medelstort onlinecasino inom ramarna för vår kategorisering.

Så långt vi känner till har Lucky Legends Casino inte beviljats en licens av någon tillsynsmyndighet för spelverksamhet.

Om betalningsmetoder samt gränser för vinster och uttag

Lucky Legends Casino accepterar 9 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Mastercard, VISA, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Changelly, Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Players Rewards Card, Litecoin (LTC).

Många onlinecasinon har satt gränser för hur mycket pengar en spelare kan vinna eller ta ut. Vissa casinon tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Dessa gränser är dock vanligtvis tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare. Detta är skälet till att vi alltid tar hänsyn till dessa faktorer när vi utvärderar casinon. Du hittar all information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 500 USD per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
10 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det är inte säkert att alla betalningsmetoder som finns tillgängliga för spelare är tillgängliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa metoder endast är tillgängliga i utvalda länder.

Tillgängliga språkalternativ och kundsupport

Som ett led i vår granskningsprocess samlar vårt expertteam in data rörande alternativ för kundsupport och tillgängliga språk. Tabellen nedan innehåller information om tillgängliga språk på Lucky Legends Casino.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja

I samband med vår granskning kontaktar vi alltid casinots kundsupport och testar deras svar för att ta reda på hur hjälpsamma och professionella de är. Eftersom en kundsupport kan hjälpa dig med problem relaterade till registreringsprocessen på Lucky Legends Casino, kontoproblem, uttag eller andra problem, är den en viktig parameter för oss. Utifrån de svar vi har fått under vår testning skulle vi säga att Lucky Legends Casino har en bra kundsupport.

Casinospel och spelautomater tillgängliga på Lucky Legends Casino

Du kan spela följande typer av spel på Lucky Legends Casino: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Keno, Andra spel.

Titlar från 2 leverantörer av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Realtime Gaming, SpinLogic Gaming.

Bonuserbjudanden och koder från Lucky Legends Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder incitament i form av bonusar för att uppmuntra både nya och befintliga spelare att registrera ett konto eller fortsätta spela. Bonusar utan insättning och insättningsbonusar är de vanligaste typerna. Medan insättningsbonusar endast delas ut när spelare gör en insättning, delas bonusar utan insättning eller freespins ut till spelare utan några sådana krav. Casinon kan också erbjuda bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering och olika lojalitetsprogram.

Vår databas innehåller för närvarande 2 bonusar från Lucky Legends Casino:


Observera att vissa erbjudanden kanske bara är tillgängliga för spelare från specifika regioner. För att ta reda på mer och se vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja, kan du läsa avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
OBEGRÄNSAD 200 % BONUSBonusvillkor


Visa alla (9)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Players Rewards Card
  • Changelly
  • Ethereum (ETH)
 per månad
10 000 $
 per vecka
2 500 $

Visa alla

Ingen bingo
Ingen betting
Inga livespel
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Inga skraplotter
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Realtime Gaming
  • SpinLogic Gaming


  • Insättningar och uttag i kryptovalutor
  • Enkel och ren webbdesign
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7


  • Dåligt urval av spelleverantörer
  • Inga spel med riktiga dealers

Intressanta fakta

  • Stort kasino populärt i USA
  • “Klibbiga” (icke-uttagbara) bonusar
Författare och garant: Mirka Daisy Senast uppdaterat: 2024-10-22 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (1)

Bonusar på Lucky Legends Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Lucky Legends Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (55)

Användarrecensioner av Lucky Legends Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Lucky Legends Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 55 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

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Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 3 månader sedan
So I deposited the required $10 to verify my crypto wallet or something being told it will be given back immediately with my withdrawal which will be very fast... Bitcoin is the only method that would work for me..at least getting them to receive my request that is.. they confirmed my request through a message on the site and an email which when I opened all I see is their banner, the words "terms and conditions" and the words "required documents" nothing else like what the required docs are.. I reach out through email they say they'll get back to me in 72 hours and that was 10 days ago,I reach out to live chat on the site and they copy and paste the confirmation message I received and also said the quick payout will take 7-10 days to be reviewed but answer no other questions. It's been 10 days and absolutely nothing... Even if I happen to someday get my payout which isn't even a large one I still would not recommend.. I hope everyone that sees this and the other similar reviews and stays away please there are so many other much much better choices
  • Payout takes forever if at all
  • Liars
• 5 månader sedan
I enjoy the casino however it has gotten harder each time I have cashed out a winning. My first win was $1000.00 and I got money within 2 hours. The second Cashout took a little over 2 weeks, third cash out has taken 4 weeks so far.
  • Frequent winnings and multiple payouts
  • Payouts take longer then allotted time
• 6 månader sedan
Casino emails bonus offers but will not EVER actually honor them. withdrawl process
(if you ever get there) is literally ridiculous. 7-10 to review and another 7-10 days to pay out.
I’ve been frustrated for quite some time with this casino. Live support takes forever to connect and usually can’t help with anything. If and when ( I’m not holding my breath) my withdrawal ever happens I’m closing the account altogether. I do not recommend. Not worth the time and frustration
  • Accepts most deposit methods. Including credit card
  • Literally snail slow. For withdrawals, for live support. Ineligible for any free spins after they give you cash back. No real loyalty rewards to speak of at all
• 7 månader sedan
So easy to deposit.. got to withdrawals and suddenly I got hit with some returned Credit card charge from 2023 of 50 and a bank fee of 150 which they charged me $400 of $1100 of my total withdrawal.. I asked for proof of fees and charges.. nothing was provided.. then they wanted my license and copied of ccs.. okay. Wouldn't accept my License because it expires in 2 months.. wanted a another ID. They said they didn't receive my email.. sent again. They said they require another ID.. Im in US and only have 1 ID. I'll Never See my Money. Stay Away.
  • 10
• 8 månader sedan
Good luck getting your money once you put in for a withdrawal request , it says you can withdraw faster with Bitcoin but that is a lie the soonest you can get your money 14 business days , it takes 7 business days to get approved and the 7 to 10 business days after that for them to send your money, and then how ever long it takes to receive your money once it's been sent. I will never play at this place again .
  • Very horrible costumer service
• 1 år sedan
Worst customer service I’ve experienced. 1) I made a deposit by credit and debit cards. They listed the 2 deposits as "CyberPinkHunters" and "PinkPixelSeekers"! So now I’m embarrassed to go into my bank or contact my credit card because I have a "porn" site listed. They make you feel like a pervert. 2) Their T&Cs say they process documents in 7 days. After 8 days and numerous follow-ups, I can’t even get a person to respond to my emails. Do your research. This casino is one of the worst for payouts. Also, their T&Cs say you can receive payments by check. Now they say only international wire transfer. 3) Before I sent in my documents, I tried to speak to an agent online. I was 18th in line and it took 90 minutes for this person to respond. She wasn’t very helpful, except insisting I could only receive an international wire transfer. All this nonsense over a withdrawal that is only $1,400. I feel sorry for people who hit jackpots.
  • None
  • Unacceptable customer service
  • Horrible reviews online
  • Credit/Debit card users beware!!
  • Don’t expect them to follow their T&Cs unless it benefits them.
• 1 år sedan
Absolute WORST casino I have played at and for sure WORST Casino of the Sister/Partner network. Chat is useless and they are complete frauds. They will lie to you, scam you and totally not answer your questions or try to rectify ANYTHING with you. I was forced to RE-WAGER another $600 on a $20 chip which now adds up to $1200 I wagered. $600 more than required. They tried telling me I did not wager ANY of the $600 required YET I put in the withdraw for $105. So where did the extra $85 come from if I didnt make a deposit OR wager ANYTHING?? I asked this very question DOZENS of time but they never answered. (THEY as in the 5 different Live chats I had to do all morning) DO NOT PLAY HERE. You have been warned. I too was warned but ignored it. Dont you!!
  • Promos
  • EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
• 1 år sedan
When I first signed up, I sent in my KYC documents and they were approved and my account status said verified. I made a couple depossits, I end up winning 560 on my last deposit and submit a withdraw via Bitcoin on 9/29/23. After about 2 weeks I contact support and they tell me its in a normal processing time and to wait. Another week goes by and I reach out again and they apparently lost the image of my ID, so I instantly resend it. Apparently 10/20/23 my withdraw was approved and now I am waiting the 7-10 business days for it to be processed. As of 10/26/23 still have gotten nothing.
  • good bonuses
  • insane withdraw time frames
  • tons of empty promises
  • most likely won't pay you
• 1 år sedan
Never received my withdrawal. Horrible casino as far as professionalism and doing what's is said or expected is one of the worst. Scam completely. Don't use this casino if you are playing to win and withdrawal.
  • They take payment without a single issue
  • They never pay out
• 1 år sedan
Won $100 off of complimentary birthday spins. Deposited $50 ($10 minimum) to "verify" crypto wallet as required for withdrawal. Withdrawal attempt 1 took 8 days before I investigated and saw it wasn’t approved due to requiring proof of address. Attempt 2: Sent proof of address then waited 5 business days after requesting withdrawl, told it had been approved and transfer would be processed in 7-21 days. After 22 days I was told first that the withdrawal had never been approved (which would restart the 5 business days +7-21 day transaction prossessing timeline) and later a different tech said that they still needed proof of address. Requested they cancel my $100 withdrawal and just return my $50 deposit and told there was nothing they could do, I must submit proof of address. Why do I have to submit proof of address for a deposit to be returned when they didn’t require any info or ID when the funds were going into their pockets? Really doubt they’ll pay out and now it’s my mission to destroy this casino. Go to another casino that pays out, that’s the point right?
  • Hasn’t paid out after over a month
  • Too much documentation/personal info required
  • Tech support inconsistent and rude
  • Requires nearly a month or longer for withdrawal processing
  • Won’t refund deposit (1/2 of withdrawal amount requested) without proof of address-but deposit was credited to account immediately without any documentation or verifiers required
• 1 år sedan
My overall experience with this casino is a positive one. The only exception is the absurdly long time it took to cash out. I made a clean deposit (no coupon) and after winning $400 I initiated a withdrawl using bitcoin. From start to finish the process took19 days to complete. I was beginning to worry they wouldn't pay but they eventually did.
  • I like the RTG games
  • The Live help reps were friendly and mostly helpful
  • I frequently do well with free play
  • They did pay out a $400 withdrawl
  • My btc withdrawl shouldn't have taken more than 5 days but ended up taking 19 days
• 1 år sedan
Do not play lucky Legends casino. They do not pay. I have been waiting for a withdrawal for almost 3 weeks now. As of 8-6-23 request ID 941639. I keep getting the run around. I submitted all the correct information the day of withdrawal. I was checking up on the live help chat line. Everyday and everyday was told everything is fine finally today I was told they didnt get my paperwork I have to email to documents@luckylegends.com. 3 weeks later 8-18-23 still nothing no answer from anyone. They keep telling me they are escalating my case just to start over. They are more then happy to take my money but will not pay out. SCAMMERS I REPEAT LUCKY LEGENDS CASINO ARE SCAMMERS
• 1 år sedan
Discovered them through a NDB on here and actually beat the wager requirements and requested the max cashout of 100 USD. Deposited via bitcoin in order to withdraw my bonus winnings and ended up smacking for around 300 USD playing Fortunate Bhudda and Bonus Wheel Jungle off a 30 USD deposit. Requested to withdraw half of it and punted the other half away. Both withdrawals said that they would take 7-10 business days, which was kinda long but I've seen worse withdrawal times on other sites, so I wasn't tripping over it. Submitted my KYC info for verification before I'd even requested the first withdrawal, everything quickly came back with the all clear. To this day (about a month after the promised 7-10 business days) I've only gotten my non-bonus withdrawal via BTC (my CashApp BTC wallet flagged it for security reasons, so I had to have Square to a reverse deposit to a different wallet address to get my funds, took another day) and the withdrawal of the bonus winnings are still pending with the option to cancel. Because that's basically free money, I'm willing to play the waiting game with them until my last breath, but because I have a pending withdrawal I can't claim any kind of bonuses at all. My birthday passed recently and I couldn't even use the birthday bonus they sent to my email. Haven't been informed of anything wrong that would delay it like this or that I've broken their T&C, and I kinda get the feeling that they're tryna bonus block me without actually telling me. Which, I don't care about getting bonus blocked, I prefer to deposit straight-up anyway; but just TELL me if I did something wrong. We're all adults, it shouldn't be that hard.
  • daily deposit rewards program
  • comps points program
  • btc deposits post quickly
  • they might bonus block you without rhyme or reason
  • one of the rules in their T&Cs states that they can change the T&C any time without telling you, meaning they could retroactively add an FU clause
  • "Spirit of the Bonus" Clause
• 1 år sedan
Related to other of the virtual group casinos but this one has absolutely no return to player on their slots I’ve wagered hundreds of dollars and at first you’ll hit a bonus with your deposit then it’s nothing but dead spins over and over until it’s all gone
  • Customer support is good
  • No return to player on slots
• 1 år sedan
I recently won off a free bonus . I just sent my verification documents to be reviewed. I read nothing but negative reviews about this ill casino. And I seriously doubt I will receive my winnings . I will keep you updated as soon as I hear back from them .
  • Do not play this casino they will not pay you .
• 1 år sedan
Great Crypto withdrawal process

Working no deposit bonus

  • Less than 24 hours for everything
  • No Deposit Bonus works
• 1 år sedan
So far the verification documents process for a bitcoin payout is ridiculous. I live in my RV. I'm traveling and they want proof of address. I'm trying to make a simple 2000. Bitcoin transaction. They are making it impossible for me to do so. But they are working with me telling me I can turn in other verification documents so we will see. Other than this it is a great sight!
  • Good phone service
  • Lengthy verification documents KYC process
• 1 år sedan
My experience with this casino is nothing but positive. I have made a couple small deposits periodically and didn't win anything but last week I used a 25 free spins No Deposit bonus and after I met the playthrough I was allowed to withdrawal $100, the verification process was super easy. I chose to be paid out to my Bitcoin wallet. It took a couple days for them to review & approve it. Today is Sunday and they approved it and sent it immediately, I love this. Excellent place. No fuss, I never had to contact support, which means a lot considering I have been screwed over by a few other casino's that still won't return my emails and never paid me out.
  • Paid me out on a Sunday.
  • Easy verification.
• 1 år sedan
Coindraw withdrawal
Date 05/01/2023
Deposited in my cashapp bitcoin account on 05/02/2023. Amount $100.
  • Very fast withdrawal
• 1 år sedan
Played a ton. Never got over $100. No bonus play, bonus play, high bet, low bet-it did nothing but take my money. I think one time out of 100 I got 2 plays for &12.xx and the rest were under that. Terrible website casino. I think they don’t have any payouts, only deposits and loss.
  • Give me hella bonus play
• 1 år sedan
I would give them zero stars as I could if I could first I done everything about the book and I screenshot it every single step because I read reviews before I joined this casino I gave them the benefit of the doubt I deposited my $10 in crypto or about toasting verified my account it was approved I actually had a hit for $180 I go to cash out $100 just to be on the safe side now I can't even get in my account after I talk to customer service and told them that I would rate them either way it went I was going to rate it how I seen it that I do not like to give bad ratings but still I'm not getting screwed so they gave me back my $12 deposit and I'm guessing closed my account so I give them zero stars do not play here I read reviews at the beginning still gave them the benefits of doubt and got screwed say that if you want to play for fun go for it but after you make a deposit and then when and try to withdraw no matter what you will get screwed out of your money I waited and waited I do have screenshots of anybody wants to see them from the time I sent this account up to the time they closed it and they only close it after I told the rep exactly how I felt and I was nice about it I wasn't going to be and then I decided it's not going to do any good anyways they're going to close my account and they did
  • The only positive I can tell
  • Once you make your first deposit and then try to withdraw winnings you will probably see your account closed and it'll say problem error or back to home every time you try to log in
• 1 år sedan
I was able to cash out $150 from a free chip after only depositing $10 Bitcoin and after waiting one day for my identity to be verified the money was in my Bitcoin account instantly. Pretty happy
  • Honors payouts won with bonus funds
  • Quick withdrawal process
  • Limited withdrawal options
• 1 år sedan
I feel obligated, in a strange way, to defend the Lucky Legends online casino. My story may start off similar to yours or it might not and may end up the same way, but I signed up with the free $50, no deposit bonus chip. I hit about $1500 very soon after and they automatically deducted the 1013 or however much it was while I was in the middle of spinning $25 spins, I think they were. When I realized my balance had quickly got around 170 very fast, I figured they must have deducted the play through. I got my balance to an even $100 and then I began the withdraw process. They tell you it takes 3 to 5 business days to verify your ID. It took that for me, so that was accurate. Then it takes 7 to 10 business days to approve or deny your withdrawal. This was also accurate, my withdraw was approved. They tell you it takes another 7 to 10 business days for them to send it to you. I was expecting the money in my bank account, but I had been told by customer service that I could also give them my Bitcoin wallet address and they would approve me for that, although the website states you have to make two or three deposits first with cryptocurrency before you can withdraw to it. My withdrawal in the amount of $100 came to my Bitcoin wallet address and it was there probably 12 hours and I did not even notice it because I did not get notifications from that Bitcoin wallet address, as I was expecting it in my bank account, or I would have turned them on. Does it take a while to go through a withdraw, especially the first one? Yes, it does... Will you get frustrated waiting on it if you really need the money? You betcha .... Does Lucky Legends online casino really actually pay you out what you win? Absolutely. I called them almost every day and I am sorry to say that I was almost rude to the customer service representatives because I have been scammed before by other online casinos, but Lucky Legends payed me my $100 off of a free $50 chip and if they honor and pay out on a free chip, then I am sure that they will definetly honor and pay out cash deposits. I was in a desperate situation and desperately needed the money when it appeared in my Bitcoin wallet and I called Lucky Legends and apologized to them the second I saw the deposit. As soon as I get out of this bad rut I am in, I will be making my cash deposits ONLY to Lucky Legends. 💯
  • Honors No Deposit Bonus Chips
  • Does Pay Up
  • Very Kind and Polite Customer Service Representatives
  • They Are A Little Slow To Pay, But They Tell You How Long It Takes Up Front In the Terms And Conditions
Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet för Lucky Legends Casino

Ta en titt på förklaringen av de faktorer vi beaktar vid beräkningen av säkerhetsindexet för Lucky Legends Casino. Säkerhetsindexet är den viktigaste parametern vi använder för att beskriva tillförlitligheten, rättvisan och kvaliteten för alla onlinecasinon i vår databas.

Säkerhetsindex:Under medel5.6/10
Ett medelstort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är orättvisa
Förekommer inte på någon relevant svart lista över casinon
Klagomål från spelare anger en medelhög andel kvarhållna vinster i förhållande till casinots storlek
Vi tog även hänsyn till andra faktorer som hade en något negativ inverkan på casinots säkerhetsindex
Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

Har det här casinot behandlat dig orättvist?

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Viktigt: Casinot drivs utan en licens Detta casino drivs utan en licens. Som ett resultat av detta är casinot inte tvunget att följa regler som fastställts av tillsynsmyndigheter. Du kommer dessutom inte att kunna vända dig till någon tillsynsmyndighet om du stöter på problem.

Orättvisa villkor

  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier vid spel med bonusmedel, men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.

Andra faktorer

  • Saknar en licens

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Betalningsmetoder på Lucky Legends Casino

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