HemOnlinecasinonFgFox Casino recension
FgFox Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
Inte tillgänglig
Besök casino
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Payz (ecoPayz)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Multibanco
  • Neosurf
 per månad
5 000 €
 per vecka
1 500 €
 per vecka
500 €
FairGame G.P. N.V.
Fair Game Software KFT
> 1 000 000 €
  • Curaçao (Curaçao Gaming Control Board)
  • Costa Rica
  • Komorerna (Anjouan Gaming)
ÖversiktBonusar0Användarrecensioner38Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion27Betalningsmetoder33
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FgFox Casino Recension

Under granskningen och bedömningen av FgFox Casino har vårt oberoende granskningsteam vägt in dess fördelar och nackdelar enligt vår metod för casinogranskningar. För att avgöra om detta casino är seriöst och säkert för svenska spelare, eller rentav riskabelt att spela på, har våra granskare noggrant övervägt skäligheten i casinots villkor och utvärderat licenser, kundsupport, gränser, befintliga klagomål från spelare och andra viktiga faktorer.

Vi har beräknat casinots säkerhetsindex baserat på dessa resultat. Det är en numerisk och verbal representation av onlinecasinots säkerhet och rättvisa. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto troligare är det att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. FgFox Casino har ett högt säkerhetsindex på 8.5, vilket gör det till ett rekommenderat alternativ för de flesta spelare när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av FgFox Casino och ta reda på mer om detta casino för att kunna avgöra om det är rätt casino för dig eller inte.

Säkerhetsindex – rättvisa och säkerhet för FgFox Casino

Vår process för att fastställa ett casinos säkerhetsindex innefattar en grundlig metod som tar hänsyn till de variabler vi har samlat in och analyserat under vår granskning. Dessa utgörs av casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor osv.

I vår granskning av FgFox Casino har vi gått igenom FgFox Casinos villkor noggrant. Vi hittade några regler eller klausuler som var oskäliga, men vi anser att villkoren till övervägande del är rättvisa. En orättvis eller bedräglig regel skulle kunna utnyttjas för att undvika att betala ut rättmätiga vinster till spelare, men vi har endast observerat marginella problem med detta casino.

FgFox Casino är ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt våra uppskattningar eller insamlad information. I förhållande till storleken har det en väldigt låg andel kvarhållna vinster i klagomål från spelare (eller har inte mottagit några klagomål alls). Vi tar hänsyn till antalet klagomål i förhållande till casinots storlek, eftersom vi är medvetna om att större casinon tenderar att ha fler klagomål från spelare.

Såvitt vi vet förekommer FgFox Casino inte på några betydande svarta listor över casinon. Svarta listor över casinon, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, kan indikera att ett casino har gjort något fel. Därför rekommenderar vi spelare att ta hänsyn till dessa listor när de väljer ett casino att spela på.

Allt detta, tillsammans med andra faktorer som beaktats i vår granskning, har resulterat i ett säkerhetsindex på 8.5 för FgFox Casino, vilket är ett högt värde. Detta casino är ett rekommenderat alternativ för de flesta spelare som letar efter ett onlinecasino som har ett engagemang för rättvisa.

Obs! Såvitt vi kan se är FgFox Casino kopplat till 17 andra onlinecasinon. Säkerhetsindexet för FgFox Casino tar hänsyn till kvaliteten hos alla sammankopplade onlinecasinon. På grund av kopplingen till andra casinon har det här casinot fått ett högre säkerhetsindex än det skulle ha fått på egen hand.

Utvärdering av FgFox Casinos villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon läser vi noga igenom varje casinos villkor och utvärderar skäligheten hos dem. Det är inte ovanligt att vi hittar klausuler eller regler i villkoren som vi anser är orättvisa eller rentav bedrägliga, eftersom de under vissa omständigheter kan användas mot spelare som grund för att hålla kvar deras vinster.

Vi hittade några tveksamma regler eller villkor under vår granskning, men vi anser att FgFox Casinos villkor till övervägande del är rättvisa.

Obs! Du hittar de specifika resultaten från vår utvärdering av villkoren här.

FgFox Casino - klagomål från spelare

Att beakta klagomål från spelare är en viktig del i vår granskningsprocess eftersom de ger en helhetsbild av de problem som spelare upplever och casinots inställning till att lösa dessa problem. Varje casinos säkerhetsindex beräknas efter noggrant övervägande av alla klagomål som inkommit till vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt de klagomål vi har inhämtat från andra källor.

Det här klagomålet rör inte FgFox Casino specifikt, men ett casino det är relaterat till. På grund av detta klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino 106 svarta poäng. Du hittar mer information om klagomålet och de svarta poängen i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

FgFox Casino - användarrecensioner och feedback

På Casino Guru kan användare betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon genom att dela med sig av sina unika upplevelser och åsikter. Vi fastställer det övergripande feedbackbetyget baserat på den spelarfeedback som inkommit till oss. Betyget kan variera från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Baserat på de 38 användarrecensionerna av FgFox Casino som finns i vår databas har det fått feedbackbetyget "Bra". För att se användarrecensioner av det här casinot går du till avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Du bör vara medveten om att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av ett casinos kvaliteter. Vissa casinon kan lämna falska recensioner för att förbättra sin övergripande feedbackpoäng. Det kan också hända att missnöjda spelare lämnar flera negativa recensioner för att sänka ett casinos betyg. Vi strävar efter att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg; av dessa skäl ingår inte användarrecensioner i processen för att beräkna säkerhetsindexet.

Företagsinformation och licenser för FgFox Casino

FgFox Casino ägs av FairGame G.P N.V och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som är högre än $1,000,000. Detta gör det till ett litet till medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår klassificering.

FgFox Casino innehar licenser utfärdade av tillsynsmyndigheter i följande geografiska områden: Costa Rica, Komorerna (Anjouan Gaming), Curaçao (Curaçao Gaming Control Board).

Uttagsgränser, vinstgränser och tillgängliga betalningsmetoder

FgFox Casino stödjer 33 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Skrill, Neteller, PaySafeCard, Payz (ecoPayz) , VISA, Mastercard, Multibanco, Neosurf, Bitcoin (BTC), AstroPay, Wire-transfer, Bank transfer, Santander, Flexepin, Jetonbank, Rapid Transfer, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dogecoin (XDG), blik, Bank Millennium, ActivoBank, eZeeWallet, Ripple (XRP), CashtoCode, Interac, Jeton, Revolut, PayOp, Jeton Cash, MiFinity, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Tether (USDT).

Många onlinecasinon har satt gränser för hur mycket pengar en spelare kan vinna eller ta ut. Vissa casinon tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Dessa gränser är dock vanligtvis tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare. Detta är skälet till att vi alltid tar hänsyn till dessa faktorer när vi utvärderar casinon. Du hittar all information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
500 EUR per dag Ingen vinstgräns
1 500 EUR per vecka
5 000 EUR per månad
500 USD per dag
1 500 USD per vecka
5 000 USD per månad
5 000 NOK per dag
15 000 NOK per vecka
50 000 NOK per månad
750 CAD per dag
2 250 CAD per vecka
7 500 CAD per månad
750 AUD per dag
2 250 AUD per vecka
7 500 AUD per månad
500 CHF per dag
1 500 CHF per vecka
5 000 CHF per månad
12 500 CZK per dag
37 500 CZK per vecka
125 000 CZK per månad
3 750 DKK per dag
11 250 DKK per vecka
37 500 DKK per månad
75 000 ISK per dag
225 000 ISK per vecka
750 000 ISK per månad
750 NZD per dag
2 250 NZD per vecka
7 500 NZD per månad
2 500 PLN per dag
7 500 PLN per vecka
25 000 PLN per månad
2 500 RON per dag
7 500 RON per vecka
25 000 RON per månad
Obs! Det är möjligt att några av de listade betalningsmetoderna inte kan användas för både insättningar och uttag. Dessutom kan möjligheten att använda vissa betalningsmetoder variera beroende på om du befinner dig i Sverige eller i något annat land.

Tillgängliga språkalternativ och kundsupport

Som ett led i vår granskningsprocess samlar vårt expertteam in data rörande alternativ för kundsupport och tillgängliga språk. De tillgängliga språken och alternativen för kundsupport på FgFox Casino visas i tabellen nedan.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7
spanska Ja Ja Ja24/7
portugisiska Ja Ja Ja24/7
tyska Ja Nej Nej
italienska Ja Nej Nej
grekiska Ja Nej Nej
franska Ja Ja Ja24/7
slovenska Ja Nej Nej
polska Ja Ja Ja24/7
rumänska Ja Nej Nej

I samband med vår granskning kontaktar vi alltid casinots kundsupport och testar deras svar för att ta reda på hur hjälpsamma och professionella de är. Kundsupport är en viktig faktor för oss eftersom den kan vara till stor hjälp när det handlar om att lösa problem med spelarens konto, registrering på FgFox Casino, uttag och andra potentiella bekymmer. Utifrån resultatet av vårt test bedömer vi att kundsupporten på FgFox Casino är bra.

Casinospel och spelautomater tillgängliga på FgFox Casino

FgFox Casino ger spelare möjlighet att spela följande typer av spel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Craps och tärningsspel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Virtuella sporter, Andra spel, Crash-spel, Liveshower, Live baccarat, Live bingo, Live baccarat, Live tärningsspel, Andra livespel, Live poker, Live roulette.

Casinots spelbibliotek inkluderar titlar från 108 leverantörer. Detta inkluderar NetEnt, Apricot (Microgaming), Playtech, Play'n GO, Merkur Gaming, Blueprint Gaming, Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Thunderkick, Red Tiger Gaming, Betsoft Gaming, Big Time Gaming, Playson, Amatic, ELK Studios, Ezugi, Evoplay, BGaming, GameArt, Endorphina, Habanero, Lightning Box, Red Rake Gaming, Spinomenal, 1X2 Gaming, Booming Games, Tom Horn, Iron Dog Studio, Belatra Games, MrSlotty, Relax Gaming, Lucky Games, Turbo Games, Platipus, Slotopia, Wizard games, Lucky Streak, Mancala Gaming, Spinmatic, Spadegaming, Aviatrix, Elbet, OneTouch, Kiron Interactive, Golden Race, Revolver Gaming, EAGaming, Reevo, Mascot Gaming, Spinoro, Triple Edge Studios, Givme Games, Jade Rabbit Studio, PGsoft (Pocket Games Soft), Real Dealer Studios, TVBet, MGA, OctoPlay, Skywind Group, Iconic21 (BETER Live), AvatarUX, 3 Oaks Gaming, CT Interactive, Vibra Gaming, Mplay, 5Men Gaming, Smartsoft Gaming, Swintt, LIVE Solutions, Spribe, Gamomat, Charismatic, Spinza , Spearhead Studios, RAW iGaming, DLV, Foxium, Betsolutions, SlotMill, Vivo Gaming, Onlyplay, Oryx Gaming, Gaming Corps, Nucleus Gaming, Leap Gaming, Gamebeat, Hölle games, Absolute Live Gaming (alg), Fugaso, Felix Gaming, Gamzix, 1spin4win, Kalamba Games, Zillion Games, Popiplay, Apparat Gaming, Just For The Win, InOut, Barbara Bang, Clawbuster, Bet2tech, Triple Cherry, 7Mojos, Hacksaw Gaming, Netgame, Ruby Play, XPG (xprogaming), Ka Gaming.

Bonuserbjudanden och koder från FgFox Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder bonusar för att locka till sig och behålla spelare, som ett incitament för att registrera ett konto och börja spela. De vanligast förekommande bonustyperna är bonusar utan insättning (eller freespins) som du kan få genom att bara registrera ett konto, samt insättningsbonusar som delas ut i samband med insättningar. Casinon erbjuder också kampanjer som lojalitetsprogram, välkomstbonusar vid registrering och bonuskoder.

Vi har för närvarande 3 bonusar från FgFox Casino i vår databas, inklusive:

  • 100 % upp till 1 000 € och 100 extrasnurr (0,1 €/snurr)
  • 100 % upp till 100 € och 100 extrasnurr (0,1 €/snurr)
  • 50 % upp till 300 € och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 €/snurr)

Notera att endast spelare från specifika länder kan vara berättigade till vissa av dessa bonusar. För att ta reda på vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja i Sverige, se avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
Inte tillgänglig


  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Payz (ecoPayz)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Multibanco
  • Neosurf
 per månad
5 000 €
 per vecka
1 500 €
 per vecka
500 €


Ingen betting
Ingen poker
Craps och tärningsspel
Ingen betting på e-sport


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • NetEnt
  • Apricot (Microgaming)
  • Playtech
  • Merkur Gaming
  • Play'n GO
  • Blueprint Gaming
  • Evolution Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play


  • Insättningar och uttag via kryptovalutor
  • Omfattande samling av spel från flera leverantörer
  • Casinot reagerar på kommentarer från spelare
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7


  • Under genomsnittet per månad för uttag

Intressanta fakta

  • Casino använder en chatbot för kundernas interaktion
  • Litet internationellt kasino
  • Insättningar måste omsättas 3x innan ett uttag begärs
Författare och garant: Michaela Skalla Senast uppdaterat: 2025-01-13 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (0)

Bonusar på FgFox Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som FgFox Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (38)

Användarrecensioner av FgFox Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av FgFox Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 38 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 8 månader sedan
Played at the casino for the first time and was satisfied. Even got more than I expected. Registration and verification did not cause any problems. Then went to the games, the choice is really huge, in the top there are all known to me games. Played and won.
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

Thank you for choosing FgFox Casino for your gaming experience! We're thrilled to hear that your first visit exceeded your expectations.

It's fantastic that registration and verification went smoothly for you, and that you found our selection of games impressive. We pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of games, including all your favorites.

Congratulations on your win! We hope it's just the beginning of many more enjoyable moments with us. Should you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always here to help.

Looking forward to your next visit!

Best regards,
FgFox Casino
• 9 månader sedan
Great casino. I've been playing here for over a month now and I have no comments. Safe registration and verification, which I consider almost the main component of any online casino. Fast payouts is also one of the main points of this casino. I advise you to try to play here.
FgFox Casino
Hello there !

Thank you for your fantastic review and for being a loyal player! We are thrilled to hear that you have had a great experience with us and appreciate your kind words.

As a casino, we prioritize the safety and security of our players, ensuring that our registration and verification processes are both robust and user-friendly. It's also wonderful to know that our fast payouts have met your expectations.

Your recommendation is incredibly valuable to us. We are committed to maintaining the high standards that you have come to expect from us and look forward to continuing to provide you with an exceptional gaming experience.

King regards,
FgFox Casino
• 9 månader sedan
Nice casino. I really like the interface. Instant payouts in general surprised me. This is my first time. In general, I advise everyone this casino.
FgFox Casino
Hi there !

Thank you for sharing your positive experience with us!

We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our user-friendly interface and were pleasantly surprised by our instant payouts. It's always exciting to welcome new players, and we're delighted that your first experience with us has been so favorable.

Providing a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience is our top priority, and your recommendation is the best compliment we could receive. We appreciate your trust and support.

Thank you for choosing our casino. We look forward to continuing to exceed your expectations and delivering exceptional service.

King regards,
FgFox Casino
• 9 månader sedan
I advise everyone to play only in licensed and verified online casinos. Fgfox is a proven online casino. For all the time of the game I have not identified any problems, only pluses. Loading games, verification, loading pages and most importantly the withdrawal of money is very fast. I recommend, tested.
FgFox Casino
Hi there!

Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with us!

We are thrilled to hear that you have found our platform reliable and enjoyable. Your kind words about our site mean a lot to us.

We pride ourselves on providing a seamless and secure gaming environment, and it’s fantastic to know that our efforts are appreciated. Your recommendation is the highest compliment we could receive.

Thank you for choosing our casino. We look forward to continuing to offer you an exceptional gaming experience.

King regards,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
Spelade 100 euro och vann 1 250 euro och fick genast mitt konto fryst så att jag inte kan avbryta och spela. Det nekades varje gång eftersom mitt konto måste verifieras först. Sedan gjorde jag det och fick veta att jag nu kunde betala ut. Gjorde ett uttag i onsdags och satte in igen dagen efter, vann och begärde ett uttag. I fredags frågade jag varför betalningen ännu inte har godkänts och när jag fick beskedet att det skulle göras när som helst, då hade jag redan väntat i över 48 timmar. Sedan gjorde jag en insättning och vann igen och tog ut den och vad som hände till min förvåning ALLA mina uttag avvisades plötsligt eftersom jag plötsligt var tvungen att verifiera igen. Riktigt skitsnack! Jag frågade, jag har väntat i 2 dagar nu och det kan ta 3 dagar, det är nu fredag så jag kanske inte kan förvänta mig en betalning förrän på onsdag om 5 dagar och hon svarade helt enkelt med 'Ja, det stämmer'. Förlåt, det här är verkligen skitsnack, de gör bokstavligen allt de kan för att skjuta upp din betalning. Jag vet en sak så fort jag har mina pengar kommer jag att lämna detta casino OMEDELBART. Det är nu 4 dagar senare efter min första begäran om betalning och jag har ännu inte fått någon euro.
  • Snabba svar på mejl
  • Betalningen tar alldeles för lång tid och när de 3 dagar de kräver nästan är uppfyllda avbryter de helt enkelt ditt uttag
FgFox Casino
Dear player,

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced regarding the verification process and withdrawal delays of your winnings.

Ensuring the security and integrity of our platform is paramount, and sometimes this involves additional verification steps to safeguard both your funds and our casino. We understand your frustration with the delays in processing your withdrawals, and we assure you that we are continuously working to streamline our verification procedures to minimize any inconvenience to our valued players as you are.

Please, contact our customer support service with this review, so we can help you with your withdrawal as soon as possible.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

King regards,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
I liked the first bonuses and the thursday bonus. But at some point the casino got worse. I didnt receive my deposit for 10 days and I can't even close my account. My "VIP" supporter don't let me close it.
  • welcome bonuses
  • thursday bonus
  • high RTP for Pragmatic
  • deposit pending for 10 days
  • annoying "VIP" support
  • they don't let me close my account
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We appreciate hearing about your experience, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've encountered.

We are truly sorry to learn about the delay in processing your deposit and the difficulty you've faced in trying to close your account. This falls short of the standards we strive to uphold, and we understand the frustration it may have caused.

To address these concerns promptly, we would appreciate it if you contact us via pour customer support channels. This will enable us to investigate the matter thoroughly and take the necessary steps to resolve it.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience you've faced, and we look forward to resolving these issues to your satisfaction. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your continued patronage.

King regards,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
Fgfox casino recently updated their user interface, the website used to be glitchy but now runs very smoothly and looks beautiful! Vast selection of games to choose from, especially live casino! Would love them to add Nolimitcity provider in the future :) Sometimes they experience technical issues but gets sorted very quick. I always receive my withdrawals the next day and can contact my VIP manager Fletcher if I have any issues. Love this casino! Definitely worth giving it a try
  • Smooth, beautiful website
  • Fast Withdrawals
  • Big choice of live casino games
  • VIP manager
  • Shop where you can exchange points for spins and money
  • Cashback on losses
  • Sometimes I experience technical issues and the website is down but that doesn’t last too long
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your positive experience with our casino.

We appreciate your feedback and are thrilled to hear that you are enjoying the recent updates to our user interface.We continuously strive to enhance the gaming experience for our players, and your positive remarks inspire us to keep improving.

It's also great to know that you receive your withdrawals promptly, and we're glad you have the option to contact your VIP manager, for any assistance. We truly value your loyalty and are committed to delivering exceptional service.

We look forward to providing you with even more enjoyable gaming experiences in the future.

King regards,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
There's a whole bunch of games here, the biggest list I've ever seen. Easy game search allows you to select games according to desired categories and features. Great conditions for players, and profesional stuff, I like this casino.
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

Thank you for your positive feedback about our site!

We're thrilled to hear that you appreciate our game selection on the site. We're also pleased to know that our casino is convenient for you. Providing great conditions for our players and maintaining a professional team are priorities for us, and we're glad to see that reflected in your comments.

If you have any further questions, write to us, and we will be glad to help you.

Thank you for choosing us!

King regards,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
Great loyalty program for players. The casino offers various bonuses and rewards. There are also a lot of different payment options here, which is very convenient. Convenience to the max.
FgFox Casino
Hello there !

Thank you for your honest feedback.

We're delighted to hear that you had the best experience with our casino. We take great pride in providing top-notch entertainment and unforgettable moments for our players, we're thrilled that you found our wide selection of games perfect for you and convenient to play.

We look forward to the opportunity to welcome you back for more exciting moments and entertainment.

Have a good day !

With love,
FGFOX team.
• 1 år sedan
I am satisfied with the fast and reliable work of the online casino. My winnings are always paid out on time, and customer support has helped me many times and answered all my questions.
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

Thank you for providing us with your thoughts about our casino.

It's wonderful to know that you found our casino to be a great place for entertainment. Our dedicated team works hard to maintain a high level of customer service, and we're delighted to hear that you had a positive interaction with our staff. We're also glad to hear that you had experience with our fast withdrawal process in our casino.

We look forward to welcoming you back to our casino in the future !

With love,
FGFOX team.
• 1 år sedan
Great service, excellent conditions, fast payouts. Tech support has helped me more than once and it's cool. As in my opinion this is not a bad modern casino.
FgFox Casino
Hi there !

Thank you for your kind words about our casino.

It's good to know that you found our casino good for playing. We take pride in creating a comfortable and enjoyable environment for our guests, so we're always trying to make gaming for our players easy and fast.

If there's anything specific you enjoyed or any suggestions you'd like to share, please feel free to let us know about that again.

With love,
FGFOX team.
• 1 år sedan
Been playing here for a long time, love it all. There are a lot of games, the casino allows you to win. Bonuses are also normal, you can only add sports betting and store.
FgFox Casino
Hello there !

Thank you for your honest thoughts about our casino.

We're glad to know that you find our game's selection perfect for you, and you were lucky with us, so we wish you a lot of it in your next time. Don't miss our bonuses that you can see on our site, and also check our new shop where you can get more offers for you.

We wish you the best of luck with our casino.

With love,
FGFOX team.
• 1 år sedan
Normal and modern casino with good conditions for players. But I would like to have prizes for players, it would be cool.
  • many top providers
  • fair casino
  • want more prizes
  • no prize store
FgFox Casino
Hello there !

Thank you for sharing your opinion with us.

We're delighted that you found our game selection appealing, we will also review our bonus offerings for our players so you can enjoy playing in our casino.Your feedback is invaluable to us, as it inspires us to continue providing the best possible service and entertainment for our guests.

Contact us in case of any further questions that you can have in the future.

With love,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
Been playing here for a long time, have formed a good opinion about this casino. Everything is clear, fast and convenient, and GENERAL that honest. Withdrew winnings about 15 times and did not encounter any problems at any time.
FgFox Casino
Hello there !

It's great to hear that our players enjoy playing in our casino ! Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we are grateful for your support in sharing your positive experience.

We take great pride in our selection of games and withdrawal system, and we are continuously working to improve ourselves more.

Thank you for choosing us, and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.
• 1 år sedan
Fgfox really has a lot of games, I got my first winnings instantly. I was very interested to try a new site for me and I was very happy to choose this one, with a great selection of games, cool design and nice support.
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

We truly appreciate your positive feedback regarding your experience at our casino so far.

We are delighted that you are enjoying the games and attractive bonuses we provide. Furthermore, we are pleased that our quick payouts are meeting your satisfaction.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need assistance at any time, as our customer service team is always available to help. We wish you the best of luck and a wonderful time playing with us!
• 1 år sedan
This is a casino to operate with adjusted slots from Pragmatic. Don't play here would be my advice.

I got photos from 2 examples that everybody directly will know and see that something is wrong

Example 1. On Gates of Olympus, I got 18!!! Re-triggers resulted in 105 free spins in 1 bonus, the result was a 15x win. Example 2.The next bonus which resulted in 40 free spins ( 5 re-triggers) was a 5x win.

Everybody knows how rare a single re-trigger on this slot is let alone so many. this means they altered the game in some way, stay away from this casino!
  • Fake casino
  • Adjusted slots
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

Thank you for sharing your concerns about your experience at our casino.

We take such feedback seriously as we strive to provide a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for our players. We assure you that our casino operates with integrity and does not manipulate slot games. The outcomes of the games, including re-triggers and wins, are determined by random number generators (RNGs) to ensure fairness.

If you have encountered any unusual outcomes or discrepancies, we encourage you to reach out to our customer support team with specific details and evidence, such as the photos you mentioned. We will thoroughly investigate the matter to address your concerns.

Thank you for your understanding, and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or need assistance.

Best regards,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
2 ytterligare dokument krävdes (absolut motiverat) Kontot verifierades omedelbart. Pengar fanns på mitt Skrill-konto inom några timmar. Fortsätt så. Det är synd att ingen banköverföring är möjlig.
  • Bra utbud av live dealer-spel
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

We want to express our sincere gratitude for your positive feedback regarding our services. Your kind words mean a lot to us and serve as a motivation to continue striving for excellence.

At FgFox Casino, we are committed to providing the best possible experience for our valued customers. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we constantly work towards enhancing our services to meet your expectations.

Once again, thank you for choosing FgFox. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors at our casino.

Warm regards,
FgFox Casino
• 1 år sedan
I made yesterday 2 deposit, because it sad on your page that I can choose my bank for quick deposit, but both deposit methods wasnt instant.
1. When I got my deposits credited I chose to accept 1st deposit bonus and for 2nd one I chose to queue it, because it was an option, it never sad to cancel my 2nd bonus. Support saying that I canceled it but I didnt. I talked with support Garry, he was rude and didnt want to help also talked to Viola and she replayed to one of my question and just closed the chat. The second deposit had some kind a error and wasnt issued. ! The big bass slots are fake. This site has a lot of issues. I got 10 euro balance when I go in to a slot and on a site it says I have 0 euro balance.
  • fake slots
  • issues with payments
  • support not helping, rude
  • a lot of glitches
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

We apologize for the issues you experienced while using our casino.

Please allow us to clarify the situation. Firstly, there may be occasional delays in the deposit crediting process due to the time required for funds to be transferred from your payment method to the casino account.
Secondly, unfortunately, our system does not allow for bonuses to be cancelled, and we understand this may have been an inconvenience for you.
Lastly, we would like to mention that the 10 EUR in your balance equates to 50 free spins with a bet of 0.2 EUR, which can only be played in specific games that offer free spins.

We understand that these circumstances may have caused you frustration and we apologize for any inconvenience they may have caused. We value our customers and want to ensure that everyone has a positive experience with our casino. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to let us know.

FgFox Casino
• 2 år sedan
Dead casino site bad pay in slots in fact zero
  • Many game provider
  • Gamea are not working good and when they work they don give anything
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

We would like to express our sincere apologies for the unpleasant experience you had at our casino.

We would like to assure you that we uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all our operations. Furthermore, we want to emphasize that all our games are rented from certified game providers, which means that all game results are purely based on luck and are not influenced in any way.

Additionally, we want to assure you that if you encounter any other difficulties while playing at our casino, we are always here to help you. Our customer service team is available 24/7 via live chat or email, and we are always happy to assist you in any way we can.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and we hope to continue providing you with the best gaming experience possible.

With love,
FgFox Casino
• 2 år sedan
This site, behind of a mediocre look have no payout. Stay away! It is right that casino gurus consider this casino reliable as they pay them a fee to be well reviewed. Even if this review will be deleted I have seen better casinos where this site had a different opinion reproducing them with a bad reputation. I advise you to stay away from the reviews of this site as they live off agreements with casinos where you will never win a dime.
  • Nothing is positive
  • No right payout
  • Many bonus without no way out for regular payout
  • Anonymous stile interface
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

We understand your point but allow us to explain please.

Firstly: we have thousands of satisfied customers on our cite, who win and receive their winnings. We are an honest casino and always fair with our users.

Additionally, every player must go through the verification process to be able to place funds for withdrawal. It is necessary to be done due to Anti Fraud and Anti Money Laundering policy, which we strictly follow.
Also, we always provide detailed instructions on which documents are required for verification.

Secondly: all reviews on this site and on other resources are written by real customers of our casino. We have never paid, do not pay and will not pay for reviews of our work. Customers share their opinion by leaving positive and negative reviews about our casino and we learn what else we can do to keep our users satisfied.

We are really grateful for every review left about our casino!

With love,
FgFox Casino
• 2 år sedan
This Casino scammed me for my 1 Deposit freespins, i want to play my second part of freespins but it was deleted and the support didnt give me these Spins for what i make a deposit.
And i think this Slots are not legit... there is No Wins, i think they slots are Fake.

I didnt play there anymore!
  • Scammed Me
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

We are sorry to hear of your impression of us.

Let us clarify please!

Firstly, the First Deposit Bonus consists of 2 parts: free spins and a cash part. This is all one united bonus. If you cancel your bonus, both parts(the cash part and the free spins) disappear. Since you canceled your bonus by yourself, all components of the bonus are gone. You can check more about the terms of this bonus here: https://fgfox.com/en/bonuses/99

Secondly, FgFox Casino is always honest with their users. That's why on the website you can find only trusted and certified game providers where every gambler has a chance to win. You can be sure that all the games listed on the website is certified since casino rents those games from licensed game providers only. Chance to win is the exact which is stated on the game provider website, so it all depends on luck only.

We're sorry to hear that luch wasn't on your side but there is no need to blame casino since a lot of players get really high winnings.

Hope for your understanding and thank you for sharing your opinion.

With love,
FgFox Casino
• 2 år sedan
Väldigt dåligt casino, det finns inte ens de minsta vinsterna här, jag kan inte skriva en enda bra sak, jag ångrar verkligen att jag ens registrerade mig på detta casino.. Jag rekommenderar inte.. ett annat casino som jag kan kalla ett bottenlöst svart hål
FgFox Casino
Hello there,

Thank you for sharing your frank opinion.

We totally understand your frustration. However, we want to clarify that FgFox Casino is always honest with their users. That's why on the website you can find only trusted and certified game providers where every gambler has a chance to win.

We're sorry to hear that luck wasn't on your side, but there is no need to blame casino since a lot of players get really high winnings.

Have a great rest of the day!

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
Good offerts and Bonus:) is casino with potential to will be one of best casino moblie.
  • Bonus, promotion, providers and chat help:)
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

Thank you for sharing your sincere opinion, we value that a lot!

We are thankful to you for all your kind words. They make us sure that we are on the right way, and keep us motivated to create the best gambling platform ever! Thank you!

We wish you the best of luck with our casino.

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
I like play on this casino Very good
  • a lot of deposit methods
  • Lots of games, lots of providers
  • Live chat could be better
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

We really appreciate the kind words about our casino and do our best to stay relevant and helpful in order to provide you with high-quality assistance.

Your feedback is enormously valuable to us so we greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience from our casino.

Thank you for being our customers! Thank you for choosing FGFOX casino!

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
One of the best online casinos I've played. A large selection of games, quick payouts and interesting bonuses. Fast and hassle-free account verification. I recommend, Darek K.
  • quick payouts
  • Lots of games, lots of providers
  • It's hard for me to deal with the boot from live chat, but maybe the matter of my age and poor knowledge of English
FgFox Casino
Dear Darek,

Thank you for taking your time and leaving your positive feedback.

We are more than happy to hear that you are satisfied with a large selection of games, interesting bonuses and withdrawal process. We always make great efforts to provide our customers with the best experience and unforgettable emotions.

Please let us know if we may be of assistance at any point in the future!

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
the casinos has good games, they are working very good. There is a lot of games what you can play. i also like that it is possible in the netherlands. il ike it!
  • fast games
  • withdraws are fast
  • good support
  • the website is very good
  • a lot of deposit methods
  • maybe a little bit more providers where i can play games on
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

Thank you for posting such a positive review.

We are really pleased that you are enjoyed with our deposits and withdrawal methods, the work of our support team and our website. It is nicely to know, that you are satisfied with the way we work:)

Also, we are constantly working on increasing the number of game providers on the site, please stay tuned!

Thank you for choosing FGFOX! Stay safe and good luck!

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
Det är ett casino värt att ta chansen med, många olika spelleverantörer och bra mjukvara. Trevligt casino!
  • Många olika leverantörer
  • Snabb utbetalning
  • Livechatt kunde vara bättre
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

Thank you very much for taking the time to leave such a pleasant review!

Our team is pleased with your words. It is nicely to hear, that you are satisfied with our great selection of games and customer service.
We will work hard in order to bring up to date our casino!

We appreciate your feedback and hope to see you again soon!

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
Best Casino there is at the moment for me with great bonusses every week nice deposit and withdraw possibilitys here on the casino site.
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

We are so grateful for this great 5-star review.

We really appreciate you being our player and shared the word about us. Thank you for choosing FgFox casino. We are doing our best to provide you with great service!

We wish you the best of luck with our casino.

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
Great Selection of games, sleek interface and lots of providers. Fast on mobile too. There are good bonuses, the only problem is that you have to ask Live Chat to activate them.
  • Lots of providers
  • Very Nice design
  • good bonuses
  • Bonuses must be activatet from Live Chat
FgFox Casino
Hello there!

Thank you for your positive feedback!

We are glad that you appreciated our great selection of games, sleek interface and the variety of game providers.

Also, we are very pleased that you have noted the mobile version of our site! We are constantly hard working on improving our casino for the convenience of our customers.

Have a great rest of the day!

With love,
FGFOX team
• 2 år sedan
I signed up for a while ago at this casino, they have good start-up bonuses. Great site, nice customer service and, above all, quick contact with live chat.
  • Good communication
  • Good bonuses
  • Frequent promotions
FgFox Casino
Dear Wojtek,

Thank you for taking your time to leave review about our casino!

It is a real pleasure to see positive feedback from our customers. That is why we are constantly hard work on improving our service!

Thank you for choosing FGFOX!

We wish you the best of luck with our casino.

With love,
FGFOX team
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Ett medelstort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är mestadels rättvisa
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Inga klagomål från spelare eller en väldigt låg andel kvarhållna vinster i klagomål i förhållande till casinots storlek
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Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

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Orättvisa villkor

  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier vid spel med bonusmedel, men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.

Andra faktorer

  • Låg uttagsgräns: 25 000 zł/månad

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Betalningsmetoder på FgFox Casino

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