HemDuckyLuck Casino recension
DuckyLuck Casino recension
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10 000 $
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2 500 $
Online Casino Share Group, Av. de las Américas
> 20 000 000 €
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DuckyLuck Casino Recension

I denna recension av DuckyLuck Casino har vårt oberoende granskningsteam noggrant analyserat detta casino och dess för- och nackdelar baserat på vår granskningsmetod för casinon. Vårt expertteam har tagit hänsyn till skäligheten i casinots villkor, giltiga licenser, klagomål från spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra viktiga faktorer för att bedöma om det här casinot är säkert att spela på och seriöst, om spelare riskerar att bli lurade där eller om casinot ligger någonstans däremellan.

Vår beräkning av casinots säkerhetsindex, baserad på de undersökta faktorerna, ger en bild av säkerheten och rättvisan på onlinecasinon. Med ett högre säkerhetsindex ökar dina chanser att spela och ta ut vinster utan problem. Även om DuckyLuck Casino har fått ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 7.9, vilket betyder att det är ett passande alternativ för vissa, är det viktigt att ha i åtanke att det finns andra casinon med bättre resultat vad gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Ta en titt på vår fullständiga recension av DuckyLuck Casino, som ger dig nyttiga insikter om casinot för att kunna avgöra om det motsvarar dina krav och preferenser.

Är DuckyLuck Casino rättvist och säkert? Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Vi mäter ett casinos säkerhetsindex genom att tillämpa en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till en mängd olika data som har samlats in och utvärderats under vår flerdelade granskningsprocess. Dessa inkluderar casinots uppskattade storlek, casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, svarta listor och många andra faktorer.

Under vår granskning av DuckyLuck Casino har vi grundligt analyserat paragraferna i DuckyLuck Casinos villkor. Vi hittade några regler eller klausuler som vi inte uppskattade, men sammantaget anser vi att villkoren överlag är rättvisa. En regel som är orättvis eller bedräglig kan potentiellt användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga att inte betala ut deras vinster. När det gäller det här casinot fann vi emellertid bara marginella problem.

Enligt våra ungefärliga beräkningar eller insamlad information är DuckyLuck Casino ett medelstort onlinecasino. Casinot har en låg andel kvarhålla utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare i förhållande till dess storlek. I vår utvärdering tar vi hänsyn till både casinots storlek och klagomål från spelare, eftersom vi inser att större casinon, som ju har fler spelare, ofta får fler klagomål.

Såvitt vi vet förkommer inte DuckyLuck Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Om ett casino finns med på en svart lista, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, är det troligt att casinot har behandlat sina kunder illa. Vi uppmanar därför spelare att ha detta i åtanke när de väljer ett onlinecasino att spela på.

I vår omfattande granskning av alla relevanta faktorer har DuckyLuck Casino uppnått ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 7.9. Det här casinot kan vara ett godtagbart alternativ för en del spelare, men du bör vara medveten om att det finns andra casinon som prioriterar rättvist bemötande och säkerhet för sina kunder i mycket högre utsträckning.

Obs! Såvitt vi kan se är DuckyLuck Casino kopplat till 1 annat onlinecasino. Med hänsyn till kopplingen mellan dessa casinon har vi även vägt in kvaliteterna hos de associerade casinona vid utvärderingen av säkerhetsindexet för DuckyLuck Casino.

DuckyLuck Casinos villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon går vi noga igenom villkoren för varje casino för att avgöra om de är skäliga. Många av dem har villkor med regler eller klausuler som vi anser är orättvisa eller uppenbart bedrägliga, eftersom de under vissa omständigheter kan användas mot spelare som grund för att hålla kvar deras vinster.

Vi hittade några tveksamma regler eller villkor under vår granskning, men vi anser att DuckyLuck Casinos villkor till övervägande del är rättvisa.

Obs! Ta gärna en titt på resultaten av vår granskning av villkoren här.

Klagomål från spelare på DuckyLuck Casino

Klagomål från spelare är en avgörande beståndsdel i vår granskningsprocess eftersom de ger oss en klar uppfattning om de problem som spelare möter och hur casinot väljer att hantera dem. Vi undersöker alla klagomål som lämnats in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning, men även klagomål vi har samlat in från andra källor, när vi beräknar säkerhetsindexet för varje casino.

Vi har för närvarande 1 klagomål som direkt rör detta casino i vår databas, samt 1 klagomål som rör andra relaterade casinon. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 1 151 svarta poäng, av vilka 594 härrör från relaterade casinon. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och recensioner för DuckyLuck Casino

Casino Guru låter användare recensera och betygsätta onlinecasinon för att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter, tankar och synpunkter. Dessa gör att vi kan beräkna ett allmänt feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Återkopplingen gällande användarnöjdhet för DuckyLuck Casino som delats av 170 användare har resulterat i feedbackbetyget "Blandad". Recensionerna är tillgängliga i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Tänk på att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av ett casinos kvaliteter. Det har förekommit fall där casinon skrivit falska recensioner för att förbättra sitt feedbackbetyg. Det har också förekommit fall där missnöjda spelare har lämnat flera negativa recensioner för att skada casinots rykte. Vi gör vårt bästa för att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett representativt feedbackbetyg. För att vara på den säkra sidan inkluderar vi dock inte användarfeedback i beräkningen av vårt säkerhetsindex.

Företagsinformation och licenser för DuckyLuck Casino

DuckyLuck Casino ägs av Online Casino Share Group, Av. de las Américas och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $20,000,000. Detta gör det till ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår måttstock.

Såvitt vi vet saknar DuckyLuck Casino en spellicens.

Vinst- och uttagsgränser, betalningsalternativ

DuckyLuck Casino accepterar insättningar via 13 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Wire-transfer, Discover, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Paper, Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Interac, Interac e-Transfer.

Vinster och uttag är vanligen reglerade av gränser som fastställs av casinot. I många fall är gränserna tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare. Med det sagt finns det dock casinon som tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsbegränsningar som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Det är därför vi alltid undersöker dessa aspekter i våra casinogranskningar. I tabellen nedan visas information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 500 USD per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
10 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det kan mycket väl vara så att inte alla betalningsmetoder som listas ovan är lämpliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa betalningsalternativ bara är tillgängliga i specifika länder.

Språk och kundsupportalternativ

Medarbetare i vårt granskningsteam samlar in information om kundsupport och tillgängliga språk på varje onlinecasino under granskningsprocessen. I tabellen nedan kan du se en översikt över språkalternativen på DuckyLuck Casino.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7

Medarbetare i vårt casinogranskningsteam kontaktade casinots representanter för att ta reda på hur hjälpsamma, professionella och snabba deras svar är. Vi anser att kundsupport är viktigt eftersom dess syfte är att hjälpa dig lösa eventuella problem du riskerar att stöta på, till exempel i samband med registrering på DuckyLuck Casino, hanteringen av ditt konto eller vid uttag och så vidare. Baserat på de svar vi har fått bedömer vi att kundsupporten på DuckyLuck Casino är bra.

DuckyLuck Casino casinospel och spelautomater

DuckyLuck Casino erbjuder dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Andra spel, Live baccarat, Live baccarat, Live poker, Live roulette.

Spel från 11 leverantörer av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Rival, Betsoft Gaming, Saucify, BGaming, Spinomenal, Tom Horn, Arrow's Edge, Felix Gaming, Dragon Gaming, Fresh Deck Studios, Qora Games.

Bonusar och koder som erbjuds av DuckyLuck Casino

Bonusar för nya och befintliga spelare är ett sätt för onlinecasinon att motivera människor att registrera sig och pröva deras spelutbud. De vanligaste är bonusar utan insättning eller freespins som du kan få bara genom att registrera dig, och insättningsbonusar som ges till spelare i samband med insättningar. Med det sagt kan casinon erbjuda andra typer av bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller lojalitetsprogram.

Just nu innehåller vår databas 1 bonus från DuckyLuck Casino:

  • 500 % upp till 2 500 € och 150 extrasnurr (1 €/snurr)

Tänk på att spelare från vissa regioner kanske inte kan utnyttja dessa bonuserbjudanden. Besök avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension för att se vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
Inte tillgänglig


Visa alla (13)
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Wire-transfer
  • Interac e-Transfer
  • Paper
  • Litecoin (LTC)
 per månad
10 000 $
 per vecka
2 500 $

Visa alla

Ingen betting
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska

Visa alla (11)

  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Rival
  • Saucify
  • BGaming
  • Spinomenal
  • Tom Horn
  • Arrow's Edge
  • Dragon Gaming


  • Väldigt trevlig kundtjänst
  • Kundtjänst 24/7
  • Stödjer flera typer av kryptovalutor
  • Spel med riktiga dealers finns tillgängliga


  • Ingen licens
  • Dåligt urval av spelleverantörer

Intressanta fakta

  • Månadsgräns för uttag beror på den valda betalningsmetoden
  • Medelstora internationella kasino
Författare och garant: Jana Kopecká Senast uppdaterat: 2024-10-18 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig

Bonusar på DuckyLuck Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som DuckyLuck Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (170)

Användarrecensioner av DuckyLuck Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av DuckyLuck Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 170 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 1 vecka sedan
I love DuckyLuck. I have had several decent wins, never an issue getting paid. Had one deposit mishap that they corrected immediately. Only complaint is how irrationally quick I was deemed a skilled player (after first win/withdraw). Even skilled players should receive credits/rewards for loyalty. I understand not offering deposit bonuses or free spins- but there should be some incentive for loyalty.
  • Game selection
  • Customer service
  • Payment options (deposit)
  • Payout options
  • Verification process
  • Skilled player designation
DuckyLuck Casino
Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your feedback. We’re glad to hear you’ve had great experiences with us, and it’s wonderful to know our team resolved the deposit issue quickly.

Your suggestion about loyalty incentives is appreciated and will be shared with our team. We truly value your loyalty and are always looking for ways to enhance the player experience.

Thank you for choosing us, and we look forward to welcoming you back soon!
• 1 månad sedan
This casino delivers an immersive live gaming experience with instant deposits that make playing seamless. Unfortunately, the lack of variety in themed slots and an unclear VIP rewards system left me wanting more. It’s ideal for live game enthusiasts but not the best choice for slot players looking for diversity.
  • Authentic live dealers
  • instant deposits
  • smooth gameplay
  • Limited slot themes
  • unclear VIP system
• 2 månader sedan
I'll say the casino eventually paid me every dime they owed me, but they'll delay payment unless you harass them at times.

I've quit this casino recently because after a certain amount of winnings they'll just make it impossible for you to win anything and drain you dry. My best advice is to run away after your first couple wins.
  • Slow payouts
  • Don't always give you your free spins
  • After you win a little, they'll drain you dry
DuckyLuck Casino
Hi @farken52! Thank you for your feedback! We understand that withdrawal times can be frustrating, especially during your first request due to the verification process. For faster payouts, we recommend trying Bitcoin withdrawals. Once processed, they typically take just 2 business days to appear in your wallet. We're always working on ways to improve our services, and we appreciate your patience and understanding. If you decide to give us another shot, we’ll be here to make your experience smoother! :)
• 3 månader sedan
I really enjoyed Ducky Luck Casino. The games were great. The issue started several months ago. I actually won on a few of the slots. After wining a little I decided to cash out some of the winnings. As soon as I did this the slots (Betsoft) that I enjoyed playing started showing a "login error" on only the slots that I had won some money on. So I contacted Duckyluck both on the chat area and sent numerous emails to their support staff. I also provided screen shots of the error code. Keep in mind all other slots games play as they should except for the games that I won some money on. Ducky Luck personnel replied and claimed it was an issue on my end. So I followed exactly what they said to do, nothing same error message on certain betsoft slots. Ducky Luck casino also claims that the games are functioning correctly on their end. I requested that they log in as me and they would see the problem. They refused! I then went to the micro center in atlanta and had a computer tech check my laptop and he verified that the issue was with the casino and not my laptop, at a cost of $100.00 to me. So after repeated emails claiming Ducky Luck was going to escalate the problem, yet no resolution in fixing the problem, I closed my account and went to another casino. I waited four months and then reactivated my account. Same issue on the certain betsoft slots "login error" only when trying to play those certain slots, again all other slots play as they should. I recontacted Ducky Luck, same excuses as before. They claim I am not prevented from playing those games. I resubmitted emails and screen shots. They refuse to fix the problems and again claim they are escalating the issue. After four-five months still no response to them. I have told them repeatedly they if the player actually wins on the betsoft slots you will be given and log in error message and not allowed to play the games. They claim "sorry you feel that way" Its not the way I feel its a fact. Players need to be warned that if you win the player can never access certain slots again. My last contact with Ducky Luck was this morning usual excuses. They do not respond to any emails that request escalation. Now why would I make another deposit until I can access the games I enjoy playing. I doubt anything will come of this review as they refuse to escalate the complaint or fix the problem with the games that I actually won on. I have provided them with my email and phone number, no response. The issue is on their end not my laptop.
DuckyLuck Casino
Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback. We sincerely apologize for the frustrating experience you've encountered, especially after enjoying the games and winning. We understand how important it is to have uninterrupted access to your favorite slots, and it's clear that this issue has caused significant frustration.

We take your concerns seriously and will make sure to revisit your case with our technical team immediately to ensure the right resolution is found. Your feedback on the Betsoft slots is invaluable, and we’ll work on addressing the issue you’ve described.

We appreciate your patience, and we’ll be reaching out directly to discuss the next steps. Thank you again for your loyalty and for giving us the opportunity to resolve this.
• 5 månader sedan
I did a crypto deposit that wasn’t credited to my account that was attached to a bonus. I sent the transaction hash, the account that it was sent to, the amount, and the type of crypto on 4 different occasions to different reps explaining that it was missing. All to hear a variety of excuses and not a resolution. I informed them that it was completed and they said that it wasn’t. Clearly we all have access to blockchain so either they were lying, too lazy to look or both. Then when I follow up a few days later they ask for a receipt 😂. Clearly you can’t send a screenshot via the chat so I email them and have yet to hear back.

Gripe #2- I did a withdrawal request and was told it would be the 24th, then the 25th, then congratulations it will be very soon. Guess what- maybe it will be the 26th😂 because the processing team is gone for the day and I’m not the only one who is experiencing delays. The customer service, lack of transparency and responsiveness is an all time low. I’m at the highest status and I would expect better. If I had discovered this site prior to investing my money and time and saw that there’s a consensus that the service is bad- I would have never signed up. Please I encourage everyone to throughly read the reviews and go with a different site! I’m not a misery loves company rather I want to advise and help others.
  • Chat Box Works
  • Entertaining games
  • New games every week
  • Variety of bonuses
  • Credit card feature rarely works
  • Dishonest reps
  • Long payout periods
  • Slow to respond to concerns
  • No point of contact via phone
  • Deposit bonuses stop paying once terms completed
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello NicMicK. Thank you for your feedback and also for your patience. Regarding your deposit of $26.44, this was issued on 07/21. Our customer service team, already informed you about it as well as gave you the information on how to review your transaction history to check for the deposit.
In regards to your withdrawal, we do see that the money was sent to you on the 26th. Please review your account as the money should be there already.
• 5 månader sedan
People, they're scammers. They will short your deposit so you won't hit bonuses. No free chips, no free daily spins. They use lies to make you spend your money. They shorted me a penny, $24.99, to prevent me from receiving the bonuses. I wonder how many others they've done this to, to make us spend more money. The people in this world today lack loyalty and honor. They love taking advantage of others. God said, "Do not associate with those who do wrong."People, they're scammers. They will short your deposit so you won't hit bonuses. No free chips, no free daily spins. They use lies to make you spend your money. They shorted me a penny, $24.99, to prevent me from receiving the bonuses. I wonder how many others they've done this to, to make us spend more money. The people in this world today lack loyalty and honor. They love taking advantage of others. God said, "Do not associate with those who do wrong."
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello myabridges. We are sorry to hear that this happened to you. We do show in your history and attempted deposit for $25 which was declined and then a succesful deposit for $24.99. The bonuses on deposits get triggered when the deposit is for $25 or more. You did contacted support via chat and they informed you that they couldn't add the percentage bonus because of the amount but we do show that you were given a $20 Free Chip which we show that you have already used.
• 5 månader sedan
I am very disappointed in the way duckylyck has handled the glitches in their system. I had over 12 thousand in my account, and went to read the rules of my withdrawal options. Supposedly, the system gave me a free hundred dollar chip. Therefore taking away my 7 thousand I had to play on. The hosts are rude, condescending , and very scripted in their responses.
The payouts are slow, and very disappointing . The "Rules " say you can withdraw once a week. In essence, itt like every 3 to 4 weeks. You have to wait a week after your withdrawal goes through. Even then itt sketchy. I am likely to file a dispute with the FTC, after after I requested a statement of my deposits. It’s on the site but they don’t give you the whole picture without sliding it over. I need this to dispute a charge from Erich sol. One of their may purveyors they use to deposit. You would not think asking for this would be a hard task. It is, they even wanted screen shots of my personal bank account. Why?? It has nothing to do with this issue.
Again the way they handled everything from A to Z was nefarious, and the hosts are not given any leverage to help you. I requested a call from management over a week ago. Finally today, I received an email from a so called Amanda, She was no more a manager than I am a CEO! Disappointed to say the least. I read the response from duckyluck casino!! I never received a deposit in July 8 th!!
My god, all they do is lie.
  • Another lie, I never received a deposit on July 8th!!
DuckyLuck Casino
After reviewing your account. On 07/08 you cashed out a check that was sent to you. There is a transaction that you say that was never deposited in your account for "Enttech Solu" does not show up on the processors end. We have emailed them to further investigate and find out more. We have requested the department in charge to email you with this information and to keep you informed of what the investigation uncovers.

Hello Janicepike. We always try to help our clients by giving them free spins, free chips or other type of bonuses. We do ask our clients to make sure that they read the Terms and Conditions before claiming the bonuses. With that being said we do show that your payment was sent to you on 07/08. Please let us know if you received it?
• 7 månader sedan
Fraudulent casino. Unable to withdraw. Due to verification. I tried, again and again, but was unsuccessful. Also, I noticed on my deposits they charge more than what you deposit. Stay away from this place.
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello boc6573. Upon reviewing your account, what we see is that unfortunately, you deposited money on our site and did not win. After that, you proceeded to request chargebacks of your deposits. We do try to make sure that all of our customers are having a good experience and we provide them with extra chips and free spins on ocassions, which we see you did received, we tried to be accomodating to you. Thank you for your comments.
• 7 månader sedan
Edit- 6/7/24
They did pay this out. Word to the wise- do not do bank transfer or checks. Do only bitcoin. They have more control and have better info

I submitted a withdrawal request. Same as any other time.. then when I ask about said withdrawal, I’m told it’s been paid. Ok awesome… yet when I inquire for a tracking number, I’m told it’s with the processor and not paid. Two reps - Dan and David- it’s been paid/ your bank is responsible. Then a third rep-
No- it’s not paid. I’ll send in a request for update. Just pay the withdrawal.
  • Game choice
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello April613! We are glad to know that you received you withdrawal. We usually recommend BTC as a withdrawal method as it is faster and it has less issues. Thank you for letting us know!
• 7 månader sedan
so my balance was $20 in my account I went and played majestic beast and on my first spin, I draw the three diamonds, and I go to the bonus round as we’re making our way to the bonus round all the sudden my screen turns white and I am sent to a different webpage. I know this because before I started the game, I copied and pasted my webpage information onto my notes on my Apple devices now I see that they’ve sent me to a different website so now I’m in a different session and like I don’t wanna play that session by paste from my notes into the webpage bar my original session that I just went to the boonies on and all the sudden it no longer has my bonus it’s showing my first pet as a loss so I stop right there and get a hold of customer service. I talked to customer service and I asked them what was the result of my first game session and I already know it’s saying is a loss in the books but I follow the protocol I stay I went to the bonus and now it’s saying that I didn’t go to the bones and if I go back to their second website that they sent me to after I initially started the bonus, the bonus is there and available and I know this, but they kicked me out of my session, and into a different one because of the winnings involved in that session . Thinking quickly as I take the code from the original game session and send it over to my MacBook and I am instantaneously taken back to my bonus but in the first session they weren’t able to catch it quick enough and I was able to play what is always a bonus of a significant win. It’s not just in bonuses that they do this and it’s typically only done on Qora games. Any time they do this to me and I am successfully able to re-open my original session I heavily increase my bet, because even though the casinos say that they cannot see what is coming before those cards are dealt or before that really spun, they can in my opinion.
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello jonathanahowell. Thank you for your comments. Reviewing the notes on your account, our support department did ask you to please provide us with the videos you recorded of the instances when the error happened to you. They specifically requested from you the next information:
Which device are you using. (PC, Tablet, or Mobile)
Which model: (iPhone 7,8,x,11,12 or Samsung s20, s21, Note)
Which operating system: (macOS, iOS, Windows, Android)
Which browser are you using. (Google, Safari, Mozilla, Chrome)

Exact date and time.
Game with the issue.
Transaction # (available in your history)
Once we have all this information, we will make sure to escalate this to the proper department to be reviewed. You will receive an email with the outcome.

We are more than willing to help you out with any issues that are occuring when you are playing the games. We do need the videos that you recorded in order to try to reproduce the error and make sure we fix it.
If you can provide us with this video, please make sure you to send it to support@duckyluck.ag.
• 8 månader sedan
I had my first withdrawal within a week. The second withdrawal I requested was for $400 and it’s been over 3 weeks and I’m still waiting. They’ve emailed me requesting verification again! I’ve sent everything they need immediately and still no payout. They literally emailed me saying they wanted to show how fast payouts could be on my first withdrawal, but this one had to go through another verification. This place is sketchy. The good casinos can payout same day. Stay away from this one
  • Requesting verification after I’ve sent everything they need 5 times
  • Will not pay
  • They will do nothing for a week and then ask for verification again
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello wally114. In order to be able to process the payment, the necessary verification documents need to be sent by you. Please go ahead and send them at your convenience, let us know and we will make sure to advocate on your behalf and speed up the process.
• 8 månader sedan
They have no problem accepting your money to play. The tier system is bull. You have to deposit several thousand dollars to rank up and when you hit the top tier they're gonna take away the rewards.
I got to the highest tier and they stopped providing any deposit bonus, despite the allegedly always available daily bonuses. After much back and forth with customer service they said I was a skilled player, my account showed different. They then said I wasn't and they were sorry that they couldn't give me my bonus because it didn't activate properly.
After a while of this I was denied even the free deposit spins and their excuse was I was a skilled player. When shown screenshots that my account didn't say that they claimed I was slightly skilled which means no bonus.
And when I said I never got a notification they claimed because it's not fully skilled.
So my months long journey to achieve the highest tier was a huge waste of money as they took all the perks away.

For reference I withdrew less than a quarter of the amount deposited.
  • Friendly customer service
  • Fair games
  • Decently quick payouts
  • Will strip your bonuses if you win at all
  • CS will lie about the bonuses
  • Super low max withdrawal when playing a bonus.
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello sammy1126. Thank you for your comments. Upon reviewing your account, we do see that you are still bonus eligible. We noticed that you had some issues claiming bonuses, but, we do show that you are able to redeem bonuses.
• 8 månader sedan
I enjoy DuckyLuck because you get a second chance to win some money. Daily Free Spins are awarded once a day, upon request, after a successful $25 minimum deposit. DuckyLuck features four player tiers. Each spin has a different value based on your tier. They are between $2 and $6. Furthermore, the next day a refund or insurance is given according to the following formula: (Deposits – Withdrawals – Balance) X 10% = Daily Cash Back. My payout from DuckyLuck was quick. Level 1-2 players will receive cryptocurrency withdrawals in 4 business days, Level 3 players in 3 business days, and Level 4 players in 2 business days. I think Duckyluck's standard promotions are its sole drawback; they're not very good. It improves as the player reaches a higher tier. 
  • Free Spins
  • Rebate or Insurance
  • Fast Payouts
  • Standard Promotions
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello pharmalpn! Thank you for your comment. You did a great summary! We are always improving our processess to make sure our players have a great time!
• 9 månader sedan
SCAM! They owe me $250 and should have issued a check weeks ago. They requested all sorts of documentation from a utility bill to the front and back of my driver's license and the credit card I made deposits with. They also wanted a picture of me holding the license. Although they were clear pictures, they said they needed clearer pictures which I finally realized was a stall tactic on their part. They have not gone silent and have not responded to any of my many emails nor have they issued the check.
  • Will not pay.
  • Makes unreasonable requests for withdrawals
  • Customer service does not respond in a timely manner
  • They are not licensed
  • Too many bad reviews - check the Internet first before playing
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello hawaiianlika. Thank you for your review. We have adress the issue with the department in charge. They informed us that your account has been verified successfully and your payment has been scheduled to be sent today. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our verification process. We require the information in order to protect you as a customer and also our casino.
• 10 månader sedan
Yep place is scam constant run around when try to get a withdrawal. Been over 2 weeks to get verified and then they make stuff up and ask for stuff that doesn’t exist. They don’t verify To take money so they will let you deposit at much as you want with out verifying. Just god forbid you win and want to withdrawal your money then hold up "we are very secure to protect me" 🙄 this place is a Scam and I would avoid depositing money you won’t get its back. You mis well play pretend casino games at least doesn’t take your money. Zero stars terrible service and major SCAM
  • Don’t pay out
  • Terrible service
  • Takes forever
  • Scam
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello p97ds52qfb! Checking your account with DuckyLuck. We can see that your account has been verified and the money you requested has been processed and completed. The verification process depends on whatever is needed from the player, the faster the information is submitted, the faster the verification is processed. Once the verification is completed, the payment time line starts. Please check your account and let us know that you received your payments.
• 10 månader sedan
I really wish I would of came and looked at the reviews before I stared playing and just like you all are saying I’m gettin the run around as well and believe it’s a scam how is it they are so quick to take a deposit but you can’t withdrawal your winnings. All of the 3 live chat agents should get awards the way they act like they are really trying to help you but nothing is resolved. This is crazy I feel like we should be able to do something about this I’m goin to contact my lawyer. The also lie and they don’t respond to email.
  • Please stay away from casino
  • They don’t give pay outs
  • The lie they don’t respond to email
  • There no phone number to contact anyone directly
DuckyLuck Casino
*************** UPDATE *************

We appreciate the opportunity to address the concerns raised here and want to provide an update on the steps we're taking to enhance your experience with us.

First and foremost, we're pleased to inform you that the verification documents for affected players have been successfully reviewed and approved. This progress is part of our ongoing effort to ensure a secure, fair, and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.

We also want to clarify the support options available at DuckyLuck Casino. In addition to our responsive live chat and email support, we offer exclusive phone support to our High Rollers, reflecting our dedication to providing personalized and accessible assistance to all our players. This service is part of our commitment to catering to the diverse needs of our community.

The recent delay in document verification experienced by some of our players was due to an unforeseen increase in verification requests. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and are actively working to expedite our verification processes. Our team is implementing measures to manage increased volumes more effectively, ensuring timely and accurate verifications moving forward.

Transparency and communication are key, and we're enhancing our channels to keep you better informed about your account and the status of any requests or concerns. Our adherence to comprehensive verification procedures, as outlined in Section 5.1 of our terms and conditions, is designed to protect our players and the integrity of our platform.

We value your feedback and are here to address any questions or concerns you may have. Our commitment to your satisfaction is unwavering, and we're dedicated to continuously improving our services to meet your expectations.

Thank you for your patience and for being a part of the DuckyLuck community. We're looking forward to providing a more seamless and enjoyable experience for all our players.


Hello alexandriac609. Thank you for your review. By looking into your account, we are unable to proccess the payment as we are still reviewing the documentation you sent. We have requested the department in charge to provide us information as to see if you still need to send something else or if you are good to be processed. Once we receive an answer, we will update.
• 11 månader sedan
This casino is horrible!! I have been waiting a month and a half to get paid! I keep getting the run around from each customer support agent. All my documents were confirmed and approved. I was told I was paid on 12/25/23 which wasn't true. I reached out multiple times and was told the same thing. Finally one of the reps told me there was a problem and I was paid out on 1/18/24! Almost a month later!! I am still waiting for my money and at this point I doubt I will ever see my money. They are quick to take my money but full of excuses when they need to pay.
  • No positives!
  • Horrible customer service
  • Will not pay out
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello Jeffdavies2981. We do show that you have already received your payment and confirmed receiving it. We are sorry that the process took so long, in instance it was an issue with the processor not being able to find the account number you provided and thus returning the funds to us.
• 11 månader sedan
Verification and verification process . It takes a month !) I made several deposits in the casino, in a few minutes. Withdrawal takes almost 30 days !!!. 30 . The mail is not answered for a week. Deposits made more than withdrawals. I do not understand why the casino is not in the black list. This is a real review . Transaction ID 3566543 E-Currency 150.00 EUR 2023-12-20 )))!!!! ******* )) The test was completed . Your message 8 days ago . Documents and selfies were accepted 3 weeks ago . Invoice was sent in two formats . Do you want 30 days to see my documents again ?) Just return my deposits. It looks endless. I'm not waiting a month anymore. Give me back my deposits !!! And close my account. The deposit was made via bitcoin. I want immediate withdrawal.
DuckyLuck Casino
******UPDATE 01/23/2024 **********
Upon reviewing your account, we noticed that the verification process concluded successfully. You did reversed your payment and also played the funds. The department in charge also informed you that we cannot provide refunds on funds that have been played on our casino.
We do apologize for any inconvenience.

****UPDATE 01/17/2024***********The department in charge sent you an email as once we reviewed the information that you sent, there are over 3 years old. We need up to date information in order to be able to verify your account. The process takes longer when we are provided with information that is not the one is being requested. As soon as we receive the proper information we are able to verify the account and thus process your withdrawal. Please reply to the email sent to you as soon as possible. Hello Band007. We do show that the verification process has been completed. I will update this post as soon as I receive an answer regarding your withdrawal.
• 11 månader sedan
Horrible attitude to customers, always delay payments, return and put money (in cryptocurrency) not in full referring to the rate, although the rate was perfectly normal. In general, this casino humiliates you!
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello directorofpizdabols! We are sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with our casino. Regarding the exchange rates, we work with processors that submit the rates. We send the payments requested and if there is a rate exchange, unfortunately we do not have a say in it. Our player advocacy team is in constant training to provide the best possible solutions to our customers.
• 12 månader sedan
I feel like the low score on this site is deceiving. My experience with DuckyLuck has been great. The games are fun and when I won on freeplay, I wanted to withdraw so I followed their instructions to get verified. Made the request for the withdraw, and received it, the whole process was done in 10 days! No questions asked, just congratulations.
  • Easy withdrawal process
  • Fast & friendly support
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello dormanlinda155! Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to hear that you are having a great time in our casino! See you online!
• 1 år sedan
Update 12/11/2023- Received email stating there was a issue after my funds were batched and that they were putting the funds back on to my account and I could try to withdrawal again and that if I used bitcoin it would be processed immediately so I decided to do bitcoin waiting to see it funds are releases today or tomorrow just more run around
I began play DuckyLuck after hearing Raja suggest all his followers to sign up.. deposited some money under a promotion had to clear the wager over 1000 did so this was 11/29 after getting back up to 1000 and some change I decided to cash out around 900 I provided all of the requested verification on 11/29 and had to follow up today because there hasn’t been any updates still says I ending will today 12/6 they request a front and back of my credit card and Id this is the slowest process I’ve ever seen it’s been a week now I don’t not believe I will continue playing with this casino I will keep you all updated.
  • Fun Games
  • Slow Payouts
  • Outlandish wagers to actually win
  • Verification process Sucks
  • Still haven’t received Winnings
DuckyLuck Casino
************ UPDATE ***********************
We do show that the funds were already sent to your BTC account. Please confirm that you received it?

************ UPDATE ***********************We just reviewed your account and we noticed that the verification process has been concluded and your account has been verified. We do expect you to have your funds send to you next week during the early days of the week. *******************Hello KayNicole34! Thank you for your message. The verification process in some cases can take its time. We do the best to make sure that we are sending the money to the correct person. This is a security measure used for protection for the player as well as the casino. As soon as the verification process concludes, then the withdrawal processing time starts. Please let us know once the information is sent so that we can contact the department in charge to make sure they review it immediately.
• 1 år sedan
I have never played on a more fraudulent, crooked, scandalous, deceitful, dishonest, duplicitous casino website, they bait you in with large bonuses and honor the deposit bonuses. But the NIGHTAMRE begins when you win and want to withdrawal any winnings small or large, they'll take $$$ right out of you account without warning or notification, and play on words when it come to the hellish verification process in which they'll drag and attempt every means to exhaust you in all your attempts to be paid out what you thought is your winnings, it's not winning if they DO NOT PAY YOU! people heed these WARNINGS and REVIEWS! the live 24hrs chat agent will not assist you in getting paid, in fact they are there only to comfort you in the fact that your not getting paid! you will be in an continuous and endless loop between all of the departments, none have any direct contact with another only with emails, each departments responses are designed to PRY you off ! In my experience they will not pay you same day, same week, same month BUT if you request a withdrawal reversal they'll accommodate that INSTANTASOULY ! GETT YOU SPINNING JUST SO THEY STEAL IT BACK FROM YOU! I refuse to play any further so I cannot comment like the others who have and can no longer accumulate any wins, thank god I found these reviews before I went down that rabbit hole. I am and have been subjected through the same painful process of verification and payment times, I'm now on the 4th week and going awaiting for payment of 2k, I wish I would've researched the website earlier and found these reviews, I'll own that, that's on me. for anyone new STAY AWAY, DO NOT WASTE YOU HARD EARNED MONEY HERE, they DO NOT HAVE A LEGIT OPERATING LICENSE AND ARE RESPONSIBLE TO NO ONE.
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello harveywmorin77. Thank you for your comments.
We have reviewed your account and we have found that the reason why you are still waiting for your payment is because of the verification process. Sometimes our verification process can be extensive, but it is to protect the client as well as ourselves.
In your case, the verification process has been so long because we were waiting for documentation regarding your address verification and that took quite a long time. Since it has been received and the address verification process has been completed the payout has entered the standard process which takes 5 bussiness days. We expect for the payment to be sent to you before this week ends.
We will come back and update this post once we are told the payment has been sent.
• 1 år sedan
This my go to site if I want to test my luck. I am a golden goose member so I get free spins at 3.5-6 per spin and 25-35 spins as long as I deposited 25 a day. I deposit the 25 and I am award the free spins. I literally cash out every other day at 750 which is the max per spin cashout. Payout takes about 2 days with crypto.
  • free spins
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello ccthebartender! Thank you for your messages! We are happy to hear that you are enjoying our site!
• 1 år sedan
I would definitely not Recommend this online casino at all!! It has been nothing but a headache and hassle trying to get my withdrawal deposited. Now today the chat agent stated a wire transfer can take up to 15 days!!! Like where is it coming from another planet? I am a member to several online casinos and have never heard of such absurdity. Ducky Lucky deposit my withdrawal immediately!! I’m tired of the excuses. Please save yourself the headache and prolonging of these ppl and go elsewhere. We play and deposit our HARD EARN MONEY THAT COMES "IMMEDIATELY OUT OF OUR BANK" SO WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO WAIT 2-3 weeks to get our winnings?????? Also they want identity verification after you have made a deposit not before… How convenient on there part. " Give me your money then identify yourself. Everyone I know that has a account with you all I will be telling them about your practices, also the person that told me about this site I will tell them to dis activate there account and not spend another red penny!!!
  • Verification process
  • Withdrawal process and time
  • No live person to talk to
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello tiffanyashford25k. Sending a bank wire is not a fast process in this industry. It is sent through a processor, which sends it in batches. They are the ones who place the limits and place the time it takes for the wire to be sent to the client.
An easier faster method is always going to be using BTC. As long as your account is verified and no documents are needed from you, the process is very fast. Please provide us with your username in the casino to review your account.
• 1 år sedan
Wow !! I cannot believe how efficient,and damn near perfect everything went with this casino
The verification went smooth(I had all documents ready )...they had no issues with any of my verification documents,and they approved them within 5-6 business days. The Withdrawal request went a little longer (10 Business days for the wire )- but nonetheless I got payed👍👍
I like the layout of this casino because you can choose from the different game providers. The chat people were decent ,and responded quickly.
I give this casino the best rating possible.

**Edited to add.....
Just like some other players wrote I too received an email "you are a skilled player and no more bonuses"
That was a big surprise! I changed my rating one point lower for that. How could they determine me to be a skilled player after winning just once (not a lot of money), and having to make more then 3 deposits to actually finally win. That makes no sense,so I decided not to play here again.
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello Kimslots! Thank you for your comments. We are always trying to improve each process for our clients to have an easier and more enjoyable time playing in our casino. See you online!
• 1 år sedan
***Update 8-17-23.***
As promised the DuckyLuck Casino has deposited the winnings into my Bitcoin account. Thank you guys very much. I look forward to winning again at Luckduck Casino again very soon. Try it out guys. Good games and bst of all, if you win they actually pay out.....

***Update 8/11/23.***
DuckyLuck requested photo copies of the two different cards I used to make deposits. They did not request this in the original request for information. Sent. Also they said the insurance bill I sent in was not valid as it was older than 2 months. I double and triple checked the email requesting the documents. It clearly stated no older then 3 months. I sent in a bill that is from 7/10/23. I this time had to send 3 emails. All labeled 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3. Due to the front and back of each card and the photo of the new bill was 5 photos ... Crazy. Let's wrap this up guys. Thanks. I'll keep everyone updated.

Most recent communication***
Per second response from DuckyLuck Casino. Requesting verification documentation via email.
**I was forced to send 2 emails due to file size limitations. I have clearly labeled and explained in each and sent them simultaneously...
I have immediately sent in clear, up close photos of the front and back of my active drivers license, a copy of my most recent phone bill statement, a photo of myself holding my driver's license, and a statement from my home and auto insurance policies. I am hoping this is sufficient to proceed with the payment process. Thank you guys. Looking forward to playing at DuckyLuck Casino again very soon and updating this review to be great. Thanks for the prompt and timely response.... So far not a bad experience. I will keep everyone updated so be sure to check back....

Last communication:***
Response to response from DuckyLuck Casino after original review: DuckyLuck has requested my username for the casino.

My username for DuckyLuck Casino is 401luv.
I am hoping the editing of the review in response to DuckyLuck Casino responding to my original review and requesting my username to look further into my withdrawal request will yield positive results. I will keep everyone updated. As requested by DuckyLuck Casino, hers is my username for the casino : 401luv. I am looking forward to updating everyone with the process and hopefully making this one very positive review and looking forward to getting back to playing on the casino once it is established the casino will honor winnings/payout.

Below is original review:***
I have been playing on DuckyLuck Casino for about two weeks now. Using the credit card to deposit small amounts a few times within this time. I obviously used the promotion upon signing up and then making a deposit. I played won over $3000.00. I played for about two days. Very entertaining. I had met the cash out requirements but was having fun and ended up spending all of it without trying to cash out the allowable 10x initial wager/deposit of $25.00 which would have been a $250.00 withdrawal. Cool. I had fun anyways. Figured I'd try again. Made a deposit. Played lost. Get free spins. Had more fun. Lost what I had won there. Then made another deposit for $25.00 with almost identical promotion as the first/initial transaction. Making me aware that in the event I win and get through the playthrough and have a remaining balance no matter what it is the max cash out for this promotion would again be 10x the deposit of $25.00 totaling $250.00.... I played and won and got through the terms and playthrough of the promotion and had a remaining balance of about $500.00(+)... I cashed out to my newly made Bitcoin wallet for the requested amount of $250.00... I'm waiting to see how this is going to go down. Today is a Sunday so I do not expect to get much of a response from anything for a little while but hopefully this casino honors the terms. If it does. I'll let everyone know and so far I have no complaints. I'll keep you updated through these comments as I navigate through this process.... Thanks.

Again. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you.
  • Fun games, good graphics nice promotions. Easy deposit ..
  • Even though, so far, only in response to my review of DuckyLuck Casino left on this site, at least I got a response somehow. Looking forward to moving forward with this cash out and getting back to playing again. Thanks
  • Duckyluck Casino has responded promptly in regards to this review and my cash out so far. Thanks guys.
  • The casino will actually pay out your winnings.....
  • Took a little back and forth but it was straight forward verifying my documents and stuff but all said and done. They paid...
DuckyLuck Casino
**********UPDATE**** It is great to know that you already received your funds!! See you online!

**********UPDATE****** Thank you for providing us with your username. Checking your account, you were sent an email as verification is needed for your account. We just resent you the email. Please review the spam or junk folder on your account. Once you send us the information needed, please let us know so that we can make sure is processed immediately. Hello jasonsantos9372014! Thank you for your comments. Please provide us with your casino username so that we can review your account.
• 1 år sedan
I have been a "High-Roller" on this site for approximately the past 10 months. In general, I have found the games to be fun, the support to be decent and the perks for high rollers to be in line with other sites. My only BIG PROBLEM with this casino is how long it takes to get your money from them. While their site claims withdrawals will be processed within 48-72 hours and "Often Quicker" I have currently been waiting on my wire transfer from them for 31 days! No answers from support except that it was processed on 6/12/23 and that "They have no control over the payment once it is sent to their processor". I have also had 2 withdrawal requests reversed by the system (Which starts the whole process all over BTW). so my last 3 payments have taken over two weeks and this last one I'm waiting on is now at 31 days. So if you want to get your winnings quickly, this is not the site for you. (I have screenshots to back all claims made in this

UPDATE: after 36 days, the accounting manager emailed to tell me their was a technical glitch that required them to reverse my withdrawal request (this was the 3rd glitch out of 4 requests)
I resubmitted and finally on day 43 received my money.

On day 44 they emailed to ask if I would be paying again soon since my money had been received. NOPE. Congratulations, that technical glitch probably cost your company 6 figures in income. Never paying there again.
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello Mkit. Please provide us with your username so that we can review your account and help you with your issue.
• 1 år sedan
I played this casino for many weeks and really enjoyed it. I understood the bonus money and the play through that is required and I watched the play through amount. On the bonus they gave me I had to play through $4000 which I did, My account balance was at $650.00 so I wanted to see if the place was actually legit as everyone told me these online casinos are a joke. I went to withdraw $100.00 and my balance went to $150 from $650. I cancelled the transaction to put the money back into my account and then my balance was $250 so I lost 400.00. When i wrote to the customer service they told me some garbage that did not even make sense and then told me I could not get the money back. I have had much better experiences with lucky red and Drake casino so play there. THE BEST PART ABOUT IT IS THAT I HAVE WON NOTHING SINCE SUBMITTING FOR A WITHDRAWL, LOST ON ALMOST EVERY SPIN AND ON THE BONUS SPINS I DID NOT WIN A SINGLE THING, LOL
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello, longoj2020! Thank you for your comments. Upon reviewing your account, you had $655.21, from which $405.19 were issued from the "Welcome to DuckyLuck: Your Exclusive 3 x 500% Welcome Bonus". Rule #5 of the bonus terms and conditions say: A maximum cashout of 10 times the deposit applies. Since you deposited $25, the maximum amount you are able to cash out is $250.
When you requested the $100 cashout, the system removed the excess and left you with $150, which is the rest of the money you were able to cash out. Once this happened, the system understood that the promotion was over and closed it.
When you reversed the cashout, the $100 was returned to your account. Since the bonus promotion had already been closed, then the amount in your account was the correct amount. $100+$150.
The bonuses are issued so players have a better chance to win, and in your case you did.
The promotions Terms and Conditions are always visible in the promotion, for our customers to review and either claim the promotion or not.

• 1 år sedan
Get lucky one time and win and it will be the last time. After one withdrawal you are labeled a skill player and it is impossible to win. It’s like setting your favorite video game to expert level, same tasks as before but now next to impossible to win. It’s ironic that I am a "skilled player", yet I can’t seem to win, or get a bonus round, deposit after deposit after deposit. I did get a winning spin once, but the game froze, never got paid, imagine that. I don’t know how I can be so skilled and yet so unlucky at the same time. It’s all because of the skilled player label. They like to say the promotions "are for recreational players, so they have a better chance to win", word for word, except that’s a bunch of crap because I play recreationally, and I can’t use any promotion. And if a recreational player needs those to help them win, theoretically a skilled player should be winning more often than the promotionless rec player. It must be really hard to win for them guys. O wait, that was what I was when I actually won. Weird
  • Great for new players, just beware it all changes after on withdrawal
  • Easy deposits, they will take your money no problem
  • Easily labeled skilled, or expert, and can’t win after that
  • Games will freeze on winning spins so they don’t have to pay you
  • Take no responsibility for the integrity of the games on there platform
  • Won’t respond to emails for days to weeks
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello Siegeljesse. Thank you for your feedback. Our system recognizes players as skilled players and we are unable to make any changes to it. Our casino is always bringing in new games and we are in constant improvement of our processes.
• 1 år sedan
Edit: changing my review, I did indeed get all promos taken away when I was about to deposit again with the. I got the email saying that I was a "skilled player" and I didn’t need promotions. that makes no sense, skilled at pushing a button on the slot ? 🫣
they did pay out in about 8 days
I can’t complain here with the speed withdrawal in one week same day docs were sent which I recommend you send these first cuz the casinos that require kyc sometimes take a week or longer just for that. The welcome bonus’s they give are pretty good I played a 500% + some spins welcome bonus
Yeah it’s tough to survive the playthrough but sometimes you get lucky (not often)
You can’t claim while you have a pending withdrawal
  • Live chat responds quickly
  • Great welcome bonus with daily spins
  • Doesn’t have a few of my fav slot games
  • If you have pending withdrawal you can’t use daily free spins.
  • I think u need deposits in between daily spins always ask and check this. Some don’t.
DuckyLuck Casino
Hello Jimmyspin! Thank you for your comments. We offer promotions for our recreational players so that they have a better chance to win. We are glad to know that you received your payment. Our casino is always trying to improve our services for our customers to have the best time possible and the best winning chances. We hope to see you online.
Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet för DuckyLuck Casino

Ta en titt på förklaringen av de faktorer vi beaktar vid beräkningen av säkerhetsindexet för DuckyLuck Casino. Säkerhetsindexet är den viktigaste parametern vi använder för att beskriva tillförlitligheten, rättvisan och kvaliteten för alla onlinecasinon i vår databas.

Säkerhetsindex:Över medel7.9/10
Ett medelstort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är mestadels rättvisa
Förekommer inte på någon relevant svart lista över casinon
Klagomål från spelare anger en låg andel kvarhållna vinster i förhållande till casinots storlek
Vi tog även hänsyn till andra faktorer som hade en något negativ inverkan på casinots säkerhetsindex
Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

Har det här casinot behandlat dig orättvist?

Skicka in ett klagomål

Orättvisa villkor

  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier vid spel med bonusmedel, men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.

Andra faktorer

  • Saknar en licens

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