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SlotsandCasino recension
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  • Mastercard
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  • Dogecoin (XDG)
  • Interac
 per månad
10 000 $
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2 500 $
Online Casino Share Group, Av. de las Américas
> 5 000 000 €
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SlotsandCasino Recension

I denna recension analyserar vi SlotsandCasino med användning av vår granskningsmetod för casinon, som utvecklats av vårt oberoende team av casinoexperter, för att fastställa casinots styrkor och svagheter. Vårt granskningsteam har utvärderat casinots licenser, villkor, aktuella klagomål från spelare, gränser, kundtjänst och andra viktiga faktorer och klassificerat casinots säkerhets- och rättvisenivå som antingen säker och laglig, potentiellt bedrägeri eller någonstans däremellan.

Casinots säkerhetsindex, ett betyg som indikerar säkerheten och rättvisan hos onlinecasinon, har fastställts genom vår analys av dessa resultat. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto troligare är det att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. Även om SlotsandCasino har fått ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 7.3, vilket betyder att det är ett passande alternativ för vissa, är det viktigt att ha i åtanke att det finns andra casinon med bättre resultat vad gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av SlotsandCasino och ta reda på mer om detta casino för att kunna avgöra om det är rätt casino för dig eller inte.

Rättvisa och säkerhet hos SlotsandCasino

Vår process för att fastställa ett casinos säkerhetsindex innefattar en grundlig metod som tar hänsyn till de variabler vi har samlat in och analyserat under vår granskning. Dessa utgörs av casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor osv.

I vår granskning av SlotsandCasino har vi gått igenom SlotsandCasinos villkor noggrant. Vi hittade några regler eller klausuler som vi inte uppskattade, men sammantaget anser vi att villkoren överlag är rättvisa. En regel som är orättvis eller bedräglig kan potentiellt användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga att inte betala ut deras vinster. När det gäller det här casinot fann vi emellertid bara marginella problem.

Enligt våra ungefärliga beräkningar eller insamlad information är SlotsandCasino ett medelstort onlinecasino. Casinot har en låg andel kvarhålla utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare i förhållande till dess storlek. Vi tar hänsyn till antalet klagomål i förhållande till casinots storlek, eftersom vi är medvetna om att större casinon tenderar att ha fler klagomål från spelare.

Såvitt vi vet förkommer inte SlotsandCasino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Svarta listor över casinon, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, kan indikera att ett casino har gjort något fel. Därför rekommenderar vi spelare att ta hänsyn till dessa listor när de väljer ett casino att spela på.

I vår omfattande granskning av alla relevanta faktorer har SlotsandCasino uppnått ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 7.3. Det här casinot kan vara ett godtagbart alternativ för en del spelare, men du bör vara medveten om att det finns andra casinon som prioriterar rättvist bemötande och säkerhet för sina kunder i mycket högre utsträckning.

Obs! Såvitt vi kan se är SlotsandCasino kopplat till 1 annat onlinecasino. Med hänsyn till kopplingen mellan dessa casinon har vi även vägt in kvaliteterna hos de associerade casinona vid utvärderingen av säkerhetsindexet för SlotsandCasino. Den här kopplingen har resulterat i ett ökat säkerhetsindex.

SlotsandCasinos villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon läser vi noga igenom varje casinos villkor och utvärderar skäligheten hos dem. Det är inte ovanligt att vi hittar klausuler eller regler i villkoren som vi anser är orättvisa eller rentav bedrägliga, eftersom de under vissa omständigheter kan användas mot spelare som grund för att hålla kvar deras vinster.

Vi hittade några tveksamma regler eller villkor under vår granskning, men vi anser att SlotsandCasinos villkor till övervägande del är rättvisa.

Obs! Ta gärna en titt på resultaten av vår granskning av villkoren här.

Klagomål från spelare på SlotsandCasino

Att beakta klagomål från spelare är en viktig del i vår granskningsprocess eftersom de ger en helhetsbild av de problem som spelare upplever och casinots inställning till att lösa dessa problem. Varje casinos säkerhetsindex beräknas efter noggrant övervägande av alla klagomål som inkommit till vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt de klagomål vi har inhämtat från andra källor.

Vi har för närvarande 1 klagomål som direkt rör detta casino i vår databas, samt 1 klagomål som rör andra relaterade casinon. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 1 466 svarta poäng, av vilka 278 härrör från relaterade casinon. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och recensioner för SlotsandCasino

På Casino Guru kan användare betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon genom att dela med sig av sina unika upplevelser och åsikter. Vi fastställer det övergripande feedbackbetyget baserat på den spelarfeedback som inkommit till oss. Betyget kan variera från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Baserat på de 136 användarrecensionerna av SlotsandCasino som finns i vår databas så har det fått feedbackbetyget "Dåligt". För att se användarrecensioner av det här casinot går du till avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Du bör vara medveten om att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av ett casinos kvaliteter. Vissa casinon kan lämna falska recensioner för att förbättra sin övergripande feedbackpoäng. Det kan också hända att missnöjda spelare lämnar flera negativa recensioner för att sänka ett casinos betyg. Vi strävar efter att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg; av dessa skäl ingår inte användarrecensioner i processen för att beräkna säkerhetsindexet.

Företagsinformation och licenser för SlotsandCasino

SlotsandCasino ägs av Online Casino Share Group, Av. de las Américas och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $5,000,000. Detta gör det till ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår måttstock.

Såvitt vi vet saknar SlotsandCasino en spellicens.

Vinst- och uttagsgränser, betalningsalternativ

SlotsandCasino accepterar insättningar via 14 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Wire-transfer, Dogecoin (XDG), Tether (USDT), Check (Cheque), Interac e-Transfer, Litecoin (LTC), Discover, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Interac.

Det finns ofta begränsningar för hur mycket pengar spelare kan vinna eller ta ut på onlinecasinon. I många fall är dessa tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare negativt, men vissa casinon har vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara problematiska. Det är skälet till att vi tittar på dessa gränser när vi granskar casinon. I följande tabell finns information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 500 USD per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
10 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det kan mycket väl vara så att inte alla betalningsmetoder som listas ovan är lämpliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa betalningsalternativ bara är tillgängliga i specifika länder.

Språk och kundsupportalternativ

För att kunna guida spelare till casinon med en kundsupport och webbplats på ett språk de förstår, undersöker vi vilka alternativ som finns tillgängliga som ett led i vår granskningsprocess. I tabellen nedan kan du se en översikt över språkalternativen på SlotsandCasino.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7

Det ingår i vår granskningsprocess att kontakta casinots kundsupport, så att vi vet om spelare har tillgång till bra service. Vi anser att kundsupport är viktigt eftersom dess syfte är att hjälpa dig lösa eventuella problem du riskerar att stöta på, till exempel i samband med registrering på SlotsandCasino, hanteringen av ditt konto eller vid uttag och så vidare. Baserat på de svar vi har fått bedömer vi att kundsupporten på SlotsandCasino är bra.

SlotsandCasino spelautomater och casinospel

SlotsandCasino erbjuder dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Betting, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Live baccarat, Live baccarat, Live poker, Live roulette.

Spel från 11 leverantörer av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Rival, Betsoft Gaming, Saucify, Spinomenal, Tom Horn, Genii, Arrow's Edge, Felix Gaming, Dragon Gaming, Fresh Deck Studios, Qora Games.

Bonusar och koder som erbjuds av SlotsandCasino

Bonusar för nya och befintliga spelare är ett sätt för onlinecasinon att motivera människor att registrera sig och pröva deras spelutbud. De vanligaste är bonusar utan insättning eller freespins som du kan få bara genom att registrera dig, och insättningsbonusar som ges till spelare i samband med insättningar. Med det sagt kan casinon erbjuda andra typer av bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller lojalitetsprogram.

Det finns för närvarande 3 bonusar från SlotsandCasino i vår databas, inklusive:

  • 400 % upp till 2 000 $
  • 100 % upp till 1 000 $
  • 300 % upp till 1 500 $ och 100 extrasnurr (1 $/snurr)

Tänk på att spelare från vissa regioner kanske inte kan utnyttja dessa bonuserbjudanden. Besök avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension för att se vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
Inte tillgänglig


Visa alla (14)
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Wire-transfer
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Dogecoin (XDG)
  • Interac
 per månad
10 000 $
 per vecka
2 500 $

Visa alla

Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska

Visa alla (11)

  • Rival
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Saucify
  • Spinomenal
  • Tom Horn
  • Genii
  • Arrow's Edge
  • Qora Games


  • Väldigt trevlig kundtjänst
  • Bra spelutbud
  • Bitcoin accepteras
  • Spel med riktiga dealers finns tillgängliga


  • Ingen licens
  • Inga ansvarsfulla spelverktyg

Intressanta fakta

  • Företaget fokuserar på både casino och sportspel
Författare och garant: Jana Kopecká Senast uppdaterat: 2024-10-18 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig

Bonusar på SlotsandCasino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som SlotsandCasino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (136)

Användarrecensioner av SlotsandCasino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av SlotsandCasino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 136 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 1 månad sedan
I signed up for this casino because Foxwoods said it was online. I now know that that might have been a scam. I used my one debit card and deposited 100 plus with NO BONUS because I knew if I hit, there would be no BS or reasons to keep my withdrawal. So I immediately lost. And deposited another $50 and am up 4k. I withdrew 2500 which the max and asked to be verified. They said bitcoin is the fastest way to withdraw so I signed up for a bitcoin wallet. They said my documents weren’t clear enough within an hour of emailing them. So I fixed everything they asked 100% clear and acceptable documents now five days ago. It’s been five business days and I haven’t received anything except I wrote an email asking if this was even legit and got a response that said verification if they taught priority and it’s a thorough process however, three business days is a lie. I chose bitcoin I didn’t use a bonus. My ID and my utility bills are legit and I’m still not hearing anything. All these reviews on here seem to lean toward me basically being screwed. I’m writing a review because it looks. It seems like they respond to the reviews no problem, but not my withdrawal or verification, which is getting very old considering I did win a good amount of money and it’s been over a week.

I don’t know what the holdup is. It’s pretty cut and dry on one person with one address with one deposit method and literally got my ID renewed just for this. It’s brand spanking new. My username is Walrusty, I just have a feeling that I’m totally screwed and been misled. This isn’t fair and hoped the bad weren’t true.
  • None Yet
  • Slow verification process
Hello, Walrusty. We completely understand how frustrating this experience must feel, especially after waiting for confirmation on such an important win. Rest assured, we’ve looked into your account, and we're pleased to let you know that your documents are fully approved, meaning your $2,500 Bitcoin withdrawal is now set to process. We’re excited for you and hopeful that your upcoming transactions will be much smoother now that verification is complete. Congratulations on the big win, and thank you for your patience and trust. If you need further assistance, our support team is here to help every step of the way.
• 3 månader sedan
I enjoyed playing the different versions of games. It was fun and entertaining. Bonuses are good. I will continue playing at the this casino.
  • Fast withdraws using cryptocurrency, friendly customer service, took 4 business day to my verification process and only 2 business day for my payout to be sent to me.
Thank you for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear you had fun with our games and enjoyed the bonuses. We’re always striving to provide fast and reliable service, so it’s great to know your verification and payout went smoothly. If you ever need anything, our friendly customer service team is here to help. Happy gaming, and we can’t wait to see you back at the casino! :)
• 5 månader sedan
You know what, I was very nervous reading these reviews because there were so many negative experiences but they seemed to have a positive response to everyone who complained. So I played and fortunately I won a good amount of money and one of the first things I do when I sign up is ask to get verified right off the bat. So first, I requested a wire transfer, then I found out that there's a $2500 weekly limit, then it could take up to 5 business days to get cleared, and then after that it could take 15 business days depending on your bank. And during this time I'm just reading more negative reviews but I stayed in contact with them and I kept getting updates and then on the 14th business day I wake up and check my account online and BAM! I'm $2500 richer. So I don't know what kinda problems these people are having but I can definitely say that in my opinion, my experience with them is that they're real and legit. It sucks about the 2500 weekly limit, but i just provided what they asked for and they held up they're end of the deal.
• 5 månader sedan
Won 600$ three months ago on this site. Went to withdrawal my money and followed all of their steps and guidelines. I kept in contact with them the last three months and have been very patient but still have not recieved my money. They just keep making excuses.
Hello Adamginn77. Thank you for sending your comment through here. We see you sent the statements to our support team. Sometimes bankwire is not the best way to receive your payments. We usually suggest BTC as it is faster and safer. We will ask the department in charge and see if we can speed up the process for you. Once we know more we will update this comment. Thank you for your patience.
• 6 månader sedan
This casino drives me crazy for a couple of reasons. I have been playing there for about 2 years. Really the only good thing about this casino is the daily free spins they give you when you deposit $25. I made my deposit the other day and I was told the made changes to the "bonus matrix" and no longer offer that. They won’t tell players what the bonus matrix is. It seems to vary based on who answers the chat. When I deposit a lot it’s nice to know what to expect as far as the chip I would get if I lose my deposit but nope they will not tell you. You just have to wait and see who answers the chat after you lose. They are constantly changing stuff. When they do have a decent promotion… they send you an email and it literally lasts no more than 12 hours. It’s crazy. If you don’t happen to see the email during the small window of time you are shit out of luck. They do no have good enough match bonuses to justify how long it takes to get a crypto withdrawal. I have no idea how they can compete with other casinos with only 1 match bonus with no max cash out and it’s only 45%. They have better match bonuses at brango and they have instant cash out. I stopped playing at all these casinos and stick with stake.com. None of the restrictions and cash out 50 times a day if you want. And never lose vip status .

Another thing that bothered me was they used to promote 2500 weekly and monthly cash draws. However they never announced that anyone actually won these drawings. I kept asking and asking who won and they would give me some lie about protecting players privacy. It was obvious no one was actually winning these drawings. They now do $500 weekly drawings and the winners are announced. I guess player privacy is no longer a concern. Player privacy is a concern for the casino when it benefits them like not actually doing the drawings they promoted and paying anyone. Now maybe they are trying to have legit promotions because every week the winner is announced. For once I would like a casino be honest. Like at anytime they could have said I’m so sorry that drawing is actually not active and we will remove the advertising from the website. But nope they left it on there and kept on with some player privacy lie as if they actually release players real names. It’s only the account id that is ever announced. So how is announcing a winner ever a violation of player privacy? Lies and more lies.
  • Pause game bonus is good
  • Slow withdrawal
  • Very inconsistent and always changing rewards
  • Promotions are offered for only a couple hours
Hello Mel1983. We apologize for replying until now. We have already addressed this claims on different forums with you. The answer will still be the same as before.
• 6 månader sedan
I have been waiting since may 16 on my payout. I haven't heard anything from them since I verified my address. They said it takes up to 3 days and it's been 5.
Hello teaganisrael08. We are sorry to hear about this delay. We are contacting the department in charge to see what is going on. Thank you for your patience.
• 7 månader sedan
Honeslty, they’re legit! I just got my bitcoin payout and I’m waiting on my wire transfer. But just here to let yall know that they are the real deal. Verification is kind of a long process (a week or so) but I personally feel like it’s only fair they do this. Too many scams going around now a days and at the end of the day they need to protect themselves.
  • Legit
  • Will pay out
  • Casino games are fun
Hello thatgirlranda! Thank you for your review. Our verification process is not only done to protect us, it is also done to protect our clients. See you online!
• 7 månader sedan
I had deposited my own money without using any promotions. I had got my balance of to $2500 so I decided to withdraw. I had to go through the 72 hour validation for your id. During that time I ended up raising my balance to close to $7500. After 72 hours I contacted them and then they said due to my case it's going to be three business days since it started that Friday which would have made it Tuesday. After that Tuesday they stopped answering all of my emails and my chats. I still never got in my email verification showing that they verified my ID. it's a scam.
  • Games are okay
  • It's a scam
Hello matthewbraul. We are sorry that the process took so long. Reviewing your account, we show that the account is validated and your payment was sent and received on Friday. Thank you for your comments.
• 7 månader sedan
On April 14 I cashed out for $300 on Slots and Casinos and chose the pitching method as they said it would be quicker and easier. For verification, I uploaded my driver's license and completed the verification with a selfie, what I thought was the the only thing I thought I needed to do. About a week later I found out that a recent utility bill was also needed, so I sent my online bill. Then yesterday I was sent (after three days after) a list of requirements for verification. All credit cards that were used for deposits, and they informed me that my license had to match the address on my utility bill. I am living in Georgia temporarily, and my license is from Tennesseee, so my current utility bill doesnt match. My credit cards are on file with both SlotsandCasino and DuckyLuck, and I recently lost one of the debit cards I had made a deposit with. I have pumped no telling how much money into both casinos, and I never had to jump through hoops for them to take my money, but when I go to make a withdrawal have to jump through these unnecessary hoops? They can keep the $300, because their site's are ripoffs.
Hello Philplant7. We are sorry to hear that you had issues with our verification process. The department in charge was a few days ago, and we do show that your payment was sent on Tuesday. Please let us know that you received it.
• 8 månader sedan
I just received my first check. It did take quite a while to get verified, but receiving my winnings made it worth it. They have a really good selection of games.
  • No problems so far
Hi Johnnybob! We are glad to know you received your winnings! Verification can take a while, we just need to make sure we are sending the money to the correct person!
• 9 månader sedan
I judge an online casino by it's honesty when it comes to withdrawals. This casino, was 100% everything they said they would be. There's some free play available and when I happen to win and requested a withdrawal I was helped through the process and it took exactly 4 days just like they said it would. They also have some of my very favorite games.
  • Payout as promissed.
  • Fun games, Rival is my personal favorite.
  • Friendly and helpful staff.
Hello dormanlinda155! We are glad to know that you are having a great experience in our casino. We are always improving our methods to make life easier to our clients. See you online!
• 9 månader sedan
It’s been 1 week waiting to be verified. I spoke to a man Steve and he told me wait 4 business days, then after 4 days I contacted and a lady Kathy on the 4th business day and she said my account is verified wait 48hrs. It’s been 48hrs and now Jenn is saying I’m still not verified . So I have to wait for my $400 and $500 cash out . It’s been 1 whole week going thru verification and I’m getting mad because I played this for money not for fun . I’ll update yall if anything changes
  • Nice bonuses
  • Customer service run around
  • Long verification process
  • No withdrawal yet
*************** UPDATE ****************
Hello kinyaahhh. The department in charge has informed us that your payments have been rejected due to the fact that there are refunds issued for deposits that are associated with your withdrawals. When there is a charge back, the corresponding winningas are considered null, as per our terms and conditions. Please refer to the email you were sent by our department in charge and if you have further questions you can reply to that email.

Hello kinyaahhh. Thank you for your message. Our verification process is done to protect the client as well as the casino. We need to make sure that we are sending the money to the correct person. At first glance, your account seemed to be verified already, but, checking again, it seems that our department in charge sent you an email as we still need proof of address. As soon as you provide this information, our department can confirm and then verify your account. Once the verification process is completed, the payout process starts. Please reply the email sent with the information requested so that we can proceed with the process.
• 9 månader sedan
I'm so used to leaving bad reviews only, that I almost neglected to leave this good one for slotsandcasino.ag! I can't find anything negative to say about them! I've been playing there for about 3 or 4 weeks now and I've had nothing but good experiences, from deposits and withdrawals to customer service. The first deposit I made netted me a $600 withdrawal and the 2nd deposit netted me over $1000 and I just received my 2nd withdrawal yesterday. Both withdrawals took 5 days on the nose. Obviously you have to submit all identification documents 1st... I recommend doing this the day that you join to save stress in the case of a win. Again, this is a GOOD and LEGIT casino that pays out without a hitch.
  • Great and Fast Live Chat Customer Service
  • I've never waited more than 1 minute to chat with a live human (not ai like most)
  • Reliable cashouts
  • No negatives that I have found.
Hello Pamalama! Thank you for your reviews. You are correct in saying that if you provide your documents first, the withdrawing process takes the time advertised. We are glad to hear that you won!
• 1 år sedan
This is a legit casino. I hit my first grand jackpot on wish granted game betting $1 and taking home $2000. Withdrawal process is a bit slower than others, documentation is straight forward and the best and fastest way to deposit and withdrawal is via Bitcoin.
  • Great selection of games
  • Slow withdrawal
Hello forrestday6! Thank you for your comments. It is good to hear that you won! See you online!
• 1 år sedan
I wish I could post my screenshots of these conversations I've had thru support chat and emails. It would steer everyone away from this casino. When I signed up with them, I got my one and only bonus. I got lucky and was winning and got thru my playthrough and submitted my withdrawal. I submitted my documents which were approved pretty quick, then I made my $25 verification Bitcoin deposit. I also became part of the crypto elite members because I was going to continue depositing and playing on there site so I thought the perks from that would be awesome. The same day that my withdrawal was completed I received an email stating promotions and bonuses were removed from my account because I was a "skilled" player who didn't need them. Mind you, my withdrawal was from a no deposit sign up bonus. If you have successfully received a withdrawal they classify you as a "skilled" player. I also no longer accumulate comp points. But today, when I made a deposit and played thru it, I decided to chat with support about those perks because I'm a crypto elite member. Steph told me that all of that was removed because I have withdrawn more then what I have deposited. I don't understand what the point about all the perks are then. My withdrawal was only $120 and I've deposited $55. During the withdrawal process, they reversed my withdrawal 3 times! So I sent an email asking for an update because there were no updates on my account and no explanations about the reversals, I would get emails back stating I needed to "check my account from time to time". I was in tears at one point because I felt stupid for asking questions like that. There's only been one nice person that I have chatted with. I am a verified depositing player on a few casinos and have withdrawn multiple times from two, and have never been treated this way. If you want a smooth/peaceful online casino experience, do not go to this one.
  • Actually received my withdrawal 5 days after being verified.
  • Rude support chat people.
  • They make it impossible for you to win after you've gotten your withdrawal.
Hello Bre8694! We are sorry you had a bad time in our casino. We offer promotions for our recreational players so that they have a better chance to win. The system recognizes players as skilled players and marks them in that category. We are unable to change that.
Our casino is always trying to make our clients enjoy their time playing. Once again, we are sorry this was not your case.
• 1 år sedan
I am a crypto VIP or whatever they call it. They still made me send multiple verification documents. I am still awaiting approval. Also, I fulfilled all of the requirements for a bonus and cashed out the max amount. I then asked if I could reverse it and play without restrictions. They told me I could reverse it and I only found out later that they would keep the terms of the original bonus on it. Meaning reversing it gave me 0 chance to win more money but every chance to lose. I’ve never seen something like this and it is extremely misleading. I like the games and bonuses but I do see some sketchy practices. I will adjust my review if/when I receive my withdrawal.

Update: they said I will get my withdrawal on Monday. I like the bonuses and game variety. I still think their odd term and condition that reversing a withdrawal after fulfilling all bonus requirements does not allow you to use the funds without restrictions. It’s an obvious way to try to have players lose their money without potential to win. I’ve never seen conditions like this and it’s not user friendly at all. They also refused a request to lock the ability to reverse a withdrawal. I know the software allows it because other sites do it. Also not processing withdrawals on weekends and a max cash out of $2,500 are very poor.
  • Bonuses are good at first. Dry up if you start winning
  • Game variety is solid
  • They should pay eventually
  • Misleading terms and conditions
  • Unhelpful customer support
  • Max withdrawal of $2,500 is very low
  • They stop offering bonuses after you win.
  • No USDC or stable coin withdrawal option. Meaning bitcoin price might rise or fall before being able to access money
Hello ericfisher8! Thank you for your comments. Please provide us with your username so that we can go ahead and check and see how to help you with your withdrawal.
• 1 år sedan
Rite now three stars I will change to 5 if they actually pay me out by the 1 like they said , they verified me in 1 day . Which was nice . A lot of these other ones say they havnt received the documents. Like I said I love this platform , games just waiting to see if they actually pay . If they do this is my go to update . They paid me 1800 in Bitcoin !!!!!
  • Verified in 2 days
  • Paid in 6 days with verification, keep in mind the weekend came for the verification
Hello cameronmambelli! We are glad to know that you are enjoying our site. Please provide us with your username to follow up with your payment.
• 1 år sedan
This was the only place that actually paid me out, it was $5,000 (although it did take a few weeks).

Shazam, VipClubPlayer, and Paradise8 all scammed me, stealing all of my winnings.
  • Paid Out Winnings
Hello Law0451! We are glad to know you cashed out!! See you online!
• 1 år sedan
Won $900 - did two withdrawals and they keep giving me the run around when I message them, saying it will be paid out in 24 hours .. but here we are 7 days later. I sent in all verification and confirmed my withdrawal amounts in the chat. What a shame.. it was fun to play on there and I would have again if they actually pay out. I will update this review if/when I actually get my winnings.
  • Doesn’t pay
  • Seems scammy
Hello Gamblingbabe! Please provide us with your username in the casino for us to be able to review your account.
• 1 år sedan
Will do everything in their power to not let you withdraw.
  • Good Games
  • Wont let you withdraw
  • Chat support is rude
  • No direct line to anyone
Hello ZammaHamma! We do request documents to verify your identity. It is a security measure to make sure we are sending the money to the correct person as well as to protect the casino. Once you send the documentation requested it makes the withdrawal process faster
• 2 år sedan
The first time I played, I "won" 2500.00. When I tried to cash out it would only let me cash out $150. I told them, then I really only won $150 they said no you won $2500, I tried to get an explanation as to why I could not withdraw the full amount, they would not even acknowledge me. I played a couple more times and not surprisingly didn’t win anything, so I decided not to play at sports and casino any longer and only played a few times after that never winning anything. In August I received this from them.

Hi Cindy,
I hope you’re having a wonderful time with our ever-growing library of games!
As you know, we provide extremely generous bonuses at SportsandCasino so that our casual players can stretch their deposits and have more chances to win.
That said, it seems that you are a skilled player who does not require the assistance of bonuses to win. As such, we will be removing bonus eligibility from your account.
You still have full access to all games in our library, and keep in mind that without having to meet bonus requirements, you can now withdraw without being tied to pesky terms any time you have a win!
We hope you keep enjoying the games and all the best from SportsandCasino.
SportsandCasino Team

If they don’t want to give me bonuses fine by me I prefer not to use them anyway, but please don’t insult my intelligence by sending me an email like this one. Eye roll🤥🙄
  • Unfair practices
Hello cindyharvey63! Thank you for your comments. Our system is the one that recognizes when a player is "Skilled" and it makes the changes. Unfortunately, we are unable to change it back. Please provide us with your username for us to be able to review your account and your claim.
• 2 år sedan
Follow up on my review. Correction on suspension being about the bonus's alledged misuse yet was warned about this which lead me to assume this as to why I was suspended it turns out to be failed attempts at signing in. But for the other complaint of. $5000 in an Zero out is true hense my apprehension on putting more money in this establishment. Username Is "Jackspotnow"
  • Great in many ways. Games are alot of my favorites and the bonus's are good
  • Never cashed out so all the bonus's in the world with no cash out is not worth it.
• 2 år sedan
Until recently I had play there just waiting for the day I finally withdraw from there cause I really like the games and the bonus's they had were real generous except, I never cashed out ever In 2 years of play, I have never played anywhere that long and not cashed but, the bonus's kept me coming back after a while I wasnt depositing until I could actual withdraw but was told I had to deposit although the bonuses were available without depositing so now my account is suspended and I miss the place but, Im not putting another dime in. Ive put at least $5,000 in over the course of these last 2 years. This is not just a run of bad luck.
A great casino ruined by greed. In my honest opinion.
  • Great bonus's and good line up of games gonna miss them honestly. I was truly waiting to cash in once and from there promote them to my other friends that play but it never happened, it is truly a bummer.
  • Never cashed out in 2 years and suspension cause, I wont put anymore money in although the bonuses never specifically said I had to deposit but merely that it may require a deposit to withdraw which I have never withdrew. $5,000 in-Zero out and they can't humor me with free spins enough to finally win something from tbere before I put any more money in. Greed comes to mind everytime I try to step in there shoes
Hello Nogoodjones! Thank you for your review. Can you please provide us with your username in order to check your account and see if we can help you out?
• 2 år sedan
BEWARE!!!!!!! So it seems like anyone who requests a withdrawal automatically becomes a "skilled player" and is no longer eligible for any bonuses which is a bunch of BS if you ask me. I've only been playing online casino's for about 8 months now. I'm hardly a skilled player. I just got lucky and was able to request a $500 withdrawal which really isn't that much. Got slapped with that "skilled player" status immediately. Very disrespectful and unappreciative of their customers. Sounds like they don't like to payout which means they probably have issues managing their accounts. I wouldn't recommend this casino to anyone!!! I would also like to add that any casino that feels the need to punish or label you just for being fortunate enough to make it through their ridiculous "wager requirements" and then wish to withdraw their DESERVED winnings should most definitely be BLACKLISTED!!!!
  • Unfairly labeled and banned from claiming any bonuses.
  • Questionable as far as having the means to payout any withdrawals. With so many people complaining you can't help but question their stability and ability to payout????!!!!!!
Hello cgeno2157. Thank you for your message. Our system is the one that recognizes a player as a skilled player and immediately tags the player as such. Unfortunately, we are unable to remove this. We are sorry to hear that you consider this unfair. Our promotions are for our recreational players so that they have a better chance to win.
Your deserved winnings were sent to you on 04/01/2022.
That said, we hope you continue to enjoy our exciting games and betting opportunities and very much value your business!
• 2 år sedan
i have played this casino atleast 5 times and always good service and great selection of games and my favorutes minus a few but once again i dont ever win anything especially aftre the half way point of the play through plays like a program.my personal opinion dont waste your money or time bc i have and wish i wouldnt have.
• 2 år sedan
I won $8,00 off my own money no bones involved, and they wouldn't let me cash out. Talked to vip they said they would get back ahold of me and never did. Contacted them several times and they never fixed the issue and still to this day never received not $1 of it. So if you win so much there system says can't cash out cause of something with the system. I have cashed out several times but got ripped off my $8,000! So all I can say is be very careful. And after you start to win they change something on your favorite games to where you can't win any more.so becateful.... it use to cost you $50 to cash out now it's $150 and you can cash out only $2,500 a week. Cause they want you to keep it in there so you keep playing and losing the money and they keep taking $150 on every cash out so they take a big % of your winnings just for cashing out.they do rip you off.keep in mind they run with no license so they can do what they want
  • When you first sign up good a
  • They wont let you cash out if you win over certain amount
  • They wouldnt let me cash out my winnings of $8,000
• 2 år sedan
I have deposited plenty to this casino, the one time I requested a withdrawal of a good amount of money, I got the run around for 2 weeks. Account was verified and still didn't receive payment. Ended up reversing the withdrawal and played all my winnings. Almost 3 days ago I requested a withdrawal of $100 to bitcoin from ndb spins I won on and completed the playthrough requirements. Haven't heard anything from anyone, when I ask chat I am told different things each time. My account is verified, it's going to bitcoin, site says 48-72 hours then gives you the run around. Quick to take money, withdrawal should be just as fast!
  • Love the games
  • Lets you win money
  • Does not want to seem to payout winnings!!
• 3 år sedan
Wanted to make a withdrawal of $700US via Bitcoin. Been 3 days it says authorized. Message customer service they say I have to verify account which I sent my documents a year ago.
  • Horrible Customer service
  • Slow Pay outs
• 3 år sedan
Asked for verification docs of address & some form of government ID when I asked in chat - 3 plus day's ago. Said that was ALL I needed....went to withdraw £100 - ONE hundred pounds, not a 1000, or even 2 - 500...all of a sudden it's not enough, now they want a selfie with me holding my ID.
I reversed it, played it off on big bet's to get rid of it asap... WON'T be playing there EVER again. Useless & would've likely stayed in "requested" status forever anyways. Awful casino. It's only saving grace is MJ in chat, he/she is pretty cool to be fair.
  • Games are ok
  • MJ is cool
  • Everything
• 3 år sedan
It is a fun casino and good payouts but I have had my first withdraw for about 4 days still says requested and have still not been sent any of the documents needed to complete my withdraw
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