HemOnlinecasinonHellSpin Casino recension
HellSpin Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
100 % upp till 100 € och 100 extrasnurr (0,1 €/snurr)
Besök casino
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • PaySafeCard
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Banköverföring
  • Flexepin
 per månad
50 000 €
 per vecka
16 000 €
 per vecka
4 000 €
Latcas B.V.
> 20 000 000 €
Ingen licens
ÖversiktBonusar5Användarrecensioner85Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion56Betalningsmetoder23
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HellSpin Casino Recension

HellSpin Casino har genomgått en noggrann utvärdering utförd av vårt erfarna granskningsteam. Teamet har analyserat casinots styrkor och brister i enlighet med vår metod för casinogranskning. Aspekter som casinots villkor, rättvisa och transparens, licenser, aktuella klagomål från spelare, kundsupport samt uttagsgränser har beaktats av vårt oberoende analysteam för att placera detta casino för svenska spelare på en skala från säkert och seriöst till bedrägligt.

Vår utvärdering har lett fram till casinots säkerhetsindex. Det är en numerisk och verbal representation av våra resultat avseende säkerheten och rättvisan hos onlinecasinon. Ett högre säkerhetsindex minskar risken för att stöta på problem när du spelar eller ska göra ett uttag. HellSpin Casino har ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 6.7, vilket indikerar att det kan vara ett acceptabelt alternativ för vissa spelare. Det finns dock många casinon med ännu högre betyg när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Läs vår recension av HellSpin Casino för att ta reda på mer om det här casinot och avgöra om det är ett passande val för dig.

Säkerhetsindex – rättvisa och säkerhet för HellSpin Casino

Vi beräknar ett casinos säkerhetsindex baserat på en sofistikerad formel som tar hänsyn till en mängd information som vi har samlat in och utvärderat i vår granskning. Dessa faktorer inkluderar casinots uppskattade intäkter, klagomål från spelare, villkor, svarta listor och så vidare.

I samband med vår granskning av HellSpin Casino utvärderade och analyserade vi HellSpin Casinos villkor väldigt grundligt. Vi har hittat vissa regler eller klausuler som vi inte gillade och, på det stora hela, anser vi att villkoren är orättvisa. Orättvisa eller bedrägliga regler kan användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga att man inte betalar ut deras vinster. På grund av våra resultat, då vi har identifierat en del allvarliga problem med skäligheten i det här casinots villkor, rekommenderar vi dig att leta upp ett casino med mer rättvisa villkor eller åtminstone iaktta försiktighet om du väljer att spela här.

Baserat på våra uppskattningar och insamlad information bedömer vi att HellSpin Casino är ett väldigt stort onlinecasino. Med hänsyn till casinots storlek har det en genomsnittlig andel kvarhållna utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare. Vi tar hänsyn både till casinots storlek och antalet klagomål från spelare och hur de korrelerar, eftersom större casinon tenderar att få fler klagomål på grund av att de har en större spelarbas.

Såvitt vi kan se förekommer inte HellSpin Casino på några svarta listor av betydelse. Om ett casino förekommer på en svart lista, som exempelvis Casino Gurus svarta lista, kan det vara en indikation på att casinot tidigare har behandlat sina kunder på ett felaktigt sätt. Vi uppmanar därför spelare att ha detta i åtanke när de letar efter ett onlinecasino att spela på.

Sammantaget, i kombination med andra faktorer som beaktas i vår granskning, har HellSpin Casino fått ett säkerhetsindex över medel på 6.7. Även om det här casinot kan vara ett godtagbart alternativ för vissa, är det viktigt för oss att påpeka för spelare att det finns andra casinon som bättre främjar rättvisa och ärlighet i sitt kundbemötande.

HellSpin Casinos villkor

Vid utvärderingen av onlinecasinon analyserar vi noggrant varje casinos villkor i syfte att bedöma deras rättvisenivå. På många casinon stöter vi på vissa klausuler i villkoren som vi uppfattar som orättvisa eller överdrivet rovgiriga. I en del fall ger dessa villkor casinot möjlighet att rättfärdiga att de håller inne med spelares vinster.

Vi hittade några tvivelaktiga regler eller klausuler i samband med vår granskning, vilket är skälet till att vi anser att HellSpin Casinos villkor är orättvisa.

Obs! Våra specifika resultat från analysen av villkoren finns tillgängliga här.

Klagomål från spelare angående HellSpin Casino

Klagomål från spelare är en viktig faktor i vår granskningsmetodik eftersom de både ger oss en tydlig insikt i de problem som spelare upplever och belyser hur casinon hanterar dem. Vid bedömningen av varje casinos säkerhet och rättvisa tar vi hänsyn till alla klagomål som inkommit till vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt de klagomål vi har sammanställt från andra källor.

Vi har hittat ett relevant klagomål som rör detta casino. På grund av detta klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino 4 435 svarta poäng. Du hittar mer information om klagomålet och de svarta poängen i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Feedback från användare och recensioner av HellSpin Casino

På Casino Guru kan användare betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon för att uttrycka sina åsikter och dela med sig av sina erfarenheter. Baserat på dessa genererar vi ett totalt feedbackbetyg som varierar från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Återkopplingen gällande användarnöjdhet för HellSpin Casino som delats av 84 användare har resulterat i feedbackbetyget "Bra". Du hittar recensionerna i avsnittet Användarrecensioner på den här sidan.

Obs! Det är viktigt att notera att användarrecensioner inte alltid ger en objektiv bild av ett casinos kvalitet. Det förekommer fall där casinon skriver falska recensioner för att höja sitt feedbackbetyg, men även fall där missnöjda spelare lämnar flera negativa recensioner för att svärta ner ett casinos rykte. Vi gör vårt bästa för att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett objektivt korrekt feedbackbetyg. Användarfeedback inkluderas dock inte i vår beräkning av säkerhetsindexet.

Licenser och företagsinformation

HellSpin Casino ägs av CHESTOPTION SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA och vi uppskattar att dess årliga intäkter överstiger $20,000,000. Det här gör det till ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt den kategorisering vi använder.

Såvitt vi vet har HellSpin Casino inte beviljats någon officiell spellicens.

Betalningsalternativ, uttagsgränser och vinstgränser

HellSpin Casino stödjer 23 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Skrill, Neteller, PaySafeCard, Mastercard, VISA, Bitcoin (BTC), Bank transfer, Flexepin, Mobile Payment, CS:GO skins, Solana (SOL), Decentraland (MANA), Rapid Transfer, Revolut, Tether (USDT), Ripple (XRP), Chainlink (LINK), Cardano (ADA), Litecoin (LTC), Binance Coin (BNB), Ethereum (ETH), Polkadot, Dogecoin (XDG).

Många spelsajter på nätet begränsar maxvinster och uttagsbelopp för spelare. Ofta är vinst- och uttagsgränserna tillräckligt höga för att de inte ska påverka de flesta spelare. Med det sagt finns det dock casinon som tillämpar ganska restriktiva beloppsgränser för vinster och uttag. Det här är anledningen till att vi beaktar dessa begränsningar i våra casinorecensioner. Du kan hitta information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
4 000 EUR per dag Ingen vinstgräns
16 000 EUR per vecka
50 000 EUR per månad
Obs! Det är inte troligt att alla betalningsalternativ som nämndes tidigare kan användas för både insättningar och uttag. På samma sätt kan vissa betalningsmetoder bara användas i Sverige.

Kundsupport och språkalternativ

I samband med våra casinogranskningar samlar vi alltid in uppgifter om tillgängliga språk och kundsupportalternativ. Du kan se vilka alternativ som finns tillgängliga på HellSpin Casino i tabellen nedan.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7
spanska Ja Ja Ja24/7
portugisiska Ja Ja Ja24/7
ryska Nej Ja Ja24/7
japanska Ja Nej Ja24/7
tyska Ja Ja Ja24/7
italienska Ja Ja Ja24/7
tjeckiska Ja Nej Ja24/7
grekiska Ja Nej Ja24/7
franska Ja Ja Ja24/7
bengali Ja Nej Nej
polska Ja Nej Ja24/7
ungerska Ja Nej Ja24/7
norska Ja Nej Ja24/7
hindi Ja Nej Nej

För att få ett begrepp om hur hjälpsamma, professionella och snabba kundsupportens medarbetare är, kontaktar vi dem direkt som ett led vår granskningsprocess. Vi anser att en kundsupport är viktig eftersom den kan vara helt avgörande om du till exempel stöter på problem med din registrering, ditt konto, dina uttag eller något annat hos HellSpin Casino. Enligt våra tester och insamlad information har HellSpin Casino en bra kundsupport.

Casinospel och spelautomater tillgängliga på HellSpin Casino

På HellSpin Casino kan spelare hitta dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Craps och tärningsspel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Virtuella sporter, Andra spel, Crash-spel, Liveshower, Live baccarat, Live bingo, Live baccarat, Live tärningsspel, Andra livespel, Live poker, Live roulette.

Casinospel från 80 spelleverantörer finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar NetEnt, Novomatic, Nolimit City, Playtech, Play'n GO, Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Quickspin, Yggdrasil Gaming, Realtime Gaming, Igrosoft, Red Tiger Gaming, Thunderkick, Betsoft Gaming, Playson, Amatic, ELK Studios, Evoplay, Ezugi, SA Gaming, BGaming, GameArt, Wazdan, Habanero, Red Rake Gaming, Spinomenal, Leander Games, 1X2 Gaming, Booming Games, Tom Horn, Belatra Games, Relax Gaming, edict, Betgames, Ho Gaming, Genii, WM Casino, Platipus, Concept Gaming, Wizard games, Spinmatic, Spadegaming, Apollo Games, Spribe, Sexy gaming, JDB Gaming, Kiron Interactive, Golden Race, Revolver Gaming, BeeFee, Atmosfera Live, Reevo, RedGenn, Mascot Gaming, Vivo Gaming, Onlyplay, Amusnet (EGT), PGsoft (Pocket Games Soft), Salsa Technology, Worldmatch, Gamebeat, Live Games, Fugaso, Felix Gaming, Fa Chai Gaming, Stakelogic, Iconic21 (BETER Live), upgaming, Gamzix, 3 Oaks Gaming, 1spin4win, CQ9 Gaming, CT Interactive, Games Global, Hacksaw Gaming, EURASIAN Gaming, Netgame, XPG (xprogaming), Asia Gaming, Ka Gaming.

Bonusar och kampanjkoder för HellSpin Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder bonusar till nya eller befintliga spelare för att ge dem ett incitament att skapa ett konto eller fortsätta spela. Bonusar utan insättning, freespins och insättningsbonusar är några av de mest eftertraktade bonustyperna. Bonusar utan insättningar kan erhållas genom att registrera ett konto på casinot, medan insättningsbonusar delas ut i samband med insättningar. Casinokampanjer kan även inkludera bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller olika lojalitetsprogram.

Just nu har vår databas följande 5 bonusar från HellSpin Casino:

  • 100 % upp till 100 € och 100 extrasnurr (0,1 €/snurr)
  • 50 % upp till 300 € och 50 extrasnurr (0,1 €/snurr)
  • 30 % upp till 1 000 €
  • 25 % upp till 1 000 €
  • 100 % upp till 100 €

Tänk på att dessa bonusar kanske inte är tillgängliga för spelare från vissa regioner. Se avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension för mer information och för att ta reda på vilka erbjudanden som finns tillgängliga i Sverige.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
100 % upp till 100 € och 100 extrasnurr (0,1 €/snurr)


  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • PaySafeCard
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Banköverföring
  • Flexepin
 per månad
50 000 €
 per vecka
16 000 €
 per vecka
4 000 €


Ingen betting
Ingen poker
Craps och tärningsspel
Ingen betting på e-sport


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • NetEnt
  • Novomatic
  • Nolimit City
  • Playtech
  • Play'n GO
  • Evolution Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Yggdrasil Gaming


  • Populära progressiva jackpottspel
  • Bra månatliga uttagsgränser
  • Brett urval av språk och valutor
  • Massivt utbud av spel inklusive ett brett utbud av spel med riktiga dealers


  • Begränsat antal ansvarsfulla spelalternativ
  • Minsta uttagsbelopp som behandlas via banköverföring är 500 USD/EUR
  • Alla betalningsmetoder är inte tillgängliga i alla länder

Intressanta fakta

  • Spelare från Finland är inte berättigade till bonusar
  • Medelstora internationella kasino
Författare och garant: Silvia Smith Senast uppdaterat: 2025-02-20 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (5)

Bonusar på HellSpin Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som HellSpin Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (85)

Användarrecensioner av HellSpin Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av HellSpin Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 85 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 5 dagar sedan
Loving Hellspin! The slots selection is massive, and they actually add new games regularly. Hit my first ever big win here, and the withdrawal process was stress-free. Customer service is also friendly and fast. Highly recommend!
  • Best RTP
  • Fast withdrawals
• 2 veckor sedan
Everything what i need in casino mobile ..its here chip deposit dont need dep alot ...
Just 5$ and you can play .
Hellspin do not give you a limit on minimum deposit !
Great option for fun play when we dont sweat to pay alot :)
  • Fast Withdrawal
  • Support better then you could dream !
  • Big choose game Providen.
  • Good store with Promotion and bonus .
  • About my casino mobile its My best choices all time .
  • sometimes only game from few provider can show screen crash but its just 10 sec and its start working without that crash .
HellSpin Casino
dizelek121992, thank you for your wonderful feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoy the flexibility of the minimum deposit and find the experience enjoyable. It's great to know that our support and game variety have exceeded your expectations.

We also appreciate your understanding regarding the occasional game issue – we're always working to improve.

Wishing you continued fun and success at HellSpin!
• 1 månad sedan
I love playing there casino, in my eyes hands down best platform and great features with a huge game selection
  • Easy withdrawal
  • Greatest vip I have even had!
  • Best bonus once your a vip
  • Great selection of hames
  • Probably just the restarts on some games
HellSpin Casino
Thanks for your review, con1!
It's awesome to hear you're enjoying the platform, the game selection, and the VIP experience. We’re glad the withdrawals have been easy for you as well. We appreciate your feedback on the game restarts and will definitely keep that in mind for improvements.
Hope you continue having a great time and many more wins ahead!
• 1 månad sedan
I have been playing at Hell Spin for a couple of years now. It's the best casino! The withdrawals are easy & I've never had a problem. I have the best VIP manager! I highly recommend Hell Spin Casino.
  • Awesome Games, Big Wins
  • Great Bonuses
HellSpin Casino
Thanks for sharing your experience, tacrankin! It’s fantastic to hear that you’ve had such a positive experience with HellSpin, especially with withdrawals and the support from your VIP manager.
Glad you’re enjoying the games, wins, and bonuses – sounds like a great place to play! Your recommendation is much appreciated!
• 2 månader sedan
Hellspin Casino is an absolute gem in the online gaming world! From the moment I signed up, I was impressed by the seamless user experience and the vast selection of games. The interface is sleek, easy to navigate, and visually stunning. Whether you’re into classic table games, innovative slots, or live dealer experiences, Hellspin has something for everyone.

The game variety is top-notch, featuring high-quality titles from some of the most renowned providers in the industry. It’s clear that Hellspin has partnered with the best to deliver an exciting and rewarding experience. The promotions and bonuses are generous, especially for newcomers, giving you plenty of opportunities to maximize your winnings.

What really sets Hellspin apart, though, is Hank, my VIP Manager. His exceptional service truly elevates the experience. From the moment I became a VIP, Hank made sure I felt like a valued player, providing personalized offers and keeping me updated on exclusive promotions. He’s always just a message away, responding quickly and efficiently, and is genuinely invested in making sure I have the best possible experience. His attention to detail and professionalism are unmatched, and it’s clear he’s dedicated to ensuring every VIP feels special. If you’re lucky enough to have Hank as your VIP manager, you’re in for a top-tier experience.

Overall, Hellspin is a fantastic online casino that combines great game variety, excellent customer service, and a secure platform. I highly recommend it to both new and seasoned players looking for an exciting and trustworthy online casino experience!
  • withdrawals are quick (ish)
  • VIP manager Hank - provides amazing customer service
  • lots of Bonuses
  • RTP % is shown on the slots!
  • you can save your favourite games!
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for the fantastic feedback, Melziegirl77! We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying your experience at Hellspin Casino. It's wonderful to know that our game variety, user interface, and promotions have made your gaming experience enjoyable. We're especially glad to hear that Hank, your VIP Manager, has made such a positive impact. Our VIP team is dedicated to providing exceptional service, and we're happy to know Hank has gone above and beyond to ensure you have a top-tier experience.

Thank you again for your kind words and recommendation. We look forward to continuing to provide you with great games, rewards, and service!
• 2 månader sedan
super casino!! De behandlar sina kunder väl, verkligen varmt välkomnande! Cool bonus - intressanta nivåer som inte är svåra att få! Jag rekommenderar!
  • Chattkontakt, bonusar, grafik, insättningsmetoder, allt är ett plus
  • Det är synd att man inte kan få bonusar under en viss tid
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your wonderful review, gorskamarrta! We're so happy to hear that you’ve had a positive experience with our customer service, bonuses, graphics, and deposit methods. Your recommendation means a lot to us! We also appreciate your feedback about the time-limited bonuses, and we’ll keep that in mind as we continue to improve. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, and we look forward to welcoming you back for even more fun!
• 3 månader sedan
I absolutely love this casino. Since the first time I played it’s been nothing short of amazing. Fast payouts. Lots of bonuses and overall a positive fun experience!
  • Fast withdrawls
  • Friendly Customer service
  • Variety of games
HellSpin Casino
Thank you so much for your kind words, Kimmy1876!
We're thrilled to hear that you’ve had such a positive experience with HellSpin. It's great to know that the fast payouts, friendly customer service, and variety of games have made your time with us enjoyable. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to continuing to provide you with fun and exciting experiences!
• 3 månader sedan
The withdrawal times at Hellspin are amazing! I usually get my winnings within 24-36 hours. The live casino games are a lot of fun, and the slots are great too. The only neutral point I'd mention is that the mobile app could use a bit more polish, but overall, I'm very satisfied with the service.
  • Top VIP managers
  • Withdrawals
  • Live casino games
• 4 månader sedan
Hellspin!! Amazing!! Huge variety of online gaming and plenty of fun to be had! Elliot, Hellspin VIP manager is a top notch legend! The best customer service and looks after me very well! Mate you deserve a medal or trophy and definitely a promotion! 😆 🤣 cheers mate! Plenty of deposit options! Easy and fast withdrawals! Number 1 online gaming casino for me!!
  • Hellspin!! Amazing!! Huge variety of online gaming and plenty of fun to be had!
  • Elliot, Hellspin VIP manager is a top notch legend! The best customer service and looks after me very well! Mate you deserve a medal or trophy and definitely a promotion! 😆 🤣 cheers mate!
  • Plenty of deposit options! Easy and fast withdrawals!
  • Number 1 online gaming casino for me!!
  • I can't really fault Hellspin to be honest!
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for the fantastic review, jameswiremuclarke! We’re so glad to hear that you’re enjoying the variety of games, fast withdrawals, and easy deposit options at HellSpin. It’s great to know that our platform has become your go-to for online gaming.We also appreciate the shoutout to Elliot, our VIP manager! We’re thrilled that he’s been providing you with excellent customer service — we’ll be sure to pass along your kind words.Thanks again for sharing your experience, and we’re happy to have you as part of the HellSpin community!
• 5 månader sedan
Been playing with hellspin for a couple of years now and I am pretty damn content with them. Interface is easy to use and well laid out.
When I have had an issue with a game or payment, the support team and my manager have been very helpful.

Pretty decent spot 👌
  • Fast crypto withdrawals
  • Decent range of providers
  • Fish shooters available
  • Fast support team
  • Can't sort games by RTP
• 6 månader sedan
I won 8000€, all my documents approved, my account verified, told me to wait for withdraw. Today i got email that my account is closed and my winnings will not be paid
  • Account closed
• 7 månader sedan
They scammed me of 700 euros, they are trying to tell me that I broke the rules of betting too much when I won so all of my winnings are void, but I have scr shot and the bet size was 6 NOK wich is way belov the terms of the bonus. It was only a 50% bonus and the worst part is I wagered it away long time before I won! They gonna scam you please dont play here!
  • wont pay you if you win big or get lucky
  • the customer support just copypaste, feels like bots, very shady website dont trust them what so ever
• 7 månader sedan
Great casino, just needs better loyalty bonuses offered.
Needs more cash collect games available
Accepts Australian players btw
  • Game selection
  • Deposit options
  • Accepts Australian players
  • Average withdrawal times
  • Bonuses are average
• 8 månader sedan
Hellspin is great for those who enjoy a variety of gaming options. The support staff is always ready to assist, and the verification process is hassle-free.
  • verification time
  • variety of gaming options
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your feedback, br1br1!
We’re glad to hear that you’re enjoying the variety of gaming options we offer. It’s great to know that our support staff has been helpful and that you found the verification process hassle-free. We appreciate your support and hope you continue to have a fantastic experience with us!
• 8 månader sedan
I've been gaming in Hellspin for months and every session is a thrill. The welcome bonus hooked me but the daily jackpots and frequent player rewards have kept me loyal. They've got an awesome range of games from retro slots to cutting-edge live dealer tables. Their site is super easy to navigate, whether I'm on my laptop or mobile. Plus, cashing out my winnings is always a breeze - quick and hassle-free.
  • welcome bonus
  • range of games
• 8 månader sedan
I recently started playing at Hellspin Casino and I'm quite impressed with the generous welcome bonuses. The truly give new players a great starting advantage. The wagering requirements are reasonable, and the loyalty program rewards consistent play with great perks and bonuses.
  • Good bonuses
  • Communication with the support service
  • Withdrawal
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your wonderful feedback, Tril3mma!
We’re thrilled to hear that you’re enjoying our generous welcome bonuses and that you find the wagering requirements reasonable. It’s great to know that our loyalty program is rewarding your consistent play as well. We're also glad you had a positive experience with our support service. If you have any more feedback or questions, feel free to reach out. Happy gaming!
• 8 månader sedan
Nice games and platform. I also had some nice pays.

Buut when you want to withdraw, they will pay you. But you have to provide a lot of documents, oictures with id, pictures with cards, pictures with each transaction.

If you miss one, u can say goodbye to your money.

Other than that they respond quickly to your requests but you will be stressed with all this process.

That’s why I gave them a 2 stars, cuz they stressed me out with their withdrawal process.
  • Customer support responds
  • Withdrawal process
• 9 månader sedan
I've been playing at the casino for a few years now

top games
quick payout
and vip manager is always there for you
Thanks tiffany !!!
  • Top vip manager
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your loyalty, Onepert!
We’re so glad to hear that you’ve been enjoying our top games and quick payouts. It's fantastic that our VIP manager, Tiffany, has been there for you—your appreciation will definitely be passed along to her. If you need anything else, just let us know. Happy gaming!
• 10 månader sedan
I have been playing on this casino for a few years now. I've never had an issues. The vip team is so good and the cashouts are good. The payment systems are great. Available from multiple countries. Vpn friendly.
  • Vpn friendly
  • good cashout
  • Vip program
  • cashout time frames
• 10 månader sedan
Casinot har tagit fart med tiden och herrarna har tagit oss, spelarna, till hjärtat, som verkligen är uppskattade. För mig en av de bästa. Jag kan rekommendera det.
  • Stort utbud av spel
  • Bra kontakt med chefen
  • Snabba insättningar
  • Bonusar och turneringar
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your kind words, tomekl1301!
We’re thrilled to hear that you feel appreciated as a player and that our team has made a positive impact on your experience. It’s great to know you enjoy our large selection of games, the communication with our manager, and the fast deposits. We’re also glad you’re taking advantage of our bonuses and tournaments! Your recommendation means a lot to us. Happy gaming!
• 10 månader sedan
These guys have really picked up their game.. there was a few small issues with bonuses in the early days but I've been using them for 2 years now and deposit with them on a regular basis. I have an amazing VIP manager that has really personalised the experience. Bonus issuance is much much better, payout times are fast and the games are on par with the top casinos. They have really turned themselves around and deserve a far better rating then what they have here. ( Special thanks to my VIP manager Elliot for ensuring my gaming experience is always a pleasure ☺️)
  • Personalised customer service
  • Fast payouts
  • Great promotional offers for loyalty
  • Vast gaming selection
  • Sometimes issues may arise when depositing using SOL but is rectified via a refund in a reasonable timeframe
  • The chat staff can be a little unhelpful and robotic in responses
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your detailed feedback, jacquelynmaree8! We’re delighted to hear that you've had such a positive experience with us over the past two years. It’s fantastic to know that Elliot, your VIP manager, has personalized your experience and that you've noticed improvements in bonus issuance and payout times.

We appreciate your understanding regarding any deposit issues and will work on enhancing the responsiveness of our chat support team. Your insights are invaluable, and we’re committed to continuously improving. Thank you for your support, and happy gaming!
• 10 månader sedan
The best online casino for customer support, withdrawals and bonuses. Wide choice of suppliers and clarity in the VIP score. It is always a challenge to reach the highest levels but if you reach them you will not be disappointed. I highly recommend.
  • simple and immediate withdrawal
  • great customer support
HellSpin Casino
MelloRita, thank you for your glowing review and for recognizing HellSpin Casino as the best online destination for customer support, withdrawals, and bonuses!
We're thrilled to hear that you appreciate our wide selection of suppliers and the clarity in our VIP program. We're dedicated to providing our players with a rewarding experience, and we're delighted that you find our VIP levels challenging yet satisfying.
We're especially pleased that you highlighted our simple and immediate withdrawal process and our great customer support. Ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for our players is paramount to us, and we're glad to know that we've met your expectations in these areas.
Thank you for recommending us, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with top-notch service and entertainment at HellSpin Casino!
• 11 månader sedan
I have registered in this casino near a week ago. And since then I have deposited and withdrawn couple thousands euros. That means I liked this place. What can we demand from a good casino: good promotions, many games, short withdrawal period, proper support. Based on my short experience - they have all of it. And my opinion any casino does not deserve maximum rating if it doesn't perform withdrawals the Same day it was requested. This guys withdraw in couple hours - that's nice for both clients and casino, as gambler returns to them much more often than they do it in couple days.
I think this guys in the right way, they provide proper quality of services.

EDIT: Sorry had to downgrade at least one point because they may deactivate your promotions without any reason. At "no promotions mode" none of casinos can have maximum rating.
  • Prompt withdrawals
  • Good selection of games
  • Nice and continuous promotions
  • Prompt response of support
  • They turn off your promotions groundlessly
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for sharing your experience, SMaster.
We're glad to hear that you've had a positive overall experience with us and that you appreciate our promotions, game selection, fast withdrawal process, and customer support. We strive to provide a high-quality service to all our players. We understand your concern about promotions being deactivated, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We'll take your feedback into consideration to improve our services further. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
• 11 månader sedan
Great games great support and easy payouts. Couldn’t recommend it more compared to what else there is on offer.
  • Vip
  • Support
  • Range of games
  • Wins
  • A lot of games 🤣
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your positive feedback, tatsupsupply!
We're delighted to hear that you've had a great experience with our games, support, and payout process. Providing an enjoyable and hassle-free gaming experience for our players is our top priority, and we're thrilled that you would recommend us. If you ever have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to provide you with top-notch gaming entertainment.
• 11 månader sedan
Hellspin is a reputable and trusted site. I have been playing here for 2 years now. The online support is great, my VIP manager is amazing, the games choices are huge. I don't play at any other online casinos other than hell because I can't risk spending my money winning and potentially not getting paid but with hellspin I know I don't have that issue. Good luck legends and hopefully big wins coming your way!
  • Online support is incredible
  • Fast cashout
  • VIP manager is amazing
  • Large game selection
  • Verification process is very straight forward
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for sharing your positive experience, kellymarie111!
We're thrilled to hear that you've had a great time playing at HellSpin for the past two years. Providing excellent online support, fast cashouts, and a wide selection of games are top priorities for us, and we're delighted that you appreciate these aspects of our casino. We're grateful for your loyalty and trust in HellSpin, and we're dedicated to ensuring that you continue to enjoy your time with us.
Wishing you the best of luck with your future gaming sessions, and may big wins continue to come your way!
• 11 månader sedan
Do not play on this casino! They do not pay! I've had a withdrawal approved but did not receive anything..and support is telling me that a case was created and it's been in "investigation" for over 2 weeks..it's incredible
  • They do not pay! I've had an approved withdrawal for over 4 weeks and I received nothing..I've spoke with their support and they are constantly telling me that the case is in investigation
HellSpin Casino
We're sorry to hear about your experience, xj4pjghbkw. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience you've faced with your withdrawal. We take such matters very seriously, and we assure you that your case is being thoroughly investigated.

To expedite the resolution process, we kindly ask you to reach out to our support team directly with your account details and any relevant information you may have. They will prioritize your case and provide you with updates on its progress.

We understand the frustration this situation may have caused, and we're committed to ensuring that you receive the assistance you need. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
• 1 år sedan
Best by far, real good VIPS.
Have had some big wins over 100k withdraw without incident. Plenty of games and new games updated daily. Recommend.
  • VIP
  • Games
  • Withdrawal
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for your review, Deanobal!
We're thrilled to hear that you've had such a positive experience at Hellspin. Providing top-notch VIP services, offering a wide variety of games, and ensuring smooth withdrawals are our top priorities, and we're delighted that we've met your expectations in these areas. Congratulations on your impressive wins, and we're pleased that you've been able to withdraw such significant amounts without any issues. We're committed to continuously updating our game selection to provide you with the best gaming experience possible.
Thank you for recommending HellSpin, and we look forward to providing you with more exciting experiences in the future!
• 1 år sedan
Reload bonus is completly bad. I was doing everything according terma (making deposit using bonus WORD) and had to contact support each time anyway to activate the bonus. After I had made it few times week after week they banned me from bonuses saying I have got too high bonus rtp 😆😆😆 Not worth playing there.
HellSpin Casino
We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced, Thug21. It's disheartening to hear about your dissatisfaction with the reload bonus system. Your feedback regarding the challenges you faced in activating the bonus as per the terms is duly noted, and we understand your frustration.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve our services. If you have any further concerns or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to help.
• 1 år sedan
Miss leading players with VIP rewards that are not worth the cost to reach the milestones, flase advertising slots that get stuck on an infinite loading screen and then say error. Advertising games such as Royal Fortuneaire and diamonds power that claim to have a random chance at activating the gem bonuses but never activate fairly with a reasonable RTP. I wagered between 0.50 to 5.00 a spin after depositing over 700.00 when the bonus finally activated after a week, It only payed out a small percentage at $13.40 didn't activate at all on the higher bets it waited until I did 1 spin at 0.40 cents before it activated. Whatever algorithm they are using is only house advantage it has no fair player advantage, and it's not the game because I have played the game on other websites and the RTP and activation for the bonus game is more common and done fairly. On Hellspin it's straight up in the house favour. Don't expect to win anything for your time playing on Hellspin, their games only eat money and offer little reward with nothing but risk. Wouldn't even give Hellspin. 1/10 stars, more like Negative 10 stars. 🙄
  • Website appearance
  • Unfair advantage for the house
  • Bonus games do not activate fairly
  • Slots advertised never load
  • VIP program has unrealistic milestones
  • VIP program gives little rewards not worth the risk to build up the requirements.
HellSpin Casino
We're sorry to hear about your experience, thescorpionking2077. We value your feedback and take it seriously.

Regarding your concerns about VIP rewards, we continually assess and refine our program to ensure it provides fair and worthwhile benefits to our players.

As for the issues with game loading and bonus activations, we'll investigate these matters promptly to ensure they're addressed.

Your feedback on game algorithms and RTP is important to us. We strive to maintain fairness and transparency in our gaming experience, and we'll review our systems to ensure they meet industry standards.

We're committed to improving our services and appreciate your input. If you have any further feedback or need assistance, please reach out to our support team. We're here to help.
• 1 år sedan
Layout was very nice what I have to say. But I started with welcome bonus The free spins haven't been offered as per terms.
Also games look RTP adjusted. Chat was bad. Stay away
  • Layout very nice and easy to browse
  • Bonus offers is not per written terms
  • RTP looks adjusted and I think is very rare a payout to thr player.
HellSpin Casino
Thank you for sharing your experience, filipemartins6. We appreciate your feedback.

We apologize for any confusion regarding the welcome bonus and free spins. We'll review our terms to ensure clarity and consistency in our offers.

Regarding your concerns about game RTP and payouts, rest assured that our games are regularly audited for fairness. However, we'll investigate this matter further to ensure everything is in line with industry standards.

We're sorry to hear about your experience with our chat support. We'll address any issues to improve the quality of our service.

Your feedback helps us improve, and we're committed to providing the best possible experience for our players. If you have any further concerns or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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