HemOnlinecasinonRoyspins Casino recension
Royspins Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
125 % upp till 250 €
Besök casino
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • PayDo
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
 per månad
10 000 €
 per vecka
5 000 €
 per vecka
2 000 €
> 1 000 000 €
  • Curaçao (Curaçao Gaming Control Board)
ÖversiktBonusar3Användarrecensioner64Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion104Betalningsmetoder19
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Royspins Casino Recension

Vårt oberoende granskningsteam har tagit en noggrann titt på Royspins Casino och utvärderat dess styrkor och svagheter i enlighet med vår granskningsprocess för casinon. Vid utvärderingen av det här casinots säkerhet och lämplighet för svenska spelare har vårt granskningsteam analyserat viktiga faktorer som villkor, licenser, klagomål från spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra relevanta aspekter för att fastställa var casinot befinner sig i spannet från säkert och trovärdigt till möjlig bluff och svindleri.

Baserat på insamlade data har vi fastställt casinots säkerhetsindex, vilket är ett betyg som tilldelas onlinecasinon för att beskriva deras nivå av säkerhet och rättvisa. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto större trygghet kan du känna när det gäller att spela och ta ut vinster utan problem. Royspins Casino har ett högt säkerhetsindex på 8.5, vilket gör det till ett rekommenderat alternativ för de flesta spelare när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt med att läsa vår recension av Royspins Casino för att ta reda på mer om detta casino. Det här hjälper dig att fatta ett mer välgrundat beslut om det här casinot är rätt för dig.

Rättvisa och säkerhet hos Royspins Casino

För att fastställa ett casinos säkerhetsindex använder vi en detaljerad formel som beaktar en mängd information som samlats in och utvärderats under vår omfattande granskningsprocess. Detta inkluderar casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor och mycket annat.

Under granskningen av Royspins Casino läste vi och utvärderade Royspins Casinos villkor noggrant. Vi har inte hittat några regler eller klausuler som vi anser är orättvisa eller bedrägliga. Det här är ett positivt tecken med tanke på att sådana regler skulle kunna utnyttjas för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare.

Royspins Casino är ett medelstort onlinecasino enligt våra uppskattningar eller insamlad information. I förhållande till storleken har det en väldigt låg andel kvarhållna vinster i klagomål från spelare (eller har inte mottagit några klagomål alls). Vi tar hänsyn till sambandet mellan storleken på ett casino och klagomål från spelare, eftersom vi vet att större casinon typiskt sett tenderar att få fler klagomål på grund av högre spelarflöden.

Såvitt vi vet förekommer Royspins Casino inte på några betydande svarta listor över casinon. Svarta listor över casinon, som Casino Gurus svarta lista, kan indikera att ett casino behandlar sina kunder dåligt. Därför rekommenderar vi spelare att ta hänsyn till dessa listor när de väljer ett casino att spela på.

Allt detta, tillsammans med andra faktorer som beaktats i vår granskning, har resulterat i ett säkerhetsindex på 8.5 för Royspins Casino, vilket är ett högt värde. Detta casino är ett rekommenderat alternativ för de flesta spelare som letar efter ett onlinecasino som har ett engagemang för rättvisa.

Obs! Royspins Casino är kopplat till 4 andra onlinecasinon enligt den information vi har samlat in. Säkerhetsindexet för Royspins Casino tar hänsyn till kvaliteten hos alla sammankopplade onlinecasinon.

Utvärdering av Royspins Casinos villkor

När vi granskar onlinecasinon analyserar vi villkoren för varje enskilt casino noggrant för att säkerställa att de är rättvisa. Vi hittar klausuler i villkoren för många casinon som vi anser är orättvisa eller potentiellt bedrägliga. Dessa regler kan i specifika scenarier användas som grund för att inte betala ut vinster till spelare.

Vi hittade inga orättvisa eller bedrägliga klausuler i villkoren för Royspins Casino under vår granskning.

Royspins Casino - klagomål från spelare

Vår granskningsmetod för casinon förlitar sig i hög grad på klagomål från spelare, som ger oss en omfattande förståelse för de problem som spelare upplever och hur casinon väljer att hantera dem. När vi beräknar säkerhetsindexet för varje casino tar vi hänsyn till samtliga klagomål som inkommit till vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt de klagomål vi har inhämtat från andra källor.

Det här klagomålet rör inte Royspins Casino specifikt, men ett casino det är relaterat till. På grund av detta klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino 0 svarta poäng.

Royspins Casino - användarrecensioner och feedback

På Casino Guru kan spelare utvärdera och recensera onlinecasinon för att uttrycka sina idéer, åsikter och erfarenheter. Baserat på denna information beräknar vi användarnas totala feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Baserat på de 64 användarrecensionerna av Royspins Casino som finns i vår databas har det fått feedbackbetyget "Bra". Läs recensionerna i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på denna sida för att ta reda på mer.

Obs! Användarrecensioner kanske inte fullt ut återspeglar ett casinos kvalitet. Vissa casinon kan försöka skriva falska recensioner för att förbättra sitt feedbackbetyg, och det kan också finnas missnöjda spelare som skriver flera negativa recensioner för att försämra ett casinos rykte. Vi gör vårt yttersta för att filtrera bort dem i syfte att generera ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg. Trots detta tar vi inte hänsyn till användarfeedback när vi beräknar säkerhetsindexet.

Företagsinformation och licenser för Royspins Casino

Royspins Casino ägs av JER-TEAM N.V. och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som är högre än $1,000,000. Detta gör det till ett litet till medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår klassificering.

Royspins Casino innehar en spellicens i Curaçao utfärdad av Curaçao Gaming Control Board.

Uttagsgränser, vinstgränser och tillgängliga betalningsmetoder

Royspins Casino stödjer 19 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Skrill, Neteller, Mastercard, VISA, Bitcoin (BTC), LuxonPay, Piastrix, Kvitum, PayDo, MiFinity, Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dai (DAI), Tron (TRX), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Tether (USDT), Dogecoin (XDG), Cardano (ADA).

Många spelsajter på nätet begränsar maxvinster och uttagsbelopp för spelare. Ofta är vinst- och uttagsgränserna tillräckligt höga för att de inte ska påverka de flesta spelare. Med det sagt finns det dock casinon som tillämpar ganska restriktiva beloppsgränser för vinster och uttag. Det här är anledningen till att vi beaktar dessa begränsningar i våra casinorecensioner. Du kan hitta information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 000 EUR per dag Ingen vinstgräns
5 000 EUR per vecka
10 000 EUR per månad
Obs! Det är möjligt att några av de listade betalningsmetoderna inte kan användas för både insättningar och uttag. Dessutom kan möjligheten att använda vissa betalningsmetoder variera beroende på om du befinner dig i Sverige eller i något annat land.

Kundsupport och språkalternativ

I samband med våra casinogranskningar samlar vi alltid in uppgifter om tillgängliga språk och kundsupportalternativ. De tillgängliga språken och alternativen för kundsupport på Royspins Casino visas i tabellen nedan.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7
spanska Ja Ja Ja24/7
portugisiska Ja Ja Ja24/7
ryska Ja Ja Ja24/7
tyska Ja Ja Ja24/7
finska Ja Ja Ja24/7
italienska Ja Ja Ja24/7
bulgariska Ja Ja Ja24/7
danska Ja Ja Ja24/7
grekiska Ja Ja Ja24/7
franska Ja Ja Ja24/7
norska Ja Ja Ja24/7
hindi Ja Ja Ja24/7
polska Ja Ja Ja24/7

För att få ett begrepp om hur hjälpsamma, professionella och snabba kundsupportens medarbetare är, kontaktar vi dem direkt som ett led vår granskningsprocess. Kundsupport är en viktig faktor för oss eftersom den kan vara till stor hjälp när det handlar om att lösa problem med spelarens konto, registrering på Royspins Casino, uttag och andra potentiella bekymmer. Utifrån resultatet av vårt test bedömer vi att kundsupporten på Royspins Casino är bra.

Royspins Casino spelautomater och casinospel

Royspins Casino ger spelare möjlighet att spela följande typer av spel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Betting, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Spel på esport, Virtuella sporter, Andra spel, Crash-spel, Liveshower, Live baccarat, Live bingo, Live baccarat, Live tärningsspel, Andra livespel, Live poker, Live roulette.

Casinots spelbibliotek inkluderar titlar från 46 leverantörer. Detta inkluderar NetEnt, Novomatic, Nolimit City, Apricot (Microgaming), Playtech, Play'n GO, Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Quickspin, Yggdrasil Gaming, Red Tiger Gaming, Betsoft Gaming, Big Time Gaming, Playson, Amatic, ELK Studios, Evoplay, Ezugi, Push Gaming, SA Gaming, BGaming, Endorphina, Wazdan, Habanero, Red Rake Gaming, Spinomenal, Booming Games, Tom Horn, Iron Dog Studio, High 5 Games, Slotopia, Authentic Gaming, Mancala Gaming, Spribe, 3 Oaks Gaming, Gamzix, Popiplay, Reevo, EGT Digital, Mascot Gaming, Onlyplay, Hacksaw Gaming, Amusnet (EGT), PGsoft (Pocket Games Soft), Reel Play, Ka Gaming.

Bonusar och kampanjkoder för Royspins Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder bonusar för att locka till sig och behålla spelare, som ett incitament för att registrera ett konto och börja spela. De vanligast förekommande bonustyperna är bonusar utan insättning (eller freespins) som du kan få genom att bara registrera ett konto, samt insättningsbonusar som delas ut i samband med insättningar. Casinon erbjuder också kampanjer som lojalitetsprogram, välkomstbonusar vid registrering och bonuskoder.

Vi har för närvarande 3 bonusar från Royspins Casino i vår databas, inklusive:

  • 125 % upp till 250 €
  • 100 % upp till 200 €
  • 150 % upp till 150 €

Notera att endast spelare från specifika länder kan vara berättigade till vissa av dessa bonusar. För att ta reda på vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja i Sverige, se avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
125 % upp till 250 €


  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • PayDo
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
 per månad
10 000 €
 per vecka
5 000 €
 per vecka
2 000 €


Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Spel på esport


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • NetEnt
  • Novomatic
  • Nolimit City
  • Apricot (Microgaming)
  • Playtech
  • Play'n GO
  • Evolution Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play


  • Insättningar med cryptocurrencies accepteras
  • Webbplats översatt till många språk
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7
  • Massivt utbud av spel inklusive ett brett utbud av spel med riktiga dealers


  • Begränsat antal ansvarsfulla spelalternativ
  • Alla villkor översätts inte till webbplatsens språkalternativ

Intressanta fakta

  • Livechattsupport använder funktionen för automatisk översättning för vissa språk
  • Litet internationellt kasino
  • Företaget fokuserar på både casino och sportspel
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Casinobonusar (3)

Bonusar på Royspins Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Royspins Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (64)

Användarrecensioner av Royspins Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Royspins Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 64 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 3 månader sedan
Dåligt casino. Jag satte in €50 och normalt är omsättningskravet tre gånger så mycket. Men jag var tvungen att satsa över €700 med mina €50. Det var roligt att supportmedarbetaren tidigare hade berättat för mig att det bara var 50 € som måste satsas. När jag senare frågade igen om jag hade uppfyllt kriterierna var det plötsligt €700. Vara försiktig!
  • Support oförmögen
  • Inga bonusar
  • Dålig RTP
  • 2 utbetalningar per dag
  • Utbetalning tar lång tid
Royspins Casino
Good afternoon sprite2022!

Thank you for your feedback.

We are sorry to hear that your experience was far from ideal. We have thoroughly reviewed the situation and found no errors in communication.

Different requests to the support service were handled separately, as there was a time gap between your inquiries, during which withdrawals and repeated deposits occurred. Therefore, the information provided was specific to each individual request.

Withdrawals on our end are processed within 15 minutes. Any additional time depends on the payment method you use. In cases like yours, where the withdrawal is processed through a bank, it can take up to 5 business days. For this reason, we recommend using e-wallets or crypto wallets, where the process is almost instant.

Wishing you all the best.

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 4 månader sedan
Hi. In my opinion they are not the casino you want to play. If you win !Take advantage of Quick Payouts because they really are there and don't come back. they say about cashback every Thursday up to 25% but you won't get anything because it probably depends on their whim. I lost 300 euro no cash back. When I ask about it. Since our system automatically calculates and awards cashback, if you have not received cashback, it means that the eligibility requirements have not been met. How when you lose you don't meet the criteria?? At the beginning there were bonuses and cash back but later they didn't care about it. the most irritating thing was that their answers were always the same. it led me to such a merger that I told them to close my account.
  • Fast withdraw
  • A lot of payments options
  • Huge selection of games
  • live support always gives the same answer in the chat as if they were copying and pasting the text
  • you won't get any cash back
Royspins Casino
Good afternoon Moki!

Thank you for taking the time!

We’re glad to hear you’re satisfied with how the withdrawal process works and that you received your funds quickly!

Our promotion explicitly states that the cashback offered is "up to 25%," highlighting that the exact percentage may vary and is not guaranteed to be 25% in all cases. The cashback percentage depends on the overall loss difference.

You receive various bonuses not only at the beginning but throughout your entire playing experience, and the longer you play, the bigger these rewards become.

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 5 månader sedan
my assessment of the Royspins casino is quite negative and it's not about the website itself, the deposit or withdrawal methods, but about the people who manage it there and who are consultants, it's a new casino and, unfortunately, to stay in these times on the market where there is a lot, so you have to have a tough ass and not expect all the fanfare and great opinions at the very beginning, because if you become a public party and you agree to the public, I guess everyone has the right to express their opinion and it's not about the opinion that I will write a very good review and maybe the casino will be useful to me then I will give her a prize, as I write in the first posts, I expressed my negative opinion on Facebook and then the casino wrote to me in the Messenger chat asking for contact back, so I did, I contacted via Messenger directly to casinos casino asked what my problem was, so I wrote that I had some doubts about all these great opinions, that everything was great in general, that the slot machines gave a lot of money, super fast payouts, I don't know because I haven't had the opportunity to withdraw deposits from there yet and the casino sent me a message whether he can ask for my e-mail address and then he blocked me because I commented on another player's post or the casino simply paid him for this opinion to write such a great opinion because I simply couldn't believe my eyes what I was reading, the casino blocked me and I can't see them website, I can no longer write to them on messenger, it's all because my post was negative while another user's post was positive, I wrote via Instagram in a chat to the casino, the casino asked me again for my e-mail address, I will give my e-mail address, I will ask why they blocked me and why they make such stupid situations in general that they block a player just because he didn't like something, right, it's a consultant there, a consultant, I don't know who writes there, in general, the casino replied to me with a message that my account had already been unblocked and it was blocked by mistake well, a few days have passed since that situation, yesterday I tried to log in again, look for their Facebook page, unfortunately for me such a page does not exist, I sent a dot in the message, sending error, I can't send a message to them, so I wrote on Instagram again why they won't unblock me since it was an error so why don't I fix this mistake, why can't they unblock me, they don't answer my face, that my account was already unblocked a long time ago and then I sent screenshots, that I can't write a message to them, that their Facebook profile doesn't want to be displayed at all, unfortunately on I haven't received any response to this message, so my opinion is negative because you can't accept only great praise, just that it is the best, especially since it's a new casino, if you accept good opinions, you should also accept the negative ones. perfect no one no gastronomy it's perfect but it's the first time I've seen a casino block a user because he said something bad about their casino
  • Dużo dostawców gier
  • Przejrzysta witryna
  • Pomoc
  • Kłamstwa
  • Brak szczerych chęci pomocy
  • Podejście do klijenta
  • Nieumiejętność przyjmowania ocen negatywnych
  • Blokowanie graczy na forach społecznościowych za zły komentarz
Royspins Casino
Dear Wioletta3087,

After consulting with our SMM department and following their guidance, we have successfully unblocked your account. Feel free to resume communication on our social media platforms.

We kindly request that you refrain from posting unwarranted comments and baseless claims, such as using terms like "scam," regarding our project.

If you have constructive criticism or suggestions for our casino, please share them on our social media platforms. For an even more effective channel, consider using casino-related forums or reach out to us directly via email at complaints@royspins.com. Your input is highly appreciated!

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 5 månader sedan
Here I was able to withdraw after the 2nd deposit, with crypto I received my money in 4 minutes, the RTP feels good, at least I think so, not great because there are some shortcomings and things that need to be improved.
  • Fast Withdraw
  • Cool Design
  • Good RTP
  • Fast customer support
  • 3X wager to withdraw money
  • The wagers of bonuses are high
Royspins Casino
Greetings Hope.Sky!

Thank you for your feedback!

We are immensely happy to hear about your success, and we hope it continues that way.

There is no limit to perfection, so we strive every day to become better, ensuring that every player feels comfortable and enjoys playing with us!

May luck continue to be on your side.

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 5 månader sedan
Everything is fine and decent no problems and the only reason why there is a negative review is only cause I haven’t received a reply / response
  • Games list is decent only thing is I wished there was more variety and more game slot provider like the popular ones are missing.
  • Fast cash withdrawl by crypto currency whuch is great and only wished they had bank transfer for Australian players who might not have access to crypto
  • There is a issue the screen just stays blue won’t load casino site I don’t know what the problem or is the casino getting maintenance so I wonder is it just me or does anyone out there have the same issue like me this is the only reason why I’ve given this negative reason so I hope support gets back to me cause I don’t know if they are getting emails or not to assist me
Royspins Casino
Greetings Salee1981!

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for your support! We are constantly working on expanding the games you can play and enjoy. We also provide all available payment methods for your region.

We have forwarded this situation to the technical department for review and further action to resolve it.

The situation you described may indeed occur, which is why we have become VPN-friendly; in 90% of cases, this helps resolve the issue. If you encounter any other issues, feel free to contact us at complaints@royspins.com.

Good luck with your favorite games!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 5 månader sedan
Wow, what can I say? Just an awful experience with Royspins.

Firstly, I deposited and turned over more than 3x my deposit amount playing on the live casino.

I requested a withdrawal and was then told the love casino only counts towards 20% of your turnover? So you actually need to turnover your deposit 15x?

Nonetheless l continued betting to reach the required turnover. Finally, I did so and requested a withdrawal. The first withdrawal was sent. I kept some money in the account to keep playing with as I didn't want to deposit again, knowing I would have to turnover 15x the deposit amount.

I had a small win with this remaining balance and went to make another withdrawal. Here's where the real issues started.

Firstly, it showed up on their 'livestream' of withdrawals that it had been completed in 11 minutes. But I had not received it. Further, when I searched my crypto wallet address on the blockchain explorer, it was clear they had not actually sent me any withdrawal.

I contacted live chat who were completely useless, only telling me they would pass on my question.

No one ever responded to me. I sent another follow up email, which was never replied to. I still have not received this withdrawal, a day and a half after their website proudly advertises it was 'sent in 11 minutes'.

Absolutely horrible site. Useless support, failure to pay withdrawals, failure to respond to emails, incredible 15x turnover requirement on deposits, which I believe is the highest in the online casino industry.

Absolutely a site to avoid. Currently waiting the required two weeks before lodging a complaint on this website to try and finally get my money.
  • Failure to pay withdrawals
  • Failure to reply to emails
  • Live chat unable to answer simple queries
  • False advertising of processed withdrawals
  • 15x turnover requirement on deposits
Royspins Casino
Hello djh900!

Thank you for your feedback!

We strictly adhere to anti-money laundering policies, which is why our terms may seem stringent to you. We do not hide this information, and you can always review it in detail in the user agreement.

We approve withdrawal within 15-20 minutes, but the time required for the funds to reach you depends on third-party payment providers, online banking systems, and cryptocurrency processors.

Our support team always does its best to answer all your questions and will forward your request if needed.

We hope for your understanding.

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 7 månader sedan
Weak Casino, Eftersom deras lojalitetssystem med bonusar och Cashback är på nollnivå så tar de nog ut cashback till de som inte har satt in något där, bonus utan insättning för aktivitet? Hoppas inte att du får någon bonus... Även om du har en lång historia av insättningar där... Service? Nej bra, du får intrycket att bots skriver till dig, de svarar på allt som om du var handikappad... Jag rekommenderar inte detta casino eftersom de på grund av deras inställning till kunden föredrar att ge en bonus till personer som har aldrig deponerat något än till en aktiv spelare, och det har redan bevisats många gånger att de agerar på detta sätt, jag avslutar mitt äventyr där på grund av bristen på respekt för kunden!!
  • Cashback
  • Bonus
  • Lojalitet
Royspins Casino
Greetings KeKeCyC!

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.

We’re sorry to hear that your experience with our loyalty program did not meet your expectations. Please note that cashback is credited to players regardless of their activity or the number of deposits made. You can find more details in the Bonus Terms.

Our support team works tirelessly 24/7 and always strives to answer all your questions. We will certainly review their performance to ensure it continues to meet the highest industry standards.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 7 månader sedan
Utbetalningar sker alltid snabbt. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera casinot. Enda nackdelen är att leverantören Microgaming saknas
  • Mycket bra casinoutbetalningsmeddelande
Royspins Casino
Good afternoon Gluecksmaus!

Thank you for your continued trust in us!

It’s wonderful to hear that you’re satisfied and happy with everything. Your happiness is our top priority.

Constantly evolving, we're confident that you’ll soon have access to your favorite provider.

Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 8 månader sedan
Love this casino! Minimalistic, but not boring design, which I like. A lot of different games, bonuses and tournaments. High withdrawal limit and KYC process was not complicated.
Royspins Casino
Good afternoon Gruber003!

Thank you for such a royal review!

We're happy you passed verification quickly and like our withdrawal limits. By the way, when using cryptocurrency, you’ll enjoy even higher withdrawal limits and faster payout speeds!

A variety of events and numerous gifts – this is exactly what we strive for, ensuring you are never bored!

King Roy wishes you good luck!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 8 månader sedan
Had some decent wins here but the 3X deposit playthrough requirement is too much so will limit my deposits in future.
  • Very fast withdrawals
  • Fast verification
  • Deposit must be played X 3 before withdrawal
  • Only two withdrawals permitted per day
  • Limited responsible gambling tools
Royspins Casino
Hello cailindeas!

Thank you for your feedback!

We believe there is always room for improvement, so we're glad that everyone can share their thoughts on what can be better!

We're happy to hear that not only did you quickly complete the verification process, but you also received your funds without delay.

We are certain that our lightning-fast withdrawal process will consistently bring outstanding satisfaction and enjoyment to our customers.

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 9 månader sedan
Casinot var bra redan från början, spelen betalade bra, free spins bonusar, efter ett lyckat uttag, inget spel betalar någonting längre, mycket märklig RTP, få bonusar på sidan, få kampanjer, tyvärr kan jag inte längre spela på detta Kasino. Inget spel betalar ens 100x insatsen, mycket konstigt för ett kasino att inte betala en bonus på något spel, detta RTP är långt under de flesta kasinon, jag kommer att avsluta kontot.
  • Betalningarna gick snabbt
  • Rtp är dåligt
  • Spel utan bonusar
  • Få kampanjer
Royspins Casino
Greetings Caniggia2021!

Thank you for being with us!

We have always prioritized the quality of the gifts and bonuses we offer, and based on your feedback, we will strive to increase their number!

Luck is the main factor in any game, and we always aim to allow our players to enjoy victories. Unfortunately, parameters such as RTP are determined by various factors, including game design and mathematical algorithms, which are beyond our direct control as an operator.

Thank you again for your feedback!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 9 månader sedan
Brilliant and fast customer service. Super quick withdrawals.
Great casino
  • Withdrawals
  • Not a massive provider list
Royspins Casino
Hello ace3112!

Thank you for the royal 5-star review!

We appreciate you taking the time to share your opinion of us.

We are excited to announce that we are working daily to expand our range of providers, giving you access to even more of your favorite games!

We wish you even more withdrawals.

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 9 månader sedan
Jag gjorde den första insättningen. Jag tog välkomstbonusen 100% non-sticky.
20e deposition. Jag slutförde bonusen genom återvinning men jag fick inte belöningspengarna på 20e.

Jag tror att hela den här bonusen bara var en stor bluff.
  • bra spelutbud.
  • välkomstbonusen är bara en reklambluff.
Royspins Casino
Greetings mcclane2020!

Yes, indeed! Our welcome bonus is non-sticky, allowing you to withdraw your winnings at any time. Additionally, there are no max bet restrictions, and you can take advantage of the bonus buy feature.

Your 100% deposit match will be added in installments as you play. These funds go directly to your real balance, and you can use them however you like.

We’re sorry you weren’t lucky enough to extend your gameplay, but don’t worry! Fortunes at RoySpins Kingdom find everyone sooner or later.

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 10 månader sedan
Beautiful design, great selection of games not only slots but also live casino. Verification was fast, the withdrawal has not yet been able to check so I can not say anything yet. Hopefully soon I will be able to evaluate fully, but so far the rating - super!
  • Everything
  • Nothing for now
Royspins Casino
Hello Riikka!

Thanks for not passing by and giving your opinion!

We are happy to hear that everything went smoothly for you.

And of course we wish you to try the withdrawal as soon as possible!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 11 månader sedan
Very clear and easy site design.Widraw in few minutes at most. Unfortunately after reducing payment and widraw methods almost to none (I don't use crypto wallets) payment options for me basically left cards and one of Bank fast method for widraw bank transfer with isn't quite fast and 3 e-wallets and not the best one. With that one of top sites is basically abandoning" my region " really sad 😭 Because I have only good experience with site.
  • All good
  • Could be more games
  • If you don't use crypto wallets then you have almost no option to make payout
Royspins Casino
Greetings mattmess!

Thank you for taking the time to review!

We're glad to hear that you were able to withdraw your money quickly; we are working tirelessly to maintain this efficiency.

However, we are truly saddened to hear that you encountered issues due to the absence of your preferred payment method. We are confident that the available methods will meet your expectations if you give them a chance.

We continue to move forward, so soon your favorite method will be available.

Thank you for staying with us!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 11 månader sedan
Överraskande vinster, många spelleverantörer. Vad som är ovanligt är att uttag görs på samma praktiska sätt som insättningar (bajunia). Många kampanjer! Snabba svar på frågor. JAG REKOMENDERAR
Royspins Casino
Hello Genuski94

King Roy extends his heartfelt gratitude for your positive feedback.

Your enjoyment is our sole priority, and we're absolutely delighted that you had a wonderful time in our Kingdom!

With warm regards,
RoySpins Team
• 12 månader sedan
This is a very good casino,with incredible nice customerservice.
There is also an incredible large selection of games here.
This casino is one of the best casinoes i have played at.
And what i like best is that this casino has fast payouts
  • Brilliant Customerservice
  • Fast Payouts
  • Lots of games to choice
  • No negativ to say abouth this casino
Royspins Casino
Hello Gaysir8!

Thank you for your feedback

We work hard to make sure you have fun playing the game and can quickly get your royal winnings, It means a lot to us that you appreciate what we do!

Stay tuned; even more majestic surprises await!

With warm regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
I liked the look of this casino for two reasons. First was the games available. Second was the RTP on the games. I like Hacksaw Games and had played them on other casinos only to find out the RTP was nerfed (92% instead of the standard 96%). On Royspins it was 96%. Sadly after playing the games for 1 day they are now saying blocked for my country (Australia). This made me pretty sad, however there are other providers I like available such as Yggdrisil, Wazdan and Novomatic. I note on RoySpins that the games on these providers also had good RTP's (96%+). Seems like Royspins are more generous than other online casinos and offer the good versions of the games. Depositing was a little difficult. When I tried my Visa Card the processor would not go through. Therefore I decided to make a Jeton account. This worked. For those wondering about fees, there are none from RoySpins for this payment method. I deposited $50, got it up to $92 and wanted to test the withdrawal, which I did via Jeton as well. Having already verified my account prior, the withdrawal was immediate. I am impressed! Sadly it went into my account as EUR not AUD like I had deposited. I say sadly not because the amount was wrong considering the exchange rate (it was bang on the right amount) but because Jeton charge a fee for exchanging back to AUD (about 6%). Overall I am very happy with my experience at RoySpins and would highly recommend to you. They deserve there good Casino Guru rating. Thanks RoySpins :) Good luck everyone
  • Slot RTPs (96%+)
  • Withdrawal was immediate
  • Great selection of slots
  • Games run smoothly
  • Hacksaw games suddenly blocked to my country
  • Jeton withdrawal not in the currency I deposited with
Royspins Casino
Greetings knight tillycandoit!

We want to express our heartfelt thanks for sharing your amazing feedback with us. Congratulations on your incredible victories and the transfer of your winnings to your account.

Your feedback is invaluable to us. We believe it will guide other players to enjoy the game as much as you did. Thank you for being part of our community!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 1 år sedan
Efter några insättningar kan jag säga följande:
Efter det första uttaget kommer slotsens RTP att sjunka (jag vet redan att svaret alltid kommer att vara detsamma) ;)
- support upprepar vad som ålagts dem! trots att det finns många bevis på motsatsen!
-Cashback total bluff!
Jag skulle vilja förtydliga en sak efter feedbacken från casinot jag fick genast vinster, inte särskilt stora men jag gjorde det, men snart kom slotlooparna och helt omotiverade utloggningar tillbaka, om inte för manipulation här vet jag inte vad som kommer att hända !!!
  • Webbplats
  • Dålig RTP
  • Support ser ut som en bot
Royspins Casino
Hey rsesinando2,

Thank you for your honest review!

We extend our heartfelt apologies if any negative experiences have arisen during your time at Royspins.

The answer regarding RTP remains consistent because it's true. Our games function precisely the same as they do in your other favorite casinos. It's all about pure luck and chance.

We hold our Support Knights in high regard, but we will investigate the matter. Enhancing our service through customer feedback is a practice we regularly engage in.

Once again; thank you for your input.

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
one of the best classes where I played! fast payment, replying to email very quickly and neatly! all praise
  • quick withdrawal
  • friendly staff
Royspins Casino
Hello Burda!

Short in length, but rich in meaning!

Thank you for your review. We are deeply grateful that you chose us and thrilled that you enjoyed your time to the fullest.

Best of luck in games!

Best regards,
RoySpins team
• 1 år sedan
Utmärkt första intryck från detta kasino, inom några minuter var mitt konto autentiserat, och på nolltid godkändes och slutfördes mina uttagsbegäranden!!!
  • Snabb identifiering
  • Snabba uttag
  • Utmärkt kundservice
  • Jag skulle vilja ha fler ligor inom sportspel, speciellt fotboll
Royspins Casino
Greetings jimsam13!

The Knights of Verification extend their heartfelt gratitude for your generous acknowledgment!

Congratulations on your victory, may your success continue to soar.

Thank you for choosing us!

Best regards,
RoySpins team.
• 1 år sedan
After many losses of money without any return I ask them to close my account I get a message that my account is closed but it is still working.
I keep sending them messages again but nothing happens!
Stay away from this casino!
Royspins Casino
Greetings georgetaou,

Sincere apologies for any inconvenience that has occurred.

We made an effort to locate you in our system but were unsuccessful.
Would you kindly provide us with your email or send a message to complaints@royspins.com for further investigation?

Rest assured, we are fully committed to providing a solution and adapting in the event of any mistakes or misunderstandings.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
decent website, quick verification, good contact with support, many payment options and immediate withdrawals, I can highly recommend it to everyone.
  • fast withdraws
  • bonuses
Royspins Casino
Good day nexisek444,

King Roy extends his heartfelt appreciation for your glowing review.

In our kingdom, everyone gives their all to ensure that every aspect is thoroughly enjoyable: swift withdrawals, bonuses, support, and more.

We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed these features.

Best of luck with your feature endeavors,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
På grund av mitt spelberoende bad jag i livechatt att mitt konto skulle stängas permanent. Efter en vecka fick jag "arttigt" besked om att kontot hade öppnats igen och jag fick återfall. När jag frågade igen i livechatten verkar det som att kontot faktiskt har stängts. Enligt min åsikt gör Royspins inte tillräckligt för att skydda människor med min sjukdom och försöker faktiskt tjäna på det
  • Bra erbjudande om sportspel
  • Dåligt spelarskydd
  • Inget livetenniserbjudande
Royspins Casino
Good day Lastsamurai,

Thank you for taking the time to review. Your input is greatly appreciated.

We recognize your frustration and want to emphasize our commitment to addressing gambling-related issues seriously.

Unfortunately, our support department is unable to set an account block for more than 7 days. We strive to communicate this information to our customers as clearly and precisely as possible, but we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this situation may cause.

We also wanted to extend a big thank you for your positive feedback on our Sports Book services. Your praise means a lot to us.

Best of luck in your future endeavors,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
I have nothing but positive things to say about this casino.

They have great withdrawl limits for your middle of the road gambler. If you are high stakes it is probably a little low.

But I deposited $200 with a bonus, played through my bonus and withdrew $3500.

The verification process was simple, upload passport and bank statement. Was verified in a matter of minutes.

Went to withdraw, I went with bitcoin, but htey have bank transfer and other options.

From hitting withdraw to having the funds in my wallet it was at most 30 minutes.

Unlike other casinos that will hold for 24 hours at least before even considering paying you out, this was quick, simple and no fuss from them.

I highly recommend RoySpins and have nothing negative to say based on my experience
  • Withdrawl Speed
  • Easy Verification Process
  • Great selection of Games
  • Good Payout Limits
Royspins Casino
Good day zachg93,

It's customers like you who play a pivotal role in the daily success and prosperity of our Kingdom. Thank you for your kind words!

Our withdrawal process is swift, and our customer-friendly verification system is designed for your convenience. It's great to hear you were able to experience these benefits!

The pinnacle of any casino experience is, without a doubt, the thrill of winning! As you've personally witnessed, RoySpins has a wealth of rewards to offer!

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
Like the casino. All the convenient payment methods: payid, poli, applepay. Games variety is also great. Chat was nice too. Safety index on Guru is true!
Royspins Casino
Good day W1LD,

We appreciate your positive feedback, and King Roy is thrilled to hear about your wonderful experience.

It brings us joy to know you liked our variety of payment options, helpful support, and the wide range of games we offer.

Anticipate an even grander level of royal treatment coming your way!

With warm regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
Don't recommend. Buggy interface and I got scammed out by their payment service because I deposited for a 20 and it charged me 40. The welcome bonus wasn't what they advertise and when I asked about the other 20 missing from my bank acc their support was simply useless and unwilling to help me. D O N T P L A Y.
  • Buggy interface
  • Support can't help you
  • Bonus not what it was advertised
  • Payment service scammed me
Royspins Casino
Greetings alexandrosz,

Thank you for your honest review! We sincerely apologize for the less-than-ideal experience you encountered.

After consulting with our financial department, we've confirmed that your pending deposit should be refunded by your bank within the next few days (or it may have already been processed). Unfortunately, these occasional situations can arise due to the complexities of financial mechanisms involving card processing.

We prioritize openness regarding our bonuses, leaving no room for hidden details. Nonetheless, we acknowledge the possibility of misunderstandings.

Are you open to engaging in further dialogue and exploring the possibility of reaching a mutual agreement directly with us? You can reach us at complaints@royspins.com

Your time and review are valued—thank you!

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
Ett casino värt att rekommendera. Det bästa premium casinot i mitt land, som ni vet. De har snabba uttag och även ett stort urval av spel. DET FINNS BARA EN KUNG ♥️😁
  • Snabba uttag
  • Stort utbud av
  • Betalningar
  • Bonusar
  • försäljning
  • Brist
Royspins Casino
Good day aligator,

Your generous words have brought sunshine into our Kingdom!

Now, there are two kings: Roy and You!

Thank you for acknowledging our swift withdrawals. We're dedicated to being the fastest in the market!

Stay tuned; even more majestic surprises await!

With warm regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
Grymt premium casino, bra service, stort utbud av spel, insättnings- och uttagsmetoder
  • Spel
  • Service
  • Många insättnings- och uttagsmetoder
  • Ingen PLN-valuta
Royspins Casino
Greetings brzezinek1,

Players like yourself are the magic that fortifies and enriches our Kingdom.

Thank you for the kind words and your loyatly.

King Roy extends his humble bow to you!

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
• 1 år sedan
Fullständig ignorering av policyer för ansvarsfullt spelande.

Klart beroendeframkallande spel där du ALLTID förlorar!
  • Något
  • Svara inte kunden
  • Spelberoende
  • Underlåtenhet att följa policyn för ansvarsfullt spelande
Royspins Casino
Good day Dezanove19!

We apologize that your experience did not meet your expectations.

Every review is valuable to us as it guides our improvement efforts, so we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

We hope you have found what you were looking for and wish you the best!

Best regards,
RoySpins Team
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Ett medelstort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är rättvisa
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