HemOnlinecasinonShazam Casino recension
Shazam Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
250 % upp till 2 500 $
Besök casino
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Diners Club
  • Neosurf
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
 per månad
8 000 $
 per vecka
2 000 $
 per vecka
500 $
Superior Group VIP
> 5 000 000 €
Ingen licens
ÖversiktBonusar6Användarrecensioner111Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion44Betalningsmetoder17
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Shazam Casino Recension

Vårt oberoende granskningsteam har tagit en noggrann titt på Shazam Casino och utvärderat dess styrkor och svagheter i enlighet med vår granskningsprocess för casinon. Vid utvärderingen av det här casinots säkerhet och lämplighet för svenska spelare har vårt granskningsteam analyserat viktiga faktorer som villkor, licenser, klagomål från spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra relevanta aspekter för att fastställa var casinot befinner sig i spannet från säkert och trovärdigt till möjlig bluff och svindleri.

Baserat på insamlade data har vi fastställt casinots säkerhetsindex, vilket är ett betyg som tilldelas onlinecasinon för att beskriva deras nivå av säkerhet och rättvisa. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto troligare är det att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. Shazam Casino har ett högt säkerhetsindex på 8.4, vilket gör det till ett rekommenderat val för de flesta spelare när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av Shazam Casino och ta reda på mer om detta casino för att kunna avgöra om det är rätt casino för dig eller inte.

Rättvisa och säkerhet hos Shazam Casino

Vår process för att fastställa ett casinos säkerhetsindex innefattar en grundlig metod som tar hänsyn till de variabler vi har samlat in och analyserat under vår granskning. Dessa utgörs av casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor osv.

I vår granskning av Shazam Casino har vi gått igenom Shazam Casinos villkor noggrant. Vi har upptäckt vissa regler eller klausuler som vi inte gillade, men på det hela taget anser vi att villkoren är mestadels rättvisa. En regel som är orättvis eller bedräglig kan potentiellt användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga att inte betala ut deras vinster. När det gäller det här casinot fann vi emellertid bara marginella problem när vi letade efter tvivelaktiga regler.

Med hänsyn till våra uppskattningar och den faktiska data vi har samlat in, verkar Shazam Casino vara ett medelstort onlinecasino. Casinot har en väldigt låg andel kvarhållna utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare med hänsyn till dess storlek (eller har inga registrerade spelarklagomål). Vi tar hänsyn till antalet klagomål i förhållande till casinots storlek, eftersom vi är medvetna om att större casinon tenderar att ha fler klagomål från spelare.

Såvitt vi vet omnämns inte Shazam Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Svarta listor över casinon, inklusive Casino Gurus svarta lista, kan indikera att ett casino har gjort något fel. Därför rekommenderar vi spelare att ta hänsyn till dessa listor när de väljer ett casino att spela på.

Sammantaget, och i kombination med andra faktorer som vi tar hänsyn till i vår granskning, har Shazam Casino fått ett högt säkerthetsindex på 8.4. Det här casinot kan betraktas som ett rekommenderat val för de flesta spelare eftersom det främjar rättvisa och ärlighet i behandlingen av sina kunder.

Obs! Enligt våra uppgifter är Shazam Casino kopplat till 5 andra onlinecasinon. På grund av förbindelsen mellan dessa casinon har vi inkluderat de relaterade casinonas egenskaper i beräkningen av säkerhetsindexet för Shazam Casino. Detta har resulterat i ett högre säkerhetsindex än det här casinot skulle ha haft utan några relaterade casinon.

Shazam Casinos villkor utvärderade

När vi granskar onlinecasinon läser vi noga igenom varje casinos villkor och utvärderar skäligheten hos dem. Det är inte ovanligt att vi hittar klausuler eller regler i villkoren som vi anser är orättvisa eller rentav bedrägliga, eftersom de under vissa omständigheter kan användas mot spelare som grund för att hålla kvar deras vinster.

Vi hittade några tveksamma regler eller villkor under vår granskning, men vi anser att Shazam Casinos villkor till övervägande del är rättvisa.

Obs! För mer specifik information om resultaten av vår utvärdering av villkoren kan du klicka här.

Klagomål på Shazam Casino som lämnats av spelare

Att beakta klagomål från spelare är en viktig del i vår granskningsprocess eftersom de ger en helhetsbild av de problem som spelare upplever och casinots inställning till att lösa dessa problem. Varje casinos säkerhetsindex beräknas efter noggrant övervägande av alla klagomål som inkommit till vårt Center för klagomålslösning, samt de klagomål vi har inhämtat från andra källor.

Vi har inte hittat några relevanta klagomål som rör detta casino.

Shazam Casino - analys av användarfeedback och recensioner

På Casino Guru kan användare betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon genom att dela med sig av sina unika upplevelser och åsikter. Vi fastställer det övergripande feedbackbetyget baserat på den spelarfeedback som inkommit till oss. Betyget kan variera från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Utifrån de 111 användarrecensionerna som finns av Shazam Casino har det fått feedbackbetyget "Blandad". För att se användarrecensioner av det här casinot går du till avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Du bör vara medveten om att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av ett casinos kvaliteter. Vissa casinon kan lämna falska recensioner för att förbättra sin övergripande feedbackpoäng. Det kan också hända att missnöjda spelare lämnar flera negativa recensioner för att sänka ett casinos betyg. Vi strävar efter att filtrera bort dessa och beräkna ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg; av dessa skäl ingår inte användarrecensioner i processen för att beräkna säkerhetsindexet.

Licenser och företagsinformation

Shazam Casino ägs av Superior Group VIP och har uppskattade intäkter som överstiger $5,000,000 per år. Baserat på intäkterna bedömer vi att det är ett medelstort onlinecasino.

Såvitt vi vet innehar Shazam Casino ingen officiell spellicens.

Betalningsmetoder, vinst- och uttagsgränser

Shazam Casino stödjer 17 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: VISA, Mastercard, PayPal, Diners Club, Neosurf, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), Solana (SOL), USD Coin (USDC), Ripple (XRP), Binance Coin (BNB), Dogecoin (XDG), Discover, Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bank wire, Tether (USDT).

Många onlinecasinon har satt gränser för hur mycket pengar en spelare kan vinna eller ta ut. Vissa casinon tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Dessa gränser är dock vanligtvis tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare. Detta är skälet till att vi alltid tar hänsyn till dessa faktorer när vi utvärderar casinon. Du hittar all information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
500 USD per dag Ingen vinstgräns
2 000 USD per vecka
8 000 USD per månad
500 AUD per dag
2 000 AUD per vecka
8 000 AUD per månad
Obs! Det är möjligt att inte alla betalningsmetoder listade ovan kan användas för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att en del metoder endast är tillgängliga i Sverige.

Tillgängliga språkalternativ och kundsupport

Som ett led i vår granskningsprocess samlar vårt expertteam in data rörande alternativ för kundsupport och tillgängliga språk. Du kan se tillgängliga språk på Shazam Casino i tabellen nedan.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7

I samband med vår granskning kontaktar vi alltid casinots kundsupport och testar deras svar för att ta reda på hur hjälpsamma och professionella de är. Vi anser att det är väldigt viktigt att ha en fungerande kundsupport eftersom den erbjuder hjälp om du stöter på problem med registreringen på Shazam Casino, med hanteringen av ditt konto, uttag eller andra ärenden. Resultaten från våra tester indikerar att Shazam Casino har en genomsnittlig kundsupport.

Shazam Casino spelautomater och casinospel

Shazam Casino erbjuder dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Craps och tärningsspel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Andra spel, Liveshower, Live baccarat, Live baccarat, Live tärningsspel, Andra livespel, Live poker, Live roulette.

Casinospel från 9 spelleverantörer finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Rival, Betsoft Gaming, Saucify, BGaming, Visionary iGaming (ViG), Nucleus Gaming, Dragon Gaming, Dice Lab, Fresh Deck Studios.

Bonuserbjudanden och koder från Shazam Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder bonusar till både nya och befintliga spelare som ett sätt att få nya kunder eller uppmuntra gamla kunder att spela. De två mest populära typerna är freespins och bonusar utan insättning som ges till spelare vid registrering, och insättningsbonusar, som ges till spelare efter att de har gjort en insättning. Casinon erbjuder emellertid också andra typer av kampanjer, bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller olika lojalitetsprogram.

Vi har för närvarande 8 bonusar från Shazam Casino i vår databas:

  • 40 FREESPINS på Buffalo Ways
  • 250 % upp till 2 500 $
  • 300 % upp till 3 000 $
  • 260 % upp till 2 600 $ och upp till 40 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)
  • 150 % upp till 1 500 $
  • 200 % upp till 2 000 $
  • 200 % upp till 2 000 $
  • 250 % upp till 2 500 $

Observera att vissa av dessa kanske bara är tillgängliga för spelare från utvalda länder. Mer information om vilka bonusar som finns tillgängliga i Sverige hittar du i avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
250 % upp till 2 500 $


  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Diners Club
  • Neosurf
  • American Express
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
 per månad
8 000 $
 per vecka
2 000 $
 per vecka
500 $


Ingen betting
Ingen poker
Craps och tärningsspel
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Rival
  • Saucify
  • BGaming
  • Visionary iGaming (ViG)
  • Dragon Gaming
  • Dice Lab
  • Fresh Deck Studios


  • Bra spelutbud
  • Insättningar med cryptocurrencies accepteras
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7
  • Spel med riktiga dealers finns tillgängliga


  • Under genomsnittet per månad för uttag
  • Dåligt urval av spelleverantörer

Intressanta fakta

  • Litet internationellt kasino
Författare och garant: Burak Onder Senast uppdaterat: 2024-08-29 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (6)

Bonusar på Shazam Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Shazam Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (111)

Användarrecensioner av Shazam Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Shazam Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 111 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 8 månader sedan
Don't know why they have such good rating- it takes them a full week to process a withdrawal, and they then say we're only going to give you a couple hundred bucks instead of the full amount, then you can't withdraw anymore for another full week, at which point you will have to wait ANOTHER week, to get a couple more hundred bucks.
If you ever win big on this site it will take you LITERAL YEARS to withdraw the full amount.
  • Many games
  • Very slow payouts
• 9 månader sedan
They have a bonus schemes that give you substantial bonusses. You then have to play a factor 10 in total wages until you can redeem the winning, also during the bonus limitations the limit to the wage you place either in the casino or the slots is set to $10. The slots aren't limited to this, you should remember this for yourself. So after you played for a couple of weeks, you should remember you're still on the bonus limit. There is no way for you to check this in the user interface. Then, when you have won a substantial amount and you want this redeemed, you go through an insane lengthy process that takes 2 weeks minimal you do a request. After 10 days they come back: "Please be kindly informed that your withdrawal request in amount of $1200 was rejected due to the fact that you placed $80 bets while playing with the bonus " and they void the winnings and bonus. All gone, I have never placed any $80 bets and ask for proof. They send you a spreadsheet that says, date, time, slot and the wage you supposedly set. I have not been able to find these bets, I confront them, they say well they're there. I feel lied to and cheated, quite angry about this experience.

So now my credit card has been used across the US(EU citizen), a 2500$ fraud case. As I have not used my CC anywhere else, I guess this is what you can expect when you make a deposit @ Shazam. Furthermore, they accidently marked some of my bets as 80$ so 950 returned to my account. Scheduled a redeem request, let's see what happens. Apparently there's a 1000$ payout limit, so 200$ released back in their pockets. Anyway, let's see if the 950 is returned to the rightful owner first. Still a really really bad experience.
  • I won some money
  • My CC got misused by their staff.
  • Not seen any money yet, been working on redeeming for 1.5 months now.
  • They claim you broke bonus rules. I didn't
  • They are slow AF responding to emails.
  • Redeeming money takes 7 days, if you have ticked all the boxes and that is not easy.
• 10 månader sedan
The ONLY REASON I rated it a 4 is because they changed their slots software. I'm used to RTG games and not games by BETSOFT, Rival etc.
BUT I can honestly say that I have successfully cashed out 2 times through bank wiring, not crypto. The first time, it did take about 2 weeks because of KYC verification, but after that, my second payout took about a week in full, so that's a plus. At least they actually pay.
I also really like their customer service. They're very quick in response in comparison to 6 other casinos that I play at, so I do highly recommend this site.
  • Reasonable payout times
  • Easy verification
  • Multiple deposit options
  • Prompt customer service
  • Changed gaming software. No longer RTG games, but games by Rival, Betsoft etc. Not really a negative, but definitly a bummer for me.
• 11 månader sedan
I decided to create an account and give these guys a try. I guess I read the wrong T&C for the deposit bonus and my 1st deposit was below the min. Amount to recieve the bonus(I didn't know this until afterwards) I reached out to support via chat to see why the bonus wasn't working and They explained why but they ended up giving me the bonus anyways.
  • Support responsive and very helpful
  • Great bonuses and promos
  • None yet
• 1 år sedan
Due to delays in verification and payouts, I gave Shazam Casino 3.5 stars. The verification process itself takes about four business days, which isn't too long. Nevertheless, if the finance department sends an email requesting clarification or confirmation of information they received, the number of business days resets.

I have avoided solely relying on the FAQ section of Shazam for payouts due to my experience with the verification process. As per the FAQ, once an account has been verified, the finance department typically approves withdrawal requests within 2-7 business days. Once approved, the withdrawal method determines the amount of time it will take to reach your account. The process, however, is not straightforward. According to the terms and conditions of Shazam, the company is permitted to divide payments based on a player's VIP status over a set period of time. Therefore, a player may request $2000 which is the maximum allowed per week, but the status of the player will determine whether they receive that amount in one payment, two payments, three payments, or four payments. In addition to reading the withdrawal FAQs, it is also important to read the terms and conditions before making a deposit.
  • Shazam is diligent in the verification process.
  • After 3 deposits, bonuses no longer have a max cash out
  • Player status determines whether winnings are split
• 1 år sedan
Not really impressed with the casino. Lack of bonuses and encountered glitches when playing. Chat was also not so good.
• 1 år sedan
my experience on this website is very good and also their bonuses are very good too. The verification process is easy also I hope I'll win soon.
• 1 år sedan
It's not that everything isn't clearly stated in the terms and conditions, because it is, it's just that their rules and policies are horrible. Withdrawal limits and if you think you're getting a bonus when you buy coins, you're really not because if you spend $25, you have to bet $4000 before any of your winnings will be eligible to be redeemed, with their playthrough policy. If you ever make the mistake of accepting a promotion or bonus then it's almost impossible to withdraw your winnings. I was up $8000 and on one game when i first got on it, the bet was set to 10, and i hit the button 3 times before noticing, and although i didn't win a dime from those spins, it didn't matter, they took all $8000 of my winnings away and left me with my initial deposit, which was $75, because you can't bet 10 or higher on a bonus. Even if they didn't steal back everything i had already won fair and square, i still wouldn't be able to withdraw but $500 at a time supposedly with $2000 being the maximum in a week. This is also a scam. When you request the $500 max withdrawal, it takes them a solid week to approve or deny it, and in the meantime it will not let you request any more to withdraw until the request before is decided upon and processed. So basically you can only get $500 a week max, and typically they only pay you $300 of the 500 you request due to fees and whatever other BS they come up with. So basically this casino is the absolute last place you want to play. 90% of the other online casinos have none of those stupid rules. Chumba paid me $5500 the first time i ever won on there within 5 days. The FULL amount. No problems. Fortune coins, same thing. So why anyone would want to play on a site with withdrawal limits and stupid policies , when you can play on other sites that have none of that crap is beyond me. You'd be full blown crazy to give Shazam casino a single dollar of your hard earned money.
  • None
  • Everything
• 1 år sedan
Worst part about this whole thing this whole experience was that I DEPOSITED MY MONEY I DID NOT DID NOT EVEN USE ANY OF THEIR BONUSES and Legit won $28,990 dollars!!
But when went to withdrawl
Jumped through ALL the hoops. Finally chatted, yea, chatted with someone via the chat box as their "support" number didn’t work. Yep, red flag number three for me, link for their number did not work. Surprise surprise!! So had to chat using their messaging system. And they all jus copy and paste responses. That’s when they told me that my winning were going to be not only 2000 bucks being the maximum withdrawal limit, BUT, only 500 a day AND NOT ONLY THAT, no no, but I have to request it every 24 hours!! So basically, it was going to take me 5 5 and a half weeks to get it all out, if they really paid out. So that was a Thursday, did all the paperwork they requested THAT night!! Friday goes by, I inquire wassup with my shit, they then say, it will take them 3-‘to four business days to approve my stuff. So I play it down to 12000 then Tuesday, 9000, Thursday 1000, literally when I got down to 300 bucks, an email comes in and says I need to clear up my current address even though it’s with my card and on my current power bill I sent them, I answer their email. 30 bucks left
10 bucks, email tells me I’m approved for withdrawals but will be subject to doing that all over again if I deposit using another card. I politely told them how funny that all the timing of every thing was, and they said what I jus said they did about later withdrawals.
Tried 10 too many times after, only got a quarter close to my 28,990 success, using no bonuses jus my own money, and nothing. So ya I’m done with this sham of a place. Ever wanna find if a casino is legit, deposit your own money don’t use a bonus, win, and try to withdrawl. I only picked them cause they were in the top five at every casino review site. However I jus think they all need to jus catch up and call it how the reviews see it. Booooo2 out of 10 and the 2 rating only gets that because they have three of my fav games
Other wise
Ya don’t go here
  • Rtg games
  • Min deposit 25 bucks
  • Too long of pay outs
  • Seemingly predatory tactics
  • No live phone contact like site claims to have but link don’t work
• 2 år sedan
All of my $2,400 in winnings was stolen by Shazam because I bet more than $10. They referenced their terms of service saying you could not be more than $10 on cash-back. This is a predatory practice and Shazam should have paid out my winnings.
• 2 år sedan
Well after taking 2 weeks to get 400.00 bitcoin and still have 600.00 to still get.I don't see how they can keep players.im never going to dep here again.Ive been playing online 22 years and this site is in my top 5 worst sites to play on.
  • Nothing good here
  • not worth playing at anymore
• 2 år sedan



Depositing is easy, they don't ask for any information, come payout time, they make you jump through loop after loop, from the Account verification letter to the withdrawal application, then they go ahead and ignore my LAST 4 EMAILS on why they haven't paid me out.


$2000 Daily Withdrawal is actually $500.00
its $2000 withdrawal a week but as I have stated

  • Interface is easy to use
  • They do not pay you out
  • Ignore emails
• 2 år sedan
On a positive note I love the slots that they have. However I won $1900 and it took forever to get my documents approved. Every time they send you an email it takes another four days and then they ask for something else that you’ve already provided. I used the gift card which seem to be very difficult for them to understand and they kept asking me for a statement . After I finally got approved they don’t pay the money all at once they pay it in $300 increments. I requested it via bitcoin and I finally got paid $300. But now I have to wait another seven days to receive an email to approve another amount which I’m sure will only be $300. It will take forever for me to receive the full $1900 as the process starts over again every seven days.
  • I would enjoy this casino if they had a better approval process and payment process.
  • I have never played at a casino where they pay you small amounts which takes quite some time to get your winnings
• 2 år sedan
I got the $45 no-deposit-bonus. Blew through that really quickly, but decided to deposit $25 in bitcoin to open up some of the daily free spins. Every day requires you to contact customer service to use the free spins. I got nothing back from the bonus, nothing from my initial deposit, and nothing but hassle for the daily "free spins".
Maybe luck wasn't on my side when I played with them, and I wanted to like them, but I have yet to see a reason to continue playing/depositing there.
  • Nice new player no-deposit-bonus
  • Clean set up with "magic" themed bonuses
  • Deposit bonus spins difficult to access
  • Live chat resets with no conversation memory
  • Tight slots
• 2 år sedan
I won over $2000 here & I realized I would have to accept installments, as their site says $500, but instead they wanna pay out $300 and then $200 & it's taken 11 days just to get that. There's NO WAY this casino rates at anything higher than a 5!
  • They eventually pay out.
  • They take forever to payout and do not honor their own $500 policy.
• 2 år sedan
För ett kasino som har uppskattade årliga intäkter på över € 5 000 000,00 är det inte berättigat att betala ut vinsterna i omgångar med dagliga belopp på endast € 500,00 och € 2 000,00 / vecka! Jag är förvånad över hur utvärderingen av din kropp är så hög !!
  • maximalt uttag på endast € 500,00 per dag
  • maximalt uttag på endast € 2 000,00 per vecka
• 2 år sedan
Do not deposit with this casino! I requested a withdrawal and you can only withdrawal $500 and then you can only request after they approve which takes 7 days. And then to top it all off the $500 I requested $475 they took and did not return to me so who would play here if they take money from you. If you do deposit I would consider any winnings lost, they just take it and tell ya that’s there policy 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
  • Absolutely none!
  • You will never get your winnings over $500
• 2 år sedan
Keep getting bonus codes i cant use in email like 3 a day an the customer service guy i keep getting is a joke
  • Not good personal service
• 2 år sedan
So far not great. I too won about $800, tries cashing it out as their crypto withdrawal option says the max is $2000. Turns out the daily limit is $500. I requested the $500 last Tuesday it only yesterday (the following Thursday) got "approved" —- but only for $300? So I asked the support about this and they said the casino reserves the right to split up the deposits as they see fit. And so I asked about getting the other half and she said I would have to resubmit it for approval and wait another ten days or whatever—which is total bullshit. I expect to receive my already limited withdrawal amount as one payment not two payments (and maybe more! What’s to stop them from splitting it again?) because i won it fair and square. So I’m questioning the legitimacy of this establishment that I thought was promising at first.
  • Customer service is very responsive
  • The games seem to encourage winning
  • Good bonuses (as long as you deposit consistently-ish)
  • Chance to win 30 FS or $25 chip every day, regardless of your deposit status
  • Totally bogus reserved "right" to split up your withdrawals as they see fit
  • Super limited withdrawal amounts
  • Long wait times for withdrawals with unclear prognoses
  • The finance department seems to check their email once or twice a week and even if you respond to them right away you won’t hear from them for at least a day
  • Verification takes F O R E V E R
• 2 år sedan
Let me tell you. Worst casino experience I've ever had in my life. I won $16000 on my initial $50 deposit. Because of their promotion rules I can only cash out $1000. They clearly state these rules so it's not like I didn't know but cool. So from the start of getting verified to finally getting verified took 2 weeks. They will only respond 4 days after you ha e submitted anything. So if a verification form isn't correct then you wait for more days after you resubmit something just for them to respond 4 days later to tell you you need something else then the 4 days starts over. But once I finally got verified I tried to cash out $500. Their website says $500 a day and $2000 a week. They say it can take up to 7 business days to approve the withdraw. What they should say is it WILL take 7 days to approve the withdraw. So after 7 business days they finally approve my withdraw request but only approve $300 of the $500 I requested. It's now been a week since I was approved for the $300 withdraw and my bank hasn't seen anything from them. To be honest I doubt I'll ever get this money that I won fairly.
  • None at all
  • Adhere to their rules by the book when it benefits them but deviate from their rules when it doesn't benefit them
  • Slowest cash out time I've ever experienced in my life
  • Very slow response time when communicating with finance dept
• 2 år sedan
Very bad, RTP fake, manipulated slots
• 2 år sedan
What I appreciate about Shazam Casino is how they have a lot of promising games on its roster. I appreciate any site that has. great selection of live dealer games as well. I just hope that they can work with more game providers to help diversify the experience.
• 2 år sedan
They wont authorize my account to allow withdrawal funds.
I have $2100 in winnings for over a month that they will not release after about 50 calls/100 emails/countless online chat inquiries/

Casino.guru resolution center did nothing besides drag it on another month.and then denied my case.
  • They will take your deposit quickly
  • They only have 10 +/- active gamblers (within the last 2 months) and can't afford to payout winnings.
• 2 år sedan
This is just another example of a rip off scam bunch of crooks who rake in money but dont pay out. It could not be any clearer by their own account log or the pic of the Keno game that I won $10,000 and they just dont want to payme. DONT PLAY THIS CASINO. BAN THEM. THEY ARE LIARS, AND SCAMMERS.
• 3 år sedan
J-ROB SCORE (JRS): 6/10. New spot. Unique interface. They have this whole schtick about wizardry and sorcery and whatnot? Decent chance of cashing, but you will wait for it.
**The Skinny on Payouts - In a word, yikes. They CLEARLY advertise 7-day payouts on the main withdrawal page. Once you actually get your documents approved (which took what seemed like an eternity - probably at least 10 days to be accurate), buried in their VERY CASINO FAVORABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, IT APPARENTLY STATES THAT IT IS GENUINELY 7 BUSINESS DAYS TO RECEIVE A PAYOUT. BUSINESS DAYS START:
*AFTER your documents are approved
*AFTER you actually realize that docs are approved (The finance department does not communicate AT ALL with you to verify your withdrawal request or at any point thereafter. No. Seriously. They will not even respond to an email. Ever.)
*AFTER you finally submit a withdrawal request.
-- Then, and only then, does the payout clock start. Ugh. Tired just explaining that. Imagine what it feels like to wait for a payout. The finance department has 7 BUSINESS, or, as they term them, WORKING days, from this point, to issue your payout. What is a working day anyway? These casinos are in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So, they are always working, right?? So, the bottom line here is that advertising 7-Day payouts on their main withdrawal page is absolute garbage. Just not true.
**Fairly responsive customer service re: free play: Frequently provide cash back or a $10 or $15 free chip, even if you have used free/match bonuses recently. That is why I gave them a 3/5 or 6/10 (JRS). I feel it is very necessary to mention, though, that the customer service reps continue to copy and paste the company line regarding checking terms and conditions and that it is stated in those terms and conditions that payouts are 7 BUSINESS or WORKING days. They are robots. They will not act as an intermediary with the finance department whatsoever. They will just keep circle talking you. And they are not too bright, or maybe well-versed in casino lingo, just my opinion.
**Rookies: This casino is less than a year old, so they are still paying out a bit. At least that has been my experience. In the less than one year that they have been in operation, I have been playing pretty much from Day 1. I have deposited roughly $400 and have cashed roughly $850.
**CONSISTENT PLAY BONUS $ OR WITHDRAWABLE $: One positive I will end with is that gameplay is consistent whether you are playing on a bonus, or have withdrawalable funds. That is a feather in their cap. You guys know the typical deal, right? Everything is peaches and cream when you have a $1,200 playthrough. And as soon as you get knocked down to that withdrawable amount . . . lose, lose, lose. Thanks for playin.


*J-ROB SCORE: 6/10
Playin . . . BARELY.
  • Free chips and cash back abound.
  • Unique interface. I have found it nowhere else.
  • Consistent play, bonus or withdrawable funds.
  • Watching paint dry is like an amusement park compared to waiting for a payout.
  • Support staff are not knowledgeable at all about casino gaming online.
  • Terms and conditions heavily favor casino.
• 3 år sedan
Customer service is polite.
However, the response is surprisingly slow. It takes more than a week.
It takes a lot of effort to verify your identity.
There is no ecopayz or stickpay and many do not accept credit cards.
I deposited about $ 25 in Bitcoin.
The delay is serious. It's like a witch manipulating time.
Even if I submitted everything and passed, I was told to call.

Gameplay → Gameplay Through → Send Identity Verification → Call Request

I'm not a native, so telephone consultation can be a daunting task.
It took more than a month, but it seems impossible.
It's like waiting for you to give up.
The company hates withdrawals of $ 100.
Needless to say, the big bucks you earn will be countered by magic.
Hokey pokey Thank you. I learned the lesson.
  • The reception is decent.
  • There is no problem with the gameplay.
  • The staff were very kind.
  • The response is very slow.(The flow of time may be different from the magical land.)
  • There are few deposit methods and credits are often rejected.
• 3 år sedan
bra söksida för casinobonusar
  • lätt att förstå
• 3 år sedan
I have deposited twice on this casino, first time 15 dollars, then 10. I managed to win second time and withdrew 200 dollars, which was the maximum cashout allowed. The verification process took 9 business days, 13 days in total. The withdrawal approval took 5 business days, 7 in total. To be clear, it took 29 days from the moment i won to get the money finally in my bank account. In their terms and conditions, it says verification takes up to 3 to 4 business days, same goes with withdrawal. A casino which does not respect its own terms and conditions cannot get a 8.1 out of 10. In plus, after that small win, they took me out from any promotions, i can just deposit and play. But when we lose like 10 deposits, they do not ask if we want to fix limit or something.
  • I like rtg slots, there are a lot and most are fun. I just wish some were a little bit slower because some are really too fast even with the lowest speed.
  • Customer chat service
  • Withdrawal takes almost a month
  • They ban you from promotions if you just win once.
  • The casino does not respect its own terms and conditions.
• 3 år sedan
lousy customer service and support, they have basicaly stolen my bitcoin several times.. email me I have several documents and email chats whith them...
  • stolen my bitcoin
• 3 år sedan
Dåligt utbud av spel, men dom spelen jag spelade på vann jag ofta och mycket.
När jag ville ta ut, då var summan mindre än saldot, då säger dom att dom tar en verifikation avgift, och man måste bli uppringd av casinot och man måste maila ett dokument annars får man inte ut sina pengar, dom ringde mig, min telefon bröt samtalen hela tiden, så jag får nog spela upp vinsten för ett uttag lär det väl inte bli
  • Vinner mycket pengar på några av spelen
  • Verifikationsavgift dras från vinsten, och mycket krångel och jobb innan man kan ta ut pengar
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Ett medelstort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är mestadels rättvisa
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Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

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Orättvisa villkor

  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier vid spel med bonusmedel, men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.

Andra faktorer

  • Saknar en licens
  • Låg uttagsgräns: 8 000 $/månad

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