HemThis Is Vegas Casino recension
This Is Vegas Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
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Insättningsfri bonus:
50 EXTRASNURR på Thunderbird (0,5 €/styck)Bonusvillkor
Varning (1)
Viktigt (1)
Besök casino
Visa alla (11)
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • Neosurf
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • AstroPay
  • Banköverföring
  • Cashlib
  • Tether (USDT)
 per månad
2 000 €
 per vecka
500 €
SSC Entertainment N.V.
> 20 000 000 €
  • Curaçao (Curaçao Antillephone N.V.) (falsk)
ÖversiktBonusar3Användarrecensioner62Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion15Betalningsmetoder11
Varning:Orättvis regel för maximal vinst baserat på det totala insättningsbeloppet
Detta casino har en orättvis regel, som begränsar hur mycket pengar spelare kan vinna baserat på deras totala insatta belopp (även vid spel utan en bonus). Om du endast sätter in en mindre summa, kommer dina potentiella vinster att begränsas.
Viktigt: Casinot kan konfiskera pengar från vilande konton Detta casino drar av hela saldot (eller en väldigt hög regelbunden avgift för vilande konton) från spelarkonton som har varit inaktiva under en kort tidsperiod (3 till 6 månader).
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This Is Vegas Casino Recension

Vårt oberoende granskningsteam har tagit en noggrann titt på This Is Vegas Casino och utvärderat dess styrkor och svagheter i enlighet med vår granskningsprocess för casinon. Vid utvärderingen av det här casinots säkerhet har vårt granskningsteam analyserat viktiga faktorer som villkor, licenser, klagomål från spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra relevanta aspekter för att fastställa var casinot befinner sig i spannet från säkert och trovärdigt till möjlig bluff och svindleri.

Baserat på insamlade data har vi fastställt casinots säkerhetsindex, vilket är ett betyg som tilldelas onlinecasinon för att beskriva deras nivå av säkerhet och rättvisa. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto större är sannolikheten att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. This Is Vegas Casino hade betydande brister när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet, vilket återspeglas i dess väldigt låga säkerhetsindex på 2.7. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av This Is Vegas Casino för att fatta ett välgrundat beslut om huruvida det här casinot passar dig bra eller inte.

Rättvisa och säkerhet hos This Is Vegas Casino

För att beräkna säkerhetsindexet för ett casino använder vi en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till den insamlade datan som behandlats i vår granskning. Det här inkluderar i vanligtvis casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor och liknande.

Vi har noga undersökt och analyserat villkoren för This Is Vegas Casino som ett led i vår granskning av This Is Vegas Casino. Vi hittade regler eller klausuler som vi inte uppskattade, och sammantaget anser vi att villkoren är orättvisa. Orättvisa eller bedrägliga regler kan användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga att man inte betalar ut deras vinster. Eftersom vi har identifierat en del allvarliga problem med skäligheten i det här casinots villkor, råder vi dig att leta upp ett casino med mer rättvisa villkor eller åtminstone iaktta försiktighet om du väljer det här casinot.

Med hänsyn till våra uppskattningar och den faktiska data vi har samlat in, tycks This Is Vegas Casino vara ett väldigt stort onlinecasino. Det här casinot har en låg andel nekade utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare i förhållande till sin storlek. Eftersom större casinon ofta får ta emot fler klagomål på grund av att det har ett större antal spelare, tar vi hänsyn till både casinots storlek och feedback från spelare.

Såvitt vi vet förekommer This Is Vegas Casino inte på några betydande svarta listor över casinon. Om ett casino har hamnat på en svart lista, som exempelvis Casino Gurus lista över svartlistade casinon, kan det betyda att casinot har behandlat sina kunder illa. När du letar efter ett onlinecasino att spela på anser vi att det är av yttersta vikt att du tar detta på allvar.

Allt detta, tillsammans med andra faktorer som beaktats i vår granskning, har resulterat i ett säkerhetsindex på 2.7 för This Is Vegas Casino, vilket är ett väldigt lågt värde. Vi rekommenderar starkt spelare att undvika det här casinot och i stället leta efter ett med högre säkerhetsindex.

Obs! This Is Vegas Casino är kopplat till 3 andra onlinecasinon enligt den information vi har samlat in. Säkerhetsindexet för This Is Vegas Casino tar hänsyn till kvaliteten hos alla sammankopplade onlinecasinon. På grund av kopplingen till andra casinon har det här casinot fått ett högre säkerhetsindex än det skulle ha fått på egen hand.

Utvärdering av This Is Vegas Casinos villkor

Vi granskar noggrant villkoren för varje casino vi utvärderar och bedömer deras skälighet. I villkoren för många casinon hittar vi regler som vi anser vara orättvisa eller uppenbart exploaterande, och det är ofta dessa regler casinon utnyttjar för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare.

Vi hittade några tvivelaktiga regler eller klausuler i samband med vår granskning, vilket är skälet till att vi anser att This Is Vegas Casinos villkor är orättvisa.

Obs! Du hittar de specifika resultaten från vår utvärdering av villkoren här.

This Is Vegas Casino - klagomål från spelare

Under vår granskningsprocess fäster vi extra vikt vid klagomål från spelare, då de ger oss viktiga insikter i de problem som spelare upplever och hur casinon väljer att hantera och lösa dem. När vi beräknar ett enskilt casinos säkerhetsindex tar vi hänsyn till både klagomål som skickats in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning och klagomål vi inhämtar från andra källor.

Vi har för närvarande 4 klagomål som direkt rör detta casino i vår databas, samt 5 klagomål som rör andra relaterade casinon. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 704 svarta poäng, av vilka 272 härrör från relaterade casinon. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

This Is Vegas Casino - användarrecensioner och feedback

Casino Guru ger användare en plattform för att betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon, samt för att dela med sig av sina åsikter och erfarenheter. Baserat på denna information beräknar vi ett övergripande feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Återkopplingen gällande användarnöjdhet för This Is Vegas Casino som delats av 62 användare har resulterat i feedbackbetyget "Hemskt". Recensionerna finns tillgängliga i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Tänk på att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av casinots kvaliteter. En del recensioner kan vara falska, skrivna enbart för att förbättra casinots övergripande feedbackpoäng. Andra recensioner kan komma från missnöjda spelare som skriver många negativa recensioner för att försämra casinots rykte. Även om vi gör vårt yttersta för att filtrera bort sådana recensioner och fastställa ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg, avstår vi från att inkludera användarfeedback i vår beräkning av säkerhetsindexet på grund av dessa faktorer.

Företagsinformation och licenser för This Is Vegas Casino

This Is Vegas Casino ägs av SSC Entertainment N.V. och har uppskattade årliga intäkter som är högre än $20,000,000. Enligt den kategorisering vi använder gör detta det här till ett medelstort onlinecasino.

This Is Vegas Casino innehar en spellicens i Curaçao utfärdad av Curaçao Antillephone N.V..

Uttagsgränser, vinstgränser och tillgängliga betalningsmetoder

This Is Vegas Casino stödjer 11 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Mastercard, VISA, Neosurf, Bitcoin (BTC), AstroPay, Bank transfer, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tether (USDT), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Cashlib.

Det finns ofta begränsningar för hur mycket pengar spelare kan vinna eller ta ut på onlinecasinon. I många fall är dessa tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare negativt, men vissa casinon har vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara problematiska. Det är skälet till att vi tittar på dessa gränser när vi granskar casinon. I följande tabell finns information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
500 EUR per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
2 000 EUR per månad
500 USD per vecka
2 000 USD per månad
500 GBP per vecka
2 000 GBP per månad
500 CAD per vecka
2 000 CAD per månad
1 000 AUD per vecka
4 000 AUD per månad
500 NZD per vecka
2 000 NZD per månad
5 000 ZAR per vecka
20 000 ZAR per månad
Obs! Det är möjligt att några av de listade betalningsmetoderna inte kan användas för både insättningar och uttag. Dessutom kan möjligheten att använda vissa betalningsmetoder variera beroende på vilket land du befinner dig i.

Språk och kundsupportalternativ

För att kunna guida spelare till casinon med en kundsupport och webbplats på ett språk de förstår, undersöker vi vilka alternativ som finns tillgängliga som ett led i vår granskningsprocess. De tillgängliga språken och alternativen för kundsupport på This Is Vegas Casino visas i tabellen nedan.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7
spanska Ja Ja Ja24/7
portugisiska Ja Ja Ja24/7
tyska Ja Ja Ja24/7
italienska Ja Ja Ja24/7
franska Ja Ja Ja24/7

Det ingår i vår granskningsprocess att kontakta casinots kundsupport, så att vi vet om spelare har tillgång till bra service. Kundsupport är en viktig faktor för oss eftersom den kan vara till stor hjälp när det handlar om att lösa problem med spelarens konto, registrering på This Is Vegas Casino, uttag och andra potentiella bekymmer. Enligt våra tester och insamlad information har This Is Vegas Casino en genomsnittlig kundsupport.

This Is Vegas Casino spelautomater och casinospel

This Is Vegas Casino ger spelare möjlighet att spela följande typer av spel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Crash-spel.

Casinots spelbibliotek inkluderar titlar från 8 leverantörer. Detta inkluderar Rival, Betsoft Gaming, Saucify, Arrow's Edge, Dragon Gaming, Vivo Gaming, Fresh Deck Studios, Qora Games.

Bonusar och koder som erbjuds av This Is Vegas Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder bonusar för att locka till sig och behålla spelare, som ett incitament för att registrera ett konto och börja spela. De vanligast förekommande bonustyperna är bonusar utan insättning (eller freespins) som du kan få genom att bara registrera ett konto, samt insättningsbonusar som delas ut i samband med insättningar. Casinon erbjuder också kampanjer som lojalitetsprogram, välkomstbonusar vid registrering och bonuskoder.

Vi har för närvarande 3 bonusar från This Is Vegas Casino i vår databas, inklusive:

  • 5 EXTRASNURR på different game every month! (0,09 $/styck)
  • 50 EXTRASNURR på Thunderbird (0,5 €/styck)

Notera att endast spelare från specifika länder kan vara berättigade till vissa av dessa bonusar. För att ta reda på vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja, se avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Insättningsfri bonus:
50 EXTRASNURR på Thunderbird (0,5 €/styck)Bonusvillkor


Visa alla (11)
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • Neosurf
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • AstroPay
  • Banköverföring
  • Cashlib
  • Tether (USDT)
 per månad
2 000 €
 per vecka
500 €

Visa alla

Ingen betting
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Ingen betting på e-sport


Webbplats på engelska
Alla språk (6)
Kundtjänst på engelska
Alla språk (6)
Livechatt på engelska
Alla språk (6)


  • Rival
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Saucify
  • Arrow's Edge
  • Dragon Gaming
  • Fresh Deck Studios
  • Qora Games
  • Vivo Gaming


  • Kasinot är Bitcoin-vänligt
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7


  • Kampanjer inte tillgängliga för alla länder
  • Låga uttagsgränser för nya spelare
  • Kundtjänst agerar inte alltid snabbt och professionellt
  • Bitcoin är den enda uttagsmetoden för brittiska spelare
  • Alla betalningsmetoder är inte tillgängliga för alla länder
  • Insättnings- och uttagskostnader

Intressanta fakta

  • Casinot ägs och drivs av AffDynasty Group som tog över casinot i oktober 2019
  • Spelare måste vara 25 år eller äldre för att spela
  • “Klibbiga” (icke-uttagbara) bonusar
Författare och garant: Zuzana Safran Senast uppdaterat: 2024-02-10 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (3)

Bonusar på This Is Vegas Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som This Is Vegas Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (62)

Användarrecensioner av This Is Vegas Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av This Is Vegas Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 62 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 5 månader sedan
The withdrawal rate and speed is very poor.

I placed 2 lots of account balance in to withdraw a couple of days before being verified on the 12/06 and one was paid on the 23/06 but the other withdrawn on the 09/06 remains unpaid. As do the ones for 14/06 and 21/06.

When a withdrawal is paid the date of payment also impacts on the 500 per week withdrawal period which elongates the ability to actually place 500 in withdrawal mode .

The net effect of this is that you are unable to shift your balance into withdrawal mode and even when you eventually can the withdrawal stays reversible until paid out.

I have 4 withdrawals now placed there on the 09/06 14/06 16/06 and 21/06.

I have sent over a dozen courteous e mails and had 1 sole response.

That advised me that payout is linked to seniority, account activity and deposit rate and in fact their stated payout time is 18 business days after verification.

I pointed out the site T and C does not mention this and also says 12 days but no response to that.

Whether 12 or 18 both poor in this day and age and the withdrawal of the 09/06 is overdue on either max time.

The casino aim of course is to bore you into playing any winnings back. Predatory and see through.

I can live with T and C s if I have read them and decided to continue anyway but this isn't the position here.

They have paid out 300 albeit placed into withdrawal a full calendar month ago and whether they will pay the remaining 1000 is unknown as I write so I won't say they are a complete rogue outfit until that is known.

What I would say is that they are quick to take deposits and respond if you're issue is depositing but if it's withdrawal then don't expect to see any money paid out in any appropriate time scale.

Don't bother e mailing their support as they simply don't respond.

I would not recommend TIV if you wish to have a reasonable chance of being paid either at all or certainly in any acceptable time frame.

Update 09/07

The earliest withdrawal is now 19 business days past verification and the next one 17 days.

26 e mails sent and 1 inadequate response weeks ago and nothing since.

This is a genuine review by one of many dissatisfied customers.

Update 10/07

The manager has now sent 2 emails.

The one yesterday advised that spam and negative e mails were impacting on the staff and one today advising me that they are within the payout protocol as per their T and C and outlining additional conditions that are not contained in their extensive T and C rules.

Suffice to say I interpret 'spam and negativity ' as stop asking for money which is overdue, we simply like deposits not having to pay out. Some of my e mails were a little facetious but not profane or rude and many others simply asked when the payouts would be made.

My response to the 2nd email was to apply their T and C s against the date of verification and withdrawal requests pointing out all 4 now are at the max stated payout date and in fact all beyond.

No response to that and withdrawals x 4 still showing as reversible so .. well nothing has changed.

Difficult to understand a company who wants to present an aura of legitimacy but acts like many of the true rogues in the murky world of online slots.

If anything ever gets paid I shall conclude the review and if it is not in a reasonable time frame from today we can make our own minds up as to whether this is an acceptable way to treat customers.

• 10 månader sedan
UPDATE #5 Well I finally received a deposit...was supposed to be $145 and I got $55...no explanation..no response to email asking why the difference...just changed my withdrawal request and sent a small portion of what it should have been. I most definitely will never play at this casino again! UPDATE #4 BUSINESS DAY 15 AND STILL NO WITHDRAWAL!!!!! THEY WILL NOT RESPOND TO MY EMAILS. HAVE FILED FORMAL COMPLAINT ON THIS SITE. WORST CASINO I EVER PLAYED AT. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY PLAYING AT THIS IS VEGAS CASINO. UPDATE#3: Well today is the 12th working day (and the 25th day since I requested a withdrawal) since my account was verified and still no money! Yesterday I received an email from the same person that contacted me earlier wanting me to remove this review. She tried to say the verified date was 1/22 but in her previous email she said 1/21 and I have another email from support stating it was fully verified on 1/21 Sooooo......uuhhmmm. She also said she would get my withdrawal expedited since they took so long getting my account verified (email on 1/26) but obviously that didn't happen. But here is the kicker...I got this yesterday from her (I cut and pasted this so it's word for word) "We kindly ask you to remove the forum complaint, so we can proceed with your request, since your withdrawal is in time frame and we offered to expedite the process for you. " So I guess if you post a negative review...they hold your money hostage! Yes you did offer and then didn't do anything!! Good Grief! UPDATE #2: So here I still sit..day 17 since I requested withdrawal. They have contacted me via email regarding this review. I told them once I receive my withdrawal I will update...but still waiting. Regarding the issue with depositing..apparently you can deposit while waiting for a withdrawal however, this is not made clear on the deposit page which clearly states that you have a withdrawal that can be reversed rather than deposit. And their support staff failed to inform me that there were options available for depositing when I spoke with them regarding this. So I don't feel this review was false at all considering the situation. I also feel like its ridiculous for this process to take such an extended amount of time given that so many casinos pay out almost instantly. Will let you know when and if I get my money! UPDATE: So today..was told that documents are approved and my 12 day (business days) waiting time starts today...Uhhmmm what? Casinos are 24/7 WTH is a business day? and crypto payments should be instant. Not a happy camper

Well I'm on day six waiting for my withdrawal. A bit irritated because I asked support through chat exactly what documents needed to be sent and was told specifically only the front of my ID and then of course two days later they request the back. Sent it right in but support won't tell me how long it will be and through chat you just get the up to 12 days. Really crazy that it takes so long when so many others can get it to you in minutes. Plus they don't let you deposit when you have a pending withdrawal--not a very good business model--really costing yourself some money there. I will update this review if and when I get my withdrawal
  • nice selection of games
  • multiple bonuses to chose from
  • payouts take forever
  • support is slow to respond
  • staff says anything to get out of paying you
  • takes days to get email response
  • chat staff always say they can't do anything wait for email
  • scam artists
  • don't pay winnings timely or in correct amount.
This Is Vegas Casino

We kindly have to say that we do not find this review to be fair. Withdrawals can take up to 12 business days at the absolute latest, although usually it does not reach there, from the moment the account is completely verified with the relevant verification documents. By the time this review was posted, your account was verified only a day before.
Plus, you have shared misinformation that is simply not true. I.E, 'can't deposit with pending withdrawal'.
Please kindly consider taking this false review off. Your payment will be processed and sent according to our T&Cs you are signed on, if not before.

We would appreciate any correspondence via our support box. If we fail to solve any issues through there, we would then understand why approach here instead.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
• 11 månader sedan
Terrible casino dont waste your time and money on them.
They say it will take 12 Bussiness days to pay and mine still shows pending.
Trying to get help from custemor care. All say its busy processing. I asked for an email adress but the lady that helped me( Sarah) discontented me.
I will change my review if someone can give me answers.
This Is Vegas Casino
Hello pikkels09,

Please note that your withdrawal was processed and completed on January 9th. To this moment, we have yet to receive any complaints about an issue with your withdrawal via our support box. We have sent you multiple emails with no reply so far. Please make sure to contact us back in case there is a need to resolve any issues.

Thanks for your cooperation.
• 1 år sedan
Horrible casino -- DO NOT DEPOSIT MONEY HERE. I won several hundred dollars and was told it would be over 2 weeks before they processed my withdrawal.
  • Extremely slow payouts
  • Would not pay out on bonus win if no deposit in past week
  • `Terrible support
  • Double charged credit card
This Is Vegas Casino
Hello kadinglaw,

We hope this finds you well.

Please allow us to correct some of your claims:

* Withdrawals can take up to 12 business days at the absolute latest. Your withdrawal was requested on June 30th, and was reversed and played down 2 days later, before even providing any account verification to allow the withdrawal to start processing

* "Would not pay out on bonus win if no deposit in past week" - Simply not true at all.

* As for the double charge, we see nothing indicating that on our end. Please email our support box with the details so we can further look into it

Thank you for your cooperation

This is Vegas Support
• 1 år sedan
Honestly awful, Though the bonuses and lack of playthrough reel you in, when it comes time to payout the process is painful and ridiculous, I won 1221$ but had a 200% bonus so my winnings are capped at 1000 which is fine, but the kicker is that you may only withdraw 500$ at a time at which your first withdrawal will have your bonus deducted, in my case 200$, also fine, though it would be much easier for them to just remove excess from my account. But the absolute worst part is that each withdrawal takes 12 business days.15 standard days in the case of my first 500$ or 300$ rather So not only do I have to take 3 seperate withdrawals to cash out the entire 1000$ but the wait time to recieve it all will be well over a a month. Completely ridiculous. Not to mention the staff diliberately lie to you about this if asked prior to deposit ( I was told it would be much faster especially since I was using crypto) Is this how they make their money by holding ours in order to turn a profit? Idk but I can say with a certainty that their are many online casinos that manage to payout within minutes so whatever bs they are saying about processing times is total crap, shady dealings. This casino is no good my friends. 👎👎👎 Very disappointed.
UPDATE: Yes as of May 15th I was paid, after I wrote this review and after i spoke with several customer service reps and called the casino out. ALSO: Not the full 1000$ as they state is the max cash out but 798$ because instead of removing the bonus portion from the 1200$ that I won it was taken FROM the max cashout value that they state so it's literally impossible to cashout 10x your deposit if you use a bonus because they will take the bonus amount from the max amount. Very silly indeed, also I must point out that I was verified over a month ago when I initially deposited so the statement made below is false on that account. And my limit was never increased in fact the last withdrawal of 221$ was requested the 13th of May and I still had a 500$ limit so im unsure why the falsity is necessary? But all and all I will say that they are not total fraudsters as I did indeed recieve a payout from them exactly 1 day prior to 12 business days. Ultimately the experience still left a bad taste in my mouth. Still I hope you all take care of yourselves and have a wonderful day!
  • High bonus low playthrough
  • Shady customer service, ambiguous wording in t&cs, unreasonable and ridiculous payout timeframes.
This Is Vegas Casino

We are truly sorry to hear about your experience.

Please note that since you cashed out before an account verification was made with the relevant verification documents, the withdrawal limit was automatically set to $500. However, once your account was verified, the limit was increased. Even though you cashed out in multiple withdrawal requests, the payment was made in full on one payment day and not a month after, as you claim, but after 10 business days. Your deposit and withdrawal took place on April 29th. Today is May 15th and your withdrawal was already paid in full.

Our withdrawal timeframes are highly based on VIP level and if and what bonus was claimed on top. Regardless, our T&Cs state that you will receive it in no longer than 12 business days, which is what happened.

We would like to wish you the best of luck in other places and all the best in general!

This is Vegas
• 1 år sedan
I deposited over $100 and one over $500 I withdrew the money through Bitcoin the same day and I verified my documents the next day. I've been told 7 days I've been told 14 days I've been told a lot of different things but nothing consistent. Please deposit at your own risk! I have nothing but poor things to say about this casino thus far.

Update. Today they canceled my withdrawal of $450 in Bitcoin and another withdrawal was initiated for $241 in Bitcoin and the remaining balance is nowhere to be found. There's no emails that they sent me customer service couldn't answer any of my questions these people are thieves! And if I have to wait another 7 days before I see that $241 I will be suing them.
  • Long withdrawal.
This Is Vegas Casino

Please allow us to explain here, although we can see that our VIP support team has explained this to you in an email correspondence as well.

You deposited $104.60 and claimed a 200% no-wager bonus on top of that with no playthrough requirements. ($209)

In order to protect the establishments and prevent a case where customers immediately cash out their balance together with the bonus, no wager bonuses are always to be deducted from the initial withdrawal amount and only serve as leverage to win.

You only initiated one withdrawal of $450, which was then canceled by our finance department in order to be adjusted, and a new and completed withdrawal of $241 was created in your banking, again by our finance department and not by you.

$450 - $209 (the no-wager bonus amount) = $241

We hope this helps to clear things out.

Have a great day!

This is Vegas
• 1 år sedan
Bummed out I’ve deposited in this casino and I won on a no deposit bonus and it’s been 8 days sent the documents they requested they said my account is verified but I was excited and feel as if they are not going to pay me ..play tabby casino or 7bit they cash out immediately . There’s no reason for this delay :( it’s so unfair and disheartening.
This Is Vegas Casino
Hello Stardust,

According to our T&Cs, withdrawals from a no deposit bonus can take up to 7 business days from the day the account has been verified with the relevant verification documents. Therefore, we find this review to be a bit unfair at this point.

Could you please share with us your username so we can further examine in your case.

Please feel free to email our support box and your personal account manager will give you all the answers you need.

Thank you for your cooperation.

This Is Vegas
• 1 år sedan
They owe $1,000 still after a year!! The email is bartekcajun@yahoo.com won on roll out the barrels
  • Easy to win
  • They don’t pay up
This Is Vegas Casino
Hello samsp1118771,

Although the establishment has had a new management since October, we would be more than happy to check your case.

Could you please provide us with your account username?

Thank you for your cooperation,

This Is Vegas
• 2 år sedan
I received email for Black Friday for free spins stating 75xplaythough and may need make deposit before withdraw I WON MAX AMOUNT WAS $100 I WAS SO HAPPY THIER A FAKE THEY TOOK MY WINNING AND DEPOSIT I HAD TO MAKE AN WONT PAY OUT A DIME NEVER DEPOSIT HERE
  • Customer service
This Is Vegas Casino
Hello Ssandim68,

For new players, the max cashout on a freebie is limited to $100.

At your earliest convenience, could you please share with us your username so we can look further into your case?

Thank you for your cooperation,

This Is Vegas
• 2 år sedan
Scammers I won here and they lied and said I was playing 22x I had like 160 and lost it all which I was only playing dollar games
This Is Vegas Casino

Could you please provide us with your username so we can look into your case?

Thank you
• 2 år sedan
Update: well my withdraw says completed, but I NEVER GOT MY BITCOIN. SO HOW IS THIS COMPLETED!!??! I have spoken 2 live chat since this occurred on Tuesday, every day since then I've spoken 2 them as well as emailing support so they can address this and fix this immediately.. TO NO AVAIL. Live chat said I should have my withdraw if it says completed, but "Khole" if that is even a real name, assures me that they will get MY WITHDRAW TO ME & get this fixed and sent to me asap, well that was Tuesday and its now Saturday. Morning. I only got a generic response from support on Wednesday stating that they transferred the info to the financial dept&they'll get back to me asap.. well again NOTHING. So my 1st withdraw was messed up, so the New Management Team emailed me apologizing 4 the mix up, guaranteeing I'd recieve it by last week, that was the 1st withdraw which I had 2 resubmit which I did. Well this 2nd withdraw says "Completed". But shocker I also Never recieved it so how is it completed. Idk what the F is going on at this place but they obviously r screwing ppl over hard core, not to mention I have another withdraw that I requested the following day after the one that's showing completed and that is still processing,.
What the heck is wrong with these ppl?? I know what they r doing, they are purposely not getting back to me, purposely not sending my withdraw, so that way 30 days will lapse since I requested the withdraws and then at the 30 day mark they can void any withdraw request and the winnings that has been 30 days or longer. CAN U BELIEVE THIS, THEY DELIBERATELY MAKE YOU WAIT FOR COMMUNICATION 2 TRY TO RESOLVE THESE ISSUES FOR SO LONG SO THAT WAY THEY CAN come back & SAY IT'S IN OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT ALL WITHDRAWS ARE VOID AT 30 DAYS or longer.. I'M SO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW. I have all the emails showing proof of this bs from this site.. it's beyond me how they are allowed to even operate..
THEY R A SCAM PLEASE NEVER EVER EVER THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY AT THIS WRETCHED POOR EXCUSE 4 AN ONLINE CASINO. I honestly didn't want to get on here & have 2 say all these negative things because I love their games, but what odds the point if you'll never be able to withdraw ur winnings, and their support staff as well as their financial dept MUST HONESTLY HAVE ZERO EMPLOYEES WORKING IN EITHER OF THE DEPTS, because u can't get in touch with anyone 2 save your life.. I'm going to copy and paste this review and blast it of every single review website..
My question is this???? Why would the"New Management " even bother emailing me 2 apologize about the mix up with the original withdraw, tell me2 resubmit it, which I did, and that way they will have me paid out by last week. WHEN THAT WAS A OBVIOUS LIE..!!I believe they did that just 2 buy then even more time so the 30 days lapses. I promise u that is what these thieves r doing.. it's utterly disgusting at this point..
Can some one please please help me.. My username is DarahR80..They r legit a total scam website.. seriously
  • Hasnt paid out
• 2 år sedan
Katastrof! Minibelopp (95 EUR) där trots verifiering inte betalades ut, efter 30 dagar avbröts betalningen och supporten lovade att klargöra varför. Då inget svar på flera förfrågningar, måste nu be CasinoGuru om hjälp :(
• 2 år sedan
Leverantören är faktiskt ok, support också MEN utbetalningarna är alldeles för långsamma. Andra behöver 10min till max 1 dag, om du skriver till host@ comes (på engelska, men kommenterar här på tyska) som svar tar det 1-7 dagar och idag är nu (mån-fre räknat) dag 9 och ingenting kommer, status väntar fortfarande. Ska öppna ett ärende hos CasinoGuru imorgon, det är riktigt synd för det är så man skrämmer bort kunderna, det finns ingen rimlig anledning till varför man behöver så lång tid.

Edit: Användaren är msg1992
This Is Vegas Casino
Hi msgeiler,

Can you please provide your casino username so I can check your account?

Thanks for your time.

Oliver King
Casino Host


I have notified Finance to make sure your withdrawal is on priority queue and it should go out within the next 24 hours. Congratulations!
• 2 år sedan
I made a deposit with a promotion, met the requirements, but it was still active. Went and clicked on another promotion and my balance is gone… what kind of bull is that?
This Is Vegas Casino
Hi Kotdamnit,

I'll be happy to review your account to check what happened there.

We'll be happy to return your balance if we discover a technical bug behind the actions that took place in your account.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Oliver King
Casino Host
• 2 år sedan
The only but real problem with this casino is that it is nearly impossible to cash out your winnings. They only payout in Bitcoin and it takes weeks. They accept deposits with Zelle in seconds so I don't understand why in return they can't do the same when you win and try to withdraw. My suggestion is under no circumstance deposit cash in order to have a chance to win because even if you do, they don't seem to part with your cash.
This Is Vegas Casino
Hi dpmalone71,

Thank you for your review.

I'll be happy to look into your account and make sure there is no delay with your cashout.

Can you please provide me your username at the casino?

Thank you!

Oliver King
Casino Host
• 2 år sedan
Lets all play Pretend! From a Childs storybook to this casinos front door you'll find delusions of granger like 200 free spins for 10x Vegas and 150 over there for hot hands...
Yes you will receive those spins and maybe even have some fun playing them (Warning 200 spins at 3 cents per spin causes Boredom and carpel tunnel) however this site might as well be run on funny money because you'll never see a cent returned to your wallet even though your due. Customer support is almost nonexistent, complaints are a waste of your time and there are much better fake money casinos out there you can blow your hard earned money on if that's what your in to.
  • It was fun to play pretend for a short while and think i was winning something real
  • No customer support
  • No payouts
  • Games glitchy
  • Can't be trusted.
This Is Vegas Casino
Hi ctechsys,

Thank you for your review.

Yes, we do offer great free spins promotions - no deposit required - so players can test out the casino. We've never had an unresolved complaint here at CasinoGuru or anywhere else. We're happy to pay our winnings customers but you must understand it is unrealistic to expect to win every time you visit a casino. We're sorry the winnings from the free spins were not satisfactory.

We've been operating since 2005, paying along the way hundreds of thousands in cash outs every year. We can certainly be trusted.

We will review any interaction with customer support that can be improved.

Thank you for your feedback.

• 2 år sedan
Haven't cashed out but one thing I like they always wanting me to take a survey Everytime I visit here that's a plus!! If they care means alot update they gave me 5 free spins everyday with a deposit hit twice cashed $50.00 then $50.00 again paid but ( stopped getting spins)
  • Always nice customer service
  • Chat takes awhile to get in
This Is Vegas Casino
Hi Hardrock74,

We do care about our players' feedback and quality of their experience at our site.

Your lucky day may still come, so don't give up and good luck!

Best regards,

Oliver King
Casino Host
• 3 år sedan
I requested a payout from this casino August 31st my documents were verified I'm still waiting it is now September 15th I'm told it's been escalated it's been escalated it's been escalated I'm tired of it being escalated I want my money. The only reason I didn't give this casino a one star was because at least the customer service chat people answer me although it's the same answer every day. I asked them why is it pending and all they tell me is it I've escalated it. So I would suggest not to play at this casino I played it many other casinos and been paid out much quicker looks like I probably not going to get paid out at all
  • Customer service replies
  • Payouts
  • Reasons for delay
• 3 år sedan
A deposit that should have taken 30 minutes to be credited to my balance still hasn't been credited after 7 hours. Customer service is unresponsive.

ETA: in response to the casinos response, I did confirm the deposit. It’s been two days, deposit still hasn’t been credited, customer service wasn’t responding on chat when I last tried and I haven’t received any replies to my email. TERRIBLE service. Won’t be depositing here again.

ETA: Thank you, Oliver. I have edited my review thanks to your attention to this matter.
  • Lots of bonuses
  • Too many limitations on bonuses
This Is Vegas Casino
Hi Csw46,

Thank you for contacting us. Depending on the deposit method you use, please note that you may need to finalize the transaction by entering the confirmation information in the cashier. We will be happy to assist you via email or Live Chat (our live chat is currently experiencing technical difficulties, therefore you connection may have been affected). Thank you for your understanding. We are ready to resolve your issue as soon as we get more information via email.

Best regards,

Oliver King
Casino Host

Follow-up: Can you provide your username and I will be happy to investigate what has happened to your deposit.

Follow-up #2: We have contacted CasinoGuru to provide us your email so we can locate your account. Your deposit has now been manually credited along with your claimed promotion. We have emailed you so you can provide more feedback of the issues you experienced. Thank you for your patience with this matter.
Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet för This Is Vegas Casino

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Säkerhetsindex:Väldigt lågt2.7/10
Ett väldigt stort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är orättvisa
Förekommer inte på någon relevant svart lista över casinon
Klagomål från spelare anger en låg andel kvarhållna vinster i förhållande till casinots storlek
Vi tog även hänsyn till andra faktorer som hade en negativ inverkan på casinots säkerhetsindex
Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

Har det här casinot behandlat dig orättvist?

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Varning:Orättvis regel för maximal vinst baserat på det totala insättningsbeloppet
Detta casino har en orättvis regel, som begränsar hur mycket pengar spelare kan vinna baserat på deras totala insatta belopp (även vid spel utan en bonus). Om du endast sätter in en mindre summa, kommer dina potentiella vinster att begränsas.
Viktigt: Casinot kan konfiskera pengar från vilande konton Detta casino drar av hela saldot (eller en väldigt hög regelbunden avgift för vilande konton) från spelarkonton som har varit inaktiva under en kort tidsperiod (3 till 6 månader).

Orättvisa villkor

  • Detta casino förbjuder vissa satsningsmönster eller strategier (även vid spel utan en bonus), men vi har inte sett denna regel användas mot spelare ännu.
  • Detta casino drar av hela saldot (eller en väldigt hög regelbunden avgift för vilande konton) från spelarkonton som har varit inaktiva under en kort tidsperiod (3 till 6 månader).
  • Detta casino begränsar hur mycket pengar spelare kan vinna när de spelar med riktiga pengar (utan en bonus).

Andra faktorer

  • Drivs med en falsk licens
  • Låg uttagsgräns: A$1 000/vecka

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