HemOnlinecasinonKats Casino recension
Kats Casino recension

Casinot är stängt

Kats Casino har stängts och är inte längre i drift.

Visa rekommenderade casinon
> 5 000 000 €
Ingen licens
ÖversiktAnvändarrecensioner59Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion78

Casinot är stängt

Kats Casino har stängts och är inte längre i drift.

Visa rekommenderade casinon
Viktigt: Casinot drivs utan en licens Detta casino drivs utan en licens. Som ett resultat av detta är casinot inte tvunget att följa regler som fastställts av tillsynsmyndigheter. Du kommer dessutom inte att kunna vända dig till någon tillsynsmyndighet om du stöter på problem.
Rekommenderade casinon för dig
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Överlag ett bra casino
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Kats Casino Recension

Vårt oberoende granskningsteam har tagit en noggrann titt på Kats Casino och utvärderat dess styrkor och svagheter i enlighet med vår granskningsprocess för casinon. Vid utvärderingen av det här casinots säkerhet och lämplighet för svenska spelare har vårt granskningsteam analyserat viktiga faktorer som villkor, licenser, klagomål från spelare, kundsupport, gränser och andra relevanta aspekter för att fastställa var casinot befinner sig i spannet från säkert och trovärdigt till möjlig bluff och svindleri.

Baserat på insamlade data har vi fastställt casinots säkerhetsindex, vilket är ett betyg som tilldelas onlinecasinon för att beskriva deras nivå av säkerhet och rättvisa. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto större är sannolikheten att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. Kats Casino har ett säkerhetsindex under medel på 6.3, vilket gör det till ett mindre bra val för de flesta spelare när det gäller rättvisa och säkerhet. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av Kats Casino för att fatta ett välgrundat beslut om huruvida det här casinot passar dig bra eller inte.

Rättvisa och säkerhet hos Kats Casino

För att beräkna säkerhetsindexet för ett casino använder vi en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till den insamlade datan som behandlats i vår granskning. Det här inkluderar i vanligtvis casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor och liknande.

Vi har noga undersökt och analyserat villkoren för Kats Casino som ett led i vår granskning av Kats Casino. Vi har hittat vissa regler eller klausuler som vi inte gillade, men vi anser att villkoren överlag är rättvisa. En orättvis eller bedräglig regel skulle kunna utnyttjas för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare, men vi har endast observerat marginella problem med detta casino.

Baserat på våra uppskattningar och insamlad information bedömer vi att Kats Casino är ett medelstort onlinecasino. Det här casinot har ett medelvärde för nekade utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare med hänsyn till dess storlek. Eftersom större casinon ofta får ta emot fler klagomål på grund av att det har ett större antal spelare, tar vi hänsyn till både casinots storlek och feedback från spelare.

Vi har inte hittat Kats Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Om ett casino har hamnat på en svart lista, som exempelvis Casino Gurus lista över svartlistade casinon, kan det betyda att casinot har behandlat sina kunder illa. När du letar efter ett onlinecasino att spela på anser vi att det är av yttersta vikt att du tar detta på allvar.

Sammantaget, i kombination med andra faktorer som beaktas i vår granskning, har Kats Casino landat ett säkerhetsindex under medel på 6.3. Enligt vårt expertutlåtande är det här casinot inget bra val för spelare som letar efter ett onlinecasino som prioriterar säkerhet och en rättvis behandling av sina kunder.

Kats Casinos villkor

Vi granskar noggrant villkoren för varje casino vi utvärderar och bedömer deras skälighet. I villkoren för många casinon hittar vi regler som vi anser vara orättvisa eller uppenbart exploaterande, och det är ofta dessa regler casinon utnyttjar för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare.

Vi hittade några tveksamma regler eller villkor under vår granskning, men vi anser att Kats Casinos villkor till övervägande del är rättvisa.

Obs! För närmare information om våra granskningsresultat avseende villkoren, klicka här.

Klagomål från spelare relaterade till Kats Casino

Under vår granskningsprocess fäster vi extra vikt vid klagomål från spelare, då de ger oss viktiga insikter i de problem som spelare upplever och hur casinon väljer att hantera och lösa dem. När vi beräknar ett enskilt casinos säkerhetsindex tar vi hänsyn till både klagomål som skickats in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning och klagomål vi inhämtar från andra källor.

Vi har för närvarande 9 klagomål som rör detta casino i vår databas. På grund av dessa klagomål har vi tilldelat detta casino totalt 1 900 svarta poäng. Du hittar mer information om alla klagomål och svarta poäng i avsnittet "Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet" i denna recension.

Användarfeedback och utvärdering av Kats Casino

Casino Guru ger användare en plattform för att betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon, samt för att dela med sig av sina åsikter och erfarenheter. Baserat på denna information beräknar vi ett övergripande feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Utifrån de 59 användarrecensioner som finns av Kats Casino har det feedbackbetyget "Hemskt". Recensionerna finns tillgängliga i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Tänk på att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av casinots kvaliteter. En del recensioner kan vara falska, skrivna enbart för att förbättra casinots övergripande feedbackpoäng. Andra recensioner kan komma från missnöjda spelare som skriver många negativa recensioner för att försämra casinots rykte. Även om vi gör vårt yttersta för att filtrera bort sådana recensioner och fastställa ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg, avstår vi från att inkludera användarfeedback i vår beräkning av säkerhetsindexet på grund av dessa faktorer.

Företagsinformation och licenser för Kats Casino

Kats Casino har uppskattade årliga intäkter som överstiger $5,000,000. Det här etablerar det som ett medelstort onlinecasino inom ramarna för vår kategorisering.

Så långt vi känner till har Kats Casino inte beviljats en licens av någon tillsynsmyndighet för spelverksamhet.

Om betalningsmetoder samt gränser för vinster och uttag

Kats Casino accepterar 15 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: VISA, Mastercard, Diners Club, American Express, Bitcoin (BTC), USD Coin (USDC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Binance Coin (BNB), Pay by Phone, JCB, Tether (USDT), Check (Cheque), Discover, Bank wire.

Många onlinecasinon har satt gränser för hur mycket pengar en spelare kan vinna eller ta ut. Vissa casinon tillämpar vinst- eller uttagsgränser som kan vara ganska restriktiva. Dessa gränser är dock vanligtvis tillräckligt höga för att inte påverka de flesta spelare. Detta är skälet till att vi alltid tar hänsyn till dessa faktorer när vi utvärderar casinon. Du hittar all information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 000 USD per vecka Ingen vinstgräns
8 000 USD per månad
Obs! Det är inte säkert att alla betalningsmetoder som finns tillgängliga för spelare är tillgängliga för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att vissa metoder endast är tillgängliga i Sverige.

Tillgängliga språkalternativ och kundsupport

Som ett led i vår granskningsprocess samlar vårt expertteam in data rörande alternativ för kundsupport och tillgängliga språk. Tabellen nedan innehåller information om tillgängliga språk på Kats Casino.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7

I samband med vår granskning kontaktar vi alltid casinots kundsupport och testar deras svar för att ta reda på hur hjälpsamma och professionella de är. Eftersom en kundsupport kan hjälpa dig med problem relaterade till registreringsprocessen på Kats Casino, kontoproblem, uttag eller andra problem, är den en viktig parameter för oss. Kats Casino har en långsam eller dålig kundsupport baserat på resultaten av våra tester.

Kats Casino spelautomater och casinospel

Du kan spela följande typer av spel på Kats Casino: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Jackpottspel, Keno, Andra spel.

Titlar från 3 leverantörer av casinospel finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar Realtime Gaming, RTG Slots, SpinLogic Gaming.

Bonuserbjudanden och koder från Kats Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder incitament i form av bonusar för att uppmuntra både nya och befintliga spelare att registrera ett konto eller fortsätta spela. Bonusar utan insättning och insättningsbonusar är de vanligaste typerna. Medan insättningsbonusar endast delas ut när spelare gör en insättning, delas bonusar utan insättning eller freespins ut till spelare utan några sådana krav. Casinon kan också erbjuda bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering och olika lojalitetsprogram.

Just nu finns det 8 bonusar från Kats Casino i vår databas, inklusive:

  • 120 $ INSÄTTNINGSFRI BONUS och 25 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)
  • 120 $ INSÄTTNINGSFRI BONUS och upp till 100 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)
  • 120 $ INSÄTTNINGSFRI BONUS och upp till 80 extrasnurr (0,1 $/snurr)
  • 250 % upp till 1 000 $
  • 300 % upp till 1 000 $
  • 350 % upp till 1 000 $
  • 400 % upp till 1 000 $

Observera att vissa erbjudanden kanske bara är tillgängliga för spelare från specifika regioner. Om du vill ta reda på mer och se vilka bonusar du kan utnyttja i Sverige ska du läsa avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Ingen bingo
Ingen betting
Ingen baccarat
Inga livespel
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Inga skraplotter
Ingen betting på e-sport
Inga crash-spel


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • Realtime Gaming
  • RTG Slots
  • SpinLogic Gaming


  • Kasinot erbjuder specialerbjudanden
  • Bitcoin accepteras
  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7


  • Ingen licens
  • Uttagsavgifter

Intressanta fakta

  • Medelstort casino populärt i USA
Författare och garant: Mirka Dubasova Senast uppdaterat: 2025-01-29 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Användarrecensioner (59)

Användarrecensioner av Kats Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Kats Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.


Betygsatt av 59 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 2 månader sedan
I enjoyed playing at the casino but after I had played the bonus through they kept on saying no to the withdrawal and it continues to be that way and then today they tell me it's because I'm not in North America and I should deposit to be able to withdrawal but I still ain't in North America am I and then after all of that the customer service person just cuts me off cause I was writing a reply to his statement
  • I have nothing good to say about this casino
  • Can't get paid if you ain't in North America although they allow you play the bonus
  • Very cheeky service attendants
  • Don't understand what you are sayingl
• 5 månader sedan
Do Not Play at this Casino steals money. I sent video, screenshots showing exactly the issue was and they made it to where I could not win anymore and I went from 111.22 to less than 15.00 in a matter of seconds on fortunate Buddha and that's one of the ones that you win easily but didn't win anything. No response from customer support and sometimes all site lagging.
  • Cheats
  • After you bet it takes extra money out your balance
  • No response
• 8 månader sedan
You can play here only if you have a lot of time and patience for the BS that this casino will put you through. If the dictionary had the definition of the word Scamscino then this casino would be a perfect target to attribute this word. Sure, the initial free bonus is enticing. But do you really want to play that high of a wager requirement? If yes, then let's say that you miraculously made that requirement. Awesome, let's go withdraw this baby. It's pretty standard for casinos to limit withdrawals from no deposit bonuses to 100-200 dollars. But this casino is adamant on charging you a 30 dollar fee to cover a made up expense that does not exist. Ok... let's withdraw 70 dollars. You try to do KYC with them and initially the customer support seems attentive. But with each visit to talk to them. You begin to realize a common theme. They state that because you have not deposited, that THEY the customer support cannot access your account to help you out with KYC. Thus, you are locked into slow email correspondence with katbankingassist. This casino then requires you to send them the same document multiple times stating that they didn't receive it. When you send a document sometimes you get a automated reply from their email system but this doesn't say anything. However it does indicate that it was received by them. After sending the same documents to them multiple times I got fed up with their BS and decided that arbitration is the only way to make this casino move in the right direction. This was the right move as I was finally paid out almost 3 months later after I first started their arduous KYC procedure. The folks at Casinoguru did their best to mediate the situation and they were able to make them move. However, even this was delayed with Kat waiting to the last day of each 7 day reply to get something done. Also stating that I needed to send them withdrawal info like btc wallet when I already gave it to them 3 times. I would have been happy if they even said that they were tight on funds or were waiting for BTC price to increase before paying me out. Overall this casino is deceitful. I cannot state that this is incompetence because their whole system is created to make the withdrawal procedure painful so the player gives up and plays with their winnings. I urge all players thinking about depositing to refrain from supporting this type of business. Heed to all warnings of other players. I can only recommend people to play here if their sole purpose is to use the free chip to try and make this casino lose a little bit of money.

  • Large no deposit bonus
  • That no deposit bonus has a gargantuan playthrough
  • Delays KYC procedure and withdrawal on purpose
  • A non depositor cannot get standard help from live support. Thus incentivizing the player to deposit to get help from support. I highly recommend you not to deposit.
  • If I didn't seek arbitration, then who knows if and when this withdrawal would have happened.
• 8 månader sedan
The games are set unfairly, I literally got bored there were so many spins in a row without ANY payout, ridiculous wagering requirements and now I get sales calls on a regular basis even though I asked to be removed from the list. One of the worst sites
  • The no deposit bonus gave me an accurate idea about this casino
  • Ridiculous wagering requirements for bonuses: 200× the NDB
  • Settings on games are definitely in their favor: 300 spins in a row on a game and total winnings $4, total loses $180
  • They are relentless, I get phone calls from them even though I haven't used the account past the NDB and asked to be removed from the call list
• 9 månader sedan
Terrible casino site, my withdrawl got approved in January the site said they would have to pay me in payment which they stated I would get weekly. 6 months late I have only received half of my approved withdrawl amount. Customer service is useless and just keep saying technical issues from the third party payment team. Stay away from this site complete scam they refuse to pay players
  • Scam
  • Terrible customer service
  • Withdrawls take forever
• 10 månader sedan
5/21/2024 deposited $50.00. Got through the incredible $8000 playthrough. Just as playthrough completed my balance dropped from $760 to $498.98 right before my very eyes. I was like.."Ok..I guess the bonus money was removed and the rest is mine. (My max cashout was $500.00.) Put in the request. Was given the run around about my documents for WEEKS. Kept going to live chat (7 X in 1 day) Documents finally approved after weeks, go to put in my withdraw. I see it says pending w/d for $274.00!!! Go back to live chat and could not understand their explanation for the life of me. Why deplete a large part of my balance before I even have a chance to get it to maximum cashout. They took over $250 which I thought was the "bonus give back" BUT it wasnt!!!! THEN there is a $30.00 fee attached AND it apparently takes 7-10 business days to review it AGAIN...THEN another 7 (supposedly) days to receive. AND I use BITCOIN!!! Which takes less than 15 minutes on other casinos...this one (if I even get this money which I do not believe I will) in total will take about 3 months. I currently have $100 in my balance and can NOT w/d it until the other has been completed. Can you believe that? This Casino is tied with Lucky Legends as thee WORST establishment out there. They absolutely have ZERO intention of paying you ESPECIALLY if you have won a decent amount. The hopes, clearly, are that you finally just say f@ck it and abandon those funds. I wont lie...red flags IMMEDIETLY upon playing but still deposited money here anyway. So...MY fault. If you dont believe ANY other review on here...believe this one. It will save you money and heartache. There is a reason this place has NO license...and they really dont care. Clearly their goal is not satisfied customers, But getting as much as they can before they can no longer operate. Which I have to believe wont be much longer.
  • ZERO positives. ZERO!!
  • Scammers
  • Rip-off's
  • Liars
  • Thieves
  • Unlicensed
  • Verification took WEEKS
  • Payout takes MONTHS
• 10 månader sedan
I have no idea where to start my experience at this casino is beyond logic. After contestant phone calls an emails from a host I decided to make a deposit and play. I made this decision as a result of their liberal no rule’s bonuses 300% on $200 deposit. This is how my experience went. I have a games that I played tens of thousands of dollars thur. I understand how the ups and downs go. So week one I make deposit and have $800 to play with I run that up to $1300+. The game turn and I DO NOT win another bonus until I am broke. This is highly unlikely as I was adjusting my bet during the entire session. So week one 1300 without a win. Week 2 make deposit run it up to 1150 then here we go again not another win until it was all gone. I play Goblins of gems and it has a bonus where you start with 3 of the spin and win places filled and u only need three more for bonus. I hit this bonus 3 times during the losing streak and never received the other 3. In all my thousands of sessions this has NEVER occurred 3 times in a row NeVER. I was up set and told chat to self exclude me from their site. I also followed this up with an email requesting the same. Apparently that is not enough my host called again yesterday and I told him about my request and he just ignored it. To make long story short made $200 deposit last night Took my $800 and they didnt even tease this time took all 800 without any bonus was never up a dime. So 3 weeks in row lost 1300 1100 and 800 each time started loosing and never corrected. This is impossible so take it how you want but this is my experience with Kats. I play daily and do so with the intention of making $ and I know when something is not playing like it should. I gave them one chance too many so be aware
  • Good bonuses
  • Games dont run fair
• 10 månader sedan
Used a no deposit bonus code for a free $120.
Wagering was $6000.
I made over $1000 on the original $120 with only a small amount of wagering left.
They then Bumped me out of my account, refused to send a password reset email, and when I finally managed to log back in after chatting with some very shady support, my account was empty.
Thankfully I had not deposited any real money but I can only assume because I was going to win on their no deposit bonus they decided to just clear my account instead of paying me out of what I was going to win.

Shady, awful. Don't waste your time.

Can't rate their withdrawal service since they made sure I never got that far.
  • Dishonest
  • Scam
• 1 år sedan
I originally won $1482. I deposited $115 with a 250% bonus. Based on their calculations your allowed to take out 10X of your deposit which would be $1115. After I completed the play thru I had $1482 in my account. When I went to withdraw they removed 345 for the bonus and an additional $50 for the fee to get a check. That left my account at $1090 under review.. But then they said we take the bonus from your Max allowable cash out which they did. They took an additional 345 and an additional $50 that's left me with $695 cash out. To me this is totally unfair. I closed my account. .
  • None that I can think of
  • No license
  • Its not 10x cash out of your deposit
  • Its 10x of your deposit less the bonus and fees 2x
  • Customer service runs you around when there is an issue
• 1 år sedan
So used welcome code " welcome220"
Gave me 120$ chip ndbs a
And 100fs on samba
Thought to myself ,.oh my!, how very generous of them .. 100fs didn't fair so well only bagged 29
*DrumRoll* grand total of 149. ..not to shabby katscasino... TILL U OPEN HAND SMACKED ME with the playthrough...$11,000.00 ( yes 11k)
Are u serious? That's like 80/90x play through.. that's ridiculous man, Eleven thousand dollers. U want me to wager....on select slots and games ..Eleven thousand dollers ....and still pull a profit? You are absolute out of your feline minds. Make something a little more manageable .. u can keep the 149 I not even gonna waist my time ....u go buy u some fancy feast , sum kitten kabootle , and a fat ass sack of cat nip with that... Your welcome....just use coupon code *KittyNips149*
The chat is also for nothin here i would say, so overall not good for me.😐.....😶‍🌫️......,😂🤣😅😭
  • Nope..got nothin...at all
  • ⬆️⬆️⬆️see review ⬆️⬆️⬆️
• 1 år sedan
This place is a complete scam first off they have lied through through out the computers meased up messed up my deposit amount everything then they said that there was a bonus so they are claiming my 100 dollar deposit was a bonus look on there page they dont have one so you tell me it was like 1100% deposit first off then they said they paid me to much bull on my deposit its all a bunch of bull im up 32000 ive tried to withdrawl i dont know how many times i call they say they will call me back they fucking never do they are a scam 100% strwight up scam oh amd i played through all of it which is complete bull crap i want my money i won fair and square you guys are a joke taking peoples money misleading them lying like you have me pay up honor ive done nothing but jump through all your hoops then yall said i mixed funds or something bull shit
  • Dont mess with this place you will get positive from just that
  • Scammers lying miss leading
  • I want my money i won fairly
  • You should be shut down
• 1 år sedan
This Casino is a scam. I don't know how they got my phone number but they call me with a recording everyday, sometimes two or three times a day, they seem like a very desprate casino looking for players. I would stay away!!
  • nothing.
  • Harassing phone calls. The site design looks like a kindergartener created it.
• 1 år sedan
After watching gurus slot video I realized that the slots are not budging bonus symbols they aren’t showing up because the rtp is so low and the game server already sent the results so it can’t land on it. If you do get a bonus the rtp of the slot is so low that you’ll end up getting minimal back. I went through 500!betting one dollar a spin and hit 3!bonus rounds. They totaled 10,13,5. Rtp of slots is ridiculously low so not play here
  • Customer support is good
  • Free chips
  • Nudging bonus symbols off paylines
  • Rtp of slots is super low
• 1 år sedan
Very rude if you have question to ask my balance told me 1000 bucks was in it when to customer service to ask about it got the run around then got told to just deposit then they can look at my account then tell me what's going on when I ask for a supervisor they just end the chat had to go ba k into the chat go through twoo different people just to be given the first one to find out they were the supervisor but I don't think they were because all supervisor when the login to chat it says supervisor the chat head part don't go to this casino only if you like ruds people and crappy service
• 1 år sedan
I shudder to think that I actually played at Kats Casino, knowing what I know now.
I was scammed. Plain and simple. Money that I honestly won using no bonuses, no promotions - just my money - was denied me. I do have screenshots of all of my activities showing I played within the rules.
They knew I did, so the only thing they could come up with to keep from paying me my full winnings was tell me I "mixed funding." Using no bonuses, no promotions I deposited money to game with and when I had $17 of my money left in my account I deposited again to have a larger amount to game with. Kats said that was considered "mixed funding." They offered me $300 of my $670.70 winnings from that day. I don’t consider that merciful, especially since they also denied me another $1000 in winnings. Be careful gaming at Kats if you must game there. There is more, such as them sneaking withdrawal requests into my account that I did not request. I have screenshots of that as well. They did not answer my emails or phone calls. I had to chat with them numerous times to get someone to call me. It took a couple of weeks until I was told I would not get my full winnings. What a racket. I am very disappointed in Kats.
  • Fun Slots, friendly account manager.
  • Dishonest, sneaky and tricky
  • Terrible customer service by the payout team
• 2 år sedan
They erased my account after I won with their sign up bonus. They don’t even receive emails for account verification since their mailbox is full. So if you win good luck in getting paid.
  • Happy I didn’t deposit there.
  • Did what any dirty casino would do. They are scammers.
• 2 år sedan
I went from $317 betting a dollar fifty and one push and went down to $91 and they thought I wasn't going to notice that they took $207 for me on one push at a dollar fifty they're scam artist it's a joke don't play it I don't care if they're giving you the f****** money they're scam
  • Nothing positive at all
  • It's all negative there's nothing positive
• 2 år sedan
This Hass to be the worst customer service I’ve ever dealt with in my entire life I keep getting disconnected from the representative the same representative over and over and he refuses to fix my issue I made a deposit and did not get my bonus and they will not fix it they will not return my money they are Fraud
• 2 år sedan
120$ gratis välkomstbonus och sedan fick jag höra av supporten att spelare från Tyskland inte betalas ut och mitt konto är helt enkelt blockerat. Bör definitivt svartlistas då detta casino inte betalar ut och lurar folk.
  • Hittade tyvärr absolut inget positivt om casinot
  • Bedrägeri, skapa bara regler som inte finns i deras användarvillkor eller någon annanstans på deras hemsida
  • inga utbetalningar för tyska kunder
  • grundlösa kontoavstängningar
• 2 år sedan
I'd give more stars but after trying to dep last night 50.00 in bitcoin and it went through and left my coinbase account,however it's not on the site nor in my account.Not sure where it is.I got an email from a coin site that said it was a refund,but it don't say who or where it came from.I don't click on links in my emails as most are viruses or lots of spam.
  • Site did pay my winnings.wasnt much but something
  • Dep though bitcoin takes hours to show when it goes right in on other sites within 5 min of dep it
• 2 år sedan
I joined the casino today and I had automatically 120 dollars on the account.

I managed to wager it and there was a 100 dollars maximum cash out.

But it was impossible to withdraw, the only possible option was through bitcoin which has a 30 dollars fee lol.

I tried to withdraw, it says you will receive 70 but when you click the button it fails because it's not 100 because of the fee.

They really prepared everything well so we cannot withdraw. They are pathetic.

I don't understand why you give them more than 5, they should be blacklisted for acting like that.

If you offer a bonus automatically, at least honor it by respecting player and make it cashable. Shameful.
  • Nothing positive to say
  • Welcome free bonus is a scam, you won't be able to withdraw even after completing the wager because of enormous fee.
  • 30 dollars fee on withdrawal
Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet

Förklaring av säkerhetsindexet för Kats Casino

Ta en titt på förklaringen av de faktorer vi beaktar vid beräkningen av säkerhetsindexet för Kats Casino. Säkerhetsindexet är den viktigaste parametern vi använder för att beskriva tillförlitligheten, rättvisan och kvaliteten för alla onlinecasinon i vår databas.

Ett medelstort casino, baserat på vår efterforskning och uppskattningar
Vi anser att casinots villkor är mestadels rättvisa
Förekommer inte på någon relevant svart lista över casinon
Klagomål från spelare anger en medelhög andel kvarhållna vinster i förhållande till casinots storlek
Vi tog även hänsyn till andra faktorer som hade en något negativ inverkan på casinots säkerhetsindex
Beräkningen av det här casinots säkerhetsindex baseras på våra efterforskningar och data som inhämtats av vårt casinogranskningsteam. Läs mer om vår granskningsmetod

Har det här casinot behandlat dig orättvist?

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Viktigt: Casinot drivs utan en licens Detta casino drivs utan en licens. Som ett resultat av detta är casinot inte tvunget att följa regler som fastställts av tillsynsmyndigheter. Du kommer dessutom inte att kunna vända dig till någon tillsynsmyndighet om du stöter på problem.

Andra faktorer

  • Saknar en licens
  • Långsam eller dålig kundtjänst
  • Låg uttagsgräns: 8 000 $/månad

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