ForumCasinonVelobet Casino – generell diskussion

Velobet Casino – generell diskussion (sida 14)

11 månader sedan av Landgraf1994
16778 visningar 272 svar |
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1 månad sedan

What is the sort code where your money was processed to?

3 veckor sedan

Det enda säkerhetsindex som har är 0. Alla vet det och alla vill maskera sig hur de vill och det är den enda sanningen.

Automatiskt översatt:
3 veckor sedan

I got denied verification because i verified with a government issued UK drivers license. This is literally the only form of id i own and this is the only casino to deny me of my winnings because they dont accept a legitimate drivers license with my photo and all my identity details on it, even with a selfie of me holding it, sitting on £1000 and cant get it out, casinos a scam mate

3 veckor sedan

Signed up to velobet, was enjoying playing, deposited about £400 and was loving it, managed to hit some big bonuses and ended up with £1000 in my account, tried to withdraw and was hit with a verification before withdrawal. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary i will provide them with a photo ID (drivers license) front and back and a pic of me holding it, address and proof of bank card.

Proof of address and bank card accepted, drivers license denied, i dont own any other form of ID and am now stuck with £1000 in the account for no reason. Never had this problem woth any other site, a UK drivers license is a legit government issued form of identity and am now thinking im being scammed for my winnings.

Any advice?


3 veckor sedan säkerhetsindex 0 de vet det här och på alla sajter redan.

Automatiskt översatt:
3 veckor sedan

This needs to be proven first, I'm afraid. Your complaint may play a significant role, but we have to wait for its outcome. Changing any Safety Index to zero based on an open complaint would be irrational.

Don't worry, the players who want to inspect the casino before registering there have a fair chance to do so.

Your complaint and this thread are public. Try to calm down, please, and let the complaint proceed.

3 veckor sedan

Signed up to velobet, was enjoying playing, deposited about £400 and was loving it, managed to hit some big bonuses and ended up with £1000 in my account, tried to withdraw and was hit with a verification before withdrawal. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary i will provide them with a photo ID (drivers license) front and back and a pic of me holding it, address and proof of bank card.

Proof of address and bank card accepted, drivers license denied, i dont own any other form of ID and am now stuck with £1000 in the account for no reason. Never had this problem woth any other site, a UK drivers license is a legit government issued form of identity and am now thinking im being scammed for my winnings.

Any advice?


3 veckor sedan


As can be seen in this thread, you are not the only one having issues with this casino. I would love to provide a concrete answer, but instead, I want to ask you: Has anyone from the casino explained why your ID was denied? I mean, they should be able to explain in full.

We, on the other hand, can barely guess.

Let us know what you've been told.

3 veckor sedan

Jag är väldigt lugn och jag litar på Matej men casinogrejen är alltid samma svar och de klargör inte eller svarar på någonting, för efter att ha blivit informerad om att det finns spelare med spelberoende tillåter de dem att fortsätta sätta in och satsa och spela med sina liv därför måste indexet Säkerhet sänkas rejält eftersom det händer många spelare och det spelar ingen roll att en persons liv är lika mycket värt som mångas, casinot kommer också att stå för det, säger jag.

Automatiskt översatt:
3 veckor sedan

You don't have to worry, but as Radka mentioned, the safety index will change when the case is closed, of course based on how it turns out. 

You have the opportunity to see, as I did, that Matej said that we are on your side in this case and therefore he has to look at what the casino sent him on Skype again.

I hope that this saga will be resolved as soon as possible and, importantly, fairly. 

We will have to wait for further developments, so keep your composure. 

3 veckor sedan

Jag ska göra ett klagomål!

Jag kan inte verifiera mig själv! De vill ha bevis på ett kreditkort. Det är helt okej. Men min är en nätbank och jag har inget "riktigt" kort! En skärmdump från min mobiltelefon accepteras inte!

Jag har förklarat problemet flera gånger i livechatten. Jag blev ombedd att skriva ett mejl, men ingen svarade!

Automatiskt översatt:
3 veckor sedan

Hi, I'm sorry when situations like this arise, because I would always be happy if players could find a reasonable way to talk with the casino. So you don't have a physical card, do you? Did you try to ask them if something could serve as an alternative from online banking, where they could verify something like that ? 

Regarding the complaint, I saw that it is in review status, so our team will try to help you. 

If by any chance you manage to verify or find out something new, I'd certainly be glad if you could let me know. 

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good outcome. 🤞

2 veckor sedan

Jag tror att när ett casino tar på sig sin skuld och säkerhetsindexet inte sänks utan att ens myndigheterna förstår eftersom det inte är modifierat och ingen svarar på någonting så är det svårt att behålla lugnet.

Automatiskt översatt:
2 veckor sedan

Technically, your complaint has not been closed yet, so the outcome still awaits. I think that Matěj took quite an interest in your case, and he has been attending a few quite demanding international events. Let's give it the proper time. Once the complaint is closed, there will be a proper response and closure for you.


(I'm sorry it's in English)

Ändrad av författare 2 veckor sedan
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