HemForumCasinonTikiTaka Casino – generell diskussion

TikiTaka Casino – generell diskussion (sida 4)

 av Karen1234567890
7 072 visningar 93 svar |
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Jag insåg nu att det är en bluff, jag ber om hjälp för att få tillbaka mina 30 euro

Automatiskt översatt:

Hello, could you please describe your situation and what happened in the casino?


Yes. I played again yestreday so i'm waiting for a 300 e withdrawal now


May I ask, though, if you got paid the full amount in your complaint already?

Just asking to know if the complaint can be closed now, you know.

Because the 300e is not included there, actually.

mitt uttag behandlas fortfarande, jag skulle vilja veta hur länge... det är bara 30 euro...

Automatiskt översatt:

I don't think there is an answer to that. You will have to keep track of your withdrawal and wait for the casinos to approve and send it to you. They haven't said anything to you yet? 

If we can't get your money, we'll try to help you with the complaint you have open.

Jag fick betalt idag, tack.

Får jag veta i casinoguru hur man kontrollerar nivån på ett kasino? Det är väldigt hög nivå, hög, låg ... Jag måste kolla några kasinon för att bestämma var det är bättre att spela

Automatiskt översatt:

Funds received in my bank just now .

I decided to do a international bank transfer this time around and it was successful .

Tip :

If you gave issues withdrawing money from Tikitaka casino using your bank debit card( visa)

Like I did

Then try selecting a international bank transfer as this has worked for me

It to 5 continus days( 4 working)

I withdrew £200 gbp and I have received £198.60 so it's cost me £1.40 - a small price to pay I'm just glad I have been paid my winnings.

Note: when you are declined a withdrawl they send you a email confirming the fact, read the email as it says "Hint you can withdrawl money using bank transfers ".

This is a big clue on how to withdraw money if you have been previously having problems using your debit card!.

Hope this works for all of you.

Good luck with getting your money.

Once you have done so , think about depositing with TikiTaka


Jag fick betalt idag, tack.

Får jag veta i casinoguru hur man kontrollerar nivån på ett kasino? Det är väldigt hög nivå, hög, låg ... Jag måste kolla några kasinon för att bestämma var det är bättre att spela

Automatiskt översatt:

Hi, almost everything you need to know about a casino is written in the review. Next to the casino itself you have the Safety Index, which is a number that reflects how safe we think the casino is. Also in the safety index itself you have a description of what we take into account and why we decided to give the casino the rating it has.

Also, I would definitely also look at the user reviews or complaints for a given casino to get an overview of what the players are dealing with and maybe what is the most common problem or vice versa if the players are satisfied with the casino.

Of course it doesn't have to be immediately conclusive, but it can help to make decisions. This is to say that the higher the safety index is, the more prone the casino is to having fewer problems. On the other hand, I am not saying that none can occur even in the best casinos. 

So try to look at everything that is necessary and decide accordingly.🙂

Funds received in my bank just now .

I decided to do a international bank transfer this time around and it was successful .

Tip :

If you gave issues withdrawing money from Tikitaka casino using your bank debit card( visa)

Like I did

Then try selecting a international bank transfer as this has worked for me

It to 5 continus days( 4 working)

I withdrew £200 gbp and I have received £198.60 so it's cost me £1.40 - a small price to pay I'm just glad I have been paid my winnings.

Note: when you are declined a withdrawl they send you a email confirming the fact, read the email as it says "Hint you can withdrawl money using bank transfers ".

This is a big clue on how to withdraw money if you have been previously having problems using your debit card!.

Hope this works for all of you.

Good luck with getting your money.

Once you have done so , think about depositing with TikiTaka


Great, I'm glad you got the money. I see that you also have useful information, or a tip for players. If the casino also advised you in the email, that should be the case and they should help players in such situations. 

So can I know how long the whole withdrawal process took in the end? 🙂


Hej 5 dagar, för jag ringde tillbaka till dem och de svarade: ursäkta förseningen, vi är inne i de sista kontrollerna och snart kommer du att få dina pengar (30 euro)

Automatiskt översatt:

Just to note, the post you replied to was for the other player.

But don't worry about that. We appreciate the details!

What about the Safety Index, though? Do you have questions, perhaps? Just asking because it is a very complex topic and we love to help players stay safe.

När jag spelade och vann på en roulette så gick inte pengarna till mitt konto, jag skickade en skärmdump av tidpunkten för vinsten och jag väntar två dagar på att pengarna ska krediteras, när jag kontaktade dem berättar de att den relevanta avdelningen inte har granskat det.. Jag har läst andra recensioner att det är ett falskt företag men jag är nyfiken på att se om de kommer in

Automatiskt översatt:

Hi, that's quite strange but I guess there can be such a technical error, I've seen it a couple of times. When you sent them screenshots, I would wait a little bit longer and if they don't let you know what happened to your bet, then I would file a complaint.

Will you try to hang on a little longer?


I nästa kommunikation sa de till mig att väntetiden kunde ta en månad tills pengarna är insatta och jag sa menar vi allvar?? en månad? Jag kan inte göra någonting utan jag vill bara se hur lång tid det tar och om de faktiskt sätter in pengarna.

Automatiskt översatt:

If it's one bet, I don't think waiting a month is what I would want either. In that case I would probably open a complaint sooner, although I will still say that we would also have to wait for a decision from the game provider or the casino. 

But if you go for it definitely let me know.


Jag ska ha tålamod i fem dagar eftersom vi bara pratar om ett vad.

Automatiskt översatt:

Well then, let's wait a few days and then you can come to me again. 😉

Det finns många negativa recensioner av detta tiki take casino. under tiden kunde de omedelbart återbetala min insättning med en liten vinst på 33 euro.

Vilket andra casinon som är högt rankade här som winspirit inte har gjort. Faktum är att de har en bedrägerimetod som tar dina insättningsvinster och sätter dem direkt i bonusen... och när du bara har bonusen begränsar de dig till bara några få spel att spela och för att göra bonusen verklig finns det en mycket hög multiplikator med alla spel på en mycket låg rtp. Detta är en bluff.

Enligt min erfarenhet verkade inte Tiki Taka vara en bluffsajt, tvärtom.

Automatiskt översatt:

What do you mean that they have refunded you your deposit, though?🤔

Could you tell us what exactly happened there, please?

I really don't understand it, because you said that they pay you your winnings as well, so how come they refunded your deposit? 🤷‍♀️

I got lost here, really.


Jag kom tillbaka till ämnet, tyvärr gör de narr av mig varje dag att de kollar mitt konto men jag ser inga pengar som sätts in, jag informerade dem också via mail, hur kan någon lämna in ett klagomål? Jag blir arg över hånet, jag vet att jag inte kommer att få det

Automatiskt översatt:
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