Hej, tyvärr är detta ett problem som tydligen händer ofta, jag hade samma fall, jag fick vänta flera dagar innan jag fick utbetalning av mina vinster, dessutom stängde han definitivt mitt konto och sa att det var jag som gjorde det, medan jag fortfarande hade mer än 400 euro på mitt spelarkonto, jag har sedan dess försökt få tillbaka dessa mer än 400 euro, det enda svaret de ger mig är att ha tålamod... eller så svarar han bara inte
Hello, unfortunately these are a problem that apparently happens often, I had the same case, I had to wait several days before being paid my winnings, in addition he definitively closed my account, saying that it was me who did it, while I still had more than 400 euros in my player account, I have since been trying to recover these more than 400 euros, the only answer they give me is to be patient... or he just doesn't respond