The player from Germany had been informed of a refund amounting to 468 Euros by Despite being told the funds were to arrive in 2-3 days, the player had not received the funds and the casino had stopped responding. The player had contacted the Licensing Authority, who suggested patience in awaiting the refund. The Complaints Team, however, had decided not to pursue the case further due to recent developments and clarification from the Licensing Authority, suggesting potential system manipulation by the player. Consequently, the complaint was rejected.
The player later confirmed that he had received the refund amounting to 468 Euros from Nordis Casino. Consequently, the complaint had been successfully resolved and closed.
Spelaren från Tyskland hade informerats om en återbetalning på 468 euro av Trots att man fick veta att pengarna skulle komma inom 2-3 dagar, hade spelaren inte fått pengarna och kasinot hade slutat svara. Spelaren hade kontaktat Licensing Authority, som föreslog tålamod i väntan på återbetalningen. Klagomålsteamet hade dock beslutat att inte driva ärendet vidare på grund av den senaste utvecklingen och förtydliganden från Licensing Authority, vilket tyder på potentiell systemmanipulation av spelaren. Följaktligen avslogs klagomålet. Spelaren bekräftade senare att han fått återbetalningen på 468 Euro från Nordis Casino. Följaktligen hade klagomålet lösts och avslutats.
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