ForumKlagomålsdiskussionQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (sida 86)

9 månader sedan av kirekin
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1 månad sedan

How did you find Mydates?:0

Can you see if you can Find "Ticketzone, Les Milles" also says "Lovin'You Prod" on the same Transactions.

Blossomnet solutions: just refund if you got Revolut, only refund i got from them actually, tell em you havent got anything and they dont answer mails.

Ändrad av författare 1 månad sedan
1 månad sedan är deras mail ?

1 månad sedan

Inte fått svar än.

1 månad sedan

Write an email to Mydates and Cleverprix*Dota/cleverprix*csgo, at the same time and address it to the owner by his name and put his home address in as well. That might shake it up a bit. Worth a try. Tell him he has 24 hours to reply and if he doesn’t tell him you will email again but you will CC in police Scotland and local news Edinburgh Live.

1 månad sedan

Sorry I’m not sure. There was a table that someone made with names and possible contact information but you would need to search this forum. Not sure how far back it will be.

1 månad sedan

Dom betalar inget. Kör på finansinspektionen som vi andra ska göra.

1 månad sedan

Do you have the details though?

1 månad sedan

I’ve found it thanks

1 månad sedan

Sorry, but I think you are a bit delusional. (don't want to be offensive, sorry if it seems that way). So if you manage to win, they SHOULD pay you, but if you lose, than OMG they are scammers and go get your money back trough chargebacks? What kind of logic is that?

Don't want to defend casinos, because I know what they are, but this seems very unreasonable, to me. I've managed to win at few Curacao licensed brands and they paid out my winnings. Managed to lose as well, but to go and request chargebacks because I didn't win, is ridiculous.

1 månad sedan

I totally agree, to be honest. There is a simpler way to avoid this. Don't play at Curacao or don't play at all, if you are not willing to take the winning or losing risk.

1 månad sedan

Have you ever gone through forums and seen how they take advantage of people with gambling addictions? Have you ever won €10,000 from a casino after initially losing €13,000, only to get a "goodwill" bonus, win back your money, but then be told you can only withdraw a maximum of 10x your bonus? Have you ever had your winnings confiscated because you accidentally entered a wrong digit in your postal code? I assume you haven’t.

Clearly, many others and I share the same view here: trying to get something back if possible. If you can, why not?

You can come in and play devil's advocate all you want. I respect your opinion. But don't quote me. I don't owe you an explanation. 

There are definitely some good casinos out there that offer responsible gaming, proper payments, and good services. 

However, the casinos you defend disguise payments, involve shady businesses from Russia, Africa, and other regions to open scam companies and process payments through them. They confiscate winnings, disregard people, and try to rob them as much as possible.

1 månad sedan

Morning all

i have removed all of my posts on this forum and suggest you all do to. I have been contacted by a company who’s name appears on this thread a lot who have been reading this thread and what we are doing is actually illegal and they intend on prosecuting anyone who continues to publicly post about these refunds.

I would get this thread closed down if I was as it’s harming more people in the long run. The payment processor isn’t messing around and we can all be sued for this.

1 månad sedan

Interesting! Specially that part when they claim that "users have been trying to manipulate transaction information…."

Am I the one using the wrong MCC or what do they mean?

1 månad sedan

Don’t let any scammers silence you. You have every right to question their methods and to believe that what they’re doing is a total scam. It’s quite amusing that they’ve taken on the roles of both police and thief. They are the ones acting criminally, hiring Ivan from Russia to open a shop and sell "gaming consoles."

1 månad sedan

To be honest I’m not sure. I wasn’t aware what we were doing was illegal but it 100% is. I am not allowed to speak about it anymore as they have reported me to the authorities and will do for anyone else who contacts them. This thread needs deleting

1 månad sedan

Noda (Naudapay) aren’t scammers though. They are a reputable company who are regulated by the Financial conduct authority in the Uk

1 månad sedan

same happened with me. As I already mentioned - by bank account got frozen! And I received 2 legal letters; one from payment and one from casino .

Now bank is saying that investigation is being done. and I can't get to my money.

And this happened because I listened to this forum. thanks a lot. I am in panick right now.

1 månad sedan

Seems like we all did that according to that company. Strange!

1 månad sedan

For example, I've disputed charges with my bank because I believe these casinos have acted wrongly. They have manipulated merchant codes. I have been 100% transparent and honest with my bank. These scam companies are not the judges here. They don't get to decide what is legal or not. I have never claimed to have purchased goods; I have been entirely truthful with my bank.

And if, by some chance, this is deemed illegal, there are proper institutions to make that determination.

What are they going to sue you for? For receiving misleading information? For never having the chance to agree that your transactions would be labeled as clothing purchases or book payments?

Hahahahaha, if you scammers are reading this, one thing: FUCK YOU.

1 månad sedan

The problem with all this is that the transactions would never be accepted by the bank, if the casinos used the right MCC.

Im pretty sure most of the people in this thread have gambling problems, and do what they can to protect themselves. Atleast I didn’t request chargebacks because I lost the money, I do it because if they followed the rules I wouldn’t be able to play there to begin with.

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