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Suprabets Casino – generell diskussion (sida 7)

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7 månader sedan

Hej bra...


Automatiskt översatt:
7 månader sedan

I understand your point, but as far as I understand, the reason is directly bound to sports betting-related rules.

Or at least, this is my observation. Well, shall see through the complaint. 🤞🤞

Inlägg av Alexisyago har raderats
6 månader sedan

Hello. I am sorry we could not help you with the issue you have at this casino, as it is related to the sports betting. Have you tried the sites Radka had recommended to you, by any chance? I will post the links again, just in case:

Wishing you all the best in solving your issue. 🤞

6 månader sedan

Jag vet inte om du läser... Jag upprepar:

De anklagar mig först för att ha tillfogat 11,5. Jag ber dig att ge mig förklaringar och lämna tillbaka pengarna.

För det andra anklagar de mig för att ha brutit mot 12.7 (olaglig verksamhet), det senare går emot min person och goda namn. Detta är ett klagomål, även om du vill dölja det som en sportvadslagningstvist (DET ÄR DET INTE)... Jag ber dig att lämna tillbaka pengarna som stals från mig. Och du Guru Casino... är ansvarig för det höga betyg du gav till Suprabets.

Ändrad av författare 6 månader sedan
Automatiskt översatt:
6 månader sedan

Hello. Thank you for your post. I can see, that you have not mentioned the violating of the terms 12.7 (illegal activities) anywhere in your complaint before. If you feel that this new information is not related to sports betting and is worth mentioning, please contact our complaint team about this matter, so they can work with this new information from you, and see what they can do about it, in order to help you out.

I am sorry we couldn't help you out with your case before, Petronela has explained the reason in your complaint: "We sincerely apologize for our inability to resolve your case. However, please feel free to reach out to us if you encounter any issues with other casinos in the future. Since we currently do not have a department specifically dedicated to sports betting disputes, and lack sufficient expertise in handling such cases, we are regrettably unable to proceed with your complaint. I genuinely wish I could have been of more assistance. I understand your assertion that sports betting is not related to your account closure. However, respectfully, based on the listed rule 11.5, I contend that sports betting was the primary reason for your account closure. Rule 11.5 is comprehensive and contains paragraphs directly related to your betting habits and the games you wager on."

Also, I would like to ad, that we are not trying to cover up anything, we're always keen to keep things transparent, so everyone is able to see all the information we provide. Unfortunately we are not able to return your money to you, we will try to help you out, so casino will do that, but only in case that it will not be sports related.

The safety index of each casino is based on many factors, which we take into consideration regarding casino, as per casino games and not the sports, as we do not have any team, which could gather these information and include those in the safety index.

Please try to contact our complaint team with the new information, so we can see if they could move any further with this issue of yours.

6 månader sedan

I wasn't gonna write anything more, but I have to react to this:

However, respectfully, based on the listed rule 11.5, I contend that sports betting was the primary reason for your account closure. Rule 11.5 is comprehensive and contains paragraphs directly related to your betting habits and the games you wager on."

Most of the cases and situations mentioned in this rule are not possible to prove and not possible to verify.

It's easy to show that someone used double accounts or some money laundering probably, but the betting habits are something else.

Basically they are asking here to make a betting decion based on radnom pick, 1 X 2 with their eyes closed. Only in that case you are considered as recreational player, but also only if you don't win. Try to win some large multibet, and try to withdraw that amount, same thing is going to happen.

If I like to search for best odds and compare the odds, and look for tonight's lineups, who is injured and who plays in a team where he doesn't want to be, if I follow social posts of players, if I follow the odds developments and the change throughout a day, and after all that find some value for me somewhere, I have every right to to take that bet and try to cash in on my hard work.

I consider my research a hard work.

If the Casino on the other hand, finds this process to be unfair, they have every right to declare a bet a voided bet. And they have a right to limit players they see as a pattern or professional players.

But, for a thousand and first time, they don't have the right to steal your money as some crazy imagined compensation for something!

Actually they could have that right If they were to prove that all of the mentioned activities are against the betting rules of the gambling and sports licence holder.

And than also, the licence provider has to confirm that this praxis of confiscating funds of players for compensation is in compliance with current laws of the state, in this case Curaçao.

I simply don't see it as possible, I mean you have drug cartels with convicted members where the state has trouble in confiscating all of the property due to legal reasons.

In short, suprabets treats us worse then the members of drug cartels are treated from the state.

Ändrad av författare 6 månader sedan
6 månader sedan

I'm not saying I disagree with you,

yet the player has to declare that to the licensing authority, in my opinion.

Once sports betting gets directly involved, and as you probably noted, there has been an update saying, "they accuse me of violating 12.7 (illegal activities)" which also indicates this case is out of the simply fair or not fair perspective we aim to apply, there is little we can do.

Where we lack the expertise to proceed further, in casino matters, the usual recommendation is to reach out to the authority, when sports betting accrues, however, we expect experts to push forward. Here comes the aforementioned list of other websites focusing on sports betting.

6 månader sedan

Till och med alla bevis jag skickade till dem. Du avvisar påståendet. De gör ursäkten att det av misstag skulle vara vadslagning, mitt påstående är inte det. Det handlar om pengarna som stulits av suprabets... och även om du inte vill erkänna det är du direkt ansvarig för den mycket höga säkerhetspoängen. De är en skam.

Automatiskt översatt:
6 månader sedan

Sorry your complaint was rejected, not by us, here on forum, but by our complaint team, as they have a strong believe, that it wouldn't be possible to process it any further due to the relation to sports betting.

I can somehow understand your frustration, but you have voluntarily deposited money to this casino, right? Then you have played, as you said in your own words: "The games I played in the casino are sports bets." The casino has accused you of violating their terms, which are related to sports betting, and this is the reason, that our complaint team can not help you with this issue. Even though you think that the casino has stolen money from you, it is related to your gaming activity, and it was sports betting.

Also when you say: "you are directly responsible for the very high security score", you are actually right. Safety Index describes various casino aspects. However, it does not contain anything related to sports betting. We do not consider sports betting rules or activities, because we only focus on the casino part of the business. Thus in my opinion, this is just a deep misunderstanding from your side.

Unfortunately there is nothing else to add to this conversation, as we have said and explained everything regarding. I really wish you all the best, and hope that some of the sites, we have recommended to you, will be able to help you with your case.

5 månader sedan scammed me as well. I made some money on a sports bet and followed up by making a lot more playing blackjack. Only once i tried withdrawing the money i made i got hit with the following message : "Client restricted acess from withdraw action" with no explanation whatsoever.

They don't answer me trough emails or trough the website message system and i just can't get my money off of the website. They are literally robbing me. Searching online i realize there are many many more people with these same complaints so how are they still up and running after stealing all these people? I was following Martina44 story on this website and others and i tried reaching her to know how she got her money back but i feel lost, please help me get my money back from these scammers

5 månader sedan

I am really sorry about the issue you are experiencing, and we could try to help you out. May I ask, when exactly have you requested the withdrawal, and is your account fully verified at this casino? Please provide some more details, it'll help us to understand all this better. Will wait for your reply.

5 månader sedan

Hey thanks for trying to help me!

I created my account on the website last saturday and sent the verification documents on the same day ( personal id and proof of residence). Got them verified on sunday at like 10 AM and that's when i first tried to withdraw and got hit with the same message that i'm still getting ( Client restricted acess for action withdraw).

And that's it, when i check my documents status they are all verified, i can still make deposits (of course they wouldn't restrict that) and i can still use the website, i just can't get my money out and they won't give me an explanation trough any means of communication.

I made the first deposit of 170 BRL and trough betting i got it up to 271 BRL, i know it may not sound much but it is my money and it really really matters to me, this whole situation got me so down i can't even explain.

I will be linking a picture of the message i getfile

5 månader sedan

No worries at all, we are here to help. Have you actually tried to send them an email about this issue, or have you communicate only thru live chat with the casino? The live chat is not always able to explain this kind of matter, actually. Try that, please, and if there will be no explanation, our complaint team will try to contact them. Let us know, whenever you have any news, we'll wait for you to reply.

5 månader sedan

Hey ! They finally paid me !

I had sent emails tough, and they didn't answer any of them, i reached out on a lot of different platforms and trough live chat and yesterday i randomly tried to withdraw and it went trough, the money didn't actually come until now, tough.

So they paid me, but, i advise against using this casino, they made it very very very hard to get my money out of their website.

5 månader sedan

That is a great news. So how long did you actually have to wait, that you are saying it was very hard to get the money, I wonder? Usually we give casinos 14 full days to proceed the payment, actually. Anyway, I am glad it went thru, and let us know, please, when you receive the money, so we know, that everything is ok.

3 månader sedan

De lurade mig fortfarande med suprabets genom att avsluta mitt konto när jag tar ut, de borde förhindra fler människor från denna bluff

Automatiskt översatt:
3 månader sedan

Care to elaborate, please? You may help others avoid the same complications. Let's start with why the account was closed in the first place, shall we? I think that would be appropriate.

Ändrad av författare 3 månader sedan
3 månader sedan

Först, när jag vinner ber jag mig själv att spela det x3 för att kunna ta ut till en minimiavgift på 1,3, sedan gick jag med på att spela insättningen Det jag bad om, jag antar att det är vad de ber om för att förlora pengar, omedelbart blockerades mitt konto utan tillgång till det och de valde bara att säga med ett mejl: Kära spelare,

Ditt konto har flaggats för att bryta mot våra villkor punkt 11.5

I enlighet med våra villkor kommer vi att stänga ditt konto

Det var vad de skrev utan någon förklaring, och jag gjorde bara normala satsningar på konkurrensutsatta marknader, det har gått en månad nu och de svarar inte längre på mina e-postmeddelanden, som även i deras villkor som jag läste när det spärrades kan returnera pengarna , som det inte finns några svar på eftersom jag antar att de blockerade mig från att svara på e-postmeddelanden från mitt konto...

Därför antar jag att detta spelhus är en total bluff, och när jag läste några forum var jag inte den enda som hände med det i mitt fall, det finns många liknande....

Antingen förlorar du din insättning eller om du vinner så förlorar du den fortfarande... Jag vill inte ens att de ska betala mig mina vinster men även om det är min insättning...

Jag hoppas att det inte händer andra nya användare som ibland sätter in högre belopp och inte får någonting.

tack för att du läser mig

Automatiskt översatt:
3 månader sedan

Could you be more specific and tell us, please, what rule were you supposed to violate? Did you have any real money balance before the casino blocked your account?

Let us know if you need our complaint team to intervene, perhaps, and try to solve the issue.

3 månader sedan

förmodligen bedrägeri, vilket jag inte gjorde något fel, bara vanliga satsningar, mitt saldo förblev på 215 sulor och 2 öppna satsningar... eftersom mitt konto redan är blockerat kan jag inte veta mer detaljer för närvarande men jag började med 50 soles insättning och hur jag vann mer än jag borde, jag antar att det var därför jag blockerade mig själv och om du inser att jag inte är den enda som har råkat ut för det här, är det redan en vanlig praxis i det här bettinghuset, mitt misstag var att inte undersöka

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