HemForumCasinonGrande Vegas Casino – generell diskussion

Grande Vegas Casino – generell diskussion (sida 2)

 av zena5755
16 393 visningar 52 svar |
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Hi, I have proof of another pending withdrawal at Grande Vegas with that same coupon that was given to me through my inbox and I played it and got my winnings. I sent them to Nikolas. The casino stepped on their own toes on this one. They said I broke a rule but they broke their own rule back in 04/01/2022 when they paid me from another pending withdrawal with that same played coupon. I think they just want me to quit and move on. Not happening until I get paid for my win.


Hi there!

That sounds very interesting. I hope they will respond through the complaint thread, I want to see their explanation - could be a mistake or a technical bug?

Update. After all that has happened I continued to deposit and play here but unfortunately I kept on losing. I decided to close my account due to bonuses not available for me. Aggravation withdrawing and constant losses.

It's supposed to be fun and exciting. Why bother if it's not.

Hej, jag kommer igenom det här inlägget för att informera dig om att de försenar min kontoverifiering, initialt ger de 3-5 arbetsdagar på sig att verifiera, vilket redan är för mycket! Och efter att du har skickat allt rätt ber de dig att skicka det igen och vi måste vänta ytterligare 3-5 dagar... Jag har aldrig sett ett kasino av den här typen, supporten är perfekt, de är genomtänkta varor, men dokumentverifieringsdelen är hemsk. Tisdagen avslutas slutet av det andra försöket och de kommer förmodligen att vägra igen. Kan du hjälpa mig på något sätt?

Automatiskt översatt:


The first verification is a very complex process, so sometimes it can take even several weeks to go through it completely. It strongly depends on your ability to provide the casino with all documents needed. Is there any particular document you find hard to provide, please? Is the casino capable of saying what is wrong with those already submitted documents?

Update. After all that has happened I continued to deposit and play here but unfortunately I kept on losing. I decided to close my account due to bonuses not available for me. Aggravation withdrawing and constant losses.

It's supposed to be fun and exciting. Why bother if it's not.


so let's hope you'll find better luck and fun somewhere else. 🤞

Jag gillar detta casino. Idag ska jag spela. De ger en bra insättningsbonus.


Automatiskt översatt:

Good luck!

Jag gillar detta casino. Idag ska jag spela. De ger en bra insättningsbonus.


Automatiskt översatt:

Well, the bonus seems quite good actually, any max cash-out rule applied?

I still don't like that they limit the progressive jackpot winnings though.


Nej. Det finns inga begränsningar i villkoren för bonusen.

Automatiskt översatt:


Automatiskt översatt:

Ännu en seger för Grande Vegas.

Automatiskt översatt:

Well, I would say that the translation is not precise again. 😁

It should have been "Another victory in Grande Vegas" I'd say.

Congratulations on the minor jackpot! 👏👏🙌


Det är vad jag skrev 😁

Automatiskt översatt:

I thought so 😁, but the auto-translator has changed the whole point 😀 so it sounds like you lost again. 😁

Well, it happens sometimes. 🤯🤔

UPPMÄRKSAMHET. Kasinot i fråga tillåter anspråk på på varandra följande gratisbonusar utan föregående blockering, detta i motsats till deras egna villkor. Detta beteende är att betrakta som bedrägligt eftersom det lurar spelaren att kunna använda dessa bonusar på ett exceptionellt sätt när å andra sidan, i händelse av en vinst, uttaget nekas och avbryts.

Automatiskt översatt:

Det finns en sådan synd bakom dem, de, som vilket casino som helst, är inte särskilt nöjda med spelarnas segrar, men ändå betalar de ut vinsterna. Jag har spelat där sedan 2017 och har redan studerat alla fallgropar i detta casino. Att vinna och få en vinst är möjligt om du följer och känner till deras regler. Jag tror att de på något sätt är mycket bättre än andra högre rankade kasinon.

Automatiskt översatt:

I like this casino.

However, I am being asked to deposit due to unknown circumstances, and my account will be locked until I make a deposit.

He says: I haven't deposited 50USD in BTC on 4/12, so please make a deposit.

Probably, the following 、、、 happened.

(1) I apply for a deposit in BTC

(2) I make a transfer from my wallet

(3) They deposited 50 USD into my casino account before the transfer was completed.

(4) For some reason, BTC was canceled without completing the transfer

But I don't remember playing without paying.

There is also a BTC transfer history that seems to be the same amount on the same day. (I don't know if it's GrandeVegasCasino now.) )

In the first place, the casino should confirm the deposit before depositing money into the customer's casino account.

Casinos should clearly explain the cause, whether it is a system specification or an operational error. I'd be willing to pay if it becomes clear that I was playing for free without realizing it.

However, the current situation is as follows.

(1) The casino does not give a clear explanation,

(2) Casino says, Deposit to the BTC address listed in the email,

(3) Casino says ,You should deposit to the BTC address listed in the email.

Because of this situation, I suspect fraud by casino employees.

Would you pay if you were asked to pay with this content?


Hello there.

Allow me a little recapitulation first, to ensure I understand the main points correctly - correct me if I'm wrong.

You deposited 50USD in BTC, the sum was added to your account balance, so you started playing.

Now the casino claims the withdrawal has not been processed correctly, hence you need to daposit the given value of 50USD in BTC.

The way I see it, the crucial point lies in your crypto wallet. Can you see the original transaction from 4/12 in your crypto wallet - has the sum been deducted from your wallet?

If so, provide this information to the casino immediately.

If NOT, the transaction was probably rejected in th past, meaning you played with a "borrowed" money.

Hence you must deposit now.

Does it sound understandable, please?

Let me know

I thought about playing at a cryptocurrency casino that day. However, when I tried to deposit at some casinos, I got a dust error and could not deposit. There were so many dust errors that I remember them. Grande vegas usually processes transfers and receives money very quickly. I don't know how it works, but it's very fast than other casinos. However, I remember that on that day, the progress bar did not change to completion forever after sending. I can't help it, so I think I did it again. The second time, the progress bar changed to complete. The BTC address sent is as follows. bc1qumcavhec4mt82vgl9cy73f4t95y8sz0mv884m4

That's all I remember. And I apologize first for my lack of knowledge about BTC

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