HemForumCasinonCasinerX Casino – generell diskussion

CasinerX Casino – generell diskussion (sida 6)

 av Radka
24 902 visningar 135 svar |
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It is worth adding that I am waiting for their decision in this difficult situation. I'm still waiting for my winnings to be paid out. Judging by the received negative experience, I assume that making a decision can last a very long time and I am afraid to predict what it will be like for me.

Perhaps they do not know, I will remind them of something. There is a WAR going on in my country. Today I am all right, as happens in war. Tomorrow everything can change. Tomorrow it may happen that I will be killed, and what next? They will keep my money. Well, if they wanted it from the beginning, then everything is clear. I don't have the patience to wait that long.



Those are good questions and the casino should be able to answer. We at Casino Guru believe that once the player is allowed to play using the correct information in the registration form, the casino should fairly pay out every winnings gained in compliance with the terms and conditions.

It's great you've lodged a complaint it is important to get in touch with the casinos and clear things out.

Perhaps they do not know, I will remind them of something. There is a WAR going on in my country. Today I am all right, as happens in war. Tomorrow everything can change. Tomorrow it may happen that I will be killed, and what next? They will keep my money. Well, if they wanted it from the beginning, then everything is clear. I don't have the patience to wait that long.

I know it must be hard, just do whatever you can to endure this phase, ok?


I try not to mention the war, especially when it comes to my private affairs, such as this case. Because this should not be abused. But in this situation, for some reason, I did not hold back. Of course, I apologize for such posts.


That's ok - I assure you.

I was trying to express my support, nothing more.

For me, it is almost impossible to imagine what it must feel like.

War should not ever be an option!


As far as I can see, these fraudsters are not thinking of returning my money. If until this moment they have not verified my account, have not responded to letters - ignored me and, perhaps, you, then it is useless to hope for something positive for me in solving this case. Let me remind you that two and a half weeks have already passed. If this was a normal casino, we would have forgotten about this case a long time ago. However, in this case I must forget about my money. I can't even find words about them without profanity. It may be worth removing them from this resource so that there are no more victims of their criminal scams

And besides, I am convinced that someday the same thing will happen to them as it is to me now, because nothing in the world disappears without a trace and any evil will receive a corresponding reward.

I am 1000% sure of this. To be honest, it does not comfort me at all. On the contrary, I am surprised by the fact that these businessmen are so small that the value of their reputation is only a few hundred dollars.

Ändrad av författare

inte värt att radera

om de verkligen är bedragare så borde de betygsättas som scatterhall casino och liknande

så att folk kan se att detta casino är opålitligt och inte bör spelas

Automatiskt översatt:

Du har säkert rätt, men ett tveeggat svärd, om du lämnar sådana bedragare, då är det få negativa bedömningar. Det är nödvändigt att välja dem på ett sådant sätt att användaren inte har en önskan att titta i den riktningen. Uppskattningar är alla subjektiva, och inte alla och inte alltid sätta dem, och ännu mer så positiva. Men om det finns specifika fakta om bedrägeri, skulle det vara trevligt att ange dem

Automatiskt översatt:

ja och du har rätt

men casinoguru fyller sin roll perfekt

casinoguruer bjuder inte in någon att spela, de granskar helt enkelt nästan alla casinon som finns tillgängliga (det är klart att de också är affiliates, men de måste också finnas för något)

Jag bedömer själv och jag tror att detta är nära sanningen – de flesta spelare hittar nya casinon på andra resurser, eller via spam-mail eller banners och liknande, och först då kommer till casinogurus och lämnar recensioner.

casinoguruer är för närvarande en idealisk oförstörbar resurs, de agerar opartiskt och i de flesta fall på spelarnas sida, vilket är en sällsynthet nuförtiden. Tidigare var det askgamblers, men för tillfället har de blivit en korrupt soptipp (jag vet att de såldes vidare, men redan innan dess började de bluffa).

många tankar, men för lat för att måla dem nu, jag hoppas att du fattade mitt budskap)

Förresten, hur hamnade jag i den här grenen av casinot? Jag gjorde en insättning där 🙂

support i livechatt skriver med stavfel. svara mycket länge. Det är tydligt att de inte förstår frågorna de ställs.

det kommer att bli ett experiment

Jag är fortfarande en spelare och jag spelar på många kasinon, så jag kommer inte ångra ytterligare ~50 dollar för att kolla detta casino, om jag lyckas vinna kommer jag att skriva antingen ett klagomål eller en recension (beroende på om de drar sig tillbaka pengar eller inte)

tidigare förtydligat om mitt land till stöd - de sa att jag kan spela 🙂

och ursäkta förvirringen, jag drack lite, men av vana visar det sig att jag blev full)))

Automatiskt översatt:

håller helt med dig. Det enda jag inte skulle rekommendera att göra är nästa insättning på detta casino. Jag tror att du vet utan mig vad en "licens of Costa Rica" är och att spelaren under sådana omständigheter inte är skyddad, eftersom det inte finns någon tillsynsmyndighet som kan påverka kasinot. Jag satte mig för att studera deras dokumentation och

de har en punkt där, vars närvaro jämnar ut resten av texten i samma regler.

"4.7 Dessutom förbehåller sig företaget rätten att acceptera eller avvisa registrering, eller att stänga av eller stänga ett konto, oavsett anledning utan förklaring till dig.
4.7 Dessutom förbehåller sig företaget rätten att acceptera eller avvisa registrering och att stänga av eller stänga ett konto av vilken anledning som helst utan att ange skäl.

Det säger allt.

Dessutom märkte du korrekt om läskunnigheten i deras stöd, som jag hade ett väldigt roligt (som för mig) fall med. Den dagen letade jag efter sätt att kontakta dem (enligt skype - falskt, viber har inte varit online på länge, votsap är detsamma som viber, de svarar inte på mail, telefonnummer är inte betjänade eller offline ) skrev i livechatten på morgonen och sedan under dagen flera dussin gånger, men ingen svarar. Mot kvällen kunde jag inte stå ut och av ilska skrev jag på ukrainska "ni är jävla jävla." Tio sekunder senare (!!) dök en skylt upp? och sedan frågan "varför tror du det?"

Automatiskt översatt:

Dear administrators of this wonderful project, allow me to express my respect and thanks for your help in handling my complaint. You are doing an incredible job and I wish you nothing but success in your endeavours. But I'm a bit confused.

1. As you and I know, CasinerX representatives completely ignored my complaint and did not respond. Therefore, you can safely assume that these scoundrels do not care about you and me. But you can put up with it.

2. These scammers from this casinerX casino, which I do not understand, did not pay me the winnings from the no deposit bonus. And I can accept that too.

3. They committed a crime - they fraudulently took my money in the amount of $100, which they have not yet returned and, as I understand, never will. In many countries, such actions qualify as fraud and are punishable by criminal law. And although in this case the court did not recognize them as criminals, we understand very well that these guys are fraudsters and criminals.

4. Considering these circumstances, we have sufficient grounds to believe that these persons will most likely continue their criminal activities. Therefore, other people who do not know anything about these criminals may be affected by their activities.

So I have a simple question:

  1. Why does the casino of these criminals, who fraudulently appropriated my $100 back on July 12, 2023 and still have not returned it, have a rating of 6.2 and not -6.2?
  2. Why is there no record of their crime or even a hint of it on your site in the profile of this misunderstanding (here by "misunderstanding" I mean the casino) so that the next potential victim of their crimes doesn't become a victim and just bypass them?
  3. Do you like dealing with people whose reputation is worth $100? Do you really want to continue to see on this site (and your goal is noble, I'm sure) a casino that literally robs its customers?

I hate to think that you can somehow cover up for these criminals. Anyway, with the current economic situation in my country, this was the last casino I made a deposit at and I will never forget that $100. Let the war end. I hope you will respond to my appeal. thank you

Ändrad av författare

Hello there.

Allow me to start with the most important fact: We are not lawyers nor a policy. If you are certain the casino is acting against the law, you should act because we can't do that on your behalf.

I completely understand your feelings, but we have no authority over the casinos.

As stated in the complaint:

"Since the casino operates with a bad reputation license and doesn't refer to any ADR service, there is practically no gaming authority to turn to. I will mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. I can only recommend you choose casinos by their reviews and ratings in the future to avoid situations like this. I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion."

The license "quality" is listed as a negative fact, the safety index is below average - this indicates the casino is not very reliable.

Untill the casino shows us what they are capable of, there is no way to warn players.

At this point, the review looks like this:

CasinerX Casino Review

We've thoroughly reviewed CasinerX Casino and gave it a Below average Safety Index. This casino has some good qualities, but also a lot of negatives because of which it's better to play elsewhere. In our review, we've considered the casino's player complaints, estimated revenues, license, games genuineness, customer support quality, fairness of terms and conditions, withdrawal and win limits, and other factors. So, if you were ever wondering whether this casino is safe and legit or a scam, read the full review below to learn more.

According to our research and estimates, CasinerX Casino is a smaller online casino revenue-wise. The revenue of a casino is an important factor, as bigger casinos shouldn't have any issues paying out big wins, while smaller casinos could potentially struggle if you manage to win really big.

CasinerX Casino has a casino license, however, it wasn't issued by a good licensing authority.

We have found no relevant complaints about this casino.

CasinerX Casino has a customer support, however, we've rated it as slow or bad. This means there are customer support representatives available to help you, but their responses tend to be slow and not as helpful as they could be.

As we already mentioned, CasinerX Casino has a Below average Safety Index. That means that while it's not completely bad, it does have some negative qualities because of which it's advisable to look for a better online casino to play at.

As we always advise players:



I'm sincerely sorry your complaint was the first unresolved for this casino.

It is vital to spread this information on the forum, as we are doing now.

Ändrad av författare

Let me make something clear. Of course, I understand that you have no leverage over this casino. But in a previous post, I tried to convey that a casino that literally steals customers' money should not be hosted on resources like yours. And the simplest proof of my words is that the representatives of the casino did not even show a desire to refute my accusations. They also ignored my complaint where the third party is your resource. So, a simple conclusion: they don't care about customers and your resource. They ignore you and you calmly react to it. You don't even react. Why then these complaints? To watch the countdown timer for two weeks waiting for an answer?

I am convinced that you are much more important to them than they are to you. Your resource is one of the top in this direction. But I do not have the right to tell you how to conduct a policy regarding the placement of such casinos on your site, but, in my subjective opinion, if such cases happen and the casino ignores you, then they should not be here.

    Do you know where I found out about this casino? Yes, on your resource in the "No Deposit Bonuses" section. And I'm sure most of their customers found out about them because of yours and sites like yours. So I don't think it's right to say that leaving them here with a bad index will alert others.

Also, I think your statement about them being licensed needs some tweaking. They do not have a gambling license. I recently learned that the organization and operation of a gambling business is not prohibited by Costa Rican law, but there is no specific law governing the organization and licensing of online gambling. Therefore, such business is not controlled and regulated at the state level.

Since there is no specific license for online gaming in Costa Rica, operators use a Data Processing license to operate. And although this license does not directly indicate the right to act as an operator of online games, it is still used as an official permission document. By registering a company in Costa Rica and obtaining a Data Processing license, the operator can operate safely online and accept bets from players from all over the world, except Costa Rican residents.

Therefore, I believe that the statement that they have a license is false. This is a paradigm shift, and it affects the decision of potential customers to go to them and spend their money there. But it is up to you to decide what and how to do in such situations.


Hi, I have a few notes here.

First of all, we're the largest online casino database in the world. Our aim is to have every single online casino review and provide honest information about them to anyone who's looking for more info in the internet. When it comes to bonuses, we did a poll some time ago. The results were clear. Approximately 78% of players are interested in no deposit bonuses even when the casino doesn't have a good reputation. That's why we also have every single no deposit bonus that we find in our database.

On the other hand, in order to protect the players a bit more, we send no deposit bonuses via our newsletter, but we never send a bonus that can be found in a casino that doesn't have a good reputation. We feel like when you receive an email from Casino Guru, you may tend to believe that it's all safe and we don't want to confuse players this way.

When it comes to your complaint and your question why the casino doesn't have a rating of -6.2. There are cases when the casinos are good or quite good, but they simply refuse to cooperate with us or any external party. It's their policy. Then we can't claim they're pure scammers. It's hard to say. Anyway, there were cases back in a day where casinos were just a pure scam, but that was also reflected in our complaints section. In other words, when a casino scams people, you suddenly receive a lot of complaints about the same thing. This isn't the case for CasinerX so far. On the other hand, we agreed you're right based on what you described in your complaint and that's why we assigned black points to the casino.


Jag trodde att jag kanske var en av de första och enda som drabbades av dessa skithåls handlingar, men tyvärr, jag såg pozndaryas inlägg igår om att hon inte kan få 400 dollar ur det här hålet. Så snälla kommentera detta kasinos policy att ignorera sina kunder, och snälla berätta för mig , hur många fler uppenbara fall av casinerx-bedrägeri behöver du för att få bort det här skräpet härifrån? tack

Automatiskt översatt:

Though I understand your concern, I dare to say two unresolved cases are far from indisputable proof.

It is bad, unfair - thus the casino will get black points for every single unresolved case. As explained in the Complaint Resolution Center Guide:

"If the complaint is justified and we are unable to resolve it, it is closed and categorized as being 'unresolved'. This happens when the casino either does not respond to us or refuses to do what we consider to be fair in that specific situation. You will not get your desired outcome but the complaint will be saved in our system, the casino will be punished with a lower rating from us and our review of the casino will warn other players of what happened. What's more, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date."

We just can't punish the casino as an act of prevention. That would unstabilize the whole concept of safety index calculations. If you are familiar with the Scatterhall situation, you also know how we explained our approach.

Players capable of browsing complaints or this thread will find the warning, it is also shown right here:


I'm sorry the casino didn't care about your complaint.

Jag ser att de svarade på min recension och sa åt mig att skriva ett mail till dem. Jag skrev till fyra av deras förment kända adresser, men breven levererades inte. Jag kontaktar kasinorepresentanter: skicka mig den aktuella e-postadressen till ditt kasinos supporttjänst så att jag kan kontakta dig.

Automatiskt översatt:

Kasinot svarade på min recension med följande:

"Hej, Pozndarya!

Jag är ledsen att du hade den här upplevelsen med CasinerX, men faktum är att Vitryssland är ett av de begränsade länderna. Jag är inte säker på hur du lyckades göra en insättning på CasinerX, men VI ska titta på det och se vad som kan göras.

Vänligen kontakta oss via e-post."

För det första, när jag gjorde en insättning, frågade jag i chatten om spelare från Vitryssland fick spela i deras kasino:

(av någon anledning laddas inte bilden, men vid behov kan jag skicka den till någon som är intresserad av den)

För det andra:

Jag har redan skickat många meddelanden till casinots e-post och har aldrig fått något svar från dem.

Ändrad av författare
Automatiskt översatt:

Samma skitsnack, de svarade på våra recensioner och sa åt oss att skriva till dem. Jag mailade dem för två dagar sedan och fortfarande ingenting. De fortsätter att ignorera användarnas e-postmeddelanden, och av de fyra e-postadresserna jag känner till nådde min e-post bara den som börjar med info@….com. Resten är inte längre relevanta. Tja, jag har en gissning att det här engångsframträdandet av dem på forumet för att svara på negativa recensioner i andan av "det är okej, kontakta oss via e-post så löser vi allt" egentligen inte är något annat än ett försök att distrahera nya kunder för att råna dem senare. Som du kan se har ingenting förändrats.

Automatiskt översatt:
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