HemOnlinecasinonChancer Casino recension
Chancer Casino recension
Accepterar spelare från Sverige
Saknar licens i Sverige
Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
300 % upp till 2 000 €
Besök casino
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Przelewy24
  • Multibanco
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bancontact
 per månad
20 000 €
 per vecka
10 000 €
 per vecka
2 000 €
Chancer Group N.V.
> 1 000 000 €
  • Komorerna (Anjouan Gaming)
ÖversiktBonusar5Användarrecensioner27Förklaring av säkerhetsindexetDiskussion10Betalningsmetoder21
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Chancer Casino Recension

Chancer Casino har genomgått en noggrann utvärdering utförd av vårt erfarna granskningsteam. Teamet har analyserat casinots styrkor och brister i enlighet med vår metod för casinogranskning. Aspekter som casinots villkor, rättvisa och transparens, licenser, aktuella klagomål från spelare, kundsupport samt uttagsgränser har beaktats av vårt oberoende analysteam för att placera detta casino för svenska spelare på en skala från säkert och seriöst till bedrägligt.

Vår utvärdering har lett fram till casinots säkerhetsindex. Det är en numerisk och verbal representation av våra resultat avseende säkerheten och rättvisan hos onlinecasinon. Ju högre säkerhetsindex, desto större är sannolikheten att du kan spela och ta ut dina vinster utan några problem. Chancer Casino har ett säkerhetsindex på 7.5. Men eftersom det är ett av de nyare onlinecasinona, kan vi sakna tillräckligt med data för att fullständigt bedöma dess säkerhet. Av den anledningen har vi kategoriserat det som ett "Nyöppnat" onlinecasino tills vidare. Fortsätt att läsa vår recension av Chancer Casino för att fatta ett välgrundat beslut om huruvida det här casinot passar dig bra eller inte.

Säkerhetsindex – rättvisa och säkerhet för Chancer Casino

För att beräkna säkerhetsindexet för ett casino använder vi en komplex formel som tar hänsyn till den insamlade datan som behandlats i vår granskning. Det här inkluderar i vanligtvis casinots villkor, klagomål från spelare, uppskattade intäkter, svarta listor och liknande.

Vi har noga undersökt och analyserat villkoren för Chancer Casino som ett led i vår granskning av Chancer Casino. Vi hittade inga regler eller klausuler som vi anser är orättvisa eller bedrägliga. Det här ett uppmuntrande tecken, eftersom sådana regler kan användas mot spelare för att rättfärdiga (eller användas mot spelare som grund) för att hålla inne med utbetalningen av vinster.

Chancer Casino är ett av nätets mindre casinon baserat på våra uppskattningar eller insamlad information. Casinot har en väldigt låg andel kvarhållna utbetalningar i klagomål från spelare med hänsyn till dess storlek (eller har inga registrerade spelarklagomål). Eftersom större casinon ofta får ta emot fler klagomål på grund av att det har ett större antal spelare, tar vi hänsyn till både casinots storlek och feedback från spelare.

Såvitt vi vet omnämns inte Chancer Casino på några relevanta svarta listor över casinon. Om ett casino har hamnat på en svart lista, som exempelvis Casino Gurus lista över svartlistade casinon, kan det betyda att casinot har behandlat sina kunder illa. När du letar efter ett onlinecasino att spela på anser vi att det är av yttersta vikt att du tar detta på allvar.

Chancer Casinos villkor utvärderade

Vi granskar noggrant villkoren för varje casino vi utvärderar och bedömer deras skälighet. I villkoren för många casinon hittar vi regler som vi anser vara orättvisa eller uppenbart exploaterande, och det är ofta dessa regler casinon utnyttjar för att undvika att betala ut vinster till spelare.

Vi hittade inga orättvisa eller bedrägliga klausuler i villkoren för Chancer Casino under vår granskning.

Klagomål på Chancer Casino som lämnats av spelare

Under vår granskningsprocess fäster vi extra vikt vid klagomål från spelare, då de ger oss viktiga insikter i de problem som spelare upplever och hur casinon väljer att hantera och lösa dem. När vi beräknar ett enskilt casinos säkerhetsindex tar vi hänsyn till både klagomål som skickats in via vårt Center för klagomålslösning och klagomål vi inhämtar från andra källor.

Vi har inte hittat några relevanta klagomål som rör detta casino.

Chancer Casino - analys av användarfeedback och recensioner

Casino Guru ger användare en plattform för att betygsätta och recensera onlinecasinon, samt för att dela med sig av sina åsikter och erfarenheter. Baserat på denna information beräknar vi ett övergripande feedbackbetyg som sträcker sig från "Hemskt" till "Utmärkt".

Baserat på 27 användarrecensioner av Chancer Casino har det fått feedbackbetyget "Mycket bra". Recensionerna finns tillgängliga i avsnittet "Användarrecensioner" på den här sidan.

Obs! Tänk på att användarrecensioner kanske inte alltid ger den mest korrekta bilden av casinots kvaliteter. En del recensioner kan vara falska, skrivna enbart för att förbättra casinots övergripande feedbackpoäng. Andra recensioner kan komma från missnöjda spelare som skriver många negativa recensioner för att försämra casinots rykte. Även om vi gör vårt yttersta för att filtrera bort sådana recensioner och fastställa ett opartiskt feedbackbetyg, avstår vi från att inkludera användarfeedback i vår beräkning av säkerhetsindexet på grund av dessa faktorer.

Licenser och företagsinformation

Chancer Casino ägs av Chancer Group N.V. och har uppskattade intäkter som överstiger $1,000,000 per år. Detta etablerar det som ett litet till medelstort onlinecasino enligt vår kategorisering.

Chancer Casino har beviljats en spellicens i Komorerna utfärdad av Anjouan Gaming.

Betalningsmetoder, vinst- och uttagsgränser

Chancer Casino stödjer 21 betalningsmetoder. Dessa inkluderar: Neteller, PaySafeCard, Mastercard, VISA, Przelewy24, Multibanco, Bitcoin (BTC), Bancontact, ApplePay, Dogecoin (XDG), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Solana (SOL), Rapid Transfer, Google Pay, Tron (TRX), Tether (USDT), blik, Binance Coin (BNB), Revolut, MB Way.

Många spelsajter på nätet begränsar maxvinster och uttagsbelopp för spelare. Ofta är vinst- och uttagsgränserna tillräckligt höga för att de inte ska påverka de flesta spelare. Med det sagt finns det dock casinon som tillämpar ganska restriktiva beloppsgränser för vinster och uttag. Det här är anledningen till att vi beaktar dessa begränsningar i våra casinorecensioner. Du kan hitta information om casinots vinst- och uttagsgränser i tabellen nedan.

Uttagsgränser Vinstgränser
2 000 EUR per dag Ingen vinstgräns
10 000 EUR per vecka
20 000 EUR per månad
Obs! Det är möjligt att inte alla betalningsmetoder listade ovan kan användas för både insättningar och uttag. Det kan dessutom vara så att en del metoder endast är tillgängliga i Sverige.

Kundsupport och språkalternativ

I samband med våra casinogranskningar samlar vi alltid in uppgifter om tillgängliga språk och kundsupportalternativ. Du kan se tillgängliga språk på Chancer Casino i tabellen nedan.

Språk Webbplats Kundsupport Livechatt
engelska Ja Ja Ja24/7
portugisiska Ja Nej Nej
finska Ja Nej Nej
italienska Ja Nej Nej
grekiska Ja Nej Nej
franska Ja Nej Nej

För att få ett begrepp om hur hjälpsamma, professionella och snabba kundsupportens medarbetare är, kontaktar vi dem direkt som ett led vår granskningsprocess. Vi anser att det är väldigt viktigt att ha en fungerande kundsupport eftersom den erbjuder hjälp om du stöter på problem med registreringen på Chancer Casino, med hanteringen av ditt konto, uttag eller andra ärenden. Resultaten från våra tester indikerar att Chancer Casino har en genomsnittlig kundsupport.

Casinospel och spelautomater tillgängliga på Chancer Casino

Chancer Casino erbjuder dessa typer av casinospel: Spelautomater, Roulette, Blackjack, Videopoker, Bingo, Baccarat, Jackpottspel, Livespel, Craps och tärningsspel, Keno, Skraplotter, Andra kortspel, Virtuella sporter, Andra spel, Crash-spel, Liveshower, Bordsspel, Live baccarat, Live bingo, Live baccarat, Live tärningsspel, Andra livespel, Live poker, Live roulette.

Casinospel från 81 spelleverantörer finns tillgängliga. Detta inkluderar NetEnt, Nolimit City, Apricot (Microgaming), Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Quickspin, Realtime Gaming, Red Tiger Gaming, Thunderkick, Rival, Big Time Gaming, Evoplay, Ezugi, BGaming, GameArt, Endorphina, Wazdan, Habanero, Red Rake Gaming, Tom Horn, MrSlotty, OMI Gaming, Betgames, Smartsoft Gaming, Boldplay, Fantasma Games, Prospect Gaming, Platipus, Lucky Streak, Amigo Gaming, Mancala Gaming, Spinmatic, Apollo Games, NetGaming, Elbet, OneTouch, Kiron Interactive, Mobilots, Urgent Games, Golden Race, Dragoon Soft, Revolver Gaming, Spinthon, Triple Profits Games (TPG), TrueLab Games, Reevo, Spearhead Studios, Betsolutions, Mascot Gaming, SlotMill, Vivo Gaming, Onlyplay, Zeus Play, PGsoft (Pocket Games Soft), Cool Games, Games Inc., JILI, FC, FunTa Gaming, Leap Gaming, TVBet, Espresso Games, Felix Gaming, Fa Chai Gaming, Skywind Group, Caleta Gaming, AGT, Fazi, 3 Oaks Gaming, Gamzix, CQ9 Gaming, Kalamba Games, CT Interactive, Barbara Bang, Funky Games, Triple Cherry, 7Mojos, EURASIAN Gaming, Ruby Play, XPG (xprogaming), Ka Gaming.

Bonusar och kampanjkoder för Chancer Casino

Onlinecasinon erbjuder bonusar till både nya och befintliga spelare som ett sätt att få nya kunder eller uppmuntra gamla kunder att spela. De två mest populära typerna är freespins och bonusar utan insättning som ges till spelare vid registrering, och insättningsbonusar, som ges till spelare efter att de har gjort en insättning. Casinon erbjuder emellertid också andra typer av kampanjer, bonuskoder, välkomstbonusar vid registrering eller olika lojalitetsprogram.

Vi har för närvarande 5 bonusar från Chancer Casino i vår databas:

  • 50 % upp till 500 €
  • 50 % upp till 500 €
  • 300 % upp till 2 000 €
  • 200 % upp till 2 000 €
  • 100 % upp till 2 000 €

Observera att vissa av dessa kanske bara är tillgängliga för spelare från utvalda länder. Mer information om vilka bonusar som finns tillgängliga i Sverige hittar du i avsnittet "Bonusar" i denna recension.


Insättningsfri bonus:
Inte tillgänglig
300 % upp till 2 000 €


  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Przelewy24
  • Multibanco
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bancontact
 per månad
20 000 €
 per vecka
10 000 €
 per vecka
2 000 €


Ingen betting
Ingen poker
Craps och tärningsspel
Ingen betting på e-sport


Webbplats på engelska
Kundtjänst på engelska
Livechatt på engelska


  • NetEnt
  • Nolimit City
  • Apricot (Microgaming)
  • Evolution Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Realtime Gaming
  • Quickspin
  • Red Tiger Gaming


  • Livechatt tillgänglig 24/7
  • Spel med riktiga dealers finns tillgängliga


  • Begränsat antal ansvarsfulla spelalternativ
  • Alla villkor översätts inte till webbplatsens språkalternativ

Intressanta fakta

  • I de fall ditt saldo är minst 5 gånger större än den totala summan av dina insättningar, kommer du att vara begränsad till USD 5 000 USD (eller motsvarande i valuta) för uttag per månad
  • Helt nytt casino som inte har bevisats av tiden
Författare och garant: Jannete Hills Senast uppdaterat: 2024-09-09 Är det något som är fel eller saknas? Meddela mig
Casinobonusar (5)

Bonusar på Chancer Casino

Bläddra bland alla bonusar som Chancer Casino erbjuder, inklusive deras insättningsfria bonusar och välkomstbonusar vid första insättningen.

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

Användarrecensioner (27)

Användarrecensioner av Chancer Casino

Här kan du dela med dig av dina erfarenheter av Chancer Casino. Läs vad andra spelare har skrivit om det eller skriv din egen recension och berätta för alla om casinots för- och nackdelar baserat på dina personliga upplevelser.

Mycket bra

Betygsatt av 27 användare

Mycket positivPositivNeutralNegativMycket negativ

Har du spelat på det här casinot?

Skriv en recension

Casino Guru

Vi vill att spelare ska förstå spelande.

• 3 veckor sedan
Jag hade väldigt roligt när jag spelade på Chancer. För en som mig, som är en liten spelare, är det fantastiskt att de erbjuder så många bonusar. Det betyder att jag kan få min lilla insättning att räcka längre och njuta av spelen. Dessutom är de väldigt vänliga i chatten, även med små spelare :)
  • Fina bonusar
  • Vänlig personal
Chancer Casino
Hi tilly,

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! We certainly love having you with us. We're always introducing new and exciting bonuses that are inclusive and generous, for all players.

We're glad you found our customer service team to be helpful and we will pass this message on.

Hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
Been playing slots for most of my adult life and have taken my journey online recently. I tried out 3 casinos and Chancer is my favorite. The customer service is top notch, the bonuses are plentiful and theres no nonsense in getting my withdrawals unlike some other places. I enjoy playing new slots so its great when they give me free spins
  • plenty of bonuses
  • Customer service is excellent
Chancer Casino
Hi Andy96,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us! We're glad to hear the transition from physical slots to online has been a smooth one. We pride ourselves on our customer service and we're here to ensure your time at Chancer is 5 stars!

We hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
I really enjoyed playing on this casino they have been great.
  • Honestly fast Withdraws
  • Great mangement. They've been super helpful
  • No issues at all with casino.
Chancer Casino
Hi brennan987,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! It's been an absolute pleasure to have you at Chancer. Customer service is our game, and we strive to be the best. We're glad that you are happy with our withdrawals as we pride ourselves on making sure you get your winnings as fast as possible.

We hope to see you again soon.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
I made about 3 deposits here in the last month and I am happy to say that my third deposit was a lucky one. I managed to get a nice win from the bonus and was able to get my winnings with no worries. I had some bad experiences getting my winnings from other casinos before so it was nice to finally play at a casino that pays. All the games that you need are here and the bonuses are competitive. Great casino
  • easy withdraw
  • good game library
Chancer Casino
Hi marvsworld78,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We're glad you were able to come out on top! We strive ourselves on making sure withdrawals are seamless as it can be stressful waiting to receive your funds. We are always introducing new bonuses and we're glad you enjoyed utilizing them.

We hope to see you around soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
I've got to say these guys are just the best! I'm quite new to online casinos and I'm glad I chose Chancer as my first casino. They've helped me out with every step including how to set up a crypto deposit and how some of the games work.

I'm very happy with how helpful the live chat is especially since I usually just play land based. I'm still yet to get a big win but I'm sure it's coming with these guys. Great Work!
  • Exceptional customer service
  • beginner friendly
Chancer Casino
Hi boblaxati,

Thank you for sharing your positive experience with us! We're thrilled to hear that your first online casino adventure was such a great one. We love welcoming new players and always aim to make that first impression unforgettable. Our team is dedicated to supporting both new and returning players, and we're always here to assist whenever you need us.

We look forward to seeing you again soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
Detta casino är helt ironiskt mot kunden.. Jag gjorde en insättning på 25 euro som aldrig krediterades, medan beloppet har släppts av min bank som hävdar med bevis på att beloppet har angetts korrekt i casinot.. Så dessa bedragare sa som en ursäkt att just denna insättning gjordes för att insättningsprocessen var försenad (första gången jag hört talas om det). Så de sa att de skulle kontakta banken och om saldot om en vecka inte har krediterats mitt konto för att skicka dem ett meddelande så att de kan dirigera mig vad jag ska göra.. Jag skickade ett meddelande och som vanligt svarar ingen och de kopplar bort mig från chatten. Jag önskar att jag hade en av dem framför mig så jag kunde ha brutit hans huvud.. Långt ifrån sådana här kasinon.. Om det fanns rättvisa borde de alla sitta i fängelse för att ha lurat spelarna.
Chancer Casino
Hi Champion1981,

We understand how frustrating it must be to see funds deducted from your bank account without the deposit reflecting in your casino balance. We assure you that we do not have control over the processing times of banks or payment providers, and in cases like this, the funds are typically returned to your account automatically.

Our team follows standard procedures to assist players in tracking such transactions, which is why we advised you to check with your bank first. If the funds have not been returned within the expected timeframe, we are more than happy to investigate further. Please reach out to us again via live chat or email, and we will do our best to guide you through the next steps.

We truly regret any frustration this situation has caused, and we appreciate your patience while the banking system completes its process. Our goal is always to provide a fair and secure gaming experience, and we would love the opportunity to assist you further.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
This is my first time trying a casino on casino guru. I have to say that I had a really good experience at Chancer. My husband and I love to play blackjack together and this casino has many options to choose from. I like that I have the option to take bonuses or not as sometimes they can be confusing at other casinos. I am happy that I can just play with no hassles. The live chat people are also really nice and were happy to suggest some games to me.
  • Friendly live chat
  • Not pushy and can play at my own pace
  • Lots of table games to choose from
Chancer Casino
Hi silletee,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We're glad you enjoyed your first online casino experience at Chancer. We love to see new players enjoying their favourite games and try our best to accommodate.

We hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
Kundtjänstrepresentanterna gav ibland olika svar om min kontoverifiering. Den vanligaste regeln var att om kontot är verifierat så godkänns uttaget oftast inom en dag, mitt uttag har väntat i 2 dagar på godkännande trots att kontot verifierats nästan direkt. Jag hoppas att kasinot är pålitligt och att de kommer att acceptera mitt uttag.
  • Snabb bekräftelse
  • Relativt långsamt uttag. Jag drog mig tillbaka till mitt visakort i torsdags kväll, uttaget har för närvarande väntat i 48 timmar på godkännande
Chancer Casino
Hi Liemi,

We appreciate your feedback and understand that waiting for a withdrawal can be frustrating. While we strive to process withdrawals as quickly as possible, there are times when additional security checks are required, which may cause slight delays. These checks are in place to ensure a safe and compliant gaming environment for all players.

That being said, we can confirm that your withdrawal was processed shortly after your review, and we hope you’ve since received your funds successfully. We also acknowledge your concerns regarding varying responses from our support team and will use this as an opportunity to improve consistency in our communication.

We truly appreciate your patience and trust, and we remain committed to providing a reliable and enjoyable gaming experience. If you have any further concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
These guys know how to keep their players happy. I love playing here, especially because they have so many bonuses. I recently received a bonus for the Chinese new years and this was on top of my deposit bonuses.

The branding and design of the website is quite unique. Think gladiators! The live chat support have been an absolute delight to deal with. So far I've had no qualms with Chancer. I hope it continues this way :)
  • plenty of bonuses
  • good communication
  • professional
  • Some games were not available, but the selection is still awesome
Chancer Casino
Hi bigsal,

Thank you so much for your positive review! We're glad you liked the seasonal bonuses we cook up each month. We're always pushing the boundaries of player engagement, and we enjoy giving out interesting and new bonuses.

We've also taken your feedback on the game selection onboard. We'll aim to provide more games every month!

We hope to see you again soon.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
There are many positives with this casino
- high % bonuses for deposits
- many options for payment
- fast payment to wallet
- customer support is responsive

I have made two payments to my wallet from the casino and they have paid in 24 hours. The bonuses are very good if you like bonus cash
  • very good bonus cash promotions
  • fast payments
Chancer Casino
Hi fenrirlak,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We're glad you enjoyed the deposit bonuses and congratulations on your win. We're always rolling out interesting and new bonuses for our players to keep you guys engaged!

We hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
Great casino! i live in Sweden and found this site here on Casino Guru, at first i were a little concerned cause i had some bad experience with casinos that doesnt pay out any winnings or doing all they can to not pay your wins. made some really great spins on the slots and i had many fun nights here. the withdrawal were fast and i made a nice profit, i will definitively play here more! lots of fun games to choose from here! they have the latest games from Hacksaw and No limit, made my first withdrawal and everything were smooth, fast verification, very good support team and super fun point system to start collecting for fun stuff + awesome bonuses & cashback! 10 / 10 - Mårten
  • fun games and lots of providers
  • easy to navigate
  • fast verification
Chancer Casino
Hi iheededthecall,

Thank you so much for sharing your positive experience with us! We fully understand how important it is to get access to your winnings straight away and we pride ourselves on being the fastest.

We hope to catch you at Chancer again soon and good luck on your next spins!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
I really had a excellent time playing at this casino. It was straight forward to get my deposits. Verification was smooth and they paid my money out in 24 hours (Friday)

The customer support is really good here. I was even lucky enough to get some free spins after I played and asked.
  • Friendly support team
  • easy deposit and cashout
  • Needs some more free spins for other games
Chancer Casino
Hi maxim173,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We're delighted to hear that you've enjoyed your time at Chancer.

We love to give out promotions to our players and we're glad that you reached out for some free spins. We've taken your feedback regarding more options for free spins and that is currently in our roadmap.

We hope to see you again soon.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
Not bad casino they have a lot of bonus offers,but a lot of games are locked if you have bonus active,design of Casino page is also good maybe I ll come back to play there about withrawal and kyc I cant write nothing because I dont have luck,maybe in future I ll update my rewiew here
  • Lot of bonuses
  • Live support real halp
  • Lot deposit methods
  • Lot of games are locked with bonus active
  • Missing some slot providers
Chancer Casino
Hi igorbohacek,

Thank you for sharing your experience! We're glad to hear that you enjoyed our bonus offers and casino design. We understand that some games may be restricted while a bonus is active, as this is part of our fair play policies, but we appreciate your feedback. We hope luck is on your side in the future, and if you ever have any questions about withdrawals or KYC, our support team is always happy to help. Looking forward to welcoming you back soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
It's a big relief to find a casino that you can deposit and withdraw with no problems. The crypto deposit is very easy and is in your account very quick. The verification was easy and my withdraw was given to me within 1 day.

The bonus for first time is big and generous. I like that they have extra bonuses aswell.
  • fast deposit, withdraw and verification
  • big bonuses
  • good games
  • some more crypto options would be good
Chancer Casino
Hi cielos,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We're glad you enjoyed our deposit bonuses, and were able to claim your winnings swiftly! We pride ourselves on fast payouts and will continue to improve.

We are always looking to add more cryptocurrencies to our payment options, so keep an eye out in the future!

Best Regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
I have been playing here for a few months now and it has been a pleasure. There are tons of bonuses to choose from and they have special seasonal promotions which can be free spins or a chance at more bonus cash. The team is very responsive in live chat and I always received my withdrawals with no issues.
  • new bonuses all the time
  • good selection of games
  • cashback could be higher
Chancer Casino
Hi roopeville33,

Thanks for being a valued player! We're thrilled to hear you've been enjoying our bonuses and our customized promotions. Fast and hassle-free withdrawals are a top priority for us, so we're glad to know you've had a smooth experience.

We appreciate your feedback on cashback and will take it into consideration as we continue to improve.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
Theres so many casinos to choose from these days and everyone has the same offers. I tried Chancer because they had a higher deposit bonus so I can play for longer.

The deposit came in pretty much straight away and I also got an extra bonus from one of their promotions. I usually just play roulette or BJ and they have all the games.

After playing for a while they gave me an account manager who I can speak to directly and gives out more bonuses which is choice! The withdrawal process was easy too.

Would recommend
  • Awesome customer service
  • good selection of games
  • good VIP perks
  • they should add more high limit tables
Chancer Casino
Hi islanddev,

Thanks for choosing Chancer! We know there are plenty of options out there, so we're thrilled that our bonuses and VIP perks made your experience stand out. It's great to hear you enjoyed the fast deposits, game selection, and direct account manager support!

We appreciate your feedback on high-limit tables, we’re always looking to improve and will pass this along to the team.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
The casino is decent. It has all the usual games as your standard ones. The minimum deposit is a little high (230 kr) but the first time deposit bonus is worth it. I had some trouble receiving the email for my account but the live chat solved the problem for me.
  • good live chat support
  • lots of bonuses
  • minimum deposit is on the higher side
Chancer Casino
Hi finnski99

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience! We're glad to hear that our game selection and first-time deposit bonus made a positive impact. We also appreciate your feedback regarding the minimum deposit, we'll take that into consideration as we continue to improve. We're happy to hear our live chat team was able to assist with your account issue quickly. If you ever need anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 1 månad sedan
Decided to test out some new crypto casinos this week. Deposit process was super fast and you can also withdraw into other coins. I managed to get a small win from Big Bass and the whole verification and withdrawal was within 1 day.
  • Quick withdrawals
  • Crypto friendly
  • good support team
  • They should add XRP
Chancer Casino
Hi buckshotz,

Thanks for giving us a try! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our fast deposits, quick withdrawals, and crypto-friendly options. Congrats on your win with Big Bass! 🎣💰 Our team is always here to ensure a smooth experience, and we appreciate your kind words. Looking forward to seeing you back at the slots soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 2 månader sedan
Belöningsprogrammet är det som får mig att komma tillbaka igen och igen. Återbetalningen sker automatiskt och kontoansvarig kontaktade mig för att erbjuda mig en personlig bonus, vilket fick mig att känna mig speciell. Jag har spelat på många sajter, men den här sticker ut för sina snabba utbetalningar och utmärkt service. Jag har rekommenderat det till mina vänner, och de har haft liknande upplevelser.
  • Belöningsprogrammet är utmärkt
  • Bra kundservice
  • Vissa spel var inte tillgängliga i min region
Chancer Casino
Hi mikkizz561,

Thanks a lot for the awesome review! We're so glad to hear that the rewards program and personalized bonuses are keeping you coming back. It’s great to know you and your friends are enjoying the fast payouts and service. We really appreciate the recommendation!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 2 månader sedan
I decided to try this casino because I had some issues with my regular place. For a new casino they have really good bonuses and cashback. They also got Hacksaw and Playngo which is my favourite games. The bonuses are good and theres many to choose from. They also got some extra bonuses in the shop. I will continue playing here.
  • good game selection
  • plenty of bonuses
  • the mobile view is a bit hard to see on some pages
Chancer Casino
Hi torvakiin,

Thanks so much for the great review! We're really glad to hear you're enjoying the bonuses and game selection. It’s awesome to know that you're sticking around. We’ll do our best to keep it a fun experience for you. If you ever need anything, just give us a shout!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 2 månader sedan
I've been playing here for about 4 weeks now. The bonuses are good and I enjoyed playing here. I had an issue with my first deposit not showing up, but customer service solved it in less than 10 minutes. The payouts are reliable and I haven’t had to wait long for my withdrawals. Overall, it’s a fair and trustworthy casino.
  • They update the games on the front frequently so you can discover new slots
  • You can buy gift cards in their shop from playing
  • Would be nice to have more table games
Chancer Casino
Hi Kevw,

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us! We're always adding new games and providers to provide more options to our players.

We're glad you enjoyed and are taking advantage of our digital rewards in our shop. We hope you continue to enjoy playing with us and look forward to seeing you again!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 2 månader sedan
I joined because a friend recommended this site, and it’s been great so far. The bonuses are generous, and I’ve already made a withdrawal without any problems. I like that they let you play without having to worry about hidden rules. Everything has been very straight forward and I appreciate how easy it is to use.
  • Customer support is really helpful
  • The deposit bonus is great
  • Some games were a little slow to load on my phone
Chancer Casino
Hi Julianad,

Thank you for sharing your feedback. We’re delighted to hear that you enjoyed using our bonuses and found the cash-out process smooth. Providing a stress-free experience so you can focus on playing is something we take great pride in.

We’ve shared your comments about game processing speeds with our technical team, and we're actively working on improving this aspect.

Thanks again for your valuable input!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 2 månader sedan
I decided to try this casino because it had good bonuses. So far my experience has been great. I like that they have most of the main games and the design is nice.
  • Customer service sometimes give me bonuses
  • Fun design
  • Wish they had ELK gaming
Chancer Casino
Hi jack_dezzy

Thank you so much for your positive feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you've been enjoying your experience with us so far. It's great to know that our game selection and design have been to your liking. We’re always working to implement new game providers so keep an eye out for new releases.

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 2 månader sedan
Ett av de sämsta casinon jag någonsin spelat på, jag satte in, fick välkomstbonusen, några minuter senare försvann den, jag frågade dem varför och de sa att jag kanske avbröt det, vilket jag inte gjorde, uttag tar en evighet. Och personerna i chatten är oprofessionella
  • Många leverantörer
  • MYCKET långsamt uttag i krypto
Chancer Casino
Hi Pamelapop9105

Thanks for your feedback. We’re committed to making sure all our players have a great experience at Chancer, so we’re sorry to hear this didn’t meet your expectations.

Regarding the bonus, we checked your account activity thoroughly and shared all the details with you. Our goal is always to ensure promotions run smoothly, and we encourage players to reach out anytime they have questions or concerns so we can assist right away.

On withdrawals, we’re proud to say our processing times are among the fastest in the industry. Sometimes, payment provider processes can cause delays, but we always work hard to keep things moving as quickly as possible.

We also take customer support seriously, and your feedback about the chat team will be reviewed to ensure we’re consistently delivering the high standard of service we aim for.

We appreciate you giving us a try and are here if you'd like to discuss anything further

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 2 månader sedan
i had a good experience on this casino, i was a bit sceptical first since the welcome bonus was so good and the casino is new but i had a great experience on this casino.

the kyc procedure was super quick my files were approved inside 1hour and my both withdrawals were accepted inside of 24 hours which is fairly quick!

only negative i got to say about the casino is that the games dont run super smoothly atleast i noticed this on nolimit action spins and hacksaw super turbo spins which werent so quick as in other places i played in but this isnt a big negative.

i would recommend playing here :)
  • fast withdrawal
  • super fast kyc approval
  • great welcome bonus
  • website is a bit slow to load
  • games doesnt run super smoothly
Chancer Casino
Hi samiboi87,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We’re proud to provide fast KYC and withdrawal processing. We also appreciate your feedback about game processing speeds. We’ll share it with our tech team to help us improve.

We look forward to seeing you at Chancer again soon!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
• 6 månader sedan
Jag har väntat på ett uttag sedan i fredags och idag går jag tillbaka till mitt spelarkonto för att spela klart igen, deras ursäkt var att leverantören skickade tillbaka det. Jag gjorde det igen och de avbröt det på plats och sa att kortnumret inte var detsamma som det jag hade satt in, när det var detsamma!
Lita inte på detta casino, det är en bluff!
Tillslut spenderade jag 200 och stod kvar med 100 som jag tog ut och jag kollade kortnumret flera gånger om det var mitt och de visste bara hur man skulle säga ja och liknande osv, men de sa aldrig om det var mitt eller inte, men de vet bara hur man säger att det bearbetas och det tar tre dagar. Jag vet redan att jag inte kommer att få några pengar, jag säger er, det här fallet är värdelöst! Slösa inte dina pengar här, det är slöseri med tid!
  • De betalar inte!
  • Chattsupport spelar alltid samma historia som jag har väntat sedan i fredags på ett uttag som de idag avbröt och kommer att lägga tillbaka på kontot bara för att slutföra utgifterna
  • Hemsk service!
  • Inte ett pålitligt kasino
  • En av de sämsta jag någonsin spelat!
Chancer Casino
Thank you for your feedback. We see that you had an enjoyable session and even made a withdrawal request for your winnings. However, it seems you decided to cancel the withdrawal multiple times to continue playing, which is entirely your choice as we must honor such requests.

Our withdrawal process is designed to be quick and reliable, provided the request remains in place until completion. We encourage players to let their withdrawal process fully if they wish to secure their winnings without interruption.

We truly value your experience with us and are always here to assist should you need support in the future.
• 6 månader sedan
Overall it was good and not much to complain about. Everything was smooth to use, games working fine, customer support was good and current welcome offer is generous with an attractive wagering requirement.
  • Nice theme to the casino and pretty user friendly
  • Payments are stable too
  • Low wagering requirement which is very attractive
  • Good customer support
  • The brand seems new and going in the right direction. Good place to play slots overall
  • More payment methods needed
  • Few more promotions would be nice to stay engaged
Chancer Casino
Hi Cryptozipp11

Thanks so much for your feedback! We're thrilled to hear you enjoyed your experience at Chancer. We like to keep things fresh and have new and exciting promotions every month.

Looking forward to seeing you around the slots again soon. If you ever need anything, our support team is just a click away!

Best regards,
The Chancer Team
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