The player from Brazil had admitted to having two accounts at the casino due to a gambling addiction. He had provided false information during registration, which was a violation of the casino's Terms and Conditions. The casino had blocked one account with winnings of 5170 Brazilian real. The player had argued that it was unfair as his second account had a larger amount, and felt the casino should not have held his funds. However, we had found that creating multiple accounts violated the casino's rules. We had informed the player that we could not assist him in this case and advised him to seek help for his gambling addiction. We had provided resources for self-exclusion and professional assistance. The complaint had been rejected due to the player's violation of the casino's rules.
Spelaren från Brasilien hade erkänt att han hade två konton på kasinot på grund av ett spelberoende. Han hade lämnat falsk information under registreringen, vilket var ett brott mot kasinots regler och villkor. Kasinot hade blockerat ett konto med vinster på 5170 brasilianska real. Spelaren hade hävdat att det var orättvist eftersom hans andra konto hade ett större belopp, och ansåg att kasinot inte borde ha kvar hans pengar. Vi hade dock upptäckt att skapa flera konton bröt mot kasinots regler. Vi hade informerat spelaren om att vi inte kunde hjälpa honom i det här fallet och rådde honom att söka hjälp för sitt spelberoende. Vi hade tillhandahållit resurser för självuteslutning och professionell hjälp. Klagomålet hade avvisats på grund av spelarens brott mot kasinots regler.
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