God morgon, allt var löst, pengar föll in på kontot, men jag skulle vilja ge ett förslag, sättet att bevisa bankkontot kunde förenklas, ett uttalande innehåller all nödvändig information, jag hade enorma svårigheter att bevisa bankkontot genom tryck, men problemet är löst
Good morning, everything was resolved, money fell into the account, but I would like to make a suggestion, the way of proving the bank account could be simplified, a statement contains all the necessary information, I had enormous difficulty in proving the bank account through print, but the problem has been solved
Bom dia,foi tudo resolvido, dinheiro caiu na conta, mas gostaria de deixar uma sugestão, poderia ser simplificado a forma de comprovação da conta bancária,um extrato contem todas as informações nescessário,tive enorme dificuldade em comprovar conta bancária através de print, más o problema foi solucionado
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