Det har gått nästan 3 månader sedan webbplatsen är nere, de säger att de kommer att kommunicera och ge en support på deras webbplats detta är skrivet men jag har aldrig fått något, och deras support e-post är nere, jag vet inte heller, men för att få pengarna jag satte in på sajten.
Det har gått nästan 3 månader sedan webbplatsen är nere, de säger att de kommer att kommunicera och ge en support på deras webbplats detta är skrivet men jag har aldrig fått något, och deras support e-post är nere, jag vet inte heller, men för att få pengarna jag satte in på sajten.
It's been almost 3 months since the site is down, they say they will communicate and give a Support on their site this is written but I never received any, and their Support e-mail is down, I don't know either, but the to receive the money I deposited on the site.
It's been almost 3 months since the site is down, they say they will communicate and give a Support on their site this is written but I never received any, and their Support e-mail is down, I don't know either, but the to receive the money I deposited on the site.
já fazem quase 3 meses que o site esta fora do ar, eles falam que vão comunicar e dar um Support no site deles esta escrito isso mas nunca recebi nenhum, e o e-mail de Support deles esta fora do ar também não sei mas o que fazer para receber o dinheiro que depositei no site.
It's been almost 3 months since the site is down, they say they will communicate and give a Support on their site this is written but I never received any, and their Support e-mail is down, I don't know either, but the to receive the money I deposited on the site.
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