ForumKlagomålsdiskussionQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (sida 175)

11 månader sedan av kirekin
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Inlägg av carsix79 har raderats
2 månader sedan

I have been going through old bank statements from February I was using MyStake so through Santeda I have a couple of company’s on my statement Cleverprix* dota and frezhh limiteddigitech, the bank say it’s now too late to charge these back does anyone know who to contact with these companies ?

2 månader sedan

Hi been keeping tabs on this forum for a little while now. In regards to your Wintermdse transactions how did you get your bank to process a chargeback again.They put mine down as a scam and rejected it. How many transactions did you make with wintermdse and what were the amounts because mine total £4000 but I only made 5 transactions in total. I am waiting for a response from there investigation team but have the evidence of the gambling company denying any relationship to them and confirmed they have no connection to Wintermdse.But I obtained my deposit history which is in line with the times transactions were made to the gambling company through wintermdse. My problem with gambling company stemmed when I tried to make a withdrawal which was declined multiple times for no reason and I wasn’t receiving an answer on how to fix the issue.My bank has just been terrible in regards to this situation too and are partly to blame but also my fault too have to hold accountability. So do you think Wintermdse will try to say I bought art too considering all my deposits were minimum £500 if they don’t respond within next 2 weeks I will just go back to my banks and push for a chargeback again.Have already escalated to the financial ombudsman for the mistakes my bank have made in this situation would have only lost £500 instead of the £4000.Most painful thing is I go away in 3 weeks would be a dream to have resolved before I get on the plane.

2 månader sedan

I explained what happened to my bank(Barclays) and they opened the chargebacks. There were 18 in total, but for some reason my bank only opened 8 chargeback against them. It was for around £1800. I’ve contacted financial ombudsman too because on my declined chargeback letter it says you have 10 days to appeal it, which I did and the bank never got back to me. So I’m hoping financial ombudsman will help me. Like I said for some reason WINTERMDSE sent back 2 payments out of the 8, and they were both the lowest payments which were £50, so surely to the bank they know the company is trying to hold my bigger deposits. Pretty sure they get charged for chargebacks that’s why they decline the bigger ones and it’s just easier to send the funds back for £50. What did financial ombudsman say to you did they open a case

2 månader sedan

Which bank are you with? Barclays opened a chargeback for me against this company & they sent the funds back.

2 månader sedan

No sadly it's on a credit card so I am stuck unless I can find the company and email them

2 månader sedan

Oh so you did tell them it was gambling related? The transactions I made were made with RBS (Mastercard) via debit card and they wouldn’t chargeback any transactions as it was put down as a scam claim and they would be the ones liable and stated Mastercard don’t allow gambling chargebacks. If wintermdse don’t respond I will gather the evidence and attempt to chargeback the last 2 transactions I made under a different chargeback code which my bank should accept as the deposits didn’t reach the gambling company.Hopefully Wintermdse just say they will refund me given there is so much evidence connecting ties which both parties have denied. The financial ombudsman are reviewing my case but the process will be longer and there is more too it as my bank have done other things wrong.Even with them they probably have loyalties to the million pound companies. Would they want to hamper their relationship?

2 månader sedan

Yeah I did, but i used my normal debit card to make the transactions. Chargebacks are more hard when you use a credit card, some have advised to say you’ve bought gift cards which you haven’t received. I had a credit card too and I gambled on there and they reversed the payments as fraud reversal.

Inlägg av Anonymized668 har raderats
2 månader sedan

Oh I see I will have to try with my bank again in 2 weeks if wintermdse don’t get back to me.If that don’t work down to the financial ombudsman.

whos your credit card provider Barclays too? If I had used my credit card I would have 100% been protected by fraud guarantee but would never have used a credit card.

2 månader sedan

I used a vanquis Mastercard

Inlägg av Anonymized668 har raderats
Inlägg av Anonymized668 har raderats
2 månader sedan

No, that is not likely as casino payments are treated very differently then all other payments.

It almost impossible to get a chargeback on casino transactions. But since most Curacao based casinos prefer to use fake webshops for your deposits you can simply contact such a fake store and ask for a refund. Some will reply or issue a refund and others will ignore you which is fine as you do have now evidence that you reached out to the merchant which is with most creditcards mandatory before raising your case.

2 månader sedan

Där det finns en vilja finns det en väg och alla som har en bra rådgivare på sin bank kan hoppas på hjälp.

Det är mer den dåligt utbildade personalen på bankerna. Numera görs allt online, ingen känner varandra egentligen personligen, så du kan inte bygga en bra affärsrelation. Men som regel vill bankerna ha kunder som inte ställer till med problem och som är mer benägna att ta in pengar. Enligt mina uppgifter är det ganska tidskrävande att behandla en återkrav, speciellt om man ska rapportera 10-15 transaktioner. Det är därför de flesta banker avstår från att göra återkrav eftersom det är för tidskrävande. Det är inte bankens pengar som är borta 😉 Följaktligen avvisas återkrav där resultatet är osäkert 😉

Men av tidigare erfarenhet kan jag säga att det finns banker som helt enkelt tar tillbaka sådana transaktioner som bedrägeri (händer bara en gång). Sedan finns det banker som kräver en polisanmälan för att en sådan återbetalning ska kunna genomföras. Sedan finns det banker som gör återkrav med motiveringen att betalningen inte mottagits (här kan casinot helt enkelt skicka in falska kvitton och återkravet går förlorat).

Visa och Mastercard skulle också behöva hållas ansvariga, men på grund av det stora antalet falska företag är det omöjligt att identifiera en ansvarig...

Ändrad av författare 2 månader sedan
Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

Hello, ive read through the whole thread and found most of the companies, but do anyone have contacts for the below? Thanks in advance





2 månader sedan

BP W loading is bpwallet. Always got money back from them

2 månader sedan

Thank you! I will give it a try 🙂

For others answered me within 2 hours that they would refund me also if anyone got transactions from them!

Inlägg av Youssf har raderats
Inlägg av Anonymized668 har raderats
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