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22bet withdrawal issues (sida 7)

4 år sedan av giseryd
70 500 visningar 170 svar |
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2 år sedan

Det är för verifiering! Vad ska jag göra?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

Send in your own card with the rest of your verification documents forget about the previous deposits you made on the other card. If you send in a card not registered in your name it will be rejected.

2 år sedan

Men om jag skickar mitt kort så ser de att det inte stämmer överens med insättningskortet

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

Wait and see what Radka has to say I’m just trying to help you understand that if you send in a card that doesn’t match that of your verification documents it will be rejected. As I see it the only chance you have is to send in a card registered in your name and hope they don’t check the card used for previous deposits. The casinos I have used in their terms and conditions state that only the named card holder can deposit. I always make sure I’m verified before I make any deposit that’s the safest way. Using someone else’s card at an online casino is a no no!!

2 år sedan

Have you a withdrawal pending if so for how much is it for?

2 år sedan

1400 och jag har angett 1500

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

😯 ooh that’s a lot to lose if they are not going to pay you until you are verified. I have an idea but wait and see what Radka has to say first she might no different to my knowledge on this situation

2 år sedan

Om du kan, berätta för mig vad jag kan göra, jag måste agera så snart som möjligt

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

You should not panic and wait for a second opinion from Radka she’s the expert. This is what I would do if I was in your situation.

cancel the withdrawal

make the smallest deposit possible using your own card

make a new withdrawal request minus the new deposit

send in your verification documents including your card the one you made the last deposit with.

hope that when they check that the card you made your last deposit with matches the verification card and if so the withdrawal should go through smoothly.

I would still get a second opinion on here from Radka.

2 år sedan

Okej! Tack! Jag kommer att vänta på henne, om jag måste ange 10 euro med mitt kort och omedelbart skicka ett foto av kortet för verifiering, när de accepterar verifieringen kan jag ta ut pengarna igen med det andra kortet?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

No the whole point is that the deposit and withdrawal is made with the registered card and that they match. As they probably won’t sanction the withdrawal.

2 år sedan

Kan du fråga mig förutom denna mer dokumentation?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

Sorry I didn’t understand the question. Every casino asks for different KYC documents it now normally a selfie with your ID showing eg your passport. Proof of address I normally send a bank statement first page and then the method you made a deposit with your bank card in this case. It can varie casino to casino so I would check with the casino as to what is acceptable

2 år sedan

Kan du svara snälla?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

Jag har registrerat mig i 22bet, och jag har använt ett visakort som inte står i mitt namn, jag har gjort insättningar och uttag utan problem, men nu ber de mig att verifiera kontot, jag har skickat en identitetshandling och nu har jag för att skicka visa-kortet, men visa-kortet är inte i namnet på användarregistreringen på 22bet-sidan, är det något problem?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan

That should be a big problem in any decent casino I'm afraid 😕 It's forbidden to use payment methods registered to any other name than yours in most of casinos even if the person borrowed you the card willingly.

The standard process is that the casino closes your account a returns the deposit but it's hard to say what 22bet will do.

2 år sedan

You should not panic and wait for a second opinion from Radka she’s the expert. This is what I would do if I was in your situation.

cancel the withdrawal

make the smallest deposit possible using your own card

make a new withdrawal request minus the new deposit

send in your verification documents including your card the one you made the last deposit with.

hope that when they check that the card you made your last deposit with matches the verification card and if so the withdrawal should go through smoothly.

I would still get a second opinion on here from Radka.

2 år sedan

Hello nigeljc,

Frankly, I see this attempt as a very risky one. They will find out I guess.

The other problem point is this casino applies unfair terms and conditions and actively uses those against players. So giving them another "fair" reason wouldn't help the cause, I'd say. 😔

I know it's hard, but, normally, we all have to agree with the terms and conditions to proceed to the first deposit. In this case, it wouldn't be fair to encourage the player to act like this even if I truly understand that the motivation is only to help.

2 år sedan

Hello miralles8666,

I'm sorry you have to learn your lesson this way. Take it as a good reason to get yourself more familiar with all Terms and Conditions because if you breach (willingly and unwillingly) one of those, your winnings are lost and your account probably closed. 🙁.

Feel free to do so here:


Frankly, you chose a poor casino to play in, and if you try to explain what happened, I honestly think they will not be much cooperative. If you try to use your own card now, I'm sure they will find out.

You won big, and the casino makes very sure that you have not violated any rules - which you have 😔

I'm truly sorry I can't help you with this.

2 år sedan

hej, jag har problem med ett uttag på 22bet, de bad mig om olika data och bilder, sist kontoutdraget för kortet som jag gjorde en insättning med.

Efter att ha skickat det fortsätter de att svara för att respektera säkerhetsavdelningens förfrågningar, praktiskt taget för dem är kontoutdraget som jag fortsätter att vidarebefordra inte bra.

Hur kan jag fixa det?

Jag har kämpat med dem i en vecka, orkar inte mer !!

Automatiskt översatt:
2 år sedan


it's crucial to understand what is from with the statement - why it gets rejected. Then you must provide it the "right way".

Have you been told what is wrong, please? Format, some banking detail is missing, perhaps?

Kindly let me know.

1 år sedan

I noticed that a lot of people search for more information about 22bet casino and withdrawals from the casino. I'd like to highlight the fact that the casino is currently on 2 different blacklists and they have no reaction policy to player complaints so I really don't recommend you to play there. Choose another casino if you want to stay safe.

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