ForumCasinonWolfy Casino – generell diskussion

Wolfy Casino – generell diskussion (sida 2)

1 år sedan av franztheuerw
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2 månader sedan

Detta är en tvillingsida av Bet Nox Casino som verkligen använder samma metoder som Bet Nox Casino som rånar sina spelare

Jag varnar bara alla spelare att inte sätta in några pengar på dem

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

And I surely thank you for that. Do you have any experience playing there? Was my question. 🤔

2 månader sedan

Jag har inte spelat där, men har du någon kontakt med representanter för dessa casinon?

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2 månader sedan

Hello again.

Do you remember me explaining we can't do that every time someone asks? Admins do not get in touch with casino representatives when players ask us to try that, and we also can't provide the contacts.

Additionally, I would like to ask you to keep your experiences in the threads they belong to. I imagine you think it's handy to warn others about sister sites, but it is not that easy. If you do not have the very same experience with Wolfy, I ask you politely to create your own thread about it, just try to keep this official source of information - well, informative. 😉

In any case, both casinos are actually marked as "low Safety Index", better to be avoided.

2 månader sedan

Jag förstår, men snälla förklara för mig hur det fungerar

Båda kasinon har samma ägare, eller hur?

Vet ägaren av båda kasinon hur kunderna på dessa kasinon behandlas eller är han inte ens medveten om det?

Jag är verkligen intresserad av det här ämnet, hur fungerar det?

Kasinon får en spellicens, eller hur? Har casinot verkligen inga konsekvenser för att stjäla från sina kunder?

Är det verkligen allt spelare kan göra för att klaga på onlineforum?

Kasinot gav mig inte ens någon anledning till varför det gör det här, det är svårt för mig att föreställa mig allt, det är därför jag letar efter sanningen om hur det hela fungerar

Enligt min åsikt bör ett casino som rånar sina spelare inte beviljas en förlängning av licensen att fortsätta spela om det inte bevisar att jag har brutit mot reglerna på något sätt, och det gjorde jag absolut inte.

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

Well, as I can see, they do not have the same owners but the same management. I do not completely understand how it works exactly, as I have never worked in an online casino, to tell you the truth.

They do have the same license, which is Curaçao (ANT), and they are supposed to be controlled by them. Again, I cannot be sure about how exactly does it works there. They have some rules, and all the casinos need to follow them, of course.

Whenever a player files a complaint here on our website and the complaint doesn't get resolved, it will always show in the safety index of the particular casino. This is how we at Casino Guru rate all online casinos. So, without any help from our users, we are not able to punish any casino somehow.

2 månader sedan

Och ingen drar några konsekvenser av att casinot orättvist lurat sin kund?

Kan du kontakta ägarna till kasinot eller personer som representerar kasinot?

Om vi låter kasinon gå så här kommer de att fortsätta att lura sina kunder och klagomål kommer att fortsätta att lämnas in

Jag skulle åtminstone vilja förklara min situation, eftersom kasinot inte ens gav mig någon anledning till varför det gjorde detta?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

I believe that Radka has already explained to you that it doesn't work that way. We don't contact casinos whenever a player asks us to. If there is a complaint filed and the casino is willing to communicate with our team, only then can we contact the casino representative.

So the only way we can do something about any issues at an online casino is through the player's complaint lodged here with our team.

2 månader sedan

Jag har redan skickat in klagomål här på forumet, casinorepresentanten brydde sig inte ens om att svara på meddelanden trots att han var inbjuden många gånger, och många gånger svarade han på andra klagomål, men han struntade i mina eftersom de visste mycket väl att de hade rånat och lurat mig.

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Inlägg av polmenakos Dold av Radka
Orsak: repeated false speculations
2 månader sedan

Hi there and welcome back, player. It is been a long while.

It hurts so much to see that all you have brought back are your misgivings and purposefully unfavorable opinions.

It is not a huge deal because you probably are not aware that we do not hide the fact that we make our money from players who play in casinos and lose fairly. You genuinely act as though you are aware of the specifics, but the majority of what you have written is untrue.

Let's focus o facts:

Players are the ones who feed us. Not the casinos. If we disappoint the players trust by showing wrong data or supporting unfair casinos, it will return to us like a boomerang. On the other hand, it doesn't mean we'll always blindly decide in favour of the player whenever they submit a complaint against a casino.

We created the biggest list of casino reviews in the world, and we regularly update this list to make sure that the Safety Indexes are still valid.

We recommend different top casinos to players based on where they come from, because for example, a casino that is great for German players doesn't need to be too good for players in Argentina, etc. So we try to create a unique top casinos list for every country. When players go to play to these casinos and eventually lose, we get a commission from it.

We never tell the players to play in a casino, because you become rich, we actually say that you eventually lose, but we also know there are people who simply love casino games. We believe that it's better for those players to play in decent casinos that will pay the winnings in case the player is simply lucky instead of making stupid excuses and voiding the winnings. That's why CasinoGuru was created - to provide honest online casino reviews.

The income we have also enables us to do a lot of activities that we don't get paid for - for example, we have the Complaints Resolution Centre where we help players get their winnings from casinos. We don't take any commission for it so when the player gets paid, they get 100% of the amount. We also have an academy for people who'd like to start their career in online casinos and even for online casinos workers who'd like to improve in their job.

We also invest in Global Self Exclusion initiative. The goal is to create a tool that would allow players to self-exclude in all casinos in the world (we could use our large casino database for it).

Based on the multitude of your submitted complaints, I really don't understand why you feel the urge to neglect the help you personally received for free without hesitation.

Moreover, we have never said Curacao licenses are the best - from my point of view, this is another example of how misinformed your words are. To provide players with the most complex set of information, it is only natural to mention something as important as the license. If you have tried a little, you would find many conversations declaring Curacao at some point supports player's complaints by the means you can submit one, though they rarely respond. This is hardly promotion.

Anyway, I am requesting that you refrain from pressuring players to adopt our false ideologies. Your actions destroyed the supportive vibes, as the only things you are able to share on the forum are similar in nature. We do not have a problem with constructive criticism; unfortunately, what you have shown thus far has little to do with it. If we are that corrupt, I imagine you will only be grateful that you are no longer welcome here, at least until you start acting rationally. Surely you will understand that we do not need such activities on our own forum.

I will ban you from the forum if you continue to spread false accusations, so please heed my final warning.

2 månader sedan

Jag har redan skickat in klagomål här på forumet, casinorepresentanten brydde sig inte ens om att svara på meddelanden trots att han var inbjuden många gånger, och många gånger svarade han på andra klagomål, men han struntade i mina eftersom de visste mycket väl att de hade rånat och lurat mig.

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

Sorry about that. It happens with some casinos and then the complaint is closed as "unresolved", unfortunately, and we have to give the casino black points for this, which leads to lowering the safety index.

May I ask you when you filed a complaint for this casino, though? I do not see it anywhere in our database.

2 månader sedan

Tyvärr börjar jag tappa tron på rättvisan 😪😪😪

Kasinot tar bara pengarna, när jag förlorade var allt bra i kasinot, när jag vann när kasinot stal alla pengar

Ingen vill hjälpa mig, ingen vill ens förklara hela situationen

Varför händer det här? Kan kasinon verkligen göra vad de vill?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

Fru Radka, jag har läst ditt inlägg, men tror du att en sänkning av betyget med 0,2 poäng när du lurar en spelare på 800 EUR förändrar något för casinot?

Jag undrar också varför ni inte pressar casinorepresentanterna att svara på klagomålet, eftersom ni har sådana kontakter och möjligheter?

Finns det någon möjlighet att kontakta casinoledningen?

Jag undrar om ledningen ens vet hur det hela ser ut?

Jag kan fortfarande inte föreställa mig att kasinot berövar mig 800 euro och inte drabbas av några konsekvenser, jag vill inte ens anstränga mig för att svara på mina meddelanden och motivera mitt beslut, och jag vet väl att casinorepresentanterna vet detta väl eftersom de båda var inbjudna till intervjun. på grund av att du och jag har skrivit till dem många gånger att ett klagomål har öppnats?

Med sunt förnuft kan alla gissa att om casinot inte klarar av ens detta så betyder det att felet helt klart är på deras sida, du säger att det inte är helt klart vem som har fel i denna fråga

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

Let me answer to all your points and I will not answer again:

Players are the ones who feed us. Not the casinos. If we disappoint the players trust by showing wrong data or supporting unfair casinos, it will return to us like a boomerang. On the other hand, it doesn't mean we'll always blindly decide in favour of the player whenever they submit a complaint against a casino.

No , I insist, THE CASINOS FEED YOU, not players. Being a professional insurance broker on civil liabilities , what you are doing and the way you function is the definition of a conflict of interest. Your bank account gets money from the casinos , not the players. You don't get funds through subscriptions , but through comission from player deposits. Maybe a casino gives you 5% and gets 9.0 and another casino gives you 3% and gets 5.0. That is something that maybe is true or maybe it is not. But you see...that's how conflict of interest works. Furthermore your comissions come from player LOSES, which means any Casino favoured decisions = more money for you.

We created the biggest list of casino reviews in the world, and we regularly update this list to make sure that the Safety Indexes are still valid.

We recommend different top casinos to players based on where they come from, because for example, a casino that is great for German players doesn't need to be too good for players in Argentina, etc. So we try to create a unique top casinos list for every country. When players go to play to these casinos and eventually lose, we get a commission from it.

Yes , now that your SEO is good and after you built your reputation , the flow of "customers" will keep comming no matter what you do. You don't even have to care. I am a living example of what happens when a player experiences what you say "you wouldn't want to happen". You refuse to cut casinos ratings for things as simple as players getting promotions daily after self-exclusions. Give me a break.

As for Curacao licenses and you judging based on player Location is such a bullshit. 99,999% of these casinos are completely banned in EU/USA/CANADA and they have 300 mirrors so players play there illegaly , yet you still don't break a sweat.

We never tell the players to play in a casino, because you become rich, we actually say that you eventually lose, but we also know there are people who simply love casino games. We believe that it's better for those players to play in decent casinos that will pay the winnings in case the player is simply lucky instead of making stupid excuses and voiding the winnings. That's why CasinoGuru was created - to provide honest online casino reviews.

In other words you tell people that water is wet. Go check my cases , that I played ONE TIME from parrent's home , during vacations , without using a bonus , while I had 300 logs from a place 3 hours far away and how fair I got my winnings as you claim. And when I said that THE CASINO WHO REFUSED TO PAY ME KEEPS SENDING PROMOTIONS YOU SAID "IS NORMAL".

Moreover, we have never said Curacao licenses are the best - from my point of view, this is another example of how misinformed your words are. To provide players with the most complex set of information, it is only natural to mention something as important as the license. If you have tried a little, you would find many conversations declaring Curacao at some point supports player's complaints by the means you can submit one, though they rarely respond. This is hardly promotion.

You never said they are "the best" , but you hide the fact that they are COMPLETELY UNREGULATED. You even tell people at times to contact the "Curacao Authorities.... xD

 If you have tried a little, you would find many conversations declaring Curacao at some point supports player's complaints by the means you can submit one, though they rarely respond. This is hardly promotion.

If that's the case , which is the case all Casinos with Curacao Licenses should have a MAXIMUM rating of 5, since all casinos based there , are based there ONLY TO WORK ON UNREGULATED ENVIROMENT AND BYPASS LOCAL BANS WITH 500 MIRRORS.

We also invest in Global Self Exclusion initiative. The goal is to create a tool that would allow players to self-exclude in all casinos in the world (we could use our large casino database for it).

You invest on Global self exclusion and u care so much about the players , that in my case you couldn't force the casino to stop sending me promotions after self-exclusion and you cated as if it is something normal. You care about players that much , that when you do casino rankings you don't mention the rtp (94%,95%,96%) versions they have on slots.

Ändrad av författare 2 månader sedan
2 månader sedan

Dear kaczka381,

I've been meaning to tell you for quite some time that every time you ask us whether we can help with any sports betting-related matter, the response will always be "No, we can't."

When I was referring to players complaining about specific casino here on the forum and the fact they should not expect Casino Guru to lower any rating based on their posts, it was solely related to casino games.

As you already know, nothing related to sports betting has any meaningful impact on CASINO reviews.

When it comes to the effort, I personally helped you get in touch with the RichPrize Casino Representative, despite the fact that it has never been part of my job. Do you remember, perhaps?

We truly need you to understand we only contact casino representatives through the complaint process, which won't be initiated if your concern include sports betting.

Frankly, due to the aforementioned explanation, we just can't decide to lower the rating as you suggested because we don't deal with sports betting-related matters.

There is no way for us to recognize whether the casino/sportsbook truly did the "things" you say it did.

Despite that, you already said you had never played at Wolfy Casino. Thus, this conversation about us getting in touch with the casino is pointless. Please try to understand the facts here. 🙏

I'm more than convinced we have proven how much we care.

2 månader sedan

Ja, jag minns, vilket jag var väldigt tacksam för och tack igen, men där gällde ärendet även sportspel och jag lyckades övertala representanten att prata med mig om det

När det gäller Bet Nox casino och Slottyway, där jag lämnade in ett klagomål, rör fallet både sportspel och Mrs Radkos casino, så jag tror att det skulle gå att försöka övertala representanten att prata här på forumet

Jag tror att det är ganska tydligt att felet ligger hos kasinot, eftersom jag har sökt en konfrontation i denna fråga så länge och kasinot undviker samtalet som pesten, är situationen ganska tydlig vem som är skyldig i denna tvist, höger?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

"No , I insist, THE CASINOS FEED YOU, not players. Being a professional insurance broker on civil liabilities , what you are doing and the way you function is the definition of a conflict of interest. Your bank account gets money from the casinos , not the players. You don't get funds through subscriptions , but through comission from player deposits. Maybe a casino gives you 5% and gets 9.0 and another casino gives you 3% and gets 5.0. That is something that maybe is true or maybe it is not. But you see...that's how conflict of interest works. Furthermore your comissions come from player LOSES, which means any Casino favoured decisions = more money for you."

To be honest, it seems like all you do is misunderstand what I said. Our revenue comes from the players, which you have just terribly explained. The reasoning behind our approach was clarified.

"Yes , now that your SEO is good and after you built your reputation , the flow of "customers" will keep comming no matter what you do. You don't even have to care. I am a living example of what happens when a player experiences what you say "you wouldn't want to happen". You refuse to cut casinos ratings for things as simple as players getting promotions daily after self-exclusions. Give me a break."

Again, you are talking about things you don't understand; you simply assume you know what and how we do.

"You never said they are "the best" , but you hide the fact that they are COMPLETELY UNREGULATED. You even tell people at times to contact the "Curacao Authorities.... xD"

I am sorry to tell, but this is completely out of the question; I suggest you do some decent research. It is important to remember that the Curaçaoan government regulates five sublicense providers. Some of them accept players' complaints:

"As for Curacao licenses and you judging based on player Location is such a bullshit. 99,999% of these casinos are completely banned in EU/USA/CANADA and they have 300 mirrors so players play there illegaly , yet you still don't break a sweat."

I partially agree, but you should keep in mind that we provide information. It's up to the players to decide whether they want to play in a Curacao or Costa Rica licensed casino. Additionally players for hevily regulated countries are given pop up warning they should only playin locally licensed casinos.

Aside from that, if you have read our crystal clear FAIR GAMBLING CODEX, you would know we are not lawyers, so we stick with fairness. Meaning if the curacao licensed casino accepts players from the UK, giving them the same conditions like anyone else, we are ok with it. Such players just can't be disqualified later when he want to withdraw winnings. These days, many players from regulated markets use this "lawfully fair" approach to put casinos under pressure once they lose. Deliberately playing in Curacao casinos with the idea of a refund because, according to local law or license limitations, they should not be allowed to register and play.

Sounds truly fair to me.

"You invest on Global self exclusion and u care so much about the players , that in my case you couldn't force the casino to stop sending me promotions after self-exclusion and you cated as if it is something normal. You care about players that much , that when you do casino rankings you don't mention the rtp (94%,95%,96%) versions they have on slots."

I believe this is a frustrating situation. On the other hand, I have never heard of any independent company that has been able to force casino - another independent company - to stop sending promotions to excluded players. I agree this really serious matter, but we can't change that.

When it comes to the RTP, the casino should provide it. if you have ever read our guides, you would know that playing in a casino that does not show the RTP is risky. We are not casino, hence we just don't hace access to the RTP appliable in each casino.

Nothing else is on my mind. I wish you a good day.

2 månader sedan

Ja, jag minns, vilket jag var väldigt tacksam för och tack igen, men där gällde ärendet även sportspel och jag lyckades övertala representanten att prata med mig om det

När det gäller Bet Nox casino och Slottyway, där jag lämnade in ett klagomål, rör fallet både sportspel och Mrs Radkos casino, så jag tror att det skulle gå att försöka övertala representanten att prata här på forumet

Jag tror att det är ganska tydligt att felet ligger hos kasinot, eftersom jag har sökt en konfrontation i denna fråga så länge och kasinot undviker samtalet som pesten, är situationen ganska tydlig vem som är skyldig i denna tvist, höger?

Automatiskt översatt:
2 månader sedan

Yes, and I said it was an extraordinary approach. Meaning, we just can't do that every time someone needs it. Otherwise, we would not do anything else as forum admins. 🙂

Thus, this step is exclusive to the complaint process. The forum does not substitute the compliants in that regard.

Bet Nox related complaint was closed as unresolved due to a lack of casino interest. As you may see, the casino was rewarded by the back points. So, they have been punished. Aside from that, we remind them of every fresh complaint submitted against them.

Now an honest question: take all these conversations we've been having in this thread for the last couple of days. Would you like to directly get in touch with the players here? if the casino ignores the complaint, obviously they don't want to respond at all.

Additionally, as you can see, many casinos don't care very much. As a counterattack, we inspire players to look into previously submitted complaints, reviews, or even this forum every time they plan to play in a casino.

2 månader sedan

Finns det en chans att återuppta detta klagomål? Kanske har casinot ändrat sin inställning till kunderna och är villiga att samarbeta?

Jag är säker på att jag inte bröt mot reglerna på något sätt, jag tog aldrig någon bonus, jag förlorade några pengar med dem innan, trots allt detta tog casinot alla mina vinster

Jag är chockad över hur lätt casinon tar bort sina spelares vinster utan någon grund

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