ForumCasinonViperWin Casino – generell diskussion

ViperWin Casino – generell diskussion

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Om du vill diskutera något relaterat till ViperWin Casino – det kan vara spel, bonusar, betalningsmetoder, problem med ditt konto, ansvarsfullt spelande eller något annat – kan du göra det här.
3 månader sedan

För att ta ut pengar kräver casinot kontoverifiering. De kräver ALLA transaktioner jag har gjort under en 3-6 månaders period inklusive alla detaljer (till vem och hur mycket pengar). Är det normalt? Har de rätt till sådana uppgifter?

Dessutom är det från Jeton-plånboken, där du inte kan ladda ner ett uttalande eller en PDF-fil, bara du kan ta skärmdumpar av överföringarna. Jag skickade dem flera skärmdumpar av överföringar (utan uppgifter om vem överföringen var till) och de avvisade min verifiering flera gånger på grund av det. Vad kan jag göra för att bli verifierad och få mina vinster? file

Automatiskt översatt:
3 månader sedan

Hello, I think this is a pretty standard document that the casino asks you to provide, so you will need to send it in to successfully verify and withdraw money. 

If I understand correctly, was your document rejected because you hid certain things or because it was a screenshot ? In this case, I would cooperate with the casino to get you through the process and withdraw as soon as possible.

What do you think, will you do that too ? 

3 månader sedan


Jag gömde ingen data, det är bara det att du inte kan ladda ner ett kontoutdrag på Jeton-plånboken som i andra banker. De ber om något som inte kan göras i jetonplånboken.

Automatiskt översatt:
3 månader sedan

Ah so the problem is in the screenshot. I assume you have already told the casino what the situation is and that it is not possible. What did they tell you? Did you also try to write to Jeton support to see if they could do something like that and send you a pdf to your email if you can't do it yourself ? Or is this not an alternative either ? 

3 månader sedan

Viperwin insisterar på skärmdumpar med all data synlig, vilket inte är möjligt på jetons hemsida som i andra banker.

Jag skrev till jeton och de sa att jag bara kunde ta skärmdumpar av överföringshistoriken och jag skickade sådana skärmdumpar till viperwin

Automatiskt översatt:
3 månader sedan

I see, and so if you tell the casino what Jeton told you, don't they also have an alternative or an idea how you could provide the casino with something similar ? 

If you don't know how to get anywhere and verify yourself and you keep running in circles, you can contact us and file a complaint. 

I know that sometimes casinos insist on what you have to provide but it is not always easy, especially if it is not possible like in this case. 

So feel free to let me know if you decide to take any other action. 🙂

3 månader sedan

Hi, I am also facing real issues with the Viperwin account verification process. After depositing 30 EUR and playing some Roulette I deposited 400 EUR. Now my account stands at 500 EUR. Viperwinasked meto verify my accountby uploading a copy of my passport which went well. Later I had to upload documents to prove my home address. I uploaded my home ohone bill, it was declined for no reasons. I uploaded my mobile phone bill but was rejected. I uploaded my energy bill but it was rejected. My last document was my gas invoice but it was rejected also. Always without obvious reasons. When talking to the onlinechat they only tell me send the documents again by email which I did. Their email response is "You need to upload any documents on our website". I have spoken to them by chat and email 15 times or so but they are not willing to resolve my issues.

Would it be helpful to bring my case to the attention of the local gambling authority they are licensed with?

3 månader sedan

Seeing such poor support, especially when players need to pass one of the most important steps, which the KYC undeniably is, makes me quite angry. In my eyes, failing support is the worst part, and it may ruin the whole casino experience for good.

Well, I'll try to be practical: some casinos don't accept certain utility bills, online bank statements, or cell phone invoices. I'm quite sure we all feel chat operator or support worker should explain whether this may be the issue. Frankly, I can't tell if this applies to you, and I presume you would not get a much better answer if you asked. Could you perhaps try uploading a bank statement showing your full address and name? Except for poor document quality or the wrong format, I can't think of a better alternative for all these you mentioned.

I also fear the licensing authority would not be of any use at this point. Can't say Curacao is considered very responsive, it may take ages to get vague reply. 🤷‍♀️

Speaking of which, for how long have you been struggling witht he KYC?

3 månader sedan


thank you for replying. After 5 weeks of fighting and bombing them with myriads of documents to get my address proven they finally surrendered and accepted my proof of address. But they even did not send me any notice of accepting, their website just mentioning "apparently no proof of address is required" which is strange.

Anyway, lets see how it goes with withdrawals later on. Will keep you posted.

All the best.

3 månader sedan

Thank you for this positive update, as I could call it. We will wait to hear about your experience, which, hopefully, will be only good from now on.

All the best of luck.🍀

1 månad sedan

Hej jag har problem med att ta ut 200 euro från viperwin trots att jag har allt i ordning med handlingar och legitimation vad ska jag göra?

Kan någon hjälpa mig?

Automatiskt översatt:
1 månad sedan


Do I understand correctly that your account at this casino is fully verified? When exactly have you requested the withdrawal and what kind of problem is there?

Please provide some more information regarding this so we can try to help you out.

We'll wait for your reply.

1 månad sedan

God morgon Romi, jag heter Canale Luca, jag begärde ett uttag på 200 euro den 21.08.2024. De sa till mig att betalningen börjar om tre arbetsdagar, men den är fortfarande i godkännandestatus. De sa också till mig att allt är bra, det är inga problem, men pengarna finns fortfarande tillgängliga på Viperwin-kontot. Det är inte rättvist, också för att jag hade några oväntade hälsokostnader och jag behöver dem. Tack för din hjälp, jag hoppas att du kan.

Automatiskt översatt:
1 månad sedan


Do I understand correctly that your account at this casino is fully verified? When exactly have you requested the withdrawal and what kind of problem is there?

Please provide some more information regarding this so we can try to help you out.

We'll wait for your reply.

1 månad sedan

God morgon Romi, begäran om uttag gjordes 2024-08-21, innan jag gjorde uttaget frågade jag om jag hade dokumenten för att begära uttag, de svarade ja och tidsramen skulle vara tre eller fyra arbetsdagar, nu har det gått 5 dagar och pengarna har inte lämnats och uttaget är fortfarande i godkännandefasen

Ändrad av författare 1 månad sedan
Automatiskt översatt:
1 månad sedan

Allt ok, pengarna har redan kommit

Automatiskt översatt:
1 månad sedan

I am glad that you have received your money. May I ask which withdrawal request you used?

1 månad sedan

Via banköverföring

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