Kära tagkik,
Informationen på ditt konto har dubbelkollats.
De begärda dokumenten har tagits emot av ekonomiavdelningen.
Eftersom du har använt två bankkonton har ditt konto dessutom kontrollerats av riskavdelningen.
Den 20 juli verifierades ditt konto framgångsrikt av kasinoriskavdelningen och verifierades framgångsrikt.
Du har fått ett meddelande via e-post om att ditt konto har verifierats och har öppnats.
Din begäran om uttag kommer att behandlas enligt casinots regler inom 24 timmar efter verifiering av ditt konto.
Om du har ytterligare frågor hjälper vi dig alltid gärna.
Dear tagkik,
The information on your account has been double-checked.
The requested documents have been successfully received by the financial department.
Since you have been using two bank accounts your account has been additionally checked by the Risk Department.
On the 20th of July, your account was successfully verified by the Casino Risk Department and was successfully verified.
You have been notified by email that your account has been successfully verified and has been opened.
Your request for withdrawal will be processed according to the rules of the casino within 24 hours after verification of your account.
If you have any further questions, we are always happy to help you.
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