Ărligt talat, jag Ă€r online under dagen, men nĂ€r du inte gör nĂ„gon Ă„tgĂ€rd pĂ„ forumet pĂ„ 30 minuter verkar du vara offline för andra đ
Vi arbetar stĂ€ndigt med nya grejer och förbĂ€ttrar det vi redan har. Vi kommer till exempel att ha omröstningar hĂ€r pĂ„ forumet ganska snart. Vi var ocksĂ„ tvungna att fokusera pĂ„ nya anti-spam-verktyg, som borde hjĂ€lpa oss massivt att minska mĂ€ngden spam vi ser dagligen pĂ„ forumet och det kommer ocksĂ„ att spara vĂ„r tid đ
Honestly, I am online during the day, but anytime you don't do any action on the forum for 30min., you seem to be offline for others đ
We constantly work on new stuff and improve what we already have. For example, we're going to have polls here on the forum quite soon. We also had to focus on new anti-spam tools, which should help us massively to reduce the amount of spam we see daily on the forum and that will also save our time đ
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