När jag tittade på ditt klagomål nyss skrev de av dig. Problemet med dem är att betalningsleverantören har lite problem, men du har säkert hört det tillräckligt.
Tydligen kommer de att skicka ett e-postmeddelande till dig som rekommenderar en annan metod för uttag eftersom denna har misslyckats flera gånger. Har du fått något ännu eller inte? Jag hoppas att det blir bra och att du kommer att kunna dra tillbaka allt. 🙂
As I was looking at your complaint just now, they wrote you off. The problem with them is that the payment provider has some trouble, but you've probably heard that enough.
Apparently they are going to send you an email recommending another method of withdrawal as this one has failed several times. Have you received anything yet or not ? I hope it will turn out well and you will be able to withdraw everything. 🙂