HemForumCasinonMega Dice Casino – generell diskussion

Mega Dice Casino – generell diskussion

 av itsaduckquack
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Om du vill diskutera något relaterat till Mega Dice Casino – det kan vara spel, bonusar, betalningsmetoder, problem med ditt konto, ansvarsfullt spelande eller något annat – kan du göra det här.

This site is a literal scam. Almost zero RTP (no, I don't expect to walk away with a incredible amount of winnings) but any time you do win it is the absolute minimum (if anything). The ease of transactions makes up for nothing if every time you bet you get 0 in return. This site is abysmal it can't even (at the very least) give me a reason to keep gambling. Just a total scam. Just deposit and say goodbye to anything you give this casino.

Legitimate scam website using duplicate slots, avoid at all costs


Hi, based on what you describe, probably not the best casino experience. 

But if I may know, on what basis do you think they have fake slots ? Do you have any proof of that or did you lose and feel they are fake ? I ask because this is the most common thing players come up with and it's not very objective. 🤔

This casino accused me of using several accounts - which I never did, after checking the documents, they took all the money, and they were also able to somehow prove it to third parties, how? I don’t know, no one will say, their licensee is silent, ignored for 60 days, on many complaint sites they have a very low rating, but here for some reason it is extremely high, it’s depressing that almost all my money was taken from me, and also under some stupid pretexts, I didn’t even use a promo with them, why should I create accounts with them again? absurd 


Hey, based on what you describe, I have a feeling that your case that you are writing here refers to a complaint that you had with us and ended up as unjustified.

Unfortunately, the casino provided us with enough evidence and tried enough things to make it end up like that. 

Also, Pavel wrote that he has discussed this with other colleagues and the decision is apparently unchangeable. 

I am sorry how it turned out, but on the other hand you have to be careful not to break any rules.

Unfortunately, I do not have the right to receive any evidence, I believe Pavel, but I also believe that specifically in this casino my rights were violated, I did not refuse the verification process, and I also did not refuse to participate in any investigations of my case. But no one cares about my opinion, they didn’t even give me my deposit, my own money. Therefore, my opinion is described above, the casino accepts the deposit and accuses me of violating their rules, while never discussing this issue with me, but only provides information to third parties. Losing such a lot of money is a disaster for me, I cannot understand the position of the casino, and it’s hard for me to come to terms with the fact that the money I earn in real life can be taken away from me like this in an online casino.

I can't even write a bad review, although I'm just telling the audience my situation. In which I made a deposit, played, went through the verification process, received a notification from the online casino about violating the rules, was completely ignored in my requests, and only with the help of third parties received confirmation of my violations, which ones? And even here I have no right to find out anything. I don't write anything negative or offend anyone, do I have the right to be heard here? Hope so 

Ändrad av författare

I understand how you look at it, but a lot of times casinos don't share with the players the specific reason they broke the rules, because they could harm themselves by doing so. I'm glad you believe Pavel, and as I said, he has addressed this with other colleagues who have dealt with your case. It was not a hasty decision on our part either, and we tried to decide everything in such a way as to have a clear conscience.

Also, the review you tried to post was resolved on the basis of a complaint that was settled as unjustified. That's why you got rejected, because whenever a player has a complaint, we wait to see how it turns out and we decide the user review accordingly. 

I think you'll understand that we also have processes and procedures that we follow to keep everything fair for both the players and the casino. 

I'm sorry about the way things turned out, but unfortunately there was nothing more that could have been done.


I completely understand you, I took this thread as a discussion about the casino, so I’m just talking here on this topic, I’m not asking you to help me again and reconsider the situation, I received a clear answer that nothing can be done and I will try to solve it in other ways. The most interesting thing is that their regulator does not give any response to my complaints, I thought that the regulator and the licensee of such online casinos are trying to help or understand such situations, but unfortunately in my case this is not at all the case, only you tried to help me. This also makes me think that the license is nothing more than a check mark, maybe I'm wrong, but it's surprising why I can't contact the officials 


Could you please explain to me why, after accruing black points for this online casino in another complaint, its rating did not change? it was 8.3, rated as high, the last complaint from another player was ignored by the casino and black points were awarded, but the rating still did not change 

Ändrad av författare

I completely understand you, I took this thread as a discussion about the casino, so I’m just talking here on this topic, I’m not asking you to help me again and reconsider the situation, I received a clear answer that nothing can be done and I will try to solve it in other ways. The most interesting thing is that their regulator does not give any response to my complaints, I thought that the regulator and the licensee of such online casinos are trying to help or understand such situations, but unfortunately in my case this is not at all the case, only you tried to help me. This also makes me think that the license is nothing more than a check mark, maybe I'm wrong, but it's surprising why I can't contact the officials 

I'm glad we understand each other. Did you write to the correct email to the authority ? I know that sometimes it takes a while for players to get a reply and for some licenses players don't get any, so it's quite sad in cases like this. When did you write to them ?

Could you please explain to me why, after accruing black points for this online casino in another complaint, its rating did not change? it was 8.3, rated as high, the last complaint from another player was ignored by the casino and black points were awarded, but the rating still did not change 

If you are referring to the last complaint, the safety index will be adjusted in the near future and it will affect the casino a lot, so you don't have to worry about nothing happening. 





This was around June 4th, I only received one response from them, they sent me a dispute form to fill out, I filled it out and sent it back to them the same day, so it's been about 62 days now and no response from them. I also tried to figure out why I didn’t receive a response from them, and about once a week I wrote to them, all my requests for these 62 days were ignored. I’m devastated and I don’t feel anything else, since this casino is not under the jurisdiction of my country, I can’t even go to court, the licensee is silent, the regulator is silent, it’s a strange situation. 

It turns out that the officials responsible for issuing licenses and checking this online casino are absolutely not interested. They issued a license and what happens next is no longer important. Again, I could be wrong, and maybe it’s me who is haunted by a bad streak in life, but in other cases there were situations in which the regulator tried to help in similar situations, there’s no way to know for sure. 


So then you wrote to the good emails. But unfortunately, sometimes it's like that, and players don't get any reply. Sometimes it's after a long time if they are investigating a lot of cases. I know it's not reassuring not to hear from anyone for so long but maybe I would still have a little hope, although two months would be enough. If nothing happens, then at least you have experience and probably you won't play in casinos with this license anymore. I wish it had turned out differently 


Unfortunately, almost all online casinos that I like have this license, such as luckyblock, wsmcasino, bitubet, caibo. All these casinos are very similar to each other, have the same license, and perhaps their promotions are different, but I’m already scared to play anywhere in such online casinos. I've played a lot over the past 3 years, but this is the first time I've encountered this. 


That's why I would recommend, if you don't have problems in a casino, to stay with it. If the withdrawals are in a reasonable time and everything goes as it should, then there would be no reason for me to change. If players are experimenting, it is good to be informed about the casino where they are playing, although sometimes even that may not be a guarantee that nothing unpleasant will happen. 

Anyway, you can eliminate it and choose whether to put your money into something like that. 

So if something changes, be sure to let me know. 

I'll be here. 😕

Det handlar om en annan mejladress som min son använde, inte den jag skriver med här

Hej, jag har skrivit till dig i 2 månader angående min son, han är 16 år och inte behörig att spela, han registrerade sig på din hemsida med min e-postadress och satte in och spelade totalt 120 335 114 där, och han tog även ut 45 818 947 Solana en gång.

Detta gjordes utan verifiering (bifogat finns en skärminspelning som bekräftar att kontot aldrig har verifierats). I deras villkor står det att om minderåriga spelar kan pengarna återbetalas.

(16. Spel av minderåriga

16.1 Om vi misstänker eller får meddelande om att du för närvarande är under 18 år eller var under 18 år (eller under myndig ålder enligt lagarna i den jurisdiktion som gäller för dig) när du placerade vad via tjänsten , kommer ditt konto att stängas av så att du inte kan lägga några ytterligare vad eller göra några uttag från ditt konto. Vi kommer sedan att undersöka ärendet, inklusive om du har spelat som representant för, eller på annat sätt spelat på uppdrag av, en person under 18 år (eller under myndig ålder enligt lagarna i den jurisdiktion som gäller för dig). Om det upptäcks att du: (a) är för närvarande, (b) var under 18 år eller under myndighetsåldern som gäller för dig vid den relevanta tidpunkten, eller (c) har bett som representant eller på uppdrag av en person under 18 år eller under myndig ålder som gäller för dig:

alla vinster som för närvarande krediteras eller som ska krediteras ditt konto kommer att förverkas;

alla vinster du har gjort genom att satsa via tjänsten medan du var minderårig måste betalas till oss på begäran (om du inte följer denna bestämmelse kommer vi att försöka täcka alla kostnader som är förknippade med att återvinna sådana belopp); och/eller

alla medel som sätts in på ditt konto som inte är vinster kommer att returneras till dig ELLER hållas tills du fyller 18 år efter eget gottfinnande. Vi förbehåller oss rätten att dra av transaktionsavgifter från beloppet som ska returneras, inklusive transaktionsavgifter för insättningar på ditt megadice.com-konto som vi har täckt.)

Eftersom han fortfarande är minderårig och de också brutit mot deras policy genom att inte verifiera uttaget (9.3. Vi förbehåller oss rätten att begära foto-ID eller adressverifiering eller att utföra ytterligare verifieringsprocedurer (t.ex. begära en selfie från dig, arrangera ett verifieringssamtal, etc.) för att verifiera din identitet innan vi beviljar uttag från ditt konto. Vi förbehåller oss också rätten att utföra identitetsverifiering när som helst under din affärsrelation med oss.)

Jag kräver full återbetalning.

Jag har redan mailat dig hans pass.

Och min också.

Jag ber dig att återbetala mig den Solana jag deponerade, minus uttaget (45.818947 Sol).

Det skulle bli totalt 74,516167 Solana

På detta

Adress: FijFMAeB1AURhQNBKmvfnu3bDomuFhzPMLfjAjgMZYp8

Om de inte följer mina krav kommer jag att vidta rättsliga åtgärder mot dem och vidarebefordra alla mina inspelningar och bevis till relevant avdelning.

Bifogat hittar du en skärminspelning att kontot aldrig har verifierats, samt Excel-kalkylbladet du skickade med transaktionshistoriken.

Du har brutit mot dina riktlinjer och gett en minderårig chansen att spela i ditt kasino. Om jag inte får tillbaka 74.516167 Solana visar det också att du stödjer spel bland minderåriga. Och begår ett brott över hela världen.

Och jag vill inte ha 499,5-tärningarna, jag vill ha tillbaka hela 74,516167 Solana som min minderåriga son betalade in!

Bästa hälsningar

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Det handlar om megadice.com

Automatiskt översatt:

Hello. I am sorry to hear about this situation with your son.

Unfortunately, as he violated the rules which most of online casinos have and only players over 18 can play, I really am not sure how the casino should now act.

Therefore, I would like to suggest you contact our complaint team so they will assist you with this case. Please write an email to complaints@casino.guru and let us know how it goes.

We will surely wait for the outcome of this situation.

God dag till alla. Jag ska försöka uppmärksamma mitt problem här, om någon hade en liknande situation, gå med i diskussionen. Jag gjorde en insättning på deras telegram casino i usdt. Jag vann efter att ha spelat upp denna insättning enligt deras regler. Jag gjorde ett uttag. Uttaget pågår fortfarande, flera dagar har gått, och enligt deras regler upp till 24 timmar. Support svarar, men svaret är: vänta, den berörda avdelningen gör detta. På frågan om hur länge detta kan pågå, åtminstone ungefär, är svaret: det finns inga specifika tidsfrister. Vi kan anta från snart till oändlighet. För tillfället har ingenting förändrats. Jag bifogar skärmdumpar till inlägget. Om casinot bestämmer sig för att betala ut pengarna, i enlighet med deras regler, kommer jag att skriva om det. För min del har jag inte brutit mot något, jag kan bekräfta alla mina handlingar i vilket skede som helst. Tack för din uppmärksamhet. filefilefile

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