Hej! God kvÀll, jag försöker ta ut pengar frÄn 1xslots.casino. Mina önskemÄl har avslagits pÄ grund av bristande dokumentation. Jag har skickat dokumentationen via e-post till sÀkerheten och den verkar inte vara till nÄgon nytta.
De frÄgar mig detta
Var uppmÀrksam pÄ sÀkerhetsavdelningens krav.
VÀnligen ge oss skÀrmdumpar frÄn Binance-webbplatsen eller applikationen dÀr insÀttningarna gjordes. Ge oss ocksÄ en skÀrmdump av ditt personliga konto.
SkÀrmdumpar ska inte beskÀras, dina personuppgifter och transaktionsdata ska vara tydligt och helt synliga.
Kan nÄgon ge mig lite hjÀlp?
Hello! Good evening, I am trying to withdraw money from 1xslots.casino. My requests have been rejected due to lack of documentation. I have sent the documentation by email to security and it seems to be of no use.
They ask me this
Please pay attention to the requirements of the Security Department.
Please provide us with screenshots from the Binance website or application where the deposits were made. Also provide us with a screenshot of your Personal Account.
Screenshots should not be cropped, your personal data and transaction data should be clearly and completely visible.
Can someone give me some help?
Hola! Buenas noches estoy intentando retirar dinero de 1xslots.casino.. me han rechazado las solicitudes por falta de documentaciĂłn.. he enviado la documentaciĂłn por correo a seguridad y parece no haber caso.
Me solicitan esto
Please pay attention to the requirements of the Security Department.
Please provide us with screenshots from the Binance website or application where the deposits were made. Also provide us with a screenshot of your Personal Account.
Screenshots should not be cropped, your personal data and transaction data should be clearly and completely visible.
Alguien puede darme una ayuda
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