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Set deposit limit

1 Ă„r sedan av ryandavids1988
4 139 visningar 1 svar |
1 Ă„r sedan

Who else can find themselves for what ever reason sometimes going overboard with deposit either late at night or during the day or like me during both 😂

and thinks setting deposit limits are a good thing? I started with a new casino were they ask you Upton signing up if you want to set a deposit limit.

I did do this and found myself heading that way one night doing the possibly non stop deposits for the night but realised I set a low deposit limit for a 24hr period and found myself the biggest winner the next morning still with a bank account full of money and not deposited all night.

1 Ă„r sedan

Hmm, not familiar with this Uptown kind of sign-up myself. So, hopefully, I'll catch a hint during this conversation! I'd say deposit limits are definitely a good thing if the tool is well set up and easy to use or navigate.

From your description, I get the feeling the low limit failed to stop you from further depositing, yet the result was good because you managed to win,.. Well, well, well, why do I hesitate to say it was an unfortunate coincidence? 😀

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