HemForumAndra casinospelI have terrible results in Gamalyze

I have terrible results in Gamalyze

 av Johnnyy
977 visningar 3 svar |

78% of people have better results 😬


I also tried it and I had a result better than 80% of players. Did you see any pattern there?😀

I just randomly choose 😁


I noticed that whenever I pulled the cards to the right, the numbers were bigger at first, when they gradually started to fall and I got some cards into the minus, so I pulled again from the deck to the left and there I won quite a nice amount. I drew there maybe 2 times and went back to the far right and repeated the same thing. Once I didn't do it very well and I lost 1000, which is quite a lot with a 2000 start. Maybe if that hadn't happened I would have had an even better result. 

Anyway, do you like something like that and evaluating what kind of player you are? đŸ˜€

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