HemForumAllmÀn diskussion om spelandeWhat is your go to slot/game when u having a loosing streak?

What is your go to slot/game when u having a loosing streak?

 av HellisBre
14 399 visningar 56 svar |
1 23

What are yours go to when you just keep losing đŸ€š


I'd say that the best is to take a break when you're losing. Also, it's best to quit playing if you lost too much. đŸ€”

Alternatively, play for free! Have you seen our free games collection? 😉


It's hard not to agree. When a series of lose - postpone and rest.


If only this would be so easy to do when necessary. 🙂

First it was sizzling hot, after that it was Divine Fortune


Does it truly help? đŸ€”

Well, I hope so. In any case, if you ever feel that you could use a free game session without the constant tempting of real money play, the Casino Guru Free Games library is at your disposal 😉

Best of luck to you in the casino though.

When I lose a lot, I start spending even more money.

When a series of losses occurs, you should stop playing. Nothing good will come of it, you will be even more disappointed and in a bad mood

So, as robjmiller says, you really need to put the game on hold and just rest

I always want to win back quickly, but it is really not good strategy. So trying to switch on playing for fun or just going to live real

When there is a losing streak, the best solution is to stop. Because the feeling of excitement grows when you lose, and you start spending even more to win back. By making impulsive decisions, you are likely to lose even more. During the game I always think carefully about every move. Because when playing at the casino, it is important to adhere to a particular strategy that minimizes the chances of losing.

Ändrad av Radka
Orsak: Förbjuden lÀnk

You made a good point, but is it truly necessary putting the forbidden link (leading to a sort of casino page) to a post bout the losing streak?

I honestly don't think so.

Ändrad av författare

Det Àr bÀst att bara ta en paus.

Det vet jag sedan tidigare. 🙂

Om du fortsÀtter att spela pÄ denna otursserie kommer du bara att förlora mer och bli mer frustrerad.

Det Ă€r bĂ€st att bara koncentrera sig pĂ„ andra saker i nĂ„gra veckor 🙂

Spela kanske 1x i veckan sĂ„ fĂ„r vi se hur det gĂ„r 🙂

Automatiskt översatt:

when you lose, stop playing. Waste of time and money

I'd say that the best is to take a break when you're losing. Also, it's best to quit playing if you lost too much. đŸ€”

Alternatively, play for free! Have you seen our free games collection? 😉

Yeah, agreed 100%.

Its always so nice to take some revange on the casino, but we all know its not that simple.

Demo mode is what we need if you still want to play.


Then we are here every time you need to strike down some demos 🙂!

Ändrad av författare

Hej alla,

Jag heter Anita och jobbar som beroendekurator för personer med spelproblem.

Det slÄr mig gÄng pÄ gÄng att missbrukets spiral börjar just nÀr folk, trots regelbundna förluster, fortsÀtter att spela för att fÄ tillbaka förlusterna.

En lÀngre paus frÄn spelet Àr vettigt i alla fall, om det inte lÀngre Àr möjligt kan det vara mycket vettigt att söka hjÀlp.

MÄnga hÀlsningar!

Automatiskt översatt:

Hello Anita,

have you noticed our responsible gambling support page? If you are interested, click here.

We also seek support for one of our monumental projects called "Global Self-Exclusion Initiative", get in touch with us if you feel it is worth your time and interest 🙂


Det Àr verkligen sÄ

Automatiskt översatt:

Ja...det Àr samma sak för mig

Automatiskt översatt:
1 23

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