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Cyklar Rng-bilder inom id-cassino

 av Olzixx
6 756 visningar 29 svar |
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Jag har spelat ett tag och jag gör det

Sök och jag har sett ämnen här på forumet om demoläge och riktigt läge.

Men jag ville veta om det är sant. Jag har gjort flera tester på cyklerna inom ett ID (ditt identifikationsnummer inom kasinot), så var och en har sin egen historia och RNG-cykler (slumpmässig nunber-generering), men det jag märkte är RNG-triggarna. vilka är retention (spelet tar ifrån dig) genomsnittlig (ger dig tillbaka samma värde) distribution (betalar dig mer värde) är samma för avkoppling och verkligt läge

Vad förändras och varför en spelar med riktiga pengar och en annan inte

Så att veta detta, om du spelar demoläge inne på kasinot

Ta spelautomaten, starta spelet och spela tills du får bonusen och vinner

Efter att ha gått till riktigt läge börjar du förlora och eftersom det efter en bonus (pris) finns en chans till en retenção (en återbetalning av priset) det är därför vi förlorar

Om eldningscykeln för rng är densamma

Om vi går in i demon inne i kasinot och cykeln är i en retentionscykel (låga priser eller inga vinster), då går du in i ett riktigt läge, det är fortfarande dåligt

Det är därför många casinon inte erbjuder demoläge i sina slots.

Om du är närvarande, testa och lägg upp dina erfarenheter här och ge mer information om ämnet om det är sant för dig.

här i alla tester har det visat sig sant att även detta

Det är klart att vi har cykler som förändras hela tiden

Och leverantörer som arbetar med olika cykler

Ändå verkar det vara så för mig.

För att inte tala om att leverantörerna kör RNG-cykler 24 gånger om dagen, som ändras beroende på varje ID och vinster från varje spelautomat. Om du vinner mycket på den spelautomaten kan du behöva lämna tillbaka den.

mer för henne mer

Demo hjälper dig att se vilken cykel spelautomaten befinner sig i?

posta dina erfarenheter

Och vad tycker du om att RNG-cyklerna i demo- och realläget är desamma?

Automatiskt översatt:

Hi, quite an interesting view and observation I would say. But if you want to know or see more on this topic, I'm adding a thread here, where players also talk about games in the demo version: https://casino.guru/forum/general-gambling-discussion/games-on-demo

I also thought this slot guide might be useful for this topic: https://casino.guru/how-slot-machines-work-math , so I'll post it here as well.

Anyway, I hope you will start a debate with players and exchange your opinions and experiences. It can be quite beneficial.  

It's depending which service provider you are playing. Some service provider is sharing the rng together especially those slots having share lucky draw or progressive jackpot. You can see that the history or trace record on your bet is jumping sequence. No matter you play turbo or slow spin. The trace will distribute to the person they want. Some trace record are keep in *revive* reservation, when you loss really bad and this revive trace ID will inject to your account and you will hit the revive spin to hit bonus or mini jackpot and so on. Honestly speaking its not random. There are some player try to read the betting history to see whether the current map is retention map or reviving map. Back to your point, I think the volatility of demo is different than real money. Demo is hard to play as their start to play for fun amount is too big. But playing real game, let say you deposit 1000 and when you play till left 100 and your account will triggered reviving mode, this is why sometime you will hit bonus on the last 1 or 2 hands easily. I call it reviving or teasing feature. Same thing sometime when you just deposited money and play few hand and already hit bonus but the result always no good payout. I believe they are capturing your money deposit and your wagering turnover. So demo is actually to let you see the payout trend but you can't copy the move from demo to real money. You will easily loss badly.


Tack för ditt ljus och ytterligare en punkt i min studie, tack för din kunskap och att du hjälper mig mer och mer i mina studier om RNG-skotten från varje leverantör, jag kommer att fördjupa mig djupare i denna specifika punkt i väckelsen som jag inte gjorde vet om, jag kommer att studera mer och publicera snart mer information här i ämnet

Om rng-bilderna i demot som ofta verkar för mig som att de delar information och ändrar spelet i verkligt läge, tack för svaren

Automatiskt översatt:

Exploring RNG shots in demos versus real gameplay does raise some intriguing points. Keep digging—I'm curious to see what you uncover in your further research.

You can't dig too much info when you're playing demo, because you can't get the record. You can find your record in real time playing but don't do it. You cant find much on RNG, but when you play real money. The slot variance or your win/loss variance is actually very close to RTP, hit frequent will higher when you just start playing. Example domination 1 cent and $1 per spin, you will easily get a comeback when you loss more than $100, once you comeback with maybe win $200, then your slot will become very tight after all, you will easily loss $500. and you will hard to come back anymore until you change domination to 5cent or $2 per spin, your slot will become very loose again and easily to win. This is casino trick and want you to bet bigger and bigger. When revival mode triggered, the coming spin after the revival is horrible, you can get a lot dead spins. This is why the RNG is not random. We can't beat them, the RTP is around 95% and to beat or get jackpot chances is very less. Unless you cheating.


The slot RNG is design to make you feel like the slot has hope, when you just start to play, the RTP may be 200%, most of the new account will easily win money. Once you win enough and addicted, they will put your account in a different server with RTP is 95%, they can easily move your account to different server by saying your rebate package.


It sounds like you've got some insights into how the gaming system might work! There's definitely a lot of speculation about RNG and slot variance. It's fascinating to consider these patterns, but it's crucial to remember that casinos are designed to have an edge. While some strategies might seem to work temporarily, in the long run, the odds are stacked in favor of the house. Staying mindful of responsible gaming and enjoying the experience is key!

Det Chanb sa är korrekt om moto shots och historik och hur sloten fungerar på rtp, det är värt att komma ihåg att mindre rättvisa leverantörer och mer rättvisa leverantörer är olika typer av rpt-programmering och vi letar efter slots som är rättvisare och som vi kan bättre förstå hur det fungerar för att minska förlusterna

Och det är bara som att Chanmib förstår kasinostrategin och RTP för demo och real mode och där detta kan hjälpa oss att förstå slots mer och som Jasmine sa att huset alltid har fördelen på lång sikt, men när vi vet detta måste vi ha en bättre positionering för att bryta ner spellinjen lite

Automatiskt översatt:

The slot RNG is design to make you feel like the slot has hope, when you just start to play, the RTP may be 200%, most of the new account will easily win money. Once you win enough and addicted, they will put your account in a different server with RTP is 95%, they can easily move your account to different server by saying your rebate package.

I don't agree with this. I worked in an online casino for more than 4 years and we've never done this to players. Why? Because it wasn't really necessary. There will always come sessions when you're luckier and keep winning, but that's just temporary. Just in case you wouldn't be lucky at the beginning, you usually get the welcome bonuses that allow you to play longer in order to keep playing until you hit the luckier period.

That's basically it. Then players claim that when they finally started winning, someone started watching them in the casino and made them lose. That's not how it works. Every lucky period is simply followed by an unlucky one since you can't be lucky forever.


I'd say the most important part is to be aware of the RTP of any game you play. When the casino doesn't display the RTP, it's a red flag. There are providers that legally allow casinos to adjust the RTP so players need to be aware of it as well and check the RTPs regularly. Especially when you find a casino that decreased the RTP on a certain game, it's highly probable they did it on many other games as well.

Faktum är att demospelen inom casinot följer samma RTP som Wolf Gold casinospelet, om du har 95.00% i det riktiga spelet i demot kommer det också att finnas där och du kommer att märka att volatiliteten är densamma, detta hjälper mycket för att avgöra hur spelet är inne på kasinot

Automatiskt översatt:

Checking the RTP in advance is a smart step! Another good option is to adjust your betting style to the aforementioned volatility.



I'm very sure that any online casino can complain to service provider. The service provider will do something. When players win too much or loss too much, the server will go to maintenance very soon. What they will do is to adjust something, they can just simply shutdown the servers for days. After that, the game will become extremely hard to play. until the next maintenance again. I personally don't think RTP is accurate what if a player who start with $1000 with $10 per spin loss all, and next player who bet in $1 per spin and won $95 and both players average rtp add up will become 95%. and casino still win $905. in math, the rtp is still 95%. I believe all the casino has individual threhold for every players. example: when player deposit 100, and he played and will very easy to win to in maybe the first 50 spons and hit bonus and pay $600 or even $1000. start to let player enjoy the game. when player deposit 1000 and start to loss till left 100, the machine will become loose and easily hit "come back" feature, during this stage you may easily hit bonus and maybe you can easily win back like $200 or $300, the machine will know you will continue to play because they know you also lose too much and they just want to keeping letting you to play. So....RTP is just a number, when you lose a lot and bet smaller you will easily win, the RTP will maybe make it become back 95%. This is from my experience. my 50k losing experience. No matter which game you go, the RTP account is link with you. It's won't say if I just won't a big jackpot on game A, you change to game B will start fresh again, I don't think so, I was winning like 70k on Gate of Olympus bonus buy, my account was force logout. when I re login and played other games, all the games are really bad, I waited for days and play others games, the result still same until I loss all back. Then only the machine back to normal. This is from my experience.


Chanb, har du märkt något om rng-cykler i 10 omgångar 50 omgångar och 100 omgångar med 150 omgångar och 200 så vidare, som är olika beroende på plats och leverantör

Med varje insats finns det cykler som upprepas och ändras till cykler som betalar, cykler som återkommer och cykler som tar bort din bankrulle

Jag testar cykler på 10 omgångar

Och det har fungerat i vissa spel

Slots ändrar alltid spelet med 10 snurr och det är att ta reda på den genomsnittliga bonusen för varje spel genom att faktiskt

Spelet och vinsterna är inte slumpmässiga

Och spelet har ett schema för att följa mer

Generatorn bestämmer slumpmässiga vinster

Fler cykler och vem slot kommer att göra per cykel helt säker enligt ditt id och vinster och förluster

Automatiskt översatt:

Hmm... it's actually depend on your wallet size and the speed of your wallet velocity and your turnover or they call ot wages Example you have $1000, you spin at $5 per spin for 10 auto spin with normal speed. if your wages is low or new account, you hardly hit bonus and the RNG is return mode. For pragmatic it's work like this. But for hacksaw or nolimicity, you can hit big just in few low value spin like maybe $2 or $4 spin. You can hit bonus and bonus is good. But after all if you continue play and you hardly to go into bonus. For pragmatic, they got revivie mode meaning when you left $100 left and suddenly you spin $5 per spin, you will RNG will become very easy to hit scatter to tease you. and if you lucky you will hit bonus when you still got around $50 left and you will hit big. Usually I played nolimitcity, I put 250 auto spin with turbo mode and easily hit bonus. If I spin 10 auto mode normal spin, 50 auto spin it's hard to get into bonus. For pragmatic, the auto spin is 50, and I always go for normal spin first. after loss all, I tried to wait a while until the system update my history, I done another 50 spin with turbo mode, it's easy to get into bonus. But overall I would say is, when you loss very bad, you can wait a while and played turbo mode in 50 spins. you will easily hit bonus. It's not applicable for those bonanza, megaway, gate of olympus and starlight.

for me, 50 spin is the best. I ever try every game just played 10 spins, I ever get 4 bonus out of 15 games. But still losing money in the end. Guess what, these 4 bonuses payout is bad. I tried many rounds until proven. It's impossible you just win big in first few spins. You need to lose a lot only the big bonus will come. So this is why, this is not random.


Tack för din upplevelse, jag ska testa några av de saker du sa.

Tack för din uppmärksamhet för att du svarade på några saker

Det du sa om det automatiska snurret och de normala snurren, även i det pragmatiska, jag ska testa det för att förbättra mitt spel och lägga mer erfarenhet här

Tack, bror

Men jag ska plugga här, tack för hjälpen, jag tror att på det här sättet kommer vi längre, jag insåg att

pragmatiska cykler på 50 och 50 i flera satsningsrundor i turbon genererar bonusar med höga priser medan vi gör cykler på 10 av 10 växlande satsningar Öppen bonus betalar inte ens i samma turbo

och det verkar verkligen som om spelet ger dig tillbaka vad du satsar plus RTP för returexempletb

Som att du satsar 100 med en RTP på 95% och 95:an är 95% RTP av 100-satsningen

Ger ett pris på 195 om man räknar 95 % av RTP:n, detta baspris, även om man vet att det finns slumpmässighet i priset, förblir på detta genomsnitt

Automatiskt översatt:

I'm very sure that any online casino can complain to service provider. The service provider will do something. When players win too much or loss too much, the server will go to maintenance very soon. What they will do is to adjust something, they can just simply shutdown the servers for days. After that, the game will become extremely hard to play. until the next maintenance again. I personally don't think RTP is accurate what if a player who start with $1000 with $10 per spin loss all, and next player who bet in $1 per spin and won $95 and both players average rtp add up will become 95%. and casino still win $905. in math, the rtp is still 95%. I believe all the casino has individual threhold for every players. example: when player deposit 100, and he played and will very easy to win to in maybe the first 50 spons and hit bonus and pay $600 or even $1000. start to let player enjoy the game. when player deposit 1000 and start to loss till left 100, the machine will become loose and easily hit "come back" feature, during this stage you may easily hit bonus and maybe you can easily win back like $200 or $300, the machine will know you will continue to play because they know you also lose too much and they just want to keeping letting you to play. So....RTP is just a number, when you lose a lot and bet smaller you will easily win, the RTP will maybe make it become back 95%. This is from my experience. my 50k losing experience. No matter which game you go, the RTP account is link with you. It's won't say if I just won't a big jackpot on game A, you change to game B will start fresh again, I don't think so, I was winning like 70k on Gate of Olympus bonus buy, my account was force logout. when I re login and played other games, all the games are really bad, I waited for days and play others games, the result still same until I loss all back. Then only the machine back to normal. This is from my experience.

If you are truly convinced about this, I bet you should stop playing at online casinos. Casinos are not monitoring each game session and surely do not notify their game provider when someone hits the winning session to lower other chances for the win. 🤷‍♀️


Hmm... it's actually depend on your wallet size and the speed of your wallet velocity and your turnover or they call ot wages Example you have $1000, you spin at $5 per spin for 10 auto spin with normal speed. if your wages is low or new account, you hardly hit bonus and the RNG is return mode. For pragmatic it's work like this. But for hacksaw or nolimicity, you can hit big just in few low value spin like maybe $2 or $4 spin. You can hit bonus and bonus is good. But after all if you continue play and you hardly to go into bonus. For pragmatic, they got revivie mode meaning when you left $100 left and suddenly you spin $5 per spin, you will RNG will become very easy to hit scatter to tease you. and if you lucky you will hit bonus when you still got around $50 left and you will hit big. Usually I played nolimitcity, I put 250 auto spin with turbo mode and easily hit bonus. If I spin 10 auto mode normal spin, 50 auto spin it's hard to get into bonus. For pragmatic, the auto spin is 50, and I always go for normal spin first. after loss all, I tried to wait a while until the system update my history, I done another 50 spin with turbo mode, it's easy to get into bonus. But overall I would say is, when you loss very bad, you can wait a while and played turbo mode in 50 spins. you will easily hit bonus. It's not applicable for those bonanza, megaway, gate of olympus and starlight.

for me, 50 spin is the best. I ever try every game just played 10 spins, I ever get 4 bonus out of 15 games. But still losing money in the end. Guess what, these 4 bonuses payout is bad. I tried many rounds until proven. It's impossible you just win big in first few spins. You need to lose a lot only the big bonus will come. So this is why, this is not random.

What you described sounds more associated with certain games, but surely not for each game provider in general. What about the slot's RTP and volatility? No consideration? It does not feel right to me.

Consider this post, if you don't mind.


Ja, det stämmer, varje slotleverantör har olika sätt för RTP och RNG och olika betalnings- och distributionscykler

Men att studera var och en tar tid och pengar, i ännu högre grad eftersom det finns många olika leverantörer och slots med olika mekaniker, såsom drop cash, roulette och andra.

Men jag lyckades studera de bästa och det är en hjälp för de flesta spelare, eftersom Assima i inläggen ser den enorma skillnaden i spelcykler från en leverantör till en annan eftersom var och en använder en annan programmering och olika matematiska beräkningar

Automatiskt översatt:
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