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Buffering on online casinos

4 Ă„r sedan av Anonymized417
3 549 visningar 3 svar |
4 Ă„r sedan

I’ve got 34mps speed on my phone yet every casino site I go on I get buffering does anyone else experience the same problem. When I want to play it buffers and crashes it drives me crazy đŸ€Ș

4 Ă„r sedan

I did not have any problem by playing from my phone. I used Android and iPhone. What phone and OS you have? Which casino, I can test it as well. Did you try also other connections?

4 Ă„r sedan

It’s ok because it happens on a few casinos it’s my WiFi fluctuating. But Sky Vegas lags and buffers all the time. I was playing this morning do well but the lagging and buffering just made it a bad experience so I quit. I have an iPhone 6

4 Ă„r sedan

I think it highly depends on the casino and whether you’re using a VPN. 

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