ForumAnsvarsfullt spelandeJag behöver akut hjälp

Jag behöver akut hjälp

5 dagar sedan av juliataferner66
425 visningar 4 svar |
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5 dagar sedan

Hej folk,

Ta gärna några minuter, jag kan tänka mig att några av er har samma tankar som jag och kanske kan vi till och med hjälpa varandra.

Tyvärr har jag registrerat mig på alla typer av onlinecasinon under de senaste månaderna, både lagliga och olagliga.

Gratisspelerbjudandena brukar vara väldigt bra och jag tror att vissa vet hur det är att vilja spela någonstans trots att man inte har några pengar.

Jag har redan registrerat mig på min telefon med Gamban-appen (jag kan varmt rekommendera den) men tyvärr har jag fortfarande en bärbar dator och så fort jag konsumerar något (alkohol och detta) måste jag spela.

Min fråga nu är, om jag tar bort alla e-postkonton och får ett nytt mobilnummer, kommer mina profiler hos leverantörerna att raderas någon gång?

Eller måste jag kontakta varje leverantör via e-post?

Eller är det någon som vet en app som kan göra det?

Jag håller just nu på att skriva ut mitt hjärta eftersom jag är besviken på mig själv igen och vill få ut allt detta ur mitt liv så snabbt som möjligt.

Och jag kan tänka mig att jag inte kommer att klara av det igen, för det händer absolut inte över en natt och då kan man spela här och där igen...

De har redan data ändå, tyvärr i sådana ögonblick är det ingen som uppmärksammar rätt eller fel.

Men jag vill inte få fler e-postmeddelanden eller meddelanden från den här hemska branschen och vill helst ta bort det från mitt liv omedelbart.

Jag hoppas att vi kan prata om det lite.

Eller så finns det till och med någon som redan har varit med om allt detta och skulle vilja rapportera om det.

Jag får redan medicinsk behandling, men som sagt, så fort jag konsumerar droger (som jag tyvärr fortfarande behöver för tillfället) växlar strömbrytaren i mitt huvud.

Jag sänder dig massor av kärlek och ser fram emot dina svar 🫶🏻

Automatiskt översatt:
4 dagar sedan

Hi 👋 😊

Addiction of any kind is classified as an illness and the desire to beat it is a positive step but I think you should seek help from professionals in the field of drug and gambling addiction to help you control and beat it but it's not easy. I in my time have been involved in drugs but nothing has been as hard to give up than the need to gamble which I continue to do even though I'm 20yrs alcohol and drug free. I'm retired and have to much time and when the rushee feeling to gamble on slots plays on my mind I find it hard to resist and for you it appears to be the same except you do it when under the influence of substances. The online casinos use every type of psychological trick to keep you hooked and the only way to beat it is to rewire your brain to control and beat the urge to gamble. It's all very well getting rid of your emails and phone if you think that will stop you signing up again when under the influence as you said you do. Like I said seek professional help if you really want to quit, they may suggest just getting a basic phone with calls and texts only and your computer to remove access to the internet. It's harsh but it depends on how determined you are to give up for good. You can do it!! 👍😁 but please seek help if you are serious about quitting because they understand the problems you face and have mind tools to help it be achievable for you. Good luck with your quest to quit when I think of the money I have lost playing slots because the reason there are so many online casinos is because your chances of winning are very slim 😫 keep this in mind.

4 dagar sedan

Hi there!

I will prioritize the most important issues in such a regrettable situation.

It is fantastic that you signed up with Gamban and had the resolve to lessen the harm caused by gambling! Every effort you put forth is a result of your willingness not to give up.

As per our current discussions and observations, it appears that removing your phone numbers or email addresses from the casino's contact lists is not a simple process. As per the GDPR, casinos are required to guarantee that you will not be bothered by gambling offers after you close your account. Quite frankly, shady or untrustworthy casinos probably do not care. As a result, I believe it would be safer for you to switch the phone number and give up the emails you used to register at casinos.

Unfortunately, this is only a short-term fix. It might be better to set up a different email account that you would use in case your urge to gamble reappears. In an attempt to avoid being inundated with spam via numerous other email clients. I imagine this is not an easy task. Please consider that to be only advice.

Finding enough things to keep you busy is, as far as I can tell, both the hardest and the most beneficial part. Maybe a close friend or relative could assist you with that. You should make a new user profile for your tablet, PC, or notebook that is designated as a child profile. The operating system should be used to set all content restrictions, block all websites save for YouTube, Netflix, HBO, and any other safe-use apps, and lock out of the profile you are currently using on your laptop or PC. To set or modify the password and to keep it secure in case of emergency, ask a reliable person to help you with that.

Instead of playing in a casino, you might also try playing in fun mode; while this is not always effective, it can temporarily reduce your stress. Here are some free casino games to play:

I want you to know that fighting this illness is not more than you can bear, even if it seems like it. It is just so very difficult, but you can succeed. Step by step. Even though not every step will lead in the correct direction, you can still move forward at your own speed. I would like you to look through this portion of our website, which is especially meant for those who face challenges: 👈

Don't hesitate to contact local help centers 👈👈

+43 1 544 13 57

+43 660 123 66 74

Get engaged with others by browsing the responsible gambling section, if you feel like talking to others helps you stay stable. No need to do so if you don't want to.

I wish you to overcome it all!

3 dagar sedan

Hey Julia,

First thing I will say is well done you. For speaking up and admitting that you have a problem with gambling.

That is the hardest thing to admit to.

The next step is to distance yourself as much as possible from gambling sites. You mentioned you have blockers on your phone. A good option for the laptop is Betfilter. This helped me out massively when I was in the depths of my addiction. It isn’t free, but is definitely worth the expense because the amount of money you will save by not gambling will pay for it multiple times over.

You can delete your email address and set up a new one. Unfortunately this won’t stop the gambling sites from sending you mail to your old address. You need to contact them all and request the maximum self exclusion period and you must state that you have issues with gambling. This will block your access.

The best advice I can give you is to not focus on why you keep losing control and gambling away your money, but to focus on not doing it moving forward.

It is a very difficult thing to beat, but it is possible. I know this from my own battle with the disease.

There is no magic cure, but with time and focus you can do it also.

Please do keep posting and update us on your progress.

Stay safe.

Charlie ❤️

3 dagar sedan

Hey Nige,

Hope you’re keeping well mate. Not seen you post on here for a good while.

Dont let the boredom get the better of you!!

Im always here if you need a chat mate.

I can arrange for my contact details to be sent to you so we can chat offline if you want.

stay safe man


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